oQor ooorer 06or q6erca qtut6t6t q6tqe {e'Erur6r6r a6eoro 6016r qGorng orei, geeoeer- Government of Odisha 98QooQ General Administration & Public- Odisha Secretariat Grievance Department Sachibalaya Marg Bhubaneswar-751001 N" p5Eg6 /Gen,dt a3 -c1* &otg GAD-CM R F-P RO P- OOO2-20 1 9 From Shri N. K Sethi Officer on Special Duty To The Branch Manager, State Bank of lndia, Forest Park Branch, Bhubaneswar Sub: Release of Rs. 60,55,000/- (Rupees Sixty Lakh Fifty Five Thousand) only . out of Chief Minister's Relief Fund S.B A/c No.10566116417 Sir, Please remit a sum of Rs. 60,55,000/- (Rupees Sixty Lakh Fifty Five Thousand) only in favour of 20 nos. of Collectors through NEFT/ Transfer as per "Annexure-1" and debit the amount from Chief Minister's Relief Fund account for to 99 nos of beneficiaries of the State (list enclosed). 7.Ng--' Under Secr6tary to Govt. ?6s11 /Gen Date &3 -o1- po/I Copy forurrarded to the Collector, Jajpur / Khurda / Kendrapara I Ganjam / Puri / Cuttack / Keonjhar / Balasore / Bhadrak / Sambalpur / Dhenkanal / Balangir / Subarnapur / Mayurbhanj / Nayagarh / Angul / Kalahandi / Jagatsinghpur / Bargarh / Raygada for information and necessary action. A statement showing detailed address of the beneficiaries, amount sanctioned in each individual case is enclosed herewith. They are requested to intimate the beneficiaries and to disburse the amount immediately to the beneficiaries on proper identification and furnish utilization certificates to G.A & P.G (CMRF) Department for record in CMRF account. The above Collectors are requested to check duplication of sanction amount and obtain an undertaking to the effect that the beneficiaries have not availed any assistance for his / her treatment from any other sources like PI\4P{RVOSTF before payment \|.t$,af:"tr'wl1 9t5%iEn sfl Memo r.r.. J 5 81 E rGen. Date p: - oq Copy forurarded to the Additional Secretary to Chief Mi / C.M.G.C, BBSR / Joint Secretary to Govt, OSTF, Health & F.W persons concerned for information. 'in?&r"1'ul Officer on 1 ll 2il Annexure-1 DISTRICT ACCOUNTS DETATLS FOR NEFT/ TRANSFER NO. OF AMOUNT PERSONS TO BE TO BE REMITTED ACCOUNT NAME OF ACCOUNT NO. tFsc ASSISTED NAME OF BENEFICIARY THE BANK Kendrapara 07 3,90,000/- Collector. Kendrana 30283575018 s8tN0010241 SBI Ganjam 10 6,35,OOOI- Collector, Ganjam 33271270928 sBtN00000ss Puri SBI 09 5,25,OOOI- Collector, Puri 3320279s979 s8tN0000158 SBI Balasore 06 J,55,OO0/- Collector, Balasore ?1)An)R"n)o s8tN0000016 Bhadrak SBI 06 3,50,000/- Collector, Bhadrak 11AO?lnEL)^ s8rN0000036 sBr Sambalpur 02 2,OO,OOOl- Collector, Sambalpur 30296735159 s8rN0007307 car Balangir 02 I,to,ooo/- Collector, Balangir 30285118549 s8tN0000045 )uDarnapur 01 75,OOO/- Collector, Subarnapur 30285558444 s81N0001085 SBI tYtdyurt,nan 02 1,75,OOOl- Collector, Mayurbhanj L1043408758 s8rN0000027 Nayagarh 07 3,50,000/- Collector, Nayagarh 3322433179s s8tN0000143 sBt Kalahandi o2 l,35,OOO/- Collector, Kalahandi 302933326s2 s8rN0000039 sRt Dargarn 01 75,OOO/- 9o_!9cto!.a-1ryxrh 33797436923 sBrN000002s Raygada 01 lBr 10,000/- Collector, Rayagada 33329189024 s8rN0000159 sBr U4 3,00,000/- CANARA Collector, Jajpur 4923101000961 cNR80004923 RANI( Nnuroa 25 14,60,O0O/- ALLAHABAD