CCITYITY FRIDAY November 29, 2019 5 KCI eyes 1.5 million passengers per day in 2020 Company to add more trips, tracks to cater to growing demand Vela Andapita gers can switch to a train that will ing a series of training sessions us- take them to Tanah Abang,” Wi- ing the simulator, our drivers will The Jakarta Post/Jakarta wik added. be better prepared for their job Serving as the backbone of rail- A feeder train will also be used and eventually provide a better way transportation in Greater on the Cikarang-Jakarta Kota line, service to our customers,” Broer Jakarta, PT Kereta Commuter where the headway is 1 hour. The said, noting that the company now Indonesia (KCI), which operates feeder trains will operate between had a total of 350 train drivers. the commuter line, plans to add Cikarang and Bekasi stations. The simulator, he added, was more trips, trains and tracks in This way, people from Cika- also used to evaluate the senior order to serve 1.5 million passen- rang can take the feeder trains, drivers to ensure that they main- gers per day in 2020. disembark at Bekasi station and tained their driving quality. Each In a discussion held last Friday, continue their trip to Jakarta us- of them must take the simulator KCI president director Wiwik ing another train on the Bekasi- test at least once per year. Widayanti said the company cur- Jakarta Kota line. Among the train driver candi- rently served up to 1 million pas- Wiwik, however, said the com- dates attending a class that Friday sengers on 958 trips every day. pany had not yet decided when the afternoon was 21-year-old R. Ach- “Starting in December, we will feeder trains would start operating. mad Husein. Eight months ago, provide 1,057 trips per day with Besides making some chang- he fl ew all the way from his home- 90 loops. We will also increase our es to its operation, KCI has also town in Palembang, South Suma- capacity by gradually phasing out completed renovation projects tra, to join the training program SF8 trains and adding more SF10 in several stations. It has built managed by KAI. and SF12,” she told the press. pedestrian underpasses at three Throughout the program, Hu- SF8, SF10 and SF12 are trains stations — Duren Kalibata, Pas- sein said he and his fellow candi- with eight, 10 and 12 cars, respec- ar Minggu and Depok — and re- dates had tried the simulator sev- tively. New trains will keep com- vamped the toilets at 13 stations, eral times. ing from Japanese train manufac- including Cilebut, Kampung Ban- “Every session with the train turer JR East, with which the KCI dan and Jurang Mangu. simulator is always exciting, but it has been bound to a train pro- In another eff ort to improve its also makes us nervous at the same curement partnership since 2018. service, KCI since 2018 has been time,” he told The Jakarta Post. “With more trips and more operating a train simulator for train “Sometimes the trainer chal- SF10 and SF12 trains, not only driver candidates to be trained and lenges us by creating disturbanc- will we be able to shorten our tested before they drive actual es on our trip like suddenly turn- headways, we can also improve JP/Ricky Yudhistira trains with real passengers. ing the nice weather into a heavy comfort because the train cars Limited accessibility: Manggarai railway station employees push two children on a wheelchair KCI vice president of opera- storm, putting a car or a cow on the will be less cramped, particularly from one platform to another on Tuesday. Train operator PT Kereta Commuter Indonesia (KCI), tions Broer Rizal said the simula- railway track in front of us. We’re during rush hours,” Wiwik said. which operates the commuter line, aims to serve 1.5 million passengers per day in 2020. tor, which was produced in Band- expected to handle such conditions The plan, she added, is stipu- ung, West Java, was designed to smoothly,” he excitedly explained. lated in the 2019 Train Route The 2019 Gapeka was issued target by serving a total of 278.71 wait too long,” Wiwik said. have the exact same panel with Husein went on to say he joined Graphics (Gapeka), which should by the Transportation Minis- million passengers, or an average of “On the Rangkasbitung-Ta- controls functioning just as they the company because he want- be implemented starting from De- try’s Railway Directorate General 916,799 passengers per day. nah Abang line, we will operate did on a real train. The window is ed to make his parents proud for cember this year by all operators through Ministerial Decree No. “We plan to operate feeder a feeder from Rangkasbitung to a screen that shows an animated becoming part of a well-known under state-owned PT Kereta Api