Sanctions issued 1-1-2003 to 12-31-2007 By Last Name Last Name First Name Sanction Date Sanctioned Acevedo Celina Probationary Suspension 1/23/2007 Acevedo Maribel Voluntary Surrender 11/5/2003 Acosta Vicente Voluntary Surrender 2/13/2003 Adams Katina Revocation 11/26/2007 Adams Laura Inscribed Reprimand 10/25/2004 Adams Sharita Voluntary Surrender 10/11/2004 Aguayo Lydia Probationary Suspension 11/18/2004 Aguilar Alberto Suspension 9/27/2006 Aguilar Magdalena Restriction 8/14/2007 Aguilar Mario Inscribed Reprimand 12/18/2007 Ahrenstein Lesa Ruth Voluntary Surrender 3/19/2003 Alaniz Sonia Inscribed Reprimand 7/15/2003 Aleman Jose Restriction 5/23/2005 Alexander Kim Probationary Suspension 7/24/2006 Alfieri Cary Lockett Suspension 7/29/2004 Alldis Troy R. Voluntary Surrender 6/9/2004 Allen Belinda Restriction 1/5/2005 Allen Lukus Inscribed Reprimand 1/4/2007 Allen Richard Suspension 7/27/2007 Allison Patricia Inscribed Reprimand 6/10/2003 Alva Raul Voluntary Surrender 6/24/2004 Alvarado Alfredo Voluntary Surrender 3/11/2003 Alvarado Norma Revocation 8/6/2004 Ames Johnny Wayne Revocation 7/29/2005 Amthor William Voluntary Surrender 12/19/2003 Anastasiad Rhonda Probationary Suspension 11/27/2007 Anaya William Voluntary Surrender 1/23/2007 Anderson Charlotte Probationary Suspension 3/26/2004 Anderson Cheri Revocation 4/2/2004 Anderson Donald Restriction 3/31/2004 Anderson James Suspension 11/7/2003 Anderson Leann Voluntary Surrender 9/8/2003 Anderson Lucretia Voluntary Surrender 5/5/2005 Anderson Susan E. Inscribed Reprimand 6/15/2004 Apodaca Carla Probationary Suspension 3/25/2004 Applegate Carol Restriction 2/4/2004 Archambeau Phyllis Suspension 9/27/2004 Arlen Billy Voluntary Surrender 10/6/2003 Arnold Scott Elliot Voluntary Surrender 9/26/2006 Ash Vicki J. Voluntary Surrender 12/14/2005 Ashby Jason Probationary Suspension 6/25/2004 Ashby Jason Voluntary Surrender 2/16/2007 Asher Alan Voluntary Surrender 5/30/2003 Ashley Tracy Inscribed Reprimand 3/26/2003 Askew Kaye F. Revocation 8/6/2004 Atkins Richard Revocation 5/29/2003 Sanctions issued 1-1-2003 to 12-31-2007 By Last Name Last Name First Name Sanction Date Sanctioned Atkinson Mary Ellen Voluntary Surrender 8/9/2005 August Cheryl Voluntary Surrender 1/22/2004 Austin Mark Suspension 11/7/2003 Auzenne John Probationary Suspension 9/2/2003 Avalos Dulce Voluntary Surrender 5/15/2006 Badger Deandre Revocation 11/18/2005 Bailey Amy Revocation 7/23/2007 Baily Andrea Inscribed Reprimand 7/23/2007 Baines Paulette Revocation 6/20/2006 Baker Charlotte Probationary Suspension 8/19/2003 Baker Janet Suspension 10/14/2004 Baker Kevin Voluntary Surrender 6/7/2007 Baker Robert Voluntary Surrender 4/1/2003 Ballard James Monroe Voluntary Surrender 1/8/2007 Ballestero Julie Revocation 5/6/2005 Ballestero Mary A. Suspension 12/8/2004 Banks John Michael Suspension 7/27/2005 Banuelos Amelia Voluntary Surrender 8/19/2003 Bara Darla Revocation 7/28/2006 Bara Delia Inscribed Reprimand 5/5/2005 Barajas Victor Voluntary Surrender 12/22/2004 Barbee Joseph Revocation 11/6/2007 Barber George L. Revocation 3/19/2007 Barnes Kenneth Tyrme Revocation 8/6/2004 Barrera Armando Voluntary Surrender 8/7/2007 Barrera Celia Probationary Suspension 9/26/2003 Barrera Manuel J. Revocation 5/5/2006 Barrera Patti Revocation 4/2/2004 