THE VOLUME 129COSMOS ISSUE 16 FRIDAY, February 2, 2018 CEDAR RAPIDS, IOWA Dr. Zambrano Speaks on Organ Sales Mariah perspective since you can Porter hear from everyone.” Editor- Zambrano started in-chief off the discussion with a story about a woman Dr. Alexander Zam- named Aya, who’s hus- brano from the Universi- band is sick and cannot ty of Colorado at Boulder, work. They also have kids came to speak to Coe who need to be in school. students on January 29, She is the sole breadwin- on the topic of the eth- ner and their situation ics surrounding human is becoming more and organ sales for transplan- more desperate everyday, tation. should Aya be allowed to Zambrano studied at sell her kidney for money a small college similar to to support her family? Coe for his undergrad, Zambrano said this is and went to a larger uni- not an uncommon sit- versity for his graduates. uation, but something “I love smaller schools millions of people face like Coe because there everyday and could pos- is more one on one time sibly benefit from, and it with students, that sort of is not a problem that is attention doesn't happen only faced in developing at larger schools,” said countries, but developed Zambrano after having countries such as the the students introduce United States as well. Dr. Zambrano. themselves. “It’s just a More than 8,000 peo- Photo by Mariah Porter better education over- ple die every year from all, and you get a better not being able to get an INSIDE THE COSMOS INDEX WHAT'S HAPPENING 3 MARKETS 5 SPORTS 6 MOVIE REVIEW 7 RESUME BUILDING ADMITTED STUDENTS TAXES DIVERSIONS 8 P. 3 P. 4 P. 5 THE COSMOS 2 2017-2018 STAFF News Friday, February 2, 2018 Continued from pg. 1 EDITOR-IN-CHIEF organ transplant, and benefit and high risk. isn't the same as if they Mariah Porter over 100,000 people in The question is; had a gun held to their COPY EDITORS the U.S. alone are on the should people be able to head, it would just be a Mariah Porter waiting list to get new sell their organs to the socioeconomic pressure. LAYOUT EDITOR kidneys, hearts, lungs, highest bidder so that A few students stated Julia Passantino and other organs. The they can make cash and that people obviously do lack of organ donations save someone's life, and it anyway, why not make ASST. LAYOUT EDITOR Chris Arias from either deceased should this be a feder- it safe and legal so more peoples or live donors al regulated market? people do not have to PHOTOGRAPHERS has caused the black Zambrano highlighted die? Keenan Lee market to become a hub the pro’s and con’s of Zambrano gave fur- Joslyn Reiche Kasi Rupert Ha Nguyen COLUMNISTS Peyton McGuire Ariel Crego Michael Lachocki Yuan Chai STAFF WRITERS Bridget Moore Allison Bartnick Mohan Xu Elias Stiely SPORTS EDITORS Photo provided by Antony's organ donation project. Delana Humble SECTION EDITORS for organ selling and allowing these sort of ther in depth arguments Zeki Salah buying. sales after asking the for and against organ Rutendo Chidzodzo In some countries like students if people should sales, such as coercive India, the black market is be allowed. consent, body autono- TREASURER so prevalent, that people One student brought my, market driven sales, Mariah Porter are selling kidneys for a up the worry that the and the failings of the STAFF OFF CAMPUS mere 1,000 dollars com- rich would be the only only country that ever pared to near 10,000 in ones able to benefit from allowed legal organ sales, Claudia Chiappa other countries due to the this type of system, and Iraq. Jaimee Rindy fact there is no regulation that places them in a The discussion ended FACULTY ADVISOR of organ sales. However, position of power over with him stating that the Shawn Harmsen there are many in such the poor when it comes key to understanding desperate need they risk to their organs. Another the moral issue around MEDIA MANAGER their lives to sell their or- student countered that organ sales is under- Chris Arias gans, and many break the since this would be a standing if poverty is a CONTACT US law and could face prison regulated system, the corrosive force and if it [email protected] time in order to get the worry of being pushed invalidates the consent Phone: 319-299-8646 organs despite the low into selling your organs of the donor. Fax: 319-399-8031 What's Happening 3 Friday, February 2, 2018 Coe-munnity Camera Center For Creativity and Careers spiel on why you should student starts their ca- students with interviews, Elias Stiely be hired). reer, the better according resumes, and general Staff Writer “Local business are