2nd January, 1961. A Quarterly Meeting of the Council was held this day in the Counoil Chamber, Municipal Buildings, at half-past seven o’clock p.m., the Members present being:- His Worship the Mayor, Councillor James Morris, in the Chair; Aldermen;- Kevin C. Morris., John Cullimore, John O’Flaherty, and Nicholas P. Corish; Councillors:- Patrick Doran,, Edward Hall, John Howlin, Patk. Cullen and Thomas F. Byrne. In attendance:- The Town Clerk, Borough Fr ■■yor and Borough Accountant. MINUTES On the motion of Councillor Byrne, seconded by Alderman Corish. the minutes of meeting of 5th ultimo, a copy of which had been circulated with the agenda for the present meeting, were taken as having been read, approved and signed by the Mayor. SYMPATHY Before the business of the meeting commenced Councillor Byrne moved that the sympathy of the Corporation be extended to the Kelly family of KillinicV on the tragic death of thoir daughter by drowning at Wexford Quay during Christmas week. Councillor Howlin seconded the motion which was supported by all the Members present, by the Town Clerk and adopted in respectful silence. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Acknowledgments of votes of sympathy passed at l^st meeting were received from His Lordship the Bishop of Ferns5 acknowledging receipt of the sympathy of the Corporation on the death of the Very Rev. Patrick Doyle, P.P., Kilmore; Dr. James Ryan., Minister' of Finance, acknowledging the Council’s resolution of sympathy on the death of his brothery from Alderman Kevin Morris, acknowledging the Council:s repression of sympathy on the death of his brother; and from Mr. James J. Stafford, Cromwellsfort, acknowledging receipt of the sympathy of the Council on the death of his sisterD UNDERDEVELOPED AREAS ACTS With reference to minntes of last mooting when a resolution of protest was adopted against the unfair discrimination to industrialists proposing to start industry on the east coast compared with those prepared to establish industry west of the Shannon and calling for equal treatment for all areas; a letter was read from the Minister for Industry and Commerce acknowledging receipt of the Council’s resolution. A letter was also read from the Enniscorthy Industrial Development Co- Operative Society Limited offering their full support to the Corporation in their efforts to have the Underdeveloped Areas Acts repealed especially in view of their effect on County Wexforde This matter was discussed at length and it was eventually decided to convene a meeting of representatives of all Bodies in the County interested in the industrial development of the County to be held in the Municipal Buildings on Monday, 9th©: instant, Wexford at 8-00 p«m.; Borough the following CouncilBodies were suggested;- The Wexford Chamber of Commerce; The Wexford Trader Council; ~ cr\ ~ 2nd January, 1961 a The Enniscorthy Urban District Council; Tho Now Ross Urban District Council; Gorey Town Commissioners; Wexford County Council; Enniscorthy Development Association; The Chamber of Commerce,. New Ross; The Chamber of Commerce, Enniscorthy; The Chamber of Commerce, Gorey, It was also decided that a copy of the Council7s resolution of December be forwarded to the Secretary of tho Association of Municipal Authorities of Ireland for inclu­ sion on the agenda for their next, meetingr DERELICT SITES There was submitted to the meeting a copy of circular P.L. l/60, under date of the 7th ultimo, from the ’--er for Local Government on the subject of Grants for the clearance of Derelict's Sites and tho provision of public amenities together with a memorandum on the procedure to be adopted to obtain such grants. Copies of these documents had been circulated to the Members with the agenda for tho present meeting <, After some discussion it was unanimously decided that available reports on Derelict Sites in the town should be brought up to date for consideration by the Council so that they would be in a position to take immediate action when the Derelict Sites Act, 1960,and the necessary Regulations thereunder were available, LAND AT WHITEMILL AND NEWTOWN V/ith reference to minutes of 6th August last when a revised offer of £500 was received from Mr. John Sinnott of Laurel Hill for approximately 1l acres of land at Newtown and Whitemill and it was decided that the necessary steps be taken to comply with the law relating to the disposal of Corporate property, it was now reported that these steps had been toxen. Before proceeding to deal with the matter on the agenda, however, the following communication from the County Manager was readj- ,rWith reference to item No. 4 on tho agenda for the meeting on 2nd instant I feel it is my duty to brin^ the following to the notice of tho Corporation^ viz*?