Cellist Greenhouse, Pianist Pressler Tiles and a Smile... To Play at Third Forum Tonignt Bernard Greenhouse, internation- iI student at the Juillard School of Germany, but fled with his family ally well-known 'cellist, and his Music, Greenhouse went o Europe to Israel when Hitler came into co-artist, .the'brilliant young Pales- in 1946 for an audition with Pablo power. He began his professional tinian pianist, Menahem Pressler Casals which turned^ into two years career in his adopted country, and will perform tonight in Aumni Hall. of study with this great Spanish attained international prominence The concert, which will begin at master. Wrote Casals: "Bernard when he won the Debussy prize at 8:15 p.m., will be the third Forum Greenhouse is not only a remark^ 17, having flown from Tel Aviv to program of the season. able cellist but, what I esteem San Francisco especially for the The program will be composéd more, a dignified artist." contest. entirely of sonatas and will include Since then Greenhouse has won Embarking on his first Ameri- Bach's Sonata No. 1 in G Major, an enviable reputation as one of can tour, he was soloist five times Beethoven's Sonata in A Major Op- the major interpreters on his in- with the Philadelphia Orchestra, us 69, a sonata by Debussy, and strument. He has appeared in, many and was' immediately awarded an Franck's Sonata in A Major. of th$ major cities of both Europe unprecedented three-year contract Mr. Greenhouse and Mr. Pressier and America in recital, with or- for several appearance e?-^year are members of the Beaux Arte chestra, and with chamber music with that famous symphony^ He Trio, which Robert Casadesus has ensembles; and he has also made has since appeared with such or- praised 'as "the finest trio I have recordings for Columbia, R.C.A., chestras as the New York Philhar- heard in America." The trio's third Victor, Concert Hall, and the monic, the Cleveland Orchestra, In- member is violinist Daniel Gullet. American Recording Society. In ad- dianapolis Symphony and National Greenhouse first captured the dition to annual tours, he is on the Symphony in Washington, D. C., , attention of the music world when faculties of both ithe Juillard and in the course of annual nation-wide he made a 1946 debut at Town Hall the Manhattan schools of music. tours, and he has recorded for MGM in New York. A former fellowship Pressler was born in Magdeburg, records. Miss Jane Allen, sophomore design student from Canisteo, casts an admiring look at one of the selections from the Gustavino tile coi- tion, that is now on display In Binns-Merrill Hall. The public is invited to view the display of tiles which were be- LUX queathed to the University by Rafael Gustavlnp. A well-known tile FIAT designer and authority on tile, he collected samples throughout Spain ait.d the Near East. He died in 1950. Vol. 44, No. 13 TUESDAY, FEB. 19, 1957, ALFRED, NEW YORK Telephone 5402 A total of 44 tiles are being shown this month. They include ex- amples of tile from Persia, Turkey, North Africa, Spain, and other Mediterranean areas. Blue Key Auditions Most of the tiles are from 200 to 400 years old and represent the colorful, highly decorated style of Hispano-Mooresque ceramic art. The McMahon Honored by The Blue Key will present collection contains examples of luster, majolica, underglaze painting and its annual talent show at 8:00 slip decorating. p.m. on March 4th in Alumni Canadian Ceramists Hall. Tickets will be 50c and may be purchased from any Blue Key member. Purple Grotto Comes to Alfred Dean John F. McMahon of the College of Ceramics received Skits will be performed by the highest possible honor from the Canadian Ceramic Society, both students and faculty mem- For Annual Intersorority Ball a life membership at the organizations's annual meeting, Feb- bers. Those interested in per- forming In the show are urged From if p.m. to 2 a.m. on Friday, and the sororities will hold open ruary 10-12, at Niagara Falls, Ontario. ' to be at Alumni Hall, 2:00 p.m. March 1, 1957, the joint Intersoror- house from 1-2 a.m. The honor was bestowed on Dean on February 23. At this time, aett, associate professor of re- ity Councils of the University and Carmel Riyzo, the band chair- McMahon in recognition of his they will be able to try out search. the Ag-Tech will hold their annual man, has announced that the Wil- many years of service and out- their acts before the Blue Key Professor Campbell also attended Intersorority Ball at the Men's liamsons, a band from Syracuse, standing contributions to the Cana- panel. an executive committee meeting of will return again this year to pro- dian Ceramic Society. He also re- Phil Baker is handling the Gym. the National Insititue of Ceramic vide the music. ceived a 26-year pin at the meet- publicity and Dave Lipman Is Audrey Ansorge, decorations Other