KP.1781/2019. trains from our furthest stations Parung. In Rangkasbitung, the version of scenery along the Bo- state-owned company. He looked Indonesia (KAI) — including KCI As of October, the company had and to reduce headways so that headway is 30 minutes. Hence, gor-Jakarta Kota line. forward to working as a train driv- as one of KAI’s subsidiaries. reached 81.13 percent of its 2019 passengers will no longer have to once they reach Parung, passen- “We hope that, after undergo- er for the commuter line. Blind man protests poor transportation facilities Nina A. Loasana no employee had asked him “If KCI is not serious about er Fazlur wanted to be escorted to people,” Anne said. out technical research to deter- about his condition after the in- training its personnel to help a health facility after he arrived at “Our focus at the moment is on mine the risk of their platform The Jakarta Post/Jakarta cident or off ered him a drink to disabled people, incidents like the destination, but he refused. improving the safety and service gaps to avoid similar incidents in A visually impaired man named calm him down. this will keep happening. There “In accordance with Mr Fa- to our customers. And we are con- the future. Fazlur Rahman staged a solo pro- “After I boarded the train, the should be a risk management zlur’s suggestions to refresh the tinuously evaluating our services “Technical research is neces- test in front of the Transportation employee left and I was left alone. and a mindset change so disabled training on providing better so commuter line trains can al- sary to determine whether or not Ministry offi ce in Central Jakarta Nobody asked me about my con- people don’t always get the blame service for people with disabili- ways be a safe mode of transpor- the platform gaps in the commut- on Wednesday demanding better dition or whether or not I had sus- when an incident like this hap- ties, next Monday we will re-ex- tation for all people,” Anne said. er line stations are safe,” he said. treatment for people with disabil- tained any injuries,” he said. pens,” Fazlur said. plain to our personnel our stan- Indonesian Consumers Foun- “Overall, it indicates that com- ities on public transportation. Fazlur said that even after he KCI spokesperson Anne Purba dard operational procedures on dation (YLKI) chairman Tulus muter line trains are not disabled- He staged the protest after ac- had boarded the train, he was still said the representative from the providing services to disabled Abadi wished KCI would carry friendly,” Tulus said. cidentally falling through a plat- in a state of shock and fear “I felt company had contacted Fazlur on form gap when trying to board a my arms and legs were swelling. Nov 18, a day after the incident, train at Cikini Station, Central Ja- Even though I had no signifi cant but was only able to meet him a karta, on Nov. 17. open wounds, but I had bruises,” week later because he was out Fazlur said he was trying to he said. of town. board a train bound for Bekasi, Fazlur said after the incident She also explained that KCI had West Java. he was afraid to take trains by formally apologized to Fazlur and Everything went well at the be- himself. explained that KCI had taken sev- ginning. After arriving at the main “Now I always ask people to ac- eral measures to improve its ser- entrance of Cikini Station, he was company me when I’m taking a vices for people with disabilities. guided by a station employee to train,” he said. “We’ve cooperated with state- the platform. Fazlur hopes that the train op- owned train operator, PT Kereta When the train arrived, the erator, PT Kereta Commuter In- Api Indonesia and the Transpor- employee then led him to a train donesia (KCI), can give more at- tation Ministry to improve the door and asked him to board the tention to people with disabilities. commuter line accessibility as train. However, when trying to “I hope KCI can improve its public transportation. We have enter the train, Fazlur accidental- service, especially in facilitating provided guiding blocks, escala- ly slipped and fell into the gap be- people with physical disabilities,” tors and lifts in the train stations, tween the platform and the train. he said. we also prepared portable ramps Fazlur, who is a graduate stu- In a written statement on and wheelchairs and train em- dent of private-run University of Wednesday, Fazlur expressed dis- ployees on how to serve people Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka appointment over how KCI han- with disabilities,” Anne told The majoring in Indonesian language, dled his report on the incident.
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