If you sccl( 11 clc llgl,tful Jlcl!m mlct, lool( 11hoat yc111 -Motto of M1ch!gan 12 PAGJ~H THRfE rNGHAM PIONEfRS ARE ClAIMED BY DfATH CONSUMERS TO EXTEND MASON \VOMbN ANil LIJI•,N ~IAN' ,\JCI~ ( ALJ,J,II RURAl POWER SERVICE AIIOIJ I 10 ~IIJ.J'S 1'1, \NNLU I Olt ~liM lllllii'S Sllltfl r, MIH Ohullulll (II Sl'ltiNit IIIJILIJINio. II IlLII uud JP,clsun ltullt llltl A I Home s Bill lu~ I'ILSI Wt•c I' I h• e< long lim 1 esld nlH ol Transient Onion Labor Makes Relief Problem IU~L!ml' IN\'gs riGA I Olt VL \I~IS l'IIIIW NOT ON \\I'A .i -: sl Girl Four Years Old i Has First Anniversary I --- ! Joanne Lyon has beenv.aillng al- . most four years to celebrate her first bh thday anniversary She will observe the cay Satm day, Febru· .,.: u1 y 29 Joanne was born on the last day of February 111 the 1932 leap year and While almost fout years old has not had a birthdn~· ./ anniversary as yet After Febru- .I aty 29 she wlll have to walt anoth· er four years for her next birthday . [ party I Joanne 1s the daughter of "Mr I I aud Mrs Phil Lyon who reside three miles southwest of Leslie on sl a farm She hns a sister, Jenn, I ENTER SPEEOII CONTEST . eight years old, who never misses n birthday Joanne has a playmate I Mason and Olmmos high schools and faithful friend and protector In have become members of the Michigan e Tippy, a line Collie The dog guards High School Forensic association and his mistress day and night and the w!ll compete In the st11te-wide contests . girl and Tippy wnnder over the· I In oratory, declamation and extempore farm together speaking to be conducted by the asso· . Because Ielatlves are unable to elation, It was announced Saturday by be present on February 29 the an- Dr William P Halstead, manager and niversary party Is to be held Sun- member of tbe speech department of ' cay Guests from Leslie, Detroit I the University of Michigan John Ynle and Lansing are expected to help of Mason, and L H Kelly of Okemos, celebrate the four-)•ear birthday I will train the local CDntestnnts anniversary. I Pug!! 'l'wo INGHAM COUN'l'Y NEWS, MASON, MICIHGAN, 'I'IIUUSDA Y, FI~IIItUAitY 27, 19!16 What Other Editors Have to Say Vorrt,cLlug ~ho ll.tloord ta•ucled an audlunc11 of mo1·o thrm 1,- 'l'hla month has noon 11 lurg•J number 000 pornons, A much smullnl' l!l'OWd ~~EXTRA or oldorly g'{lntlmnun udda1d to the nttondod tho Nen1·1ng lucluw. INGI-IAM TY NEWS l'flnl!a or lhu unemployed; thuy ua·u It H<Jcmu to us thnt thin points to llll thoac old codgura who uuod to alt obvious concluulon.