Minority Contracts Etta Jamison CHECKOUT Our Expanded BULK RATE U.S. POSTAGE Dilemma Dance Expressions Employ mment Opportunities PAID DALLAS. TX page 4 page 11 page 15 PERMIT NO. 1774 jfHmoritp ©pprtumtp iSetotf VOLUME 1, NUMBER 8 2730 STEMMONS ERW Y • 1100 TOWER WEST • DALLAS, TEXAS 75207 AUGUST 1992 LOST TRUST? The South Dallas-Fair Park Trust Fund has had problems for the past sev­ eral years, but are they over? page 8 South Dallas-Fair Park Trust Fund chairman Dwaine Caraway (at right): "It's the community's money." Total Recall Transit Woes Charlotte Mayes, Marvin More of the same Crenshaw and Diane from DART, but are Ragsdale face off as District 7 we doing all we can? braces for recall election page 9 page 8 (At left, I to r) Dwaine Caraway—Charlotte Mayes spokesman, Judge Mary Ellen Hicks and Marvin Crenshaw. h^^ ;^ From the M^3 Publisher In the Mews ^^ Whurman Jones Dallas TJteater Center Chamber of Commerce and Coors/ The Center for Community Coopera­ \\ j Publisher Willow Distributors, Inc., will be held tion at 2900 Live Oak from 9am-1 pm. If Announces Season on Friday, October 23,1992, at the Dal­ you would like to help wiUi registration The Dallas Theater Center las Convention Center. or with marketing the workshop, con­ opens its new season with new artistic The Willow Award tradition­ tact Shirley Flinn at (214) 929-1100, cxt. Churches Should director Richard Hamburger. Mr. ally recognizes individuals who have 1375. Hamburger's first season as artistic di­ make significant volunteer contribu­ rector opens with a modem American tions to the civic enhancement of Dal­ Minority Human Resources be Careful not to classic and doses with an explosion of las' Black Community. In addition to new American plays and adaptations the honor and distinction of receiving Association Bar Opportunity of rediscovered classics. Mr. Ham­ the award. Willow Distributors, Inc. Minority Human Resources burger says, "^Ve are about to embark will distribute S10,000 to the recipient's Association will hold its next meeting on a season-long journey that spans favorite charities. Dealing for nomina­ Saturday, August 15,1992 at Buriinglon cultures and centuries with brilliant tions is September 8,1992.- Northern Training Center, 600 Six Hags writing, humor, music and passion." Nominees must be Dallas Drive, Arlington, Texas. The meeting will be held from 10am to 1pm. The clearly, one of the greatest as­ The season opens on October 27,1992 at county residents for at least five years the Kalita Humphrey's Theater at 3636 with at least three years of civic in­ topic will be "Stress on Human Re­ sets to the African-American Commu­ sources Professionals." Conic and ex­ nity is the existence of our churchesand Turtle Creek. volvement in the Black community. The The six plays of the 92-93 sub­ nominee's service to the community plore the impact of stress on you indi­ religious institutions. They have been vidually, as well as the impact on cor­ served—and continue to serve— a very scription series are: A STEETCAR must be in a volunteer capacity arid the NAMED DESIRE by Tennessee IVil- service rendered broad in scope. porations and organizations. A health valued role in addressing a wide array fair, featuring trained health care pro­ liams, ANOTHER TIME by'Ronald The nominee must show dedi­ of community needs and issues. In fact, fessionals will be includt\i in the aclivi- Harwood, THE MISANTHROPE by cation to the Dallas Black Community given recent data that suggests there are ~ties. over 250 churches which serve the Afri­ Molicre in a new adaption by Neil and be an outstanding, actively in­ can-American community, it also is BarGeit, SPUNK adapted by George C volved community-minded individual. clear that these churches serve as a vital Wolfe from Zora Ncale Hurston, A . To rtominale an individual for JWJ Looks for Inpu t on link to communicate directly with large DOLL- HOUSE by Henrik Ibsen and the award, a nomination form must be LADY DAY AT EMERSON'S BAR & Un employment numbers of African American citizens. completed. Forms are available in the The North Texas Chapter of These realities served as a ma­ GRILL by Lanie Robertson. Concurrent Chamber office located at 2823 Martin with the run of LADY DAY AT Jobs \vith Justice is looking for partici­ jor portion of the fundamental planning Luther King, Jr., Blvd, or may be re­ pation and input on a conference on which went into the creation of Minor­ EMERSON'S BAR & GRILL will be a quested by calling (214) 421-5200. festival devoted to NEW PLAYS AND unemployment that is tentatively ity Opportunity News. We felt obli­ scheduled for September 12th at the ADAPTIONS in various stages of de- gated to keep the African-American Cedar Valley College Carpenter Hall in south Arlington. community abreast of issues and per­ velopmenty from readings and work­ For information call (214) 