to Ambrose. Internships inquiries. Ambrose said it constantly reaching out improve your chances of is important to take advan- looking for Coe stu- being hired by providing tage of any and all future The Center for Creativi- dents,” said Grace Am- on-the-job experience events of this nature. ty and Careers (CC&C) has brose, Student Ambas- and expanding your net- The next CC&C fair will recently begun expanding sador Vice President of work she said. be held on Wednesday, in order to better assist stu- Events. Ambrose encour- CC&C’s walk-in February 7th, Lower Gage dents in their internships aged students to come hours are Monday, will host a career fair from or career opportunities. and follow up with career Tuesday, and Wednes- 11AM-1PM. Ambrose Part of this expansion is counselors that specialise day from 2-4PM, or said it was best to bring a the selection of internships in their major. students can make an resume, and if a student and paid positions to fit the “On average we appointment by contact- would like a business card, liberal arts experience. receive 15-20 emails per ing [email protected]. to contact The Center for Whether a student is an day from companies in- The Center for Creativity Creativity and Careers at Art, English, or Business terested in students.” said and Careers is located [email protected] with major, they should consider Ambrose. in McCabe Hall. Am- the following information meeting with a CC&C peer Ambrose said that brose stated that CC&C and they will print them. advisors. the CC&C has recent- recently hired a social Name, Graduation Year, The center can help stu- ly switched up their media intern to increase Major(s) and Minor(s), dents build resumes, polish job-hosting website to their online presence and Phone Number, Email, and your LinkedIn profiles, or make listings clearer and accessibility to students. if applicable, LinkedIn url. refine “elevator pitches” easier to search for and This past week CC&C (an elevator pitch is a short apply to. The earlier a hosted a fair to help What's Happening 4 Friday, February 2 2018 Admitted Students Weekend, Why? classes, said Lee. ue to grow in enrolment prospective students will Nathan Kibler This reflects the fact said Larry Lee. be able to see themselves Guest Writer that Coe has been con- Although the going to Coe. tinuing to grow its visit amount of prospective “Visiting Coe’s cam- pus really allowed With over 235 over- me to see myself at night guests, this past the school… The visit week has become visit day was a huge one Coe’s largest vis- factor in making my it days, only coming (college) decision,” second to a visit day last said Amelia Utecht semester. ('19). "The reason is not to In the end, create revenue, but for although visit days the sustainability for the can cause Coe to college,” said Larry Lee, feel a little cramped, vice president for facili- Admitted Students Weekend brings 235 overnight guests, making as Larry Lee puts ties and operations it one of the largest visit days Coe has ever had. Photo courtesy of it, “they (visit days) Visit days help bring Nathan Kibler. help recruit our in more prospective day programs as well as students walking around next generation of Ko- students to campus, being the only private campus can make the hawks.” making larger visit days school in Iowa to contin- school feel claustrophobic, lead to larger incoming ANNOUNCEMENTS Those graduating in ‘18 or ‘19 must apply for graduation by February 16. Craigslisted will be performed on Febuary 9-11 and 15-17. Non-fiction submissions to The Pearl are due by March 16. Markets 5 Friday, February 2, 2018 Tax Season Michael you’re realized gains and interested in getting your Market News Lachocki losses will be reflected taxes done for free, you Columnist on the tax form and can set up an appoint- • Stocks were down at that’s easy enough. ment with the Volunteer the start of the week, However, there has Income Tax Assis- sending the S&P 500, As tax season begins been much speculation tance(VITA) program NYSE, and DJIA all many college students that because of the ano- sponsored by the United down by more than are bewildered by the nymity of trading cryp- Way of Eastern Central 1%. thought of doing them tocurrencies with some Iowa by calling (319) • Telluride Ski Resort themselves, especially cryptocurrency wallets, 739-4211. will join Vail Resorts when it comes to invest- that there may be signif- Inc.(MTN) Epic Pass, ments. icant tax dodging occur- forming a long term If you realized any ing.
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