Barstow William R. Suspension 8/6/2007 Bartells Adam J. Voluntary Surrender 8/6/2007 Bartlett Joseph W. Suspension 7/16/2004 Bassee Bryan Edward Revocation 10/24/2007 Baumann Howard Ann Probationary Suspension 9/16/2004 Beard Bobby Voluntary Surrender 4/11/2007 Beck Kathy Jane Probationary Suspension 8/1/2005 Beck Keith Suspension 4/13/2007 Beckwith Deborah Revocation 11/7/2003 Beesley Brent Probationary Suspension 8/30/2004 Bell Danny Suspension 7/23/2007 Bell Frank Revocation 7/19/2005 Bell Matt Inscribed Reprimand 6/21/2006 Bell Robert Inscribed Reprimand 8/30/2004 Benavides Ramsey Probationary Suspension 7/28/2003 Benefield Elliot D. Voluntary Surrender 5/26/2004 Benjamin Howard Voluntary Surrender 7/10/2006 Bennatt Laura Inscribed Reprimand 10/25/2004 Sanctions issued 1-1-2003 to 12-31-2007 By Last Name Last Name First Name Sanction Date Sanctioned Benner David Revocation 2/3/2006 Bennett Earl C. Voluntary Surrender 1/15/2003 Bennett Venitta Certification Denied 10/7/2003 Bennett Venitta Certification Denied 7/28/2006 Bermea Eduardo II Voluntary Surrender 4/5/2004 Bersalone Joseph Voluntary Surrender 6/21/2006 Betancourt Joe Probationary Suspension 6/28/2005 Betancourt Luis Revocation 11/4/2005 Bickley Charles Suspension 11/15/2007 Bigelow Gary Suspension 3/26/2007 Bigelow Gayle Suspension 3/23/2007 Billingsly David Voluntary Surrender 11/16/2005 Bishop Sharon Inscribed Reprimand 5/23/2003 Bittle Robert Revocation 1/9/2004 Blackman Joe Brian Revocation 8/1/2005 Blackmon Levi Revocation 3/9/2007 Blaine Wanda Inscribed Reprimand 12/13/2005 Blair Sharyn Suspension 9/2/2003 Blalock Freddie Suspension 2/13/2003 Blanton Daryl Voluntary Surrender 7/29/2004 Blasing Susy Probationary Suspension 9/18/2003 Bloomer Sid B. Voluntary Surrender 6/10/2003 Blum Jodi Voluntary Surrender 9/10/2003 Bobbitt Rhonny Prewit Revocation 9/15/2005 Bohannon James Lloyd Inscribed Reprimand 8/13/2003 Boles Stephanie Voluntary Surrender 7/16/2004 Boltz Lance Richard Voluntary Surrender 3/17/2003 Boone Andrew Revocation 8/26/2005 Bosbach Stephen Probationary Suspension 11/18/2004 Boswell Gary Don Voluntary Surrender 4/29/2003 Botello Maria Duarte Suspension 6/1/2005 Bowen Linda Suspension 1/25/2007 Box Mary Ann Probationary Suspension 7/17/2003 Boyd Deborah Inscribed Reprimand 11/30/2007 Boyette Travis Voluntary Surrender 11/28/2006 Boykin Sharon Inscribed Reprimand 6/26/2003 Bradley Debi Inscribed Reprimand 10/8/2004 Brady Stephanie Probationary Suspension 11/3/2003 Brainard Scott Voluntary Surrender 10/23/2003 Bramlett Jeff Probationary Suspension 8/30/2005 Branch David Suspension 8/13/2007 Brand Ben Voluntary Surrender 4/13/2006 Brautigam Charlotte Voluntary Surrender 7/18/2005 Brazil Anita K. Probationary Suspension 3/12/2004 Brennan Dean Voluntary Surrender 4/13/2006 Briones Albert Restriction 1/12/2004 Sanctions issued 1-1-2003 to 12-31-2007 By Last Name Last Name First Name Sanction Date Sanctioned Britt Billy Scott Voluntary Surrender 2/1/2006 Britton Joseph Revocation 2/16/2005 Broderick Melissa Voluntary Surrender 6/7/2007 Brooke Peter Restriction 5/23/2005 Brooke Peter J. Voluntary Surrender 4/2/2003 Brooks Hogan Tebbs Revocation 8/1/2006 Brooks Randolph Revocation 7/27/2007 Brooks Steven Ray Revocation 1/3/2007 Brooks William Revocation 9/15/2005 