VOLUME XXXVI MASON, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1911 NUMBER 36 HNXWOOOODOOOOai Sdiool books, new and second hand, Mason Schools Opened Monday, This Season's Lecture, Course. at Quirk's, Lowest prices, 35w3 Our schools opened Monday in an Tlie Lecture Course committee is AT VANDERCOOK'S CASH PRICES ^ LOCAL NEWS ^ auspicious manner, with an attend­ now prepared to announce its list S. B. Pike Is Installing a steam heat­ of attractions for the coming season We are still leading others in the OOOooCIOOUUOOOOOODUOOOOOOaOOOpOfXmOCM ing plant in his new house on Colum­ ance of 400, 94 of wiioiu are non-resi­ For This Week dent pupils, which is tiie largest at­ as follows: For Nov, 10th, The Tyro­ price and quality of Coffees. bia street. lean Alpine Singers, which is tiie only tendance as well as largest number of We have a special good Coffee at Farmers, Take Notice. Tliere were (iO births and ,59 deaths non-resident pupils In the history. troupe of genuine Tyrolean Singers 25 lbs H. & E. Gran. Sugar.$1.75 per lb... 25c We will pay 20(; this week for but­ reported from Ingham county fur the The attendance In tiie various rooms and Yodlers now touring the Unitpd 25 lbs Snow Flake Flour 60c ter fRt dellverpd lit creamery in unod raontli of July. is as follows: High school 130, G2 non­ States. From their Alpine liomes A fine one at 22e resident; eighth grade 51, 25 non-resl- these singers and instrumentalists 25 lbs Best Flour 60c condition. Mason Ciikamkicy Co. A. .L Tuttle of Leslie has taken his And a fair one at 20c denl; seventli grade 32, four non-resi­ iiave been carefully selected by their 25 lbs White Poppy Flour ......70c position as attorney for the eastern Fig Newton, per lb 10c Sea notice of Aurellus elder mill. dent; sixth grade .'14, three non-resi­ famous director, Franz Ralner, are 25 lbs Moss Rose Flour 70c district of MIciilgan. dent; fifth and second grades30; fourtii trained and rehearsed In their world- Pure Cider Vinegar, per gal..20c •25 lbs Lily White Flour 75c 0.1. C, plk's forsiile.. Adains Brno. Regular meeting of Mason lodge K. and tiilrd grades 27; primary 39. Sec­ famous folk and Inimitable yodel and 1-gallon high Butter Crocks, that warbling songs. 10-lb sack Corn Meal 22c Sclinnl supplies at Quirk's. Largest of l^ next Monday evening. Large ond ward—primary room 37; third, have been used, per gal 3c fourth and 11 ftii grades 20. 10-lb sack Graham Flour...-..-25c stock, lowest prices. 35w3 attendance is wanted. The second entertainment is a lec­ 7 bars Lenox or Swift's Pride Following is the teacliing corps: ture by Byi'oii Piatt, wlio is called "A R. C. Dart, real estate, loans and col­ Rev, E. L. Klllam of Grand Rapids Kellogg's Corn Flakes, pkg 9c W. D, RliTL'S, superintendent, mathe­ Prophet of tlie new Era," He is a Soap for - - 25c Shredded Wheat Biscuit, pkg.l2c lections. Olllce in Lawrence Block. * will preach at tlie Baptist church next We have a Molasses that we sell Sunday morning and evening. matics and cliemlstry: Miss rieitscii, man with a message and came to tlie 2 15c pkgs Post Toasties 25c The Lnyal American.'! will hold an )rinclpa!, mathematics and German; platform because he had to, forced to by the quart or gallon. It is 7 lbs Rolled Oats 25c Ice cream social at A, L. Vandercook's We duplicate any offers made by !vliss Smltli, history; Miss Mosher, It by the desire to give expression to better than any you can buy in Friday evening', liny publisher or inaga^/.lne subscrip­ English; Miss McGuidy, Latin and Ills Ideas. He possesses the magne­ Maple Flakes, pkg. 12c tion agency. Quirk's Dept. Store. * English grammar; Mr. Mayer, science; tism of downrigiit, thorough-going cans. New White Honey, per lb 15c Barniini & Bailey and Labor Day at Miss Sifert, seventli grade; Miss Mc- sincerity. Figures, ridicule, wit and 1-lb pkgParafine 10c •Jackson drew a number of people last Mastin Methodists liavo asked for Maniis, sixth grade; Miss Severance, impassioned appeals to reason follow Friday and Monday. l.he return of Rev. C, L. Beebe for an­ llfth and second grades; Mis'! Furman, each other In quick succession. i. We handle the Holsum and Bus­ other year, making his third year here. Roy W. Adams has pxchanued his fourth and third grades; Miss Titus, Tiie third number is also a lecture Farms and ter Brown Bread, Fresh every primary and first grade; Miss Paine, tiy Gov. Robert B, Glenn. This man motorcycle to Dr, Jacklin of Lansini,' Governor O^born has appointed day. Both phones. music and drawing. Ward school- is so well known that he needs very for a Baker runabout. •lodge J. P. Steere of The Soo lo suc­ Miss Shiifer, second and tlrst grades little introduction, It is sufitcient to City Property ceed the late Justice Hooker on tlie At Ithaca lust Friday LadyJ Online and sub-primary; Miss McMath, sub­ say tliat in addition lo being a well- G. S. THORBURrvl supreme bench. won the 2:17 piice ln_^lraiylit heats stitute for Miss Ball, llfth, fourth and known man in the national life and time 2:1^1!, 2;lJi,-2:ni third grades. e.v-governor of Nortli Carolina, he is a A large string of keys was found on If you want to buy or BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Mrs, Ray Btillen has improved the corner of Ash and Lansing streets Tiio Normal cliiss begins Sept. 18th finished orator and sways iiis audience enotiKli as to be able to conic liom Monday night. Owner may obtain with an'increased attendance. to laughter or teai's, No one can afford seil it will pay you to from Ann Arbor Monday. same at this olllce, to miss the opportunity of hearing and seeing this great man. see me. Del Pronto 2:051 Is a four-year-old Last Matinee Races at Mason. •nit. 0, K, llUN'DIJItSON, IJoiillsl, Over Guo The Loyal SI'iters and tlielr lius The fourtii eiitertuinment is given JJ M. Wubn'ii iiiiil ifofci Asiililne's. pacer bred by L, 0. Webb. He Is re­ The Mason Driving club will liold bands will meet with Mrs, J, A. Greni,' by tlie Rawels, a company of native garded as one of the greatest young the last matinee at Quickstep park, •Sept. Sth. Potliick supper. New Zealandcrs, presenting in song List your property NOW and •Qlt.. ,IOH. .'5. llAWI.Uy, Dentist. Iforiiieily pacers ever seen In California. on Friday, Sept. Sth, Four good races. Mackinac I.slaiid and .St. iKiiacu. .Sitcccs.sor Tlie Ma.'son Million Co. will pay yon and story and picture a most unique be ready to catch the business toDr, SimiiidliiKand IJr. Lliislcy, Lawrencelillt. Every effort will be made to make this the lilKhest market price for yon Mi.ss Helen Plillleo Is teaching at tiie banner meeting. and fascinating entertainment, por­ sure to come this fail. traying native life of the South Sea Krain, Let them bid on il. the ilarper school, Miss Bernlce Cook All entries must be made before Islands, The company is composed at the Walter's, Miss Jessie Noxon at one o'clock on day of races. Tlie as­ Tlic Rebekah coterie will meet witli of a trio of remarkably gifted and D. P. WHITMORE II. Al.li.^AiN'DISlt. j'liyslclati and Siir(;i!oti. the Swar^ and JIlss Laura Young at sociation reserves the riglit to place Mrs, Thos, Dayton on Tuesday, .Sep educated native .South Sea Islanders, R• Ollloe over l''hiiia(,'Hii's Unin Store. Itusl- district No. 10 in Aurellus. horses in their respective classes. News Office tMasos, fMloli. <ieiicfliippositti the liaiiUst Cliiircli. Ulilue lioiir.s I2tli, Quotations fi'om tiie Bible. It Is a sort of Polynesian play pictur­ Race No. 1 will be called at one o'clock •8 to 10 a. 111.. 1 to 4 wid 7 to !) p. Ill, Mason. 41-1 A teiini from Lansing defeated tlie ing the old wild life of the savage tribes Notice tlie chanife in the business and every liorse must be ready lo start. Ma.son Odd Jt'ullows at South street of the South Seas In sharp contrast to T^ll.OII,va. H. llAM.Altn, lloiniiopiUlilc I'liy. card of-C, W. Clark, ^,'ene^al auction The races will start promptly at 1:.'10 park Monday afternoon by a score of the present-day, civilization of the JJ siolaii and HiirKuon. Diseases of Uie Kye, eer. The new title is Clark & Hark p. m. Kar, Nose and Tliroat a specially. OHliie—Near M to 3. Battery for Mason, Gilmore same people. ^Wilcox Family Reunion. Itlock. llotirs—8 to 0 a. in., l :30 to 5 and 7 to 0 ness. and Linden. Umpire, Rex Watson. Admission, 25c; ladles, 15c; grand Members of the Wilco.v family of p. in, The fifth and last and highest priced Last matinee of season 1911 at Quick sttmd, free. N. N. Roi;sK, .S'ec, Michigan gathered at the City Park W. E, Lonsberry, the Dlinfindale entertainment of tlie whole lot is In Ma.son Aug. 31st for their llrst an­ It. I'ltAMC IJ, THOMAS, rhvslolaii and .Stir- step park ne.vt Friday iifteriioon, Ymi given" by the lliostonla Sextette Club, Kcoii, Olllce over Weill) .& WhiHiian'.s store; wife murdertjr, pleaded guilty of mur­ Max Heinig lias moved from Delhi nual picnic, iroriy-four were present D cati't see them ko again until Jun This Is the most noted organIziition reslrlence two doors east of Methodist ehiircli, der in the llrst degree in the circuit townsliip to a farm In Aurellus town- and enjoyed the day visiting relatives 1912, tif its kind lo the country today, and EDSON' COVICV, I'll.
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