3ty? 2Uipl (&az?tte swfc (Mmtiai lath; INCORPORATING THE ROYAL GAZETTE (Established 1828) and THE BERMUDA COLONIST (Established 1866) VOL. 17—NO. 273 HAMILTON, BERMUDA, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1932 3D PER COPY—40/- PER ANNUM OPPOSITION TO WAR DEBT CANCELLATION PREDICTED LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL WAR DEBT ADJUSTMENT INSPIRING MUSIC AT ST. THEYSAY FRANCE SUBMITS NEW JOHN'S CHURCH Collection of Taxes Act With­ WASHINGTON, Nov. 15—A mo­ mentous diplomatic and legislative That the night session proposal DISARMAMENT PLAN drawn for Present battle was^forecast J yesterday as The performance of the "Mes­ did not get through. Washington studied developments siah" given on Monday night at * * * in the war debts problem and St. John's Church must have All the members of the Legislative -1 That nevertheless there will soon Hoover hurried to Washington for satisfied the most critical and it be some sittings at night. Council were present at yesterday's a Jater discussion of the subject certainly gave proof that the high * * * Ireland Loses Preferential meeting, which lasted for half an With Franklin Roosevelt. Mean­ standard is being worthily main­ That there will have to be if the hour only, as there is still little while a distinct possibility arose and tained; for a most excellent choir Estimates provoke much debate. business before this body. Tariffs With England was put into words by one influen­ of 50 voices sang the difficult music * # * Message No. 23 from the Governor with wonderful spirit and precision. tial House Democrat that the U. S. That a lot of members have re­ forwarded The Public Health Act answer to the plea of Great Britain For the first time two numbers, gular jobs to perform. 1930 Amendment Act (No. 2), 1932, Gandhi Ready to Remove Untouchability—De­ and France for an extension of the the Chorus "And he shall purify" * * * concerning a matter turned down Hoover moratorium and a re­ and the soprano solo "Rejoice That sitting at 2 p.m. doesn't help last session "in another place," fining "Aggressor** in War—World Econo­ examination of the debt situation greatly," were included. these members to get through namely, permitting the granting might be a flat "No," with this The chorus was well sung des­ with them. mic Conference Delayed—Canadian of pratique to regular passenger followed by an outright defaolc of pite the high pitch of the organ * * * Farmers Get Financial Aid—Thrilling steamers without a visit by the payments due to December 15. and the long and exacting runs That it results in legistative and Health Officer, as was at that time This possibility has been foreseen were well sustained. private business being rushed. Story of the Sea—Company and allowed to be done in the case of for months by the administration "Rejoice greatly" was undertaken * * * His Majesty's ships; the new Bill, regrettable but perhaps inevitable. by three young ladies, Mildred That the advance notices of the Stock Reports—Ottawa Agree­ however, also alters the definition Jtf it should come about the situa­ Petty, Marian Christensen and story of Bermuda are very of "sickness" (on board) to mean tion would leave the obligation still Ruth Masters. The voices blended flattering. ments Approved in Bahamas infectious disease. The Gerald H. outstanding against the defaulting so well that it was hard to realise * * * nation. Gray Pension Act, 1932, granting an that it was not being sung as a solo. That the author is Professor Hud­ —Sterling Declines Again— additional pension of £76 a year to ,.&& -_JK«s^at * * * The florid music was finely ren­ son Strode who wrote the volume Japan Suffers From Storm the former Registrar General, ALBANY, N.Y., Nov. 15—Pre­ dered and the breath control was at the instance of the T.D.B. and The Empire Parliamentary sident-elect Franklin D. Roosevelt splendid. * * * —Severe Fighting in Association Resolve, 1932, voting last night telegraphed President The Rev. T. M. Salmon undertook That this noted writer has also another £220 in addition to the Hoover he would be delighted to the two big bass soles, "But who many articles on Bermuda to the South America— £1,000 spent on the recent vi3it of confer with the chief executive in may abide" and "The people that high-class magazines. delegates to Bermuda, were received Washington but was not at this walked." He was in his best form * * * BRITISH DOLE TO BE OVERHAUIED-SPORTING and read a first time by title. time able to suggest a definite date. and his rich voice and his fine That the more of such good pub­ Only 10 minutes was taken up oo interpretation made his solos deeply licity the better. NEWS with the second and third readings impressive. * * * of The Supplementary Appropria­ FRENCH PLAN FOR BREAK­ The alto solos were sung by Adah That the forthcoming plays are tion Resolve (No. 6), 1932, the chief ING DISARMAMENT Spurling and the beauty of "O well worth seeing. GANDHI SEEKS TO REMOVE to finance the purchases unless the item of which was £3,000 for the Thou that tellesu" and "He shall * * * UNTOUCHABILITY" system formerly used of hedging new road from Pembroke Marsh DEADLOCK feed his flock" was fully brought That the amount of local talent purchases through sales of future to the Noroh Shora. Various ques­ out with all her usual artistry. appears tc be unlimited.' POONA, Nov. 15.