committees will be headed ing which was held at the Hotel in charge of preparing posters. chairman ,has announced that this by members of the joint councils. Sheraton-Brock. | For further Information, Inter- year's theme is to be the Purple Co-chairmen for the Ball will be ested persons should get In Grotto and that the gym will be The Alfred University dean is Nancy Schuster and Lucyanne Ells- touch with Jack Little, presi- fully equipped with stalactites and one of the original organizers of worth. The business manager is dent of Blue Key, or any mem- stalagmites. the Canadian Ceramic Society. Sandra Plisk and the refreshments ber of the group. The dance is to be semi-formal Dean McMahon was secretary of will be taken care of by Jane Sis- the Canadian Enamelers Associa- tek. The program and invitations tion in 1931 when it joined with Speakers, Discussion Groups committee will be headed by Bar- the Canadian Clay Products Asso- bara Weiss. ciation to form the Canadian Ce- ramic Society. He is a past presi- Climax Religion-in-Life Week Tickets will be $3 per couple. dent of the organization and is now president-elect of the American Ce- The third annual Religion-in- Seventh Day, Baptist Church ser- More Needed ramic Society. He becomes presi- Life Week came to a close last vice, and at an informal reception dent of the American group in night, as religious discussions wsre held at the home of Reverend Jim Phil Baker, National Student May. held in all student residences'. The Dick. Coordinator, reports that he cross-campus event, in which the has received a letter from Dean McMahon worked 11 years University and Ag-Tech participat- World University Service, stat- in Canada before joining the fac- 3È......I . - - J ed, was sponsored by the Intercol- ing that a bank account of ulty of the College of Ceramics at legiate Board, under the direction $500 is necessary before Alfred the University. He served as a Dean John F. McMahon |o f Professor Homer Wilkins of the can apply for a Hungarian stu- ceramic engineer' with the Canadi- dent. The Senate has already Engineers of which he is president. Department of Physica an Department of Mines in Otta- contributed $200 toward such Professor Bassett gave a paper wa from 1925 to 1936 where he car- The theme of this year's pro- an account; $300 more Is need- at the Canadian meeting. His topic ried on extensive research both in gram, "Power and Conscience," ed. Mr. Baker welcomes sug- was, "Spectrochemical Study of the laboratory and in the field. was aimed at stinlulating student gestions as to the raising Df Some /Whiteware Materials." While working in Canada, Dean interest in religions and religious funds, McMahon also served as consultant issues. From February 12 to 18, re- to small ceramic manufacturers in Assembly ligious services, lectures, and in- order to improve both their pro- February 21 formal discussions were scheduled FIAT Openings ducts and their methods. He assist- where students of all denomina- Dr. Mabel A. Elliott, Professor ed in the classification of refrac- tions could hear and discuss vari- There are now openings for of Sociology at Chatham College, students interested In working tories for customs purposes, and ous aspects of religious thought Pennsylvania, will be the guest on advertising and business on helped establish specifications for and ritual. speaker at the February 21 assem- the FIAT. Positions will be government purchases of plastic bly. Dr. Elliott, who was recently Reverend Lloyd Averill, Dean of available in the future In all refractories and high temperature featured si Woman of the Year in the Chapel and Assistant Professor phases of work on the paper. cements. the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, will of Religion at Kalamazoo College Applicants should stop in at Attend with Dean speak to the Alfred students on and Reverend Wesley Haines of the the FIAT office any Wednes- Also attending the society's "Crime in America." Department of Religion at Keuka day or Thursday night, or meetings were four staff members College were guests on the Alfred At present, one of Dr. Elliott's write to Box 745, Alfred. from the College of Ceramics: campus, and addressed the students books, "Crime in Modern Society," Professor Robert M. Campbell, of Alfred and Ag-Tech on several is being translated for use in Yugo- chairman of the department of occasions. slavia. ''Social Disorganization," of Reverend Lloyd Averill ceramic engineering; James1 R. BROTHERHOOD i which she was co-author, is being Reverend Averill spoke at Thurs- Continuing the program through- Tinkelpaugh, director of the Air 17-24 WEEK used iq over 600 colleges and uni- day's Assembly on the topic "Is a out the week, Reverend Haines •roMkmrbood Force Research Project; William versities.
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