JID:PLB AID:33101 /SCO Doctopic: Theory [m5Gv1.3; v1.224; Prn:31/10/2017; 11:03] P.1(1-3) Physics Letters B ••• (••••) •••–••• Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Physics Letters B www.elsevier.com/locate/physletb Comments on nonlinear sigma models coupled to supergravity ∗ Sergio Ferrara a,b,c, Massimo Porrati d, a Theoretical Physics Department, CERN, CH 1211, Geneva 23, Switzerland b INFN – Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, Via Enrico Fermi 40, I-00044 Frascati, Italy c Department of Physics and Astronomy and Mani L. Bhaumik Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of California, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1547, USA d CCPP, Department of Physics, NYU, 726 Broadway, New York, NY 10003, USA a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t Article history: N = 1, D = 4nonlinearsigma models, parametrized by chiral superfields, usually describe Kählerian Received 7 August 2017 geometries, provided that Einstein frame supergravity is used. The sigma model metric is no longer Käh- Accepted 15 August 2017 ler when local supersymmetry becomes nonlinearly realized through the nilpotency of the supergravity Available online xxxx auxiliary fields. In some cases the nonlinear realization eliminates one scalar propagating degree of free- Editor: M. Cveticˇ dom. This happens when the sigma model conformal-frame metric has co-rank 2. In the geometry of the inflaton, this effect eliminates its scalar superpartner. We show that the sigma model metric remains semidefinite positive in all cases, due the to positivity properties of the conformal-frame sigma model metric. © 2017 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). Funded by SCOAP3. 1. Introduction of auxiliary fields; namely, a complex scalar u and axial vec- tor Aμ. This corresponds to a particular choice of Jordan frame In this note we comment on some general properties of the (see e.g. [6]) in which the frame function, φ(z, z¯), is the first com- ¯ sigma-model metric in N = 1 supergravity coupled to chiral multi- ponent of a real superfield, (Z, Z), whose local D-density is the plets [1,2]. In particular we discuss properties of the metric in the Lagrangian of supergravity coupled to a nonlinear sigma model [1] conformal and Einstein frames. These frames are particular cases in the superconformal approach to supergravity [3]. Different frames ¯ φ i ¯j¯ μν φ μν (Z, Z) = LCS = e R − φij¯∂μz ∂ν z g − Aμ Aν g are suitable for uncovering the physics of different explicit models. D 6 9 Positivity properties of the sigma-model metric are maintained by i i ¯ı¯ μν + Aμ(φi∂ν z − φı¯∂ν z )g + ... (1) the metric in different frames, but the sigma model metric in the 3 conformal frame can have lower rank than in the Einstein frame, = a = before elimination of the axial vector auxiliary field. In this note, Here e det eμ, φi ∂iφ etc. and we only wrote explicitly bosonic ¯ we show examples where the conformal metric is non-invertible terms relevant for our discussion. The function φ(z, z) is negative but the final sigma model metric is nevertheless positive definite. with non-negative sigma model metric φij¯. We call eq. (1) “con- In the case of nonlinear realizations of supersymmetry, the formal frame Lagrangian” because its Einstein equation is sourced nilpotency of the auxiliary field Aμ may reduce the rank of the by the improved energy–momentum tensor in curved space [7] full scalar metric. A particularly striking example is the inflaton, (see [8] for the supergravity extension). We remark that the where the nilpotency of Aμ removes the pseudoscalar partner of conformal-frame Lagrangian is additive in the φ function, differ- the inflaton (the “sinflaton”). ently from other Jordan frames. This property was important in formulating the “sequestering” scenario of ref. [9]. The physical 2. Supergravity in the conformal and Einstein frames properties of a supergravity model may be transparent in one frame but hidden in another. For instance, the example of ref. [9], Conformal-frame supergravity is the formulation that follows based on brane constructions, was naturally additive in φ. The directly from the tensor calculus [3–5] that uses a minimal set same is true for conformally coupled scalars. Other models, such as sequential toroidal compactifications of higher-dimensional su- pergravity, are instead additive in the Kähler potential K . * Corresponding author. The