—"Ii it is in options be re-established. Had tions were asked about this new GENEVA, Nov. 15—An elaborate To Mildred Petty also fell "There * * * my power I shall certainly incorpor­ it not been for this action it would road and its relation to the aban­ scheme for breaking the disarma­ were Shepherds" and the following That Cuba has an acute immigra­ ate the question of i_he removal have been utterly impossible to doned marsh reclamation work, ment deadlock solving the problem recitatives and also the solo "Come tion problem. of untouchability as one of the have an orderly marketing of this also the original estimate of its of security and meeting Germany's unto me" and this latter was sung * * * fundamental rights in the new year's crop. The Canadian wheat cost, but no very definite infor­ arms equality demand by tying with great feeling and expression. That 6,000 applications by tourists constitution of India," declared pool had acted as a great hedging mation was disseminated. Calling together arms, reductions and se­ The Choir had a big chance in for citizenship are being consider­ Gandhi to a delegation of untouch­ market. The Premier said that it a "saving" when work for which curity pacts was submitted textu- the two great choruses "For unto ed. * * * ables in the Yeravda gaol. He added until the final sale was made it funds had been granted is not to be ally to the disarmament conference us" and the "Hallelujah" and they That the naturalisation tax there is "It sho"»jr<i be a criminal offence would be impossible to tjU the carried out during the current year last night in behalf of the French eagerly availed themselves of it $30. for atich thrilling renderings can­ for a Hindu to be treated as an exact financial result, but if any was criticiszed by Hon. H. D. Government. The Frehch plan *i m * untouchable and I shall insert a loss occurred it would be much Butterfield, as the work would still calls for application of the Briand- not have been heard before in the That in most countries a foreigner section in the Indian penal code less than the wheat bonus of five have to be done at some time in the Kellogg Paet, the League of Nations Church. may enter on proof he has a job. under this head and Congress will cents on the bushel which would future, and Dc T. H. Outerbridge covenant and special regional agree­ The congregation was not as * * * be prepared to embody this prin­ this ysar have amounted to $18,- deplored the decision not to build ments for mutual assistance against large as might have been expected, That here he may not enter (except ciple in the constitution." 000,000. the Post Office at the Flatts this any aggressor. It proposes reduc­ but if th©; steady work is pursued by permission) co take one. * * * year, complaining that this office tion in effectives and materials the twenty young people ia this choir will be splendid missionaries * * * WHO IS THE AGGRESSOR? had been shifted "from pillar to of war with a special allotment of in the future and other great That once more the tradition of CANADIAN LOAN SUBSCRIBED post again." certain troops and arms for the use being "different" is maintained. oratorios should follow and at­ PARIS, Nov. 15.—The establish­ Tho only other business dealt of the League in enforcing peace. * * * OTTAWA, NOT. 15—Canada's do­ tract larger and even more appre­ ment of a permanent international with by the Council at this meeting 00 That Beebe's new book will make mestic loan of $80,000,000 reached ciative gatherings of music-lovers. commission to decide which side was the final disposal of the Pro­ a powerful appeal to younger its objective on last Saturday with IRELAND BECOMES Mr. Wheeler played the organ is the "aggressor" upon the out­ visional Collection of Taxes Act, readers. the additional subscription of accompaniments and he is to be break of hostilities constitutes an which has remained before them in "FOREIGNER" IN * * * important point in the French $1,000,000 from the Sun Life As­ a shockingly mutilated state for congratulated on the success of TARIFFS the service.
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