CRITICAL MASS Studies in International Governance is a research and policy analysis series from the Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI) and WLU Press. Titles in the series provide timely consideration of emerging trends and current challenges in the broad field of international governance. Repre- senting diverse perspectives on important global issues, the series will be of interest to students and academics while serving also as a reference tool for policy-makers and experts engaged in policy discussion. To reach the greatest possible audience and ultimately shape the policy dialogue, each volume will be made available both in print through WLU Press and, twelve months after publication, accessible for free online through the IGLOO Network under the Creative Commons License. CRITICAL MASS The Emergence of Global Civil Society edited by James W.St.G. Walker and Andrew S.Thompson Wilfrid Laurier University Press Wilfrid Laurier University Press acknowledges the financial support of the Govern- ment of Canada through the Book Publishing Industry Development Program for its publishing activities. Wilfrid Laurier University Press acknowledges the financial support of the Centre for International Governance Innovation. The Centre for Inter- national Governance Innovation gratefully acknowledges support for its work program from the Government of Canada and the Government of Ontario. Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication Critical mass : the emergence of global civil society / James W.St.G. Walker and Andrew S.Thompson, editors. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-1-55458-022-4 1. Civil Society. 2. Globalization. 3. Political participation. 4. World citizenship. I. Walker, James W.St.G., 1940– II. Thompson, Andrew S. (Andrew Stuart), 1975– Co-published with the Centre for International Governance Innovation. JF799.C74 2008 323 C2007-903786-0 © 2008 The Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI) and Wilfrid Laurier University Press Cover design by David Drummond. Text design by P.J. Woodland. Every reasonable effort has been made to acquire permission for copyright material used in this text, and to acknowledge all such indebtedness accurately. Any errors and omissions called to the publisher’s attention will be corrected in future printings. This book is printed on Ancient Forest Friendly paper (100% post-consumer recycled). Printed in Canada No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or trans- mitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior written consent of the pub- lisher or a licence from The Canadian Copyright Licensing Agency (Access Copyright). For an Access Copyright licence, visit www.accesscopyright.ca or call toll free to 1-800- 893-5777. CONTENTS List of Acronyms vii Foreword John English xi Acknowledgements xiii Introduction JamesW.St.G.Walker and Andrew S. Thompson xv Oi: OVERVIEW AND THEORY 1 The Globalization of Civil Society John D.Clark 3 2 Approaching Global Civil Society Paul van Seters 25 Oii: CASE STUDIES 3 The Conference of NGOs (CONGO): The Story of Strengthening Civil Society Engagement with the United Nations Renate Bloem, Isolda Agazzi Ben Attia, and Philippe Dam 43 4 Amplifying Voices from the Global South: Globalizing Civil Society Rajesh Tandon and Mohini Kak 75 5 Facilitating NGO Participation: An Assessment of Canadian Government-Sponsored Mechanisms for the Copenhagen Summit for Social Development and the Beijing Conference on Women Elizabeth Riddell-Dixon 89 6 The Arab NGO Network for Development: A Case Study on Interaction between Emerging Regional Networking and Global Civil Society Ziad Abdel Samad and Kinda Mohamadieh 111 7 A Case of NGO Participation: International Criminal Court Negotiations Gina E. Hill 129 v vi CONTENTS 8 Influencing the IMF Jo Marie Griesgraber 153 9 Civil Society, Corporate Social Responsibility, and Conflict Prevention Virginia Haufler 169 10 The FIM G8 Project, 2002–2006: A Case Analysis of a Project to Initiate Civil Society Engagement with the G8 Nigel T. Martin 183 Oiii PROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS 11 Laying the Groundwork: Considerations for a Charter for a Proposed Global Civil Society Forum Andrew S.Thompson 213 12 Looking to the Future: A Global Civil Society Forum? Jan Aart Scholte 231 13 Democratizing Global Governance: Achieving Goals while Aspiring to Free and Equal Communication Martin Albrow and Fiona Holland 251 Notes on the Contributors 281 Index 289 LIST OF ACRONYMS Afrodad African Forum and Network on Debt and Development AMARC World Association of Community Radio Broadcasters AMR Annual Ministerial Review ANND Arab NGO Network for Development APRs African personal representatives ASEM Asia–Europe Meetings ASPBAE Asian South Pacific Bureau of Adult Education ATTAC Association for the