.el---------------------------------------------- 'J'l ';J :I: "";; 'J 0 -; => ~J ~ ~ r-J. ~ n ';J ~ "0 .... • O:J(J) ""t C. 0 -~:J ~ ""t (II WAYNE COUNTY'S OLDEST WEEKLY NEWSPAPER ... ESTABLISHED 1869 '< ~ po Vol. 116,No. 19,Three Sections, 34Pages, Plus Supplements WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER.p,14, 1984-NORTHVILLE, MICHIGAN TF • Cooke, Moraint t'o close in '85 By MICHELE M. FECHT study and consideration. "One question I have heard loud and • After a week of deliberation, the Nor· clear from people in the community is: thville Board of Education Monday 'Will the board automatically accept night unanimously approved the the recommendation of the consul· recommendation of an independent tant,''' Hansen said. in reference to the consultant to close Moraine Elemen- recommendation by consultant Keith tary and Cooke Junior High at the end Goldhammer to close Cooke and of the current school year. Moraine. s The board's decision to shut down the "I cannot emphasize enough that we school facilities sometime after the (lid not hire a consultant to make the close of the 1984-85 school year will decision for us," she added. "We .Ieave the district with nearly a year to thOUght objective analysis from an out- plan its consolidation of the two junior sider would be beneficial." highs into one middle school and the Monday's nearly three-hour school ~istricting of students into the three board meeting focused almost entirely remaining elementaries. on the school closing issue. : Monday night's action also coincides . The board approved the closings in a with the implementation of the middle series of three motions: one to close a school grade structure expected to go junior high and elementary school. the on-line at the start of the 19115-86school other to close Moraine and the last to year 'and the completion of the high , shut down Cooke. school renovation anticipated next The board discussed each motion ~eptember. separately 'Yith the administration and , • - Prior to the board's decision, school consultants Goldhammer and Harry , ilOard president Jean Hansen told the Howard. Members of the audience were audience of nearly 150 that the board's pending action was based on careful Continuedon4 Council debates action ~n school closing is~ue e By,KEVIN WILSON Record photo by STEVE FECHT While the school board was meeting Concern about school closings is reflected on the faces of parents Jay and Joyce Dunkerley (right) and John Hardin (left) Monday night to consider school clos- ings. Northville City Council debated a suggestion by Mayor Paul Vernon that it send a representative to the session to convey council's opinion of what deci- sion should be made. t- -·'-·After discussing- the suggestion for more than one-half hour. council opted not to take any action until Tuesday, • when it would offer the- school district assitance in making use of any vacated schools within the city limits. Citing the matter of school closings as one of three issues during his tenure that had the potential for "diViding the community" <the others were annexa- tion,.and downtown renovation), Vernon said he thought "there may be some of our constituents who might think city council should give them some direc- tion. There may be some in the com- • munity who would look to us for guidance. "We still have time," he said shortly I after 8 p.m.. "to send one of our I members to the school board meeting to represent the city council's ppsi· tion." He cautioned that he was not recommending any particular council posftion on the matter, though he said he thought the Moraine school closing "practically a foregone conclusion" Continued on 4 Apartment plans rejecte~ ByB.J.MARTIN township planners okayed preliminary site plans for a condominium project at Lakes of Northville subdivision the same site. AlthOUgh the price tag homeowners are glad township officials for the proposed condos was far from MacDonald 'wins big have rejected plans for a nearby apart- cheap (about $150,000 each), the ment complex. but not about the homeowners again were irritated last Itwasn't even close. It was one of the hardest-fought reasons for the rejection. And they may year when the commission extended its When all the returns were In, Nor· judicial campaigns in the state and not be glad at all the next time site plan approval for another year. thville Township Supervisor stood a Greenstein was exp~cted to do better in developers try to move in a multi· But last month, instead of pricey con- clear 6.546 votes ahead of former Can· his hometown of Canton to make it a family housing project. dominiums, Amurcon Corporation of ton supervisor and police chief Robert closer contest overall. MacDonald said The township planning commission Southfield submitted plans for a 182· Greenstein in last week's election. Mac· he spent more than twice