LI TUESDAY. JANUARY *7. IMS l»ACt WELV** Manct/eBtev lEtigtting- Hi^raliL Department. Thera are 8000 foatsr (ViNO VANCHl .TLH 80U0N, ANDOVfK ■-OUJV.KiA a'.LMKl tem ple Chapter, O. B. 8., wiU homes In Connecticut. Manchester after its Bsoquet Is Promised* havekve a birthday party R ainbow Gii^ls Smith lineal Isads othsr towns with 88 bomss tomorrow eve- For Drive Committee A b ou t Tow n busim______ meeting caring (or 158 children. Ding In the Masonic Temple. A program wUl be presented by the Are Installed The March of Dimes com­ Club Speaker Records since $038. ehow the Members et Trunk J. Menefleld tame amount of neglect ia then Mertee Cbrpe Leegue wfU meet et Matrons Aseodatiofi, and re­ mittee had an added Incentive Himudiatu rr-'A CUy o f VOIago Charm freshments will be served by a today for hitting Its $10,000 boom tlmee aa In deprimeion daya. the Array end Nevy Club tomor- In the adoption field the depart­ VITAMIN HoBMCcaiiod Blilk.. Atwhys frssh, rm> et’cnlng et 8 o'clock tor their committee of which Mrs. Maud foal. Chairman Robert Heck Commissioner Tells W<»- Dauchy and Mrs. Alice Hitt are Impressive Ceremony Is reported today that Chef Ar­ ment cannot supply half the de­ ' cragRgi, deHctoas. Ton’ll enjoy IL MANCHESTER. CONN.. WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 28. 1148 (TWENTY PAGES) PRICE POUB CENT! .mcr.thly buetncM seaeion. y o L . u x m . NO. lo o U) co-chairmen. 'The offleers will be Held at Masonic Tern* nold Pagan! has promised the men About • Public mand, 700 were completed lost in charge of decorations in the din­ cmnmlttee a banquet, on him. year. The Bmblom Club ennoonces e ing room. A large turnout of If the goal la reached In the WelfatT Program Mr. Smith etoeed hia talk trith Phono For A Rodtoauw Today pie; Those Seated ' »*1 •l-M « public card pcrty ft«r tomorrow members Is hoped for, especially local Polio campaign. a plea for aaeiatanoe. In locating evening et eight o'clock et the Elks " •/ • Can’ t Keep Good Flag Down W inter’ s Siege the long-time members. A large number o f relatives and The committee Is still more At the meeting of the Women's good foster homes where children Home, Mem^’cll Court, Rockville. than $8,000 dollars abort—but are liked,, but not needed os a friends were present last evening Club of Manchester last night, Mra. French Premier’s Former Solon Sees Mr. and Mrs. Peter Utvlnchyk thia is Manchester, so they source o f Income. Clothing la fur­ John Fischer who presided, called ^ i The Fellowcreft degree will be Of North Coventry, whose 41st at an impressive ceremony In the may make IL nished and a small amount paid Deals Further conferred after the buetnera eee- wedding anniversary occurs this Masonic Temple where the newly Mr. PaganI has pledged $50 attention to the lecturaa oponaored toward board. ■ion of Manchester Lodge of Me- week. wUl spend the day quietly to the fund to help reach the by the Service Bureau for Women's f At the attractively decorated re­ aoos, this evening. The Master elected and appointed officers of Program May W in owing to the recent death of Mrs. Manohester Assembly, Na 15, Or­ required total. Organizatlona which will be held freshment table Mre. Robert J. Severe Blows Mason degree will be conferred at Utvinchyk’s brother, Alex Kerne, Smith and Mre. Walter Gorman a special communication Tuesday,, der of Rainbow for Girls were in­ In the next two months. The first M enace If of Hackmatack street, which oc­ Europe stalled. will come on. January 29. Any poured. February 3. Refreshments and a curred Sunday, January 18. V* _ social hour will follow each meet- Miss Lois Doggart. daughter of Interested may contact Mra. Inclement Weather Af­ Mr. and Mrs. Robert Doggart of ^scher for tickets, which are free. iBf- ____ Dimes March By Slim Majority fects ' Many Segments Joan Tedford. 14-year-old daugh­ West street was Installed as Mra. Ward Green Jr„ Introduced Present Program CONSULT US ter of Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Tedford worthy advisor. Miss Marjorie the speaker, Robert J, SmRh, the Of ‘ Business; Death Tlie Past Mistress Club of the o. 28 Knighton street. Is a pa­ Daughters o f Liberty, L.O.L.I., No. state welfaie commissioner, who AS YOU WOULD TOUR DOCTOR Under Red Control tient at St. Frar.cis, hospital, Hart­ Total Growing 185, will hold its monthly meeting Hioke on “Functions of the State For ‘French NighP OR YOUR LAWYER . ToU Is Nearly 100 tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock at ford. welfare Department.” Hta items 8®***“*“ *" "••‘““■‘I Senate Seems from social workeraf reports soon < the home