go - MANCHESTER HERALD. Monday. June 27, 19S8 % S p cd o lii Official • 9^ ■A * Board approves P M R Tim / HEATING/ MI8GEI1ANE0US school reopening /3 r ICM LD C AIIE PAPERING PLUM8ING SERVICES NAME your own price. ODD lobs, Trucking. Fottier & Son Pointing PJ 8 PIim Mr l NoaUiio A Home repairs. You s A y m s and Papering. Remo- Air C8iiilb8iilii| name It, we do It. Free Dmta» imag taanlai lUlki vol. 291-8567._________ Boilers, pumps, hot water M W . liCNWg g*]r • • • • k M W . estimates. Insured. 643- Opnlai far WiM* - MMten. PAINTING Interior and tanks, new and 0304. IfcUlUlM IMtIl. exterior. Quality and replacements. professional work­ FREE ESTIMATES HAWKES TREE SERVICE 568-S589 manship. Free esti­ 843-9049 / 228-9818 Buokel, truck a chipper. Stump mates. Coll Crolg rsmovsi. Free estImetM. CMPBiniY/ Mund. 742-8173 or 742- Spedsl consMerstlon for 9382. MISCELLANEOUS elderty and hendloapped. RimiEUN6 SERVICES o c w m a n / 647-7553 NORTHEAST D A B PAINTMG A oLKSWAGEN, INC. Cxkoflop Homo Polilhif DEUVERING CARPENTRY D6p6ftdADlD Afitf MpDfl6nO60< Rich, dean, stone-free All phMM of construc­ Low Rrlese and Fudy hwuiod. loam. 8 yards. *80 Plus Tax. LANDSCARNG tion and ramodaling, rool- r iw ■SOTHfism Also, sand, gravel, stone and horse manure. dantlal, commonslal. In- NEIL - 646-4136 L A N D 6 6 A N N d WO JOB rOOBAUU duatrlal. Quality aasur- 643-9504 Rruw Btinibi.^R6d6>6. NKWiIng. Tuesday, June 28, 1988 anca, custontar satisfac­ R«novatioiii/P1iit ptanMnQDi l6vm DMMdIoQ 6 Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm 30 C e n ts tion guaranteed. CuMom InMrlor a Kxtwlor PERSONAL SERVICES mDiimfiMfioD. PilnUne • CoMne RopMr a • CMckbMk ContrsI C a FREE ESniyiATES "Protmlontllam la Rwiow ■ Rowm WsMUng • iMsiiw Tex FraeorsflM ParaoRallzad Lawa Cara our tradamark." A m M/mM*« • • LltsSHMini liMureiKe Advice ALagdacagiag Ellington - B71-2342 Inturad ■ Ssofor Dltoount§ • ludsst Cemunsllsii • niwnclal A awat* Flannlns 742-5224 lMvem«ue« Hartford - 547-0164 646-2253 Coll Don Mosler-649-3329 Wife gives up, children safe in Florida IFAMIAND REMODELIHe CALUHAN’S D. B. Mortar, Inc. Room a a m o M , deeks. rooeng. LMC PAMTIIMI SERVICE CONCRETE •M ine, .windows and eud***- ASPHALT MAIHTENANCE Bsokhoo Mid buadonr tMvlM • haamU«ldnMI*Mi«lili By Anita M. Caldwell of divorce proceedings, Thomas care of social services officials. taken into custody and that the Driveways a Psiking Lots J 8i C Concrete patios and has been set, Wood said. ens because he is charged here •vaMblo. Caa Bob asnsnd, Jr. 140 Hilliard 81. and Nancy Concelmon Ham said. Donie said the family was girls were safe was a great relief. Jan Ham will be held in Florida » Met Wubbsrtied Crsoli SssHne sidewalks, steps and Manchester Herald only with failure to appear in Bdi.647-860Q Manchester, CT 06040 • AsshsN Ndssin • Seal Oowms driveways. Coll 569- Harold Donie of Manchester, notified by Manchester police “ Hallelujah,” Donie said. " I ’m until authorities extradite her, Manchester Superior Court to Fusy SMiiied r n t tm m trn 4058, leave message. LEASE FOR: Thomas Ham’s brother, said this Monday afternoon. Thomas Ham glad it’s over. It totally disrupted but Wood said he’s not sure when face two counts of sixth-degree mt. 648-6849 T8L. 643-6330 The nightmare is finally over morning that Jan Ham is in and Donie then called police in our lives,” he said. " It ’s drained that will happen. larceny. Usually the state does C8IIS26-244ST0DAYI for a Manchester man whose two IU«nu«lMMhig~i' IR00FIN6/ WM 00W 8 Stk. #4612 Volusia County Jail in Daytona, Florida. us emotionally, physically and Donie said he and Ham heard not request extradition for that RcRMiMtaf StrvlM AND D00R8 young daughters have been miss­ Fla. Donie said this morning that financially.” that Jan Ham and her boyfriend, charge. Wood said. HANDYMAN ing since June 16. Gary Wood, spokesman for the Horn# ImDrovtmwnt - Wotntlnw “ the girls are safe and sound,” Wood said that the Hartford Jerry Stavens, were around the A warrant for Stavens’ arrest Thomas Ham’s ordeal ended Manchester Police Department, and are staying with friends in KENNAR5— - BoftnMfitt FInItiMtf • THInw • THERmAL WIMDO¥/S 1988 GOLF GL County state’s attorney’s office Manchester area until Friday. was issued June 1. charging him Noaw MeRovtmNT Uwtit Corwtntrv - ODD JOBS - « DOORS Power Steering when his wife, Jan, turned herself said Jan Ham turned herself in to Florida. Thomas Ham, of 94 will be arranging for transporta­ "Then they got spooked and ran,” with failure to appear in court. INSUNEO SIMiie - OeeSs - awleewiwnl S ou and InttiHad by protaa- in to Florida authorities Monday the sheriff in Oak Hill, Fla., and Carman Road, and his fiancee tion to bring Jan Ham back to Donie said. According to Wood, Stavens R«e. Ins Rsl. 646-6473 WMStwtSOMn atonal mmodattna oontnelor. along with the couple’s two young N» J«S Tm Mo M Tm MmII BARRY SCANLON the children. 