Einstein frame action is obtained by performing a Weyl a → a E-mail address: [email protected] (M. Porrati). rescaling of the vierbein, eμ eμ exp(σ ), such that the R curva- https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physletb.2017.08.030 0370-2693/© 2017 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). Funded by SCOAP3. JID:PLB AID:33101 /SCO Doctopic: Theory [m5Gv1.3; v1.224; Prn:31/10/2017; 11:03] P.2(1-3) 2 S. Ferrara, M. Porrati / Physics Letters B ••• (••••) •••–••• 1 ture term coincides with the Einstein–Hilbert action. This rescal- This metric appears in the large-volume limit of the Kähler ing is class moduli in Calabi–Yau compactifications of type IIA super- i strings [10]. Since φ depends only on Re z and is homogeneous of 2σ 3 j e =− , (2) degree one, it follows that φij¯ Re z = 0. So φij¯ has a null eigenvec- φ tor. Since the metric for Im zi is the same as the one for Re zi , it 1 1 3 μν follows that the sigma-model metric splits into a rank-2n − 2part eφR →− eR − eg ∂μ log φ∂ν log φ + total derivative. 6 2 4 plus a rank-2 part (3) φ ¯ φ φ ¯ =− ij − i j → Kij¯ 3 . (10) Under this rescaling we have LCS L ES with φ φ2 1 3 ¯ = i ¯j μν Notice that if we only retain the volume modulus, t, then φtt¯ 0 L ES/e =− R + φij¯∂μz ∂ν z g 2 φ and the entire metric resides in the last term, which, in this case, 3 is the full metric. i ¯ı¯ 2 − [(log φ)i∂μz + (log φ)ı¯∂μz ] + We remark that the conformal frame action is invariant under 4 the Kähler transformation (7), (8), even if the sigma model metric 1 μν i ¯ı¯ μν + Aμ Aν g − iAμ[(log φ)i∂ν z − (log φ)ı¯∂ν z ]g . is not. This happens because the transformation also acts nontriv- 3 C ially on the conformal frame metric gμν : (4) 1 + ¯ C → C 3 ( ) Finally, if one integrates out the Aμ field, one gets gμν gμνe . (11) 1 3 i ¯j¯ μν 4. Inflaton disk geometry L ES/e =− R + φij¯∂μz ∂ν z g 2 φ 3 In many supersymmetric models such as the supergravity ex- i ¯ı¯ 2 − [(log φ)i∂μz + (log φ)ı¯∂μz ] + 2 4 tension [11,12] of the R R “Starobinsky” model [13,14], the 3 inflaton ϕ has a Kähler potential i ¯ı¯ 2 + [(log φ)i∂μz − (log φ)ı¯∂μz ] . (5) 4 K =−3log[(ϕ + ϕ¯)/3]. (12) i ¯ This is a nonlinear sigma model with Kähler metric (d ≡ dz ∂i , d ≡ The standard inflaton is the real part of ϕ while the imaginary part ı¯ dz¯ ∂ı¯) is its supersymmetric partner, the “sinflaton.” As in the previous example, φ ¯ = 0. This is due to the fact that R + R2 super- ¯ 3 ¯ 3 ¯ ϕ,ϕ (d ⊗ d)K =− (d ⊗ d)φ + (d log φ + d log φ) gravity is dual to a standard (conformal frame) supergravity with φ 4 Lagrangian ¯ ⊗ (d log φ + d log φ) + = φ + =− + ¯ 3 ¯ ¯ LCS e R ...., φ (ϕ ϕ). (13) − (d log φ − d log φ) ⊗ (d log φ − d log φ) 6 4 This formula shows that the Kähler metric of this model is en- 3 ¯ ¯ ¯ =− (d ⊗ d)φ + 3d log φ ⊗ d log φ =−3d ⊗ d log φ. tirely due to curved space effects, since the two degrees of freedom φ Re ϕ, Im ϕ acquire kinetic terms only though the Weyl rescaling (6) and the Aμ field equation. Dropping the Aμ contributions one ob- tains the R + R2, N = 0theory[15]. 3. Properties of the sigma-model metric 5. Nonlinear realizations By inspection of eq. (6), the Einstein-frame Kähler metric is the × sum of three 2n 2n matrices: the matrix φij¯ and two positive Nonlinear realizations of local supersymmetry have been widely rank-one matrices, the first coming from the Weyl rescaling and discussed in the recent past. Beyond the Volkov–Akulov [16] nilpo- the second from integrating out the Aμ field. The physical require- tent chiral superfield X (X2 = 0) [17], other superfields can un- ≥ − = ment is that φij¯ is non-negative and of rank 2n 2. For n 1 dergo nonlinear realizations if they satisfy nilpotency conditions. the rank-zero example is the inflaton metric discussed in the next In supergravity one can impose constraints which have no analog section. We also observe that the splitting of the Kähler metric in in rigid supersymmetry, since they create nonlinear restrictions on three factors does not respect the Kähler invariance the underlying local superspace geometry. In this case, the only K → K + + ¯ , (7) constraints that do not affect the gauge field sector are nilpo- tency constraints on the auxiliary fields u and/or Aμ. They have where is a holomorphic function of the coordinates. In the φ the form [18] variables, the transformation corresponds to ¯ ¯ X X(R − c) = 0, X XGαα˙ = 0.
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