of Mrs. WUlIsm Saun-1 An entertainment, program th$t Aiirmhly Decide to The Youth Week social evening II k Now $ 2 ,0 0 0 in Po­ had his audience highly amused. IMn ageney la ready aad willing at al By The Associated Press LaFollette Says Ameri^ derson of 47 Edgerton street. j included yoesL Ins^mental and Abstain from Voting Gas Shortage Ice-Plagued Fireman will be held tomorrow evening 4t Since the State Welfare Depart­ tluiea to extaad prafeaaleaal advice on any Sure to Give winter's nkntleas stags of cold, can Independence Will lio Campaign; Priztis ment ranks second only to the nlgh- magical acta followed the pork'ple The monthly meeting of the i 7:30 in St. Mary’s Pariah house. fona a( Inearaaeo. There le abeetatoly ae ____________________ On Monetary Pro­ snow u d Ice dealt furthar damag­ The recreation committee includes Now Being Displayed way department in spending tax­ supper served at the annual ing blows to X wide section of the Be TImatened If Na­ Highland Park PTA, postponed 1 payers' money, it Is a prognm of ebngaHea to buy, netther will you be nuh- M B H H H B m Idles 200,000 from Wednesday night of last week Allan Grant, Duffle Carlton, Janet French Night of Campbell coun- gram; Life of C^veru’ McCabe Okay country today. Gooding .ind the rector of St. Interest fo all citizens of Connecti­ JeeM to auy high preaaure aelllag. All wa uak Is that wa ha tions . of Western Eu^ because o f the hazardous travel* Although the mercury in Man­ cut. Mr. Smith spoke briefly of sll, Knights of Oolumbuo, at the givea the oppeitaalty to demoaatmto ear friendly aiirvtna la tha ment Now al Stake The inclement weather affected ing conditions, will take place to- Mary’s Episcopal church. Rev. Alfred L. Williams. All young chester thermometer did very the history cf Public Welfare dat­ K. of C. home last night. Theo­ hope that when you need nddHIoaal eaverage, you wHI tenMosber many segments of buskiess and In­ HUchigmn Consolidated rope and Dependencies n orrow evening In the school as­ little climbing throughout the ing back to colonial days when the dore LaGace was chairman of the oa lavoraMy, Fleiue fed free to eoaaalt as at aay tlaae^ Rememher, Eight of 13 Members dustry and mode idle thousands ofo sembly haU. At 7:30 children of people sre urged to plan to be pres­ Paris, Jan. 28.—(ff)—^Pre­ Fall Under Commun- < ent at this "All Youth Fun Night." weekend the local Polio drive total Poor Laws” from England were committee that arranged the Before Loaeca nappea, Insaire Wtth Lnppwi Of Banking Gimmittee workers. The death toll—In the Cuts O ff Deliveries the fifth grade will give a demon- had risen to $2,000 at 10 o ’clock aCopted here. event. mier Robert Schuman’e gold east, aouth and jnldwest — was ist Rule; Substantial etrmUon of folk dancing as taught this morning. This total repre­ nearly 160. To Industrial Plants Today the Old Age Assistance Grand Knight John F. 'nem ey program edged today toward Have No ObjectionB In the school, and Mrs. Anna M. The Democratic Town committee sented a fine gain over the offi­ The third ctdd wave In a week Help Seen Needed will meet tomorrow night at 8 department is the largest divialpn announced toward the end of the JOHN H. LAPPENg Incs possible victory by a sUm Clay, school nuise, will speak on cial figure listed Friday afternoon. rogram receipt of the news of To Truman’s Choice chilled residents from the Rockies T h e Health Program of the o’clock at the ZIpser Club on Brain- of the welfare department. The INSUBORS — RBALTORS margin. Socialists in the Na- Bulletin! The greater part of the increase Phe death o f Thomas J. ,Hasoett, Rnbtaow Boltdlag Telephone 8810 to the Atlantic coast A bllssard •School Child." The Highland Park ard Place from where they will go recipients must be 65 years of gge swept New Mexico. A numbing Detroit* . OB. 88 — (F) — Washington. Jan. 28.—(/P) was accounted for by returning who was a member of the council. Open Tlaraday Evealags—IrtO To OtOO P. M. tionid Assembly decided to school is not oil heated, the com­ en masse to the William P. Quish coin folders but to date this prin­ and have no legally liable relatives Bulletin! cold spread over Texas from the cnrtallroeat of industrial gas — Former Senator Robert M. Funeral Home to pay their respects to support them or more than $500 A special meeting of the council Let'Tkle Agency Handle All Year laxuraaee Prehlema abstain from voting on the to the Detroit area Idled on mittee explains. ciple Bource of revenue has lagged will be held Wedr.esilay evening at Weehlagtaa, Jaa.
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