3-year-oId Kristen left early this morning for Florida Manchester to appear in court on Meanwhile, Stavens is still in can’t be held in Florida for any a js»«» J A aataetton of amyl or wood Laaoa Fan rMiMB| HSNOHgf H !•% SwUM OIMM DtaCMint 646-2411 fr«« tftImotM unlla Cuatom earpaniry a daughters. Manchester police Mae Ham and 2-year-old Salena to get the children. Donie said. charges by Manchester police of Florida, Wood said. The state did MtnWM M Sw InMriwtlwwl apadamy. said. The couple is in the middle Marie Ham. were removed to the 4 CwbEta a i Tn NiL BarWrSvsWnw stk. #4670 The news that Jan Ham was custodial interference. No bail not request extradition for Stav- See MISSING GIRLS, page 10 H yeiriw ilek ol oommelors not B 7 5 - 9 7 8 0 rtiuming your oWW, oMI us OMI72S-0781 Anvnnw FL00R8ANDING — Ai«|r *ww«d Mm t RMhwmm •J Floors like new ••P 8 bII Scree Bed LtaiH 1988 FOX GL MAR CmstrucUin ELECTRICAL • Spedalizlng In older floors AC HMIINIMIIM.IM.64S-1720 • Natural 6 tialned floors h ^ h n s i k T e * m'iuli' Conrad-Gordon No deal • No waxing anymore $ 1 4 1 2 4 le a f# For ELECTRICAL WORK John Virfillli - 046-5750 DAVIS CONSIHUCnON Need a new Service with 872-1400/659-8555 Stk. #4566 d ] s i s a ^ 2 8 ® (5 l circuit breakers? on plant M o m MO do«ml Chook us out In buying Whalers ths Msnolwsisr ysSow psgss 643-2711 JOSEPH DUMAS 1988 JETTA GL AC S40-S2S3 643-2711 By Chris Dahl ture consists of 16 community — Corps The Associated Press partners whose stakes in the club Laaoa Fan *185” range from the 0.05 percent By Andrew Yurkovsky HARTFORD - The Hartford owned by the Greater Hartford LOOK ING FOR c low-cost W ANTED TO stk. #4600 Manchester Herald CARO CAMPERS/ Whalers executive committee Chamber of Commerce to Aetna way to communicate your RUY/TRADE • / advertising message? FOR SALE TRAILERS has tentatively accepted an offer Life & Casualty Co.’s 40.45 A top official from the U.S. Wont ads are your WANTED to buy. Old N to purchase controlling share in percent. Baldwin, with 1 percent, 1988 GOLF GTI Army (ilorps of Engineers has not answer. furniture, clocks, VOLVO 245 Wagon 1979. 4 COX Pop-up camper. A-1 the NHL franchise from a group is the only remaining individual speed/overdrive. Air, condition. $900 negotia­ AC — SIR committed himself to allowing lamps, pointings and fed by corporate powers Donald partner. rugs. Will pay cash! AM-FM cassette. ble. Please telephone the town to continue work on its G. Conrad and Richard H. Gor­ The Whalers’ community Coll 646-8496. Looded. 644-6573. 742-6485. $22640 sewage treatment plant, accord­ INVITATION TO IID Laasa Far: don, a source close to the FORD Mustang 1967 Clas­ TRAVEL Trailer 1973. 20 owners have a right-of-first- ing to a letter to a local civilian Ssolsd bids will be rscsivsd negotiations said today. In ths Oensrol Services' of­ sic. 289 Sprint. Hard­ foot. Sleeps eight. stk. #4563 refusal clause in their partner­ aide to the Army. Good condition. S2500. Further details were to be ship agreement, but it wasn’t fice, 41 Confer St., Manches­ A u t e m o t l v e top. Must sell. Best Richard Roach, fhe chief of ter, CT until JULY «, 19SS at otter. 569-0370. Coll 643-1814. revealed at a 2:30 p.m. news immediately clear how it would 11:00 o.m. fo r the followlne: enforcement of the Ctorps of RENAULT LeCor 1981 conference at the Sheraton- be affected by the proposed sale. 19M VANASON CARPER Engineers’ New England div­ (1) COLD MILLING TOWN Hatchback. 2 door, 4 Hartford Hotel. Neither Conrad The executive committee met STREETS ision. said today that he drafted a CARS speed, sunroof, great INVITATION TO BID nor Howard Baldwin, the team’s Monday for the second time in a (2) PURCHASE OF ONE (1) stereo. Runs well. Ideal letter Monday only apprising FOR SALE Ssolsd bids will bs rscsivsd current chairman and managing week to consider bids from the NEW CRACK A JOINT for student. $650. 649- Laasa Fan Nathan Agostinelli. the state’s In ths General Ssrvicss' of­ *365“ general partner, accepted tele­ Conrad-Gordon group and Colon­ SEALING RUBBERIZED 1981 CHEVY Wagon. Air, 5323. fice, 41 Center St., Manches­ civilian aide to secretary of the ASPHALT KETTLE phone calls seeking comment this ial Realty Co. of West Hartford, Automatic, AM/FM, ter, CT until 11:00a.m.
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