MU]VIBER HIGHLIGHTS JOE KERTES EX-STADIUM I 'raj lit' uj 1 1It uvfk Stdditini (lewoIitiuN On Campus enises I oroiito lustu/-] SOARING HAWKS n Sports Opinion 4:iMiiiii!iiMi.^i.idiid:iyym'i4M-sri;,i,iiu[,w^i,i4 estemmed j students maich I Queen's M ^Reporter \ Lntaiip** future dbctws [fte^;- [scribed civil disal)iedience^! Tuesday as 400 of tti<! pKivaru^'S ms^icai students maiidied oo QueeiV; Park to protest tnitianinaftoes. ;.J ( living pbicatds artd chanttin^; "access to educaticm, acx^s to heaii^^ care," the procession of medical sttideQtj| jjufarched from the IMyeraij^ (rf ToijOnt^ 'Mfedical Sciences building to a press con>^ fersKe at Queen's Park. ] "(The demonstration) is all abcmttli^^ me<U?al students of Ontario expressing I : their displeasure and concern that tuii Pnoni BY David Smith University of Western Ontario medical students marched on Queen's Park on Feb.2, to protest rising tuition fees. They said doctors will only come from society's elite if education costs aren't lowered soon. Panel seats lay silent By Joe Moriana hadn't had student representation for a Hook said he could not estimate the SAC Reporter See Students number of years. number of student members absent from representation is falling SAC rep Melinda Novak said other committees. The problem, he said, is the Student 'Dewastated' short on some Humber advisory students in her program were eager to laborious task of ha\'ing to decipher committees despite official commit- have her present at meetings for the whether names on the committee lists are tee guidelines stating there be student Hospitality, Recreation and Tourism prt)- up to date. Humber student members. gram meetings. "1 would never argue with them that Advisory committees are assembled "Students want to be represented at industry is a big influence. But at the for each program at Humber They are this meehng," she said. same time you can't put all your ftKus on shot to death responsible for ensuring curriculums are Based on the representatives' findings, one and ignore the other. You have to By Ross Thomas up-to-date and to maintain a close link Boyer concluded students were not con- have both. Students are stakeht)lders and it Cetera ^Idft between the college and the labour force. sidered an integral part of the committees. they're not there," Boyer said. SAC President Tracy Boyer said she Blair Carter, chair of Health Sciences, woman found shiU to death in feels students' voices need to be heard on said the members of two committees her apartment was a Humber these committees. over which he presides actively seek stu- A student. ± think this sort of However, she fears many students dents. Janet Anieta Resnolds died Jan, 27 cif probably don't know about them or the stuff should be made "1 can't speak for other committees, a gunshot wiuind to the tace. Her bod\' role they can play on them. public. What are the but on ours there are not only current was found in the basement apartment of said. a Scarborough home "The committees are happening and committees doing? students but graduates," he that in itself is great," she said. The operational manual does not Reynolds, 21, graduated from Health "I would always push towards hav- Wouldn't it be nice to define how the prcxress should be execut- Sciences in \^'^7. and was in her second of s Nursing program ing more student representation and 1 hear what changes are ed so the selection process varies with \ear Humber was a \'erv good student, and think that in the past we haven't And I made?" each program. "She think this sort of stuff should be made Hook identified part of the problem the facult\, staff and students are de\ as- SAC Prcsidenl Tracy Boyer public. What are the committees doing? being the college has ne\er appointed tated about (her death)," Valerie Wouldn't it be nice to hear what changes any one persiin in particular responsible I lew son, assistant to the president, said are made?" "1 think there are only alumni sitting for students. A nu'iiional >-er\ ice will be held at the Boyer said students would feel more on committees, and if there are students He admitted representatives oi the college in the last week of TebruarN mvolved m shaping their education if they are few in numbers" president's office and program co-ordi- See News « they took an active role in the meetings. Htxik said the primary purpose of nators play a big role. Boyer said she has brought the matter advisory committees is to establish giH>d "I certainU ha\'e accountibilities i]srsir>E to the attention of Richard Htx^k, vice- ties with industry when It's gone wrong," he said. president of academic, and added she "The desire