MAR A NOVEL OF WORLDS BEYOND ROGUE SHIP — by — A. E. VAN VOGT OUTCAST OF THE STARS . — 1 #1 ADVERTISED EXPERIENCE « PRODUCTS HAVE A PROFIT MAKING BUSINESS OF YOUR OWN A LIFETIME FUTURE Man or woman—young or old, YOU can earn a steady income in full or spare time as an independent Kendex dealer. Amazing and almost “impossible” earnings can become a reality for you. Herbert Armstrong of Tenn. earned $202 in 9 days. C. 0. Watkins of Oregon sent 92 orders in one day. You have the same opportunity to duplicate these exceptional earnings. Over one million dollars will be earned in 1950 by Kendex dealers—why not let us establish you in your own bueiness and get a share of these wonderful earnings? KENDEX NYLONS REPLACED FREE . if they run or snag within guarantee period up to three months! Impos- sible? It’s true! No matter what the cause—hard use or deliberate abuse whether it is fault of the hose or the wearer—Kendex nylons are re- placed FREE if they run, snag or become unfit fpr wear within the guarantee period. How could any woman resist a positive guarantee of satisfaction when she can obtain it without paying any more than other standard advertised brands? Kendex nylons are NOT sold in stores, so you have no competition. Complete line includes everything from heavy 70 denier service weight to gossamer luxurious ultra sheer 15 denier 60 gauge. Proportioned sizes and lengths. Latest colors plus white. LINGERIE - ROBES - HOUSECOATS - MEN'S HOSE In addition to the sensational Kendex nylons, you will have a complete line of glamorous lingerie, beautiful robes and housecoats plus a com- plete line of Kentcraft mens’ hosiery guaranteed for one full year. Any FOUR MONEY-MAKING LINES pair or pairs of men’s hose that does not give satisfactory wear within one year of purchase will be replaced FREE! • WOMEN’S NYLON HOSIERY NATIONALLY ADVERTISED • GLAMOROUS LINGERIE Kendex will spend over $350,000.00 in 1950 to tell millions of readers of • HOUSECOATS -ROBES the advantages in buying from you. Almost every issue of Good House- keeping, Saturday Evening Post, McCall’s, Women’s Home Companion • S HOSIERY and Ladies’ Home Journal carry our advertising in addition to many MEN others. Kendex has advertised in Life, Look, Collier’s, etc. Awarded Good Housekeeping Seal. Thousands of orders are shipped daily from coast to coast. EVERYTHING GIVEN FREE Risk nothing! Mail coupon and we will send you, free and prepaid, complete money-making outfits including sample nylon stocking, samples of lin- no FREE gerie, robes, housecoats and men’s hose fabrics * to and everything you need to immediately start making money. Complete outfits become your PAY /OBLIGATION property even if you don’t send any business. nyion Simply write orders, we deliver and collect. Advance cash plus huge bonus. KENDEX COMPANY Oole , _ mo No money or experience needed. Mail- BABYLON 89. N.Y. ing the coupon is all you need to start Send me, free and prepaid, everything I need to make money on the road to a 52-weeks-of-the-year as a Kendex dealer, including sample stocking etc. There is high paying business of your own. You nothing for me to pay now or later and I am under no obliga- ' have everything to gain and nothing tion in accepting your money-making outfits. to lose. Name Address.... KENDEX COMPANY, BABYLON 89, N.Y. City > ' NEVERMIND THE QUESTIONS. CAST OFF Land let’s get out nK. OF HERE! J* , TIED UP 70 A LONELY DOCK INA SMALL ? SOUTHERN BAY, JEFF BELL, "TROPICAL TRAMP"IS SPENDING A QUIET EVENING ABOARD HIS BATTERED LAUNCH, WHEN. HOURS TWO LATERf SOMEBODY VHURRY THESE THINGS HEAVE 7 SO! IT WAS A f HOLD IT/ 1 I MESSED UP MY L. ARE HEAVY / ijO/J PLANT/ DUMP I’M TAKING ENGINE. HEAD 1 iPA r\THOSE platesIVover now. \ FOR THAT / DID 'WHY 1 \. LIGHT/ • YOU PICK ON LmYTUB? j LATER r ILL HERE’S ’ GILLETTES BE GLAD } f 'WONDERFUL ITHIN TO SHED THIS 'MY RAZOR BLADE YOU GO OVER BIG ON w TRAP WORKED. VEf l BEACHCOMBER .AND SOME ,GOT HERE/I f THIS SHIR THEY’RE J COUNTERFEITERS fl Lris. CAN I SHORE can’t recall plenty KEEN/ LED ME TO CACHE. J } { I UP UlothesJ A smoother, BOTH CAPTURED, tACLEAN F ,W^a csr?==j VEASIER SHAVE !) ALONG WITH PLATES. W^here?/v bell .