Taxation of financial Transactions for the Aid of Citizens AU African Union BOND British Overseas NGOs for Development C&G Citizen and Governance Program(me) CAFOD Catholic Agency for Overseas Development CBFC Canadian Beijing Facilitating Committee CCIC Canadian Council for International Cooperation CHR United Nations Commission on Human Rights CICC Coalition for an International Criminal Court CIIR Catholic Institute for International Relations CIVICUS World Alliance for Citizen Participation CNICC Canadian Network for an International Criminal Court CONGO The Conference of NGOs CPC Canadian Preparatory Committee CRA Credit Reform Act CRID Centre de recherche et d’information pour le développement CS Civil Society CSB Civil Society Bureau CSO Civil Society Organization CSR Corporate Social Responsibility CSTD Commission on Science and Technology for Development vii viii LIST OF ACRONYMS DCF Development Cooperation Forum DESA United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs DGG Democratizing Global Governance DOD Draft Outcome Document DDR Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration Program EBRD European Bank for Reconstruction and Development ECB European Central Bank ECOSOC Economic and Social Council EDs IMF Executive Directors EITI Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative ESAF Enhanced Structural Adjustment Facility ESCAP United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific Eurodad European Network on Debt and Development FAO Food and Agriculture Organization FIM Montreal International Forum; Forum International de Montréal FSC Forestry Stewardship Council G8 Group of 8 (heads of government from Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States.) G22 Group of 22 (now G20; finance ministers and Central Bank governors from the G8 and Pacific Rim) GAID Global Alliance for ICT Development GCAP Global Call to Action against Poverty GCS Global Civil Society GCSF Global Civil Society Forum GCSO Global Civil Society Organizations GDP Gross Domestic Product GMOs Genetically Modified Organisms GNP Gross National Product GRI Global Reporting Initiative HIVOS International Humanist Institute for Cooperation with Developing Countries; Humanistisch Instituut voor Ontwikkelingssamenwerking HLS ECOSOC High-level Segment IANGO International Advocacy NGOs IBSA India-Brazil-South Africa Trilateral ICANN Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers ICBL International Campaign to Ban Landmines ICC International Criminal Court ICAE International Council for Adult Education ICT Information and Communication(s) Technologies LIST OF ACRONYMS ix ICT4D Information and Communication(s) Technologies for Development ICVA International Council on Voluntary Agencies IDA International Development Assistance IDR Institute for Development Research IFCB International Forum of Capacity Building IGOs International Governmental Organizations ILC International Law Commission ILO International Labour Organization IMF International Monetary Fund INGOs International NGOs IOE International Organisation of Employers LIC Low income countries LMG Like-minded group MD IMF Managing Director MDGs Millennium Development Goals MDRI Multilateral Debt Relief Initiative MIA Multilateral Investment Agreement MIC Middle-income countries MPH Make Poverty History NAFTA North American Free Trade Agreement NEPAD New Partnership for Africa’s Development NGO Non-governmental organization NSC U.S. National Security Council ODA Official Development Assistance OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development OHCHR Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights PAR Participatory Action Research PDR Policy Development and Review PoA Plan of Action PRIA Society for Participatory Research in Asia PrepCom Preparatory Committee on the Establishment of an International Criminal Court PRGF Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility PRSP Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper RSPB Royal Society for the Protection of Birds PWYP Publish What You Pay SG United Nations Secretary General SMEs Small and Medium Enterprises TNCs Trans-national Corporations UCLG United Cities and Local Governments UN United Nations x LIST OF ACRONYMS UNCED United Nations Conference on Environment and Development UNCTAD United Nations Conference on Trade and Development UNDP United Nations Development Programme UNFPA United Nations Population Fund UNICEF United Nations Children’s Fund UN-NGLS United Nations Non-Governmental Liaison Service VANI Voluntary Action Network India WCAR World Conference against Racism WEF World Economic Forum WFP United Nations World Food Programme WSF World Social Forum WSIS World Summit on the Information Society WSSD World Summit on Sustainable Development
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