CONTENTS Politics 1-6 Commentary 7.. 11 FORUM Duly Noted 11-12 MARCH 15, 1974 Vol. X, No.6 50 CENTS margin would be boosted by Grover's POLITICS: REPORTS' withdraw!' (Ironically, Briscoe-backers could hardly harbor any male chauvin­ George Willeford as the GOP head ism against Farenthold since Janie TEXAS in November. Willeford and the par­ Briscoe has often been rumored to be ty executive director, Brad O'Leary, the power behind the governor's easy DALLAS - When the Lone Star have been linked to the presidential chair.) What had promised to be a political networks announced their fall aspirations of former Gov. Connally. relatively dull rerun of 1972 promises lineups in February, they revealed the Before he resigned, Willeford told the now to have an even more predictable same cast of characters and the same Dallas Times Herald, "Grover needs outcome. probable gubernatorial result as 1972. the party, but the party doesn't need As Dr. Willeford has observed, it A comparatively dull political sea­ Grover." will be an uphill campaign against son had been forecast for the Lone Star The third channel of Texas politics, Briscoe because "he's got a record so State as a result of the Republican Es­ La Raza Unida, will also field the bland that you can't really fight tablishment's failure to recruit a star same 1972 candidate: Ramsey Muniz, h·un. " candidate to oppose their arch-enemy, who received 7 percent of the vote For the first time this year, Repub­ former State Sen. Henry "Hank" when he last ran. licans have fielded a complete team for Grover, in the GOP primary. State Rep. Texas Democratic liberals are no state offices, but their chances of suc­ Ray Hutchinson of Dallas was the Es­ more enthusiastic about Gov. Bris­ cess are not overly bright. The GOP's tablishment's best hope; when he back­ coe than Republicans. The incumbent best opportunity may be in the state's ed out of the race, Grover was left with seems to view his office more as a comptroller's race where theincum­ only two opponents: former Lubbock status symbol than a public responsi­ bent is retiring. A primary will be Mayor Jim Granberry, an orthodontist, bility; his aides' attitude toward any held for the Democratic nomination, and Fort Worth attorney Odell Mc­ new policy proposal is to question and a Vietnam army hero is the Re­ Brayer. The party's big names - whether it is controversial. Preston publican nominee. Former Army ma­ George Bush, Anne Armstrong, and Smith, Briscoe's hapless, inept pred­ jor James Nicholas Rowe was held John Connally - all have better things ecessor, looks good by comparison captive by the Viet Cong for' several to do than challenge the state's lack­ with Briscoe. Texas Observer publish­ years, but escaped before the war's con­ lustre and controversy-less governor, er Ronnie Dugger viewed the necessi­ clusion. Dolph Briscoe. ty of unseating Briscoe - and block­ Former State Rep. Frances "Sissy" ing the presidential/vice presidential VERMONT Farenthold (D), chairwoman of the ambitions of Texas Sen. Lloyd Bent­ National Women's Political Caucus, sen (D) - as so imperative that in MONTPELIER - For years, Sen. does not have anything better to do, a recent issue of the Texas biweekly George D. Aiken (R) has made it a it seems. She decided against a run for Dugger suggested that the election of policy to feed the pigeons and squir­ state railroad commissioner and filed a Republican such as Bush would be rels on Capitol Hill before work each for governor at the very last minute. preferable. An independent candidacy morning. Aiken was himself once de­ Farenthold lost a runoff to Briscoe in by Farenthold had also been the sub­ scribed by Senate Majority leader Mike 1972 by about 200,000 votes; Briscoe ject of some speculation. Mansfield as "neither a hawk nor a went on to beat Grover in a surprising­ When Grover withdrew from the dove but a wise ow!." ly close election by only 100,000 votes. race in early March as a result of Aiken's administrative assistant, who With more money and less antagonism intra-party antagonism and the scarcity is also his wife, would now like him from the state GOP leaders, the ultra~ of campaign cash, Granberry became to write a children's book about squir­ conservative Grover thought he would heir to the Republican nomination. rels and pigeons; Aiken is retiring and have won. By comparison with the He was already heir to GOP Estab­ his main concern is the development brand of conservatism preached by lishment support. Since Farenthold's of a disease-free raspberry plant. Grover and Houston GOP leader Nan­ campaign was already limping and Aiken's decision stirred up the polit­ cy Palm, the state leadership brand Texas law allows voters to vote in ical aviary in Vermont where a lot of is a weak imitation. 