- THE f WHOS JEFF BELL, ^ W FOR QUICK, CLEAN, GOOD-LOOKING 1 GOOD-LOOKING/CLEVEREST AGENT W SHAVES ... AND MORE OF 'EM PER BLADE ^CIVILIAN? IN THE SERVICE. I /...USE THIN 6ILLETTES.THESE BLADES , HEAR HE’S IN LINE ARE BY FAR THE KEENEST AND LONGEST-/ yFORTHE CHIEFS^ LASTING IN ALL THE LOW-PRICED FIELD. PRECISION MADE TO FIT YOUR GILLETTE 1 RAZOR EXACTLY, THIN GILLETTES PROTECT YOUR FACE AGAINST NICKS AND IRRITATION.) t ASK FORTHIN GILLETTES IN THE A ^ECONOMICAL 10-BLADE PACKAGE/ -SW.VI* NEW TEN-BUM PACKA6E HAS COMPARTMENT FOR USED BLADES Why You Get lo/iperttfear from Lee Overalls They withstand They resist rubbing, cutting and snagging hard strains ... Exclusive Lee Jelt Denim Lee Jelt Denim stands the is TOUGH, long wearing. hard knocks, friction, cut- Lee Overalls are reinforced ting, etc. It gives you at all points of strain. longer, better wear. A perfect fit There's a LEE for any build for every job Overall! • Union-Alls • Matched Shirts and Pants a Dungarees Riders (Cowboy Pants) • Overall Jackets Lee “Tailored Size” Over- alls are perfectly propor- tioned throughout. You get more comfort, better appearance. The LEE Guoronteei Every Lee garment is guaran- teed to look better, fit better and wear longer than any you have ever worn, or you can have a new pair free or your money back. Sanforized for Permanent Fit Buy LEE Work Clothes at Leading Stores Coast-to-Coast THE H.D. LEE COMPANY, Inc. Kansas City, Mo. s Minneapolis, Minn. • Trenton, N. J. San Francisco, Calif. • South Bond, Indiana WORLD'S LARGEST MANUFACTURERS OF UNION-MADE WORK CLOTHES . VOL. 6 MARCH, 1950 NO. 3 A TRAIL-BREAKING NOVEL ROGUE SHIP A. E. van Vogt 10 What cosmic irony had brought the Hope of Man back to Earth, scant hours before the planet’s utter destruction? What forces had twisted its crew into nightmare caricatures of men? Far the answers, Hewitt risked not only hie life—but the future of the race, millenia distant and beyond the farthest star! TWO POWERFUL NOVELETTES A STEP FARTHER OUT Raymond Z. Gallun 48 Knowing himself eternally lost, Harvey Vallis set out alone on man’s most dangerous journey—not to Venus or Mars, but—a step farther out! WORLD WITHOUT DARKNESS Nell R. Jones 100 The terrible Klejlllgs of the twilight world told Professor Jameson, “There Is no escape in death—for as long as the stars shall last, your life Is ours!" SHORT STORIES OUTCAST OF THE STARS Roy Bradbury 41 "You can deny a man everything but his heritage—the start!” THE ULTIMATE ONE Jobn D. MacDonald 72 It was the strangest bedtime story ever told—told when ai! Earth’s children were asleep—in a night that held no dawn! THE WHEEL OF TIME Robert Arthur 75 Master of time, Jeremiah Jupiter found a moment he could live over again—to his timeless regret! EXILE OF THE EONS Arthur C. Clarke 86 Banished to an utterly remote future, Trevindor thought he suffered the ultimate punishment—until he met the second exile—and learned that the Universe holds things more fearful even than loneliness! DEPARTMENTS AND FEATURES FANDOM'S CORNER Conducted by James V. Taurasl 6 A MARTIAN ODDITY E. E. Stuck 37 THE SCIENCE FICTIONEER Conducted by Frederlk Po hi 97 MISSIVES AND MISSILES The Readers 119 Cover by Sounder* Illustrations by Bok, Calls, Lawrence, Leydenfrost and Van Dongen Any resemblance between any character appearing in fictional matter, end any person, living or dead, is entirely coincidental and unintentional. Published Id-monthly by Fletioaeers, Inc., a subsidiary of Popular Publications, lac., at 1125 B. Valle Are., Kokomo, (liana; Editorial and Executive Offices, 206 East 42ad Street, New York 1?, N. Y. Henry Steeger, President and Secretary, vrold S, Goldsmith, Vice- President and Treasurer. Entered as second-class matter at the Poet Office at Kokomo, Sdiana. Copyright, 1950, by Pictioneew, Inc. This issue is published simultaneously In the Dominion of Canada. Copyright under International Copyright Convention and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. All rights reserved, including the right of reproduction, in whole or in part, in any form. Single copy, 25o. Annual subscription for U. S. A., its possessions and Canada, $1.50: other countries, 88c additional AH correspondence relating to this publication should be addressed to 3125 E. Valle Ave., Kokomo, Indiana, or 205 East 42nd Street, New York 17, N. Y, When submitting manuscripts, enclose stamped, self- addressed envelope for their return if found unavailable. The publishers will exercise Care in the handling of manuscripts, but assume no responsibility for their return. Printed in U. 8. A. : GET INTO DIESEL-AUTO a t MECHANICS ,h phIses QUALIFY FOR JOBS LIKE THESE: Diesel Fuel Injection Public Utilities Automotive Motor Parts Dealers Tune-Up Bus and Truck Lines Diesel Engine Rebuilding Industrial Maintenance General Garage Mechanic Contracting & Excavating Agricultural Implements Business of Your Own Auto Engine Rebuilding AND Many other similar Auto Electrical Service openings SHOP-METHOD HOME TRAINING By an Established Resident School Prepares You for Many Good Jobs Opportunity is everywhere for the trained Diesel- Auto Mechanic. Here’s a fast-growing field that needs trained men who know installation, opera- FANDOM S CORNER tion, maintenance and repair.
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