*9* " ■ ■ v WW* \ : . % . FIFTY-SECOND YEAR CHATSWORTH. ILLINOIS. THURSDAY. APRIL 2. 1925 NUMBER 29 Local Schools Plan for A Tramp Printer Drops in FARM BUREAU IS Near East “Bundle Day’ Sprouting To Pay Us a little Visit Michael J. Kelly, printer, 76 years An urgent call comes from the Near East Relief Committee for old, who has spent 66 ^ears working 'n J L L O f FIGHT (more or less) at the art preserva­ warm cast-off clothing and shoes for thq many thousands of orphans of tive, dropped in lost Friday morning — 1 wL Important Actions Taken At the world war In Armenia. This call and chatted with The Piaindealer Short News Items GIm m J § comes to our homes through the printers for a while. Bloomington Meet Last school children. The township high Mike Is one of the few old-time From Exchanges and school, the grade school and the eon- tourist printers left on the road, and Thursday • vent have graciously consented to the writer, who has been in the trade Sources, Told Bfteffy co-operate with the Chicago head- since the year before Coxey’s army, I ^ scarcely remembers when he didn’t Forty Deputy Sheriffs The fhet meeting of the farm q carters and observe Bundle Day, see Mr. Kelly seml-occaslonally. The board of superviaon of Mar­ bureaus In the ljth Congressional April 15 th. The typesetting machine and other shall county passed a resolution em­ district for 19t6 took place In Bloom­ This is Just the season to bundle modern Inventions displaced the old powering the sheriff of that ooaaty ington last Thursda/. The district up the garments hanging In your hand-set men and many of them to appoint special deputies, not to includes the farm bureaus of five closets you have oat grown, both of took to the rood and stuck to it till exceed forty, to he distributed o v er counties—Livingston, W oodford, M e- children's and adult's clothing. death closed their wandering and the county and when colled o n , to Leon. Ford and Logan. “Bundle Day" does not Involve picturesque careers. help suppress crime against basks Farm problems of Illinois, and any special school exercises. All In spite of his advanced years. and to assist in the approhenafds othera common to the counties con­ that la Involved on the part of the Mike Kelly is in fairly good health and prosecution of criminals. The cerned. were discussed at the meet­ schools Is the distribution of litera­ and his jovial optimistic dispo­ deputies are to be appointed pro­ ing. which was attended by farm ad­ ture and an announcement concern­ sition makes him a welcome visitor vided no expense or liability to the visers and farm bureau officers from ing the location of the bundle station In the shops he visits. The young county be Incurred In making aosh each county. Chatsworth was repre­ to which the children may carry their lads are glad to see the old-timer appointments, and sold deputies must sented by O. F. Bennett, vice-presi­ bundles on the way to school. It Is who Is now a rarely and the older first be approved by the bonks I dent of the Livingston county farm a gathering of unused, cast-off cloth­ printers, with a sympathetic feeling respective towns In which bureau. F. D. Barton, of Cornell, ing. It is in a sense a relief and toward the fate which might have would be expected to operate. chairman, of the 1. A. A- legislative convenience to the households which been and still may be tlieir’s invari­ committee was also present. participate. It is really an exercise ably respond with a piece of coin for Mohammed Shrine Industrial 1 Informal discussion first centered in thrift. In that It puts to valuable the touring brother who is ever The Mohammed Shrine 1925 In- on the hearing of the Tice Bill, held use articles which otherwise would journeying toward the place where dustrial Frolic. Peoria, opened In at Springfield on March 17th and be thrown away and sent to chil­ M onday the tracks come together the new State Armory even­ 18th. This hearing, It was declared, dren Buffering the most abject want. In the language of Ben King: ing, March 30, and c o n tin u e s euch brought out more than anything else, "He came from where he started afternoon and evening to and includ­ the showing that the counties thru 4. It will be n Will Print Interesting Series and was going where he went. He ing Saturday, April out the state are whole-heartedly be­ ^ of Famous Detective Cases hadn’t had a smell of food, nor even comprehensive display o f various hind