- 1. The land in question was purchased with other land in the area some years ago v-r consent of t&e Corporation and the sanction of the Minister for tho purpose of providing housing sites to meet the future needs of persons for whom the Cor­ poration would havo to provide houses; 2. It has always been the policy of the Corporation to build a3 far as possible on sites near to tho Town contre and for the past few years more convenient sites have been available at William Street,, Fisher’s Row and John Street which the Cor­ poration acquired compulsorily; 5. Apart from the John Street Site (on which building will commence as soon as sanction to plans and estimates is received) the only other suitable sites of any size in the possession of tho Corporation are those at Whitemill and Slippery Greon. 4. On the basis of recent information there would appear to be 216 families living in unfit dwellings who aro in need of re­ ©:housing Wexford apart from those Borough who would othorwise Council qualify; 5. In these circumstances tho Corporation havo still considerable - 3 - 2nd January, 1961. housing needs to meet in the years ahead and it is my opin­ ion that any suitable sites in the Corporations pessession for these purpuses should be retained for the purpose for which they were acquired, furthermore the land at Whitemill cost the Corporation approximately £1,300 and the proposal to dispose of it will involve a loss of approximately £800. If disposed of it should not be sold for a lesser figure than was paid for it and any funds thus mado available could be used to roduoe the loan balance still outstanding in respect of the original transaction. It is further rny opinion that if the Council act:'* g in pursuance of the exercise of their reserved functi„ns decide to proceed with the disposal of the land at Whitemill for £500 the names of Members voting for such a proposal would have to be recorded for the purposes of Section 16 of tho City and County Management (Amendment) Act, 1955, and could incur a surcharge for the amount so lost. The fact that the Corporation disposed of land aoquired ^y agreement for housing purposes could be used as an argument against any further compulsory acquisition of land for the same purpose." Arising out of this matter Alderman Morris suggested that a plot of land Batt Street could be acquired for tho sum of £2,300 but the Town Clerk pointed . ut that tho £2,300 roferred to by the Alderman merely consisted of the interest of one person and that to acquiro all the land necessary to givo the Corporation a fee simple title would cost close on £5,000. The Borough Surveyor stated that approximately 30 housos only could bo built on the Batt Street site which would make 'he acquisition of land and tho final all-in cost of the housos prohibitive. Aftor some discussion it was unanimously agreed, on the motion of Councillor Doran, seoonded by Alderman Corish, that the land at Newtown be held by the Council# JOHN STREET HOUSES Councillor Howlin asked what was the position regarding the erection of houses at John Street. The Town Clerk replied that under date of 9th September last the Minister for Local Government approved in principle the erection of 30 houses at John Street . He considered the estimated oost was high and the figures should be re-examined in che light of changes in the cost of materials and wages since 1958 when it was pre­ pared. The Minister also stated that his technical advisers would be available to advise the Corporation^ teohnioal advisers in this regard. The Town Clerk further stated that on the 18th October ho had aommunicated with the Department intimating shat a revised estimate had been prepared and the Corporation*s technical advisers '/.’ore now ready to meet the Minister*s advisers and requesting an appointment. Following the Town Clerk*s letter an Inspector from the Department had visited /oxford and discussed the plans, specification and estimate with the Borough Surveyor rind Housing Engineer. As a result of this meeting,which was held on the 3rd Tovembor, alterations were made to the plans and a revised ostimate was given to tho Jcpartment under date of the 5th Secomber, This estimate amounted to £51,310 or J..,710 per house. During Christmas week the Inspeotor had again discussed the jstimates with tho County Manager, Housing Engineer and Town Clork in the light of abour costs but no dooision had yet been received from tho Department regarding tho ouilding of the dwellings# Hs (Town Clerk) had telephoned tho Department this morn­ ing and had been informed that some information was being proparod in conneotion with che Scheme and tho Officer to whom he had been speaking stated that if ho had any definite word ho would *phome him before 5-00 this evoning but he (Town Clerk) had received no message.
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