* MAII. MATTER AUG. 18. 19C2 AND i D I> T/ 1 J." rMfy nP\TTO POST OFFICE AT PORTLAND. 5IAINE. I * T 1 V JtLl Vy Vj IN 1 O. Island. giving a greatly enjoyed house par- Throng Expected Bailey So. Harpswell. ty to their "friends. Miss Marguerite' Wai^en, Miss Mina Young and Mrs. EVERYTHING IN READINESS FOR IVANY PEOPLE NOW AT ISLAND SOCIAL ITEMS OF INTEREST TO Helen Bigelow, all of Auburn. THE PAGEANT SUMMER PEOPLE HERE. SATURDAY. FOR THE SEASON. Captain George R^ley Johnson took liis wife to Portland in his new mo- Social Affairs and Picnics Now Summer Colony From the Islands Will Popu-« The Social Life is Now at.F'.il! Swing. torboat, "Auburn," last Wednesday. iteirigerators lar Islanders. rnt KINO THAT SAVE ICE" Be Out In Force. Among Dean William E. Simonds of .The' beautiful new Hudson automo- ,Knox The Misses Alice >Kocidy and Sara College, who has been exchange PT<>- The Casco Bay waiting rooms and bile belonging to Mr. Arthur Dickey of D Dessesway arrived at the Rohin- fessor at 'Harvard during Prices from $7.95 wharf, crowded out quite to the wa- the Merricon^ag met with an accident University Up hood Inn last Thursday. this past year, was with his wife as ter's edge on Tuesday morning last, one night last week. Mr.' Dickey's a Mr. and guest at Content" of Dr. and presented most inviting scene by Mrs. E. J. Starr, Mr. Conant youngest son was driving the car at a "Camp Mrs. Herbert V. Neal for a few the hundreds of pretty girls and manly L. Starr, Miss 'Ellen iB. Starr and Mr. moderate speed on the road above days last week. His PORCH FURNITURE looking young men ready to embark Hezekiah P. Starr arrived at the-Starr West Harpswell, when he encountered charming daughters, one of the Misses upon the fleet of steamers on cottage from Spencer, Mass. Mr. Con- a carriage. The driver was unwilling Marjorie, Katherine, and All a or their to Great ant Eleanor Simonds will remain for sev- Prices, Chair Rocker way Chebeague Island Starr, who will enter Maine State to give the machine sufficient space, for the first rehearsal on eral weeks to come as of Miss- the Pageant college this fall, is' about to leave for a fact which he found out too late, guests were es 'Helen and 87c each grounds. There three groups of Seatlie, Wash. They have their however, had to choose between Marguerite Neal, Dean and Mrs. Simonds returned running int^the vehicle or a large rock to Boston, where Mrs. Simonds on the right side of the road. He acted is in charge of a summer continuation Beds, Mattresses upon the impulse of the moment and school for girls. Spring's, knocked tjis right front wheel off on The magnificent summer home of and the boulder, giving himself and the Mr. and Mrs. 'Henry A. Free, "Free- $3.50 Up S3 and Up $3 and up other occupant of the car a serious croft," was the scene of a lovely jolting. Only his experience in driv- Fourth of July house party. The ing cars, saved the people in the car- guests were Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Day, riage from injury. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Julia. >Mr. and Mrs. Elton C. RANGES )fororbehorage; and up "Dr. and Mrs. Harold Dickenson, Sen- iBriggs ajid Miss Briggs. All $22 were from ior-of York City arrived here on 'Lewiston. the noon boat from Portland last Wed- Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Spencer and fam- Oil Heaters and Florence Oil CooK Stoves nesday. They have taken the Dana cot- ily of Lewiston have opened their lit- tage, 'iBay View," Miss Wertall of tle green cottage at the end of the TLngland, the cousin of Dr. Senior, is causeway for the summer. their guest for the season. -Dr. Sen- Mrs. F. A. Morey was hostess to ior R. S. is professor of anatomy at Belle- ■Captain Gardner Deering, Mr. and Mrs. DAVIS CO. vue 'College, New York University. Harry Deering, Mr. and Mrs. Frank *. COMPLETE HOMEFURNISHERS Prof. U. Dahlgren, who has known the Deering, and .Mr. and 'Mrs. Furber of E- Cor. and Federal Sts,F prAlKELL' Seniors for many years, met'them at Bath over the Fourth. The entire Exchange the steamer and took them to his cot- party went motorboating to Eagle Is- lunch tage tp before they went to j lan'd.' They left for Portland on the their own place. f [ fifth. At the deightful cottage, "Casco >Mr. and Mrs. Edward G. Sherwin of Improved Grade and Bridge Between Sebascodegan I. and OTP's It iRest," Mrs. tyfcria Austin and her j Worcester, Mass., are comfortably daughter, Miss Eva. of I-ewiston aro (Continued on Page 7.) who are to V participants do the mrst beautiful thirty-five footftnotor cruis- % important dancing in connection with er, "Billiken" in Mackerel Cove. They - the play and the entire scene was an expect Mr. Harold H. time