'The party is now either party's primary, political ob­ politicians have other things on their led by Jack Warner, who replaced Dr. servers predicted Briscoe's primary minds besides raspberries. .u.s.- Rep. Richard,Mallary (R). an­ state chairman last fall. At that time, rrunced almost. immediately that he NORTH CAROLINA Gov. Holshouser ousted the incumbent would seek Sen: Aiken's seat. So did Frank Rouse with his own candidate Charles 'Ross, a member of the Inter­ Tom Bennett. Now the conservative DURHAM - When U.S. Rep. national' Joint Commission and former wing believes Holshouser took another Wilmer O. Mizell, every Republican's Federal Power Commission membctt. party prize away from thei'n. "Ham favorite to be the GOP candidate to [Horton} was doubled-crossed," de· I to move up means succeed retiring Sen. Sam J. Ervin, Jr. Mallary~s attempt clared Rouse. "From what I can sur· a (D), withdrew from the race only two switcli·in the ambitions of former mise," said Thomas F. Ellis, who A.ttorney General James Jeffords (R), weeks before the filing deadline, the was Jesse Helms' campaign manager Republican Party went "scrambling" who will now. seek MallaIf'S seat in 1972, "Ham wasn't dealt off the iflStead of the Republican guber· for a candidate. "Scrambling" was the top of the deck." Conservatives are appropriate word used by North Caro­ natorial nomination. Jeffords' old nem­ arguing that Holshouser encouraged Deane Davis, who opposed lina Republican Chairman Thomas S. ~,Gov. Horton in a meeting before Horton Jeffords for governor in 1972, was Bennett who declared that, if neces· announced, while HolshoUser's aides considering a Senate run but an­ saty, he would run to ensure that the has are claiming tliat the state senator read will not run. Democrats did not win the seat by nounced he too much into the discussion. default. -'Lt.-Gov. John S. Burgess (R) ~y Already, there are indications that also be reassessing his gubernatorial Charles R. Jonas, Jr., the son and conservative Republicans in the leg­ ambifionsbut it is likely that he will namesake of the former Charlotte con­ islature will punish the governor on st~f in the .gubernatorial race with gressman, resisted GOP pressures and some key legislative votes. The big­ House .Speaker Walter Kennedy (R). declined to run. Then State Sen. gest issue of this session is the Med­ Hamilton "Ham" C. Horton, Jr. an­ While Republicans were waiting ical School at East Carolina Universi­ nounced, and U.S. Sen. Jesse Helms ty, which many East Carolinians want for the word from Aiken, Democrats endorsed the candidacy of the joint waited for the 'word from Gov. expanded. Holshouser wants GOP legislative minority leader. Gov. James legislators to support the University Thorpas Salmon (D), who announced E. Holshouser, Jr., however, let it be a week iAter that he would run for reo of North Carolina Board of Gover­ known that, with Mizell out of the nors' decision against expansion. The election, whether or not voters ap­ race, it would be good exposure for prove 'extending the governor's term day after he withdrew from the Sen­ the eventual GOP candidate to have ate race, however, Horton and nine from two to four years. The announce· a primary contest. ment opened a dear road for Chitten­ other Republicans on the General As­ den County State's Attorney Patrick Next, State Rep. William E. Stevens sembly's Joint Appropriations Com­ decided to run, and Horton decided Leahy, who has announced his interest mittee voted with the majority for ex· to drop out. On the morning of Mon­ iil::tbe.. Senate noDiination. The pros· pansion. One of the Republicans who day, Februaty 25, before the noon pects for Mallary's election to the Sen­ attended the meeting at which Horton filing deadline, Horton, borrowin.g decided to withdraw declared, "It was ate ap~ bright. Stevens' meeting room in a Raleigh decided. We can't let them get away '-Meanwhile, other Vermonters have hotel, announced he would not "per. with this." been;concerned with the state's bottle mit the party to be torn apart. " Min. U.S. Rep. Broyhill has not escaped ban law. There has been pressure to utes later, Stevens announced his .can- tbeconservatives"wratheither. A GOP re~ the mandatory deposit law for didacy. state senator, Betty Ann Wilkie, drove b~erige bottles, particularly from bev· Stevens, 52, the brother·in.law of aDemocra.tic state senator, Jack Rhyne, erage industry interests who financed U.S. Rep. James T. Broy.hill, is a to the office of the State Elections a trip for members. of the House Nat· vice president of Broyhill Industries, Board, in Frank Rouse's car, to file ural Resources Committee to visit a a furniture manufacturer.
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