Collector, Khurda 2121868308s A1tAo210575 BANK 03 1,g5,OOOI- Collector, Cuttack 22020770012260 uc8A0002202 UCO BAN( Keonjhar 01 55,000/- ALLAHABAD Collector, Keonjhar 21s38754360 ALLAO2t2217 BANK Dhenkanal 05 4,O5,OOOI- CANARA Collector, Dhenkanal 0339101114186 cNR80000339 RANK Angut 03 2,L5,0O0/- Collector, Angul 05790110001004 uc8A0000579 UCO BANK Jagatsinghpur 01 50,0OO/- qo_!!g$g! legglr' nsh p u r 20750100001711 ucBA000207s UCO BANK TOTAL rJ oUr55rUUU/ 9Na^- to Government Officer .$B;3 1i t1 N.B: Sanction orders are avaitable in the CMRF website- https ://cm rfod is ha.qov. i n LIST OF THE BENEFICIARIES SL. Mode of Name & Address of the Beneficiary Amount (Rs) No. Disbursement Antaryami Sahu, S/o- Late Mahendra Kumar Sahu, Through the At- Mulisaragada, Po- Taharpur, PS- Korai, concerned 1 Dist- Jaipur 1,00,000 Collector Sulochana Nayak, Through the Wo- Late Dhruba Nayak, At- Kuanarda, concerned 2 Po- Nuaqaon, PS- Korai, Dist- Jaipur 45,000 Collector Smruti Ranjan Nath, Through the S/o- Surendra Nath, At- Dhabalahar, concerned 3 Po- Bainchua, PS- Balianta, Dist- Khurda 70,000 Collector Malatilata Nanda, Wo- Hemanta Kumar Nanda, Through the At- Kalamatia, Po- Kaipada, concerned 4 'PS- Bari, Ramachandrapur, Dist- Jajpur 70.000 Collector Basanta Kumar Sahu, Through the S/o- Late Dukhishyam Sahu, concerned 5 At/Po- Balakati, PS- Balianta, Dist- Khurda 75,000 Collector Pritilipsa Nayak, Through the D/o- Prabhat Kumar Nayak, concerned 6 At/Po- Sahaspur, PS- Banpur, Dist- Khurda 25.000 Collector Sambit Kumar Nayak, Through the S/o- Sakrajit Nayak, At- Deulasahi, Po- concerned 7 Olaver, PS- Rajkanika, Dist- Kendrapara 10.000 Collector Jageswar Jagadev, Through the S/o- Late Rajkishore Jagadev, At/Po- Mota, concerned 8 PS- Jankia, Dist- Khurda 75,000 Collector Kartik Swain, Through the S/o- Bhajaram Swain, At- Mayangi, Po- concerned I Asurabandha, PS- Surada, Dist- Ganjam 75,000 Collector Rabinarayan Jena, Through the S/o- Gagan Jena, At- Matamatpur, Po- concerned 10 Chapamanik, PS- Brahmagiri, Dist- Puri 1,00,000 Collector Santanu Kumar Nayak, Through the S/o- Paramananda Nayak, At- Gotara, concerned 11 Po- Gopata, PS- Mahanga, Dist- Cuttack 60,000 Collector Chittaranjan Mahakud, S/o- Late Raghunath Mahakud, Through the At- Kalanda, Po- Parjanpur, PS- Raisuan, concerned 12 Dist- Keonihar 55,000 Collector GtQr) Renubala Sahoo, Through the /,: Yf o Wo- Bulukishore Sahoo, At- Mathasahi, concerned : E C i 13 Po- Kanti, PS- Pipili, Dist- Puri 65,000 Collector I= \ 7 Santosh Kumar Das, Through the 5-) S/o- Umakanta Das, At- Tiladapada, Po- concerned tlq@:' 14 Sudhakusumi, PS- Kamarda, Dist- Balasore 20,000 Collector B. NilamaniAchary, Wo- B. Prakash Rao Achary, Through the At- Ankuli Mundi Sahi, Berhampur, concerned 15 ?o- Ankuti, PS- B. N ?ur,Dlst.Qq!le11_ 80,000 Collector Jogesh Prasad Dhal, Through the Sio- Arjun Chandra Dhal, At- Dakhinabad, concerned 16 Po/PS- Bhandaripokhari, Dist- Bhadrak 75,000 Collector Rajesh Ray, S/o- Dharmadas Ray, At- Bangalipada, Through the Badabazar, Po/PS- Khetraj pur, concerned 17 Dist- Sambalour 1,00.000 Collector Pranita Panigrahy, Through the Wo- Ashok Kumar Das, At- Niranjan concerned 18 Nagar, Aska, Po/PS- Aska, Dist- Ganiam 95,000 