942-4236 spectives {hat would provide real "op- shops to a full-scale production, all Sponsors 'Real Estate rnade possible by a generous grant. portunit/' for improvement both indi­ Career Nighf DTWAirport to Host vidually and collectively. Our decision SubsCTibers vdW be offered early notifi­ "Doc" Lenoir Blanchard, Cedar to focus primarily on these church con­ cation of festival events and discount Valley College real estate coordinator, Annual DBE Trade Fair tickets. For information call (214) 522- gregations for distribution of The Mi­ and several area real estate profession­ DFW Airport's 1992 Annual 8499. nority Opportunity News has allowed als are sponsoring *T^eal Estate Career Disadvantaged. Business Enterprise us to record a number of successes ia Night" Thursday, August 6. The pro­ (DBE) Trade Fair will beheld Thursday, our first few months of publication. 'THE MIGHTY GENTS" gram, which is open to the public ^vill August 6, from 6pm to 930pm at the There have been a number of individu­ The South Dallas Cultural begin 6pm in the Cedar Valley College DFW Hyatt "Regency. Ross Perot, Jr., als who have secured jobs, developed Center's Theater Season continues with Performance Hall. chainnen of Hillwood Development new business opportunities and have Richard Wesle/s The Mighty Cents" Credit and non-credit real es­ Corp. will be guest speaker for the suggested that they have gained new which opens in the center's theater on tate courses as well as part- and full- event. For information call Tracy insight on issues facing our community August 6th and runs through August lime careers as loan officers, agents, Marshall (214) 574-670-i. from reading our paper. As publisher, I 29,1992. appraisers, title searchers, brokers and am very happy that has occurred. Directed by Willie Minor and office managers will be discussed. Doc Dallas Prairie View Alumni Unfortunately though, our ex­ starring Arico Evans, Stephanie Starr, Blanchard will also address the educa­ periences in trying to reach out to the Delbert Knight, Bernard Cousin, tional requirements established by the Kicks Off Annual Picnic church communities have not always Charles Grigsby, Lynus Lynell, Calvin Texas Real Estate Commission. The Dallas Prairie View been quite as successful. Let me share Gabriel, and KKDA's "Wolfman" For registration information on Alunmi Association ends the fiscal year one example: White. The play is about the remairung the Real Estate Career Night or Cedar Several months ago we ap­ members of glory gone gang—The Valle/s real estate program, contact the proached The First Baptist Church of Mighty Gents. For more information Public Information office at {214) 372- Hamilton Park regarding the prospect call (214) 670-0314, 82S5. Cedar Valley College is a number of establishing a paper stand in their of the Dallas County Community Col­ facilities for members of their congre­ lege District and is located in Lancaster. Publisher Editor-In-Chief Nominations For Willoiv Thurman R. Jones Jim Bochum gation. We were initially told that we Award being Accepted by would have to speak with the pastor Job Search Skills Workshop regarding this decision. Further we Black Chamber The next KKDA/MHRA em­ Managing editor Jason Webster were informed that he would need to The Dallas Black Chamber of ployment skills workshop is scheduled review one of our publications to n\ake Commerce is currently accepting nomi­ ..Randy Luster for August 29,1992. The workshop will ..Agaitha Richardson sure it was appropriate for the church. nations for the Eight Annual Willow provide skill building opportuiutics for We of course agreed and believed these Stiff Writer„ ..Angela Ransome Award to be presented by the Cham- approximately 100 workers throughout ..Sonia Jordan requests to be reasonable. A month or Staff Writer bcre 66th Annual banquet. The ban­ the metroplcx. Photographer „ ..Dcrryl Barnes (continued on page 10) quet, sponsored by the Dallas Black The workshop will be held at c h^^iU'.im:>m<^sii'''hm- c; uM '^^^mi -^ and etc. Third have a good study all of these questions. Review the in celebratmg their accomplishments environment. It is important to have a chapter(s) to discover any terms you with igraduates and other supporters Education regular time and place for studying. should be able to define and practice the with its annual pknic. The picnic will with Avoid loud noises and areas where definitions orally. Finally, practice take place on Saturday August 22nd there are other distractions. Last, writing strong, fact-loaded answers to at Lake Highlands Park in far North Juanita Austin review often. the sample questions you have devel­ Dallas. The celebration will begin at Frequent review of notes taken oped. Remember, if you are unable to 3pm with giveaways and prizes for in class is very essential.
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