the bill to promolt- themmrk of had a scent. He nevr even mutter­ products serving as a background for stamping the caitle pest ou^W Illi­ In this issue of The Piaindealer ed once, til) he began to talk, and an entertainment v'ton w h ic h th e appears the first of a series of nois herds, and that farmer opposi­ when he left the kitchen door he Shrinerg are expending $10,000 be­ tion toward the measure, at first pro­ stories, each story completed in one took the garden walk . fore the doors are opened. issue. For those who prefer to finish nounced in some sections of the state "He said, ’There's no one with me, The frolic began with s down a story at once, this set of tales has begun to turn In favor of the bill H O T H U GS because I am alone; 1 might have town parade Monday evening of the in most of its phases. should have a strong appeal. NEW RATES ARE Shrine Military band, the Oriental WOODMEN CHOOSE scintillated once; my clothes have There is nothing more thrilling in You've possibly noticed as The gas tax bill was the subject always shone. I got here ’fore the band, Arab Patrol, the crack organi­ of greatest concern. The Illinois flrtion than some of the cases han­ you traveled through th|s zation of the state, the Chanters, world that a' smooth tongue Is other ones because I started flrst: A gricultural Association is the chief dled tn real life by the Pinkertons. EFFECTIVE SOON Trumptera and the Official Divan of STATE DELEGATES more to be feared than a rough the reason I look shabby is because The crimes to which these stories sponsor of this measure, and the sen­ n eck. I'm dressed the worst. Mohammed Temple. relate were all front-page sensations timent expressed amona those pre­ Postal Department Revisions "Thenl asked him where he came Six great circus acta that later In sent was that the bill Ahbtd secure at the time they were committed. Local Men Participate in "It may be hard for a rich the season will be seen with Hag- man to enter the kingdom of from—this was Just before we The solution of the mysteries aud rapid passage If all people, road us­ County Convention Held heaven.” says a Chatsworth to be Effective Middle parted, and he muttered indistinctly, enbeck and Wallace Shows Will b e the arrest of the perpetrators fur­ ers, property owners, bankers, as­ man “but lt’a my opinion that / of. This Month ’Oh, I come from where I started.’ " Included in the amusement program sociations of commerce, and motor nish some of the most Interesting in Pontiac Wednesday a laxy man Bas no chance at twice dally. a ll.” ___ clubs understood the real purpose or naratives to be found In the detective LIVINGSTON COUNTY MEET - - - - annals of the world. Cleveland Edgar Purdum Injured the bill. The Cuthbertson bill, it Can't Is a longer word than Effective April*15th, some radical The sixth Livingston county track Delegates from the various camps was emphasised, is to replace the Moffett has simply -taken the facts can and yet It seems that peo­ changes will go into effect in Uncle field and educational meet will be Frank Finch of Bloomington has of the Modern Woodmen in Livings­ present property tax for 8tate Aid ss they exist in the Pinkerton files ple find It easier to use the Sam's postal department. For tho held at Fairbury on Saturday, May 8. received word of an automobile ac­ ton county met in the Knights of longer one. roads, and Is by no means an addit­ and used bis ability as a story teller benefit of our readers, we give the Events of both the track and field cident in which Edgar Purdum of to make them fascinating reading. Pythias lodge rooms In Pontiac Wed­ complete data herewith and suggest Chatsworth, well known In io n al tax . A local wise man declares section and the educational section Bloom­ nesday afternoon for the purpose of The Livingston County Farm bur­ that when a lot of people cast that it be retained for reference by will be held in two divisions, the ington was seriously Injured. The WATBEKA VISITED BY FIRE selecting delegates to the state con­ eau has been asked by state associa­ bread upon the waters they ex­ the reader as it may save him annoy­ high schools being in one division automobile in which Mr. Purdom The business section of Watseka vention of the order, which Is to pect it to come back covered tions to raise $2000.00 to assist In ance in mailing matter under the affd the grades in anothei.
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