what he had on October 30 gave a unanimous unit apartment complex on the 49-acre Donald had 17.726votes to'Greenstein's anticipated, much of it on newspaper thumbs·down to a proposal for a site. 11.180. advertising. multiple-family housing development Although representatives of Amurcon MacDonald thus replaces Judge Dun- "I was particularly gratifIed to to be located north of Six Mile and im- estimated the apartments would be bar Davis at the 35th District Court receive such strong support in all five mediately west of Bradner. rented for between $400-$700per month, when Davis retires at the end of the communities in the district." Mac·' But in rejecting the project, commis- some subdivision residents - whose year. Davis is eligible to continue as a Donald said of the result. sioners were responding less to homes range upwards of $200,000 in senior judge at the court and will do so. neighboring residents' complaints than market value - felt such a project MacDonald's victory came with huge As was expected, MacDonald racked to preliminary site plan shortcomings would be a disaster for their property margins In Northville, Northville up his largest margins here in Nor· Identified by the townShip'S planning values. Township, Plymouth and Plymouth thville. where township voters favored and engineering consultants. While the planning commission turn· Township. Greenstein narrowly outpoll- his candidacy 3,662to 1,005.City voters Several Lakes of Northville ed MacDonald in Canton Township. gave MacDonald 1,436votes to Greens- homeowners objected in 1981 when Continued OIl t tallying 6,048 votes to 5,401 in the tein's 503.MacDonald swept every Nor- largest of the five communities in the thville precinct by wide margins on h'is court district. way to victory. AN ANTIQUES and crafts by supervisor John MacDonald. Inside: T 00 many market will be held in Northvlle who was elected 35th District calls. said Mrs. 'H' of Plaza Mall this Saturday during Court judge last week. Howell. who was seiling . mall hours under sponsorship of Calendar 2A firewood. She placed her ad the Northville Community INSTALLATION ceremonies for four weeks but had to Chamber of Commerce. The an· for the newly-elected township Classified 48 cancel after one week tlques Icrafts markets on the board will be at 7 p.m. November third Saturday of each month 20 at township hall. New super- because she was over- replace the former flea markets, visor Susan Heintz and clerk Obituaries 11A whelmed with calls ... which will be held on the first Georgina Goss will be sworn Into Saturdays of the month In the office by JUdge James Garber Opinions 10A mall. along with the re-elected In· - HOLIDAY GLOW - Among tile downtown stores lavtsbly cumbents - treasurer Richard OurTown 1C GREEN SHEET: decorated for the holidays aDd ready for Sunday'SChristmas TOWNSHIP BOARD of Henningsen and the (our Action Ads Trustees meets Thursday night trustees. The township Get Results Walk from noon to 5 p.m. is IV'seasons where tWInkllng lights at 8 p,m. In township hall. 41600 beautification commission Is Sports 4C and trees form a background for Christmas gift ldeis. See Six Mile Road. This Is the last hosting the event and the public 348-3022 story about the annual walk on Page 2. Record photo by John meeting of the current board led Is Invited, • Galloway • . ( 2·A- THE NORTHVILLE RECORD-Wednesday. November 1•• t~ •• • Community Calendar ... ~ .... Co-op preschool hosts wreath workshop Saturday . , TODAY, NOVEMBER 14 wlll discuss her bookservlce. Re- Its annual Greens Mart workshop from Books Discussion Group will meet from , both old and new photographs at the VictorY,members. Those planning to at· search, Re-claim. Betty Price from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. today and Friday. 8·10 p.m. at the Carl Sandburg Library tend should meet at the OLV parking lot North Oakland NOW wll1 talk about 1:30 p.m. meeting of Northvl1le AARP THANKSGIVING: The in Livonia. For information or a Woman's Club at First Presbyterian at 5:15 p.m. to carpool to Sugarbush. Plymouth·Northvllle Chapter of the various chapter activities for Women's QUESTER WORKSHOP: Baseline reading list, cal1Zo Chisnel1 at 349-3121. Cost.ls $5 per person; tickets are 1985. Church fellowship hall. Chairman Is American Association of Retired Per· History Week in March, The Questers antiques study group will hold available at the parish office at 770 public is welcome to attend. Lee Baumann. sons will meet for its annual Thanksgiv- their annual Christmas craft workshop Thayer. ing lunch at noon at Lerights Dining at 10:30 a.m. at the home of Eileen FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 NEWCOMERS AT THE RACES: Room on Wayne Road in Westland. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS: Nor- Hlohlnec.
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