because of its rr^snmn inspiration enthusiastic in Aunu.st. Mrs. Starr has her JUaks 3falattfc ami animated nature. Talbot's entrance examinations to Worces- Of course it goes without saying ter City hospital, where she- will en- v S. that Virginia Tanner, the Halplt Home, greatest ter as nurse this fall. 0 fflana^r producer of Pageants in America, was Mr. Ervin C. Sinnett in full charge and was ably assisted by the "first dance on the 3lalani> a score or more of group directors and public islan'g this sum- Jfcaka (Uaarn iftattt? mer IBag, committees, among these being Mrs. at Library hall. Many guests, Suit Arthur H. .Mr. S. w ig enjoy this pastime were in at- Sale Bailey, Harry Boyd, July Mrs. Charles \v. I.eOrov. chairman of mcp and had a delightful time, NOW OPEN- We find that we have about two the Committee on Participants, .Mrs. and Mrs. Charles P. Hoot o1' New Frederick V. Berry, Mrs. William 11. Vork City arrived at their large and hundred Summer Suits which we have Dow, Mrs. Willis B. Hall and others. beautiful cottage, "Tekitisi," last Famous for years President Willis B. Hall and G. Wal- Thursday to spend the entire summer. divided into two Lots for this sale. don for its liberal man- Smith, Chairman of the Pageant This will make the twenty-first time directed and ticketed the Committee, that they have opened the season here lo- crowd. agement, superb and they are as enthusiastic as ever Lot No. In the selection of Rose Cove, Great cation and 1 about the attractiveness of Bailey Is- fine Chebeagne Island, for the production land. Their son Waldo is spending of this artistic and no shore dinners. Ev- Rogers Peets Sincerity and Talbot unique Pageant tlie summer with them. mistake was certainly made. With Mrs. Hand Tailored clothes that sold for Casco Bay and adjacent Islands for its Alexander M. Wilson of New erything modern. $25, York has setting the audience will view the City tented the Peck cottage, $22.50 and now Special orchestra. $20, stage, or Grecian Court Scene, with "Barnacle," for the season. She is her the blue of the Ocean and the gray of accompanied by son. Mr. Samuel Accommodates 500. Wilson, and her the rocks and the deep green foliage in daughter. Miss Jane. the a stretch of Rates, booklets and $14.50 distance, silvery, (Continued on 2.) sanded beach in the Page immediate back floor on ground of the stage with the hundreds plans ap- Lot No. 2 of Portland's fairest young maids and plication. gallant young men dancing and singing on Peaks Island House Talbot $15 Suits, all sizes, now the green out in the great open, surely a scene incomparable will be had by those who are privileged to THIS POPULAR HOTEL HAS A $10.50 witness the performance. LARGE NUMBER OF GUESTS. Nothing like it has ever been at- "S" astobTapc" tempted and the very daring and en- Tourists from Portland Come terprise of the Congress Square As- Many -MAINE'S FINEST AND MOST SANITARY RESTAURANT- sociates deserves the of Here For Dinner. plaudits all Finest 25c Dinner who are to attend. and Served in This City Educationally Although the season elsewhere may Combination Meals for Miss Tanner every Hay 25 cents. Turkey Dinner Sunday ."0 cents. We are artistically, declares seem to serve Sea prepared quiet, this house is as popular as Foot in any style. Handy to Klectrics. Few minutes walk from that the costumes prepared for the steamboat ever. Many people who in former wharf. Private dining rooms for Ladies and Gentlemen participants of this Pageant are supe- years visited the hotel are again re- rior to similar 26-28 Monument any occasion, the pro- turning here for their vacations. No OLAB ITY, Proprietor Sq., Portland, Me. duction will be most notable. JjOKCKT-A.; gnest leaves here without an expres- i Me casco steamers are to Bay sion of the wonderful time they have leave every hour at 7 beginning experienced and especially have re- o'clock. A steamer will con- special marked concerning the perfect service vey the participants at 11 an- o'clock, and entertainment of the guests. A1-. other will leave at 12.1 i* at stopping though not full the hotel is so rapidly all the islands en route to Central filling up that indications are that all Great Landing, Chebeague. available rooms will soon be taken. Many notable will be personages Last week the regular Tuesday and F o r tlie present, and, unless the new and grave Saturday night hops were greatly en- conditions that have arisen from the joyed not only by the younger people latest note to the Germany prevent, but also by the older guests who were President is looked for to the gracc pleased with the rendering of the splen- occasion with his presence.
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