Broussard Amanda R. Suspension 10/17/2006 Brown Allison Suspension 12/17/2003 Brown Clifford Voluntary Surrender 2/24/2004 Brown David Voluntary Surrender 8/12/2004 Brown James Probationary Suspension 12/19/2003 Brubaker Leah Aarons Suspension 2/28/2003 Brunette Tombra Inscribed Reprimand 6/10/2005 Bruyere Edmund Jr. Suspension 9/7/2004 Bryant Alisa Revocation 4/2/2004 Bryant Gail Inscribed Reprimand 8/26/2003 Brysch Claude Revocation 7/13/2005 Buchanan Elizabeth Suspension 6/1/2006 Buffamonte Thomas Suspension 5/23/2005 Buie Emory Voluntary Surrender 5/30/2006 Bullock Tifffiny Voluntary Surrender 12/16/2003 Bumpass- McDonald Grace Suspension 11/4/2004 Bunton James Inscribed Reprimand 9/14/2007 Burch Thomas Inscribed Reprimand 5/22/2006 Burd Robert Probationary Suspension 12/7/2006 Burkley Ladson Suspension 8/9/2007 Burleson Stephanie Revocation 7/13/2005 Burns Daniel Revocation 10/17/2006 Burton Curtis Voluntary Surrender 7/16/2003 Bush Josh Voluntary Surrender 4/2/2003 Bush Melvin Voluntary Surrender 1/15/2003 Bussey Jennifer J. Suspension 9/7/2004 Butler Janet Suspension 5/7/2007 Bynum Christopher Probationary Suspension 9/14/2004 Cabrera Reynaldo Voluntary Surrender 6/13/2005 Cadena Luz Voluntary Surrender 10/24/2005 Calderon Edward Revocation 1/27/2004 Calderon Ruben Revocation 1/14/2005 Caldwell Duane Voluntary Surrender 3/5/2007 Calhoun Carnell Inscribed Reprimand 4/10/2007 Campbell Foy Voluntary Surrender 9/21/2007 Campbell Gary Suspension 11/15/2006 Sanctions issued 1-1-2003 to 12-31-2007 By Last Name Last Name First Name Sanction Date Sanctioned Campbell James C. Voluntary Surrender 9/20/2006 Campbell Robert Inscribed Reprimand 10/24/2005 Campbell Shanikka Certification Denied 4/4/2007 Cantu Guadalupe Suspension 1/6/2003 Cantu Porfirio Probationary Suspension 3/19/2003 Cardenas Paul Voluntary Surrender 7/13/2007 Carnathan Don Revocation 4/25/2003 Carnevale Nick Probationary Suspension 7/1/2004 Caro Quirino Certification Denied 5/7/2003 Carpenter Tobin Suspension 6/30/2003 Carr Robert Revocation 11/7/2003 Carrillo Isaiah D. Revocation 11/2/2007 Carruthers William R. Suspension 2/21/2003 Carter Judy Ella Revocation 1/12/2007 Carter Randal Voluntary Surrender 2/20/2003 Cartwright Kelvin Suspension 3/4/2005 Carvajal Raul Omar Revocation 4/2/2004 Casas Victor M. Inscribed Reprimand 11/13/2003 Casey John Inscribed Reprimand 11/3/2003 Cash Elizabeth Voluntary Surrender 4/9/2004 Casorla Enrique Revocation 3/20/2007 Castaneda Fernando Voluntary Surrender 10/4/2006 Castaneda Jose Luis Voluntary Surrender 6/15/2004 Castro Alejandro Revocation 11/2/2007 Castro Glenna Maria Revocation 7/29/2005 Castro Ruben Voluntary Surrender 3/29/2004 Cates Courtney Restriction 7/25/2007 Cates Joe Wayne Voluntary Surrender 4/3/2003 Caudle Cory Revocation 8/10/2005 Ceasar Denise Suspension 8/10/2007 Cerda Juan Carlos Revocation 11/8/2004 Chandarlis Gwendoly Restriction 3/23/2006 Chandler Barry Scott Suspension 1/12/2007 Chapman David Voluntary Surrender 6/7/2007 Chavez Juan Revocation 11/26/2007 Cheney William Probationary Suspension 12/5/2004 Cherry James Suspension 8/18/2006 Cherry Shirley A. Revocation 5/6/2005 Cisneros Rudy Revocation 12/10/2004 Clancy Jessica Voluntary Surrender 8/9/2007 Clark Eric D.
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