Collector Angad Biswal, Through the S/o- Rohit Biswal, At/Po- Anlabereni, concerned 19 PS- Tumusinga, Dist- Dhenkanal 25,000 Collector Dipabali Meher, Through the Wo- Sukadev Meher, At- Kaudia, po- concerned 20 Barpadar, PS- Patnagarh, Dist- Bolanoir 10,000 Collector Lalit Kumar Meher, 1,00,000 Through the S/o- Sukadev Meher, At- Kaudia, po- (Additional concerned 21 Barpadar, PS- Patnag_arh, Qist- Bolang_ir assistance) Collector tsasanta Kumar Maharana, S/o- Late Parakhit Maharana, Through the At- Pankalipalli, Po- Ankoti, PS- B. N. pur, concerned 22 Dist- Ganiam 80,000 Collector Prasanna Kumar Sahoo, F/o- Master Sachin Kumar Sahoo, Through the At- Patharkhamba, Po- Muktapasi, concerned 23 PS- Kamakhyanagar, Dist- Dhenkanal 1.00,000 Collector B. Rama Rao Patro, Through the S/o- B. Dandapani Patro, concerned 24 At/Pg/PS- Aska, Dist- Ganiam 30,000 Collector Pratap Kumar Mohanty, Through the S/o- Late Bhaskar Mohanty, At- Gudianali, concerned 25 Po/PS/Dist- Dhenkanal 70.000 Collector Parbati Mahalik, D/o- Dayanidhi Mahalik, At- Kabera, Through the Po- Kabera Madhapur, PS- Gondia, concerned 26 Dist- Dhenkanal 50,000 Collector Gourahari Samal, Through the S/o- Late Banchhanidhi Samal, At- Arasa, concernedr\ 27 Po/PS- Rajkanika, Dist- Kendrapara 40.000 Collector { ,/ Bimbadhar Das, Through the S/o- Biswanath Das, At/Po- Damanbhuin, concerned It8'gr- 28 PS- Jankia, Dist- Khurda 1,00,000 Collector /, rl c Bamadev Sahoo, Through ur" I;f le S/o- Late Bhimasen Sahoo, At/Po- { concerned p s, 29 Khadipada, PS- Puri Sadar, Dist- puri 1,00,000 Collector \ f,1 orprr.,$- Jyoti Ranjan Patra, Through the S/o- Jayram Patra, At/Po- Charbhata, concerned 30 PS- Tarbha, Dist- Subarnapur 75,000 Collector 15,000 Subashini Nayak, (To be released in Through the Wo- Pankaj Nayak, At/Po- Sikula, f/o the NoK of concerned 31 PS- Purusottampur, Dist- Ganiam deceased patient) Collector Anjana Behera, Through the Wo- Bhaskar Behera, At/Po- Naguan, concerned 32 PS- Bhandaripokhari, Dist- Bhadrak 60.000 Collector Dushasan Behera, Through the S/o- Narahari Behera, At- Kankara, concerned 33 Po- Palikiri, PS- Dhamnagar, Dist- Bhadrak 25,000 Collector / Debabrata Behera, Through the S/o- Jogendra Behera, At- Pingu, Po- concerned 34 Nudadiha, PS- Kaptipada, Dist- Mayurbhani 75,000 Collector Sk. Akash Ali, Through the S/o- Late Sk. Jenal, At- Raisuan, Po- concerned 35 Haladipada, PS- Basta, Dist- Balasore 75.000 Collector Sarat Chandra Satpathy, S/o- Late Parsuram Satpathy, Through the At- Gopalmal, Po- Budharaja, concerned 36 PS- Ainthapali, Dist- Sambalpur 1,00.000 Collector Purna Chandra Sethi, Through the S/o- Basanta Sethi, At/Po- Ghatikia, concerned 37 PS- Khandagiri, BBSR, Dist- Khurda 45,000 Collector Laxman Pradhan, Through the S/o- Late Madhab Pradhan, At- Jalavar, Po- concerned 38 Sagadabhanga, PS- Jankia, Dist- Khurda 1,00.000 Collector Haribandhu Sahoo, Through the S/o- Lingaraj Sahoo, At/Po- Aragul, concerned 39 PS- Jatni, Dist- Khurda 75.000 Collector Satyabhama Behera, Through the Wo- Dhani Behera, At- Balipatpur, concerned 40 Po- Bhusundpur, PS- Tanqi, Dist- Khurda 75,000 Collector Prasanna Kumar Malik, S/o- Late Dhruba Charan Malik,
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