to include students is cer- Hook said he would raise the issue I liimlvr't would be willing to work with adminis- tainly there but it tends to be the gradu- with scho<il heads fiiirfi/if^ /looki/ps trators to improve the situation. ating year students who get involved," In the meantime, he offered prospw- 1 1 l>^l ,1 1 [ In an effort to get some answers, he said. "Because they're in the college tive committee members a bit of advice \\"hill's If! ilore Kiiiis^ III hnok Boyer sent out a team of SAC representa- for one year, it's something I think that is "If there are advisory committees that lor )0u this utekJ renew tives to investigate. slipping thmugh the cracks quite often. students don't believe there's a student However, SAC reps said program co- Those aren't excuses, they're just expla- representative on they should speak with Politiiiill) lOrrect. IW \ our reluiblt ordinators told them some committees nations." their program co-ordinator about that." advisory committeei I source tor humour ?etceter a e [email protected] ••••••••••••••• News etc. Drivers risk vehicles Plug into online learning Anyone caught driving with By Michel le Lowe a suspended Mcense will have that has iH't been sent to the ".Also I lant tell the i.Jui-alh'u Rfportt'r their vehicle taken away The Hoard ol Ciu\erniirs \v[, outlined teai her right there and li- catch is, it doesn't matter if the SI hool's intendeil guals inr then that I hav e pi' it's I voLirs t)r nt)t If vour Humbor has iiitro(.lui.cd this program I ligh i|LKilit\ lie\i- leiiis. It's not like las., licence was suspended eiiursfs online v\ here l)ilit\, con\ eiiieiu e, >ind '\\t^\ time, \.\ hert' V ou t an ^et because of a Criminal Code people I an learn at their .iin place" learning help right awav," she offence and police catch yciu ov\n pace I iiiok s.iul the SI hool's admin- driving, you'll lose car your And, in the iu\ir lutuie, stu- istr.ition has also been Joiii)^ ( >n the pi 'silice for 45 days., starting Feb. Ih dents may be able to complete researth on pilot courses \ i.i the sule, stui.lenls saul The program does not apply entire programs through the Internet. Responses to these tliev en|ov the freedom to those whose licences are Internet coursi's lia\e niainK lu't'ii posi- to get mlorniation suspended for non-criminal "1 lumber's administration is tive, although lertain problems \v hen and w here lhe\ reasons, such as unpaid fines, concentrating on developing still have to be aildresseJ w ant or demerit points. stand alone courses, de\eloping "There are ti-chiiKal glitches "1 reallv liki' it The minimum fine for getting more programs so that students and that's what we are tr\ing to because v ou go at vour caught driving without a can keep coming back to take improve," I look sjiJ own pace, "saul licence for one of those courses to complete a program or It took students some lime to .MarK)n Blace, who offences was increased from certificate," said Louise Uba, hook themselves up and learn takes the imlme $500 to $1000, Learn in the comfort of your own home, manager of the Open Learning how to navigate through course Business Writing Centre. material. course. (k't vour diploma online. Uver cure en tbe herizen Uba, part of the development "1 think you need a working "You get a lot of feedback from a seat in the college's new v irtual team for the online learning, said knowledge on how to work the Instructors and the teacher has classroom and this has I look con- Scientists injected a human some online courses cost up to Internet. It took me 10 hours to made it interesting and fun." cerned. into of rats gene the muscles twice as much as on-campus learn how to work it, or at least it Maureen Wall, president of the "At this point relativelv few to wipie out liver cirrhosis. courses because there are half as felt like it," said Caroline Keyes, Faculty Union Local, said instruc- [students are being recruited] and The gene created extra pro- many students. The more teacher who is enrolled in a basic letter tors are getting excited about that IS one ol the concerns we tein to regenerate the liver interaction there is, the more writing course. teaching online, but underesti- have internallv, and we are sav ing and reduce cell death. money it costs But Richard Joan Knight-Cirant, who Is tak- mate the time it takes to dev elop a It we are going to do this, let s vice-president course online attract students," I look Researchers reported that Hook, of academ- ing the Practical Nursing course more ics, said anything dealing with online, finds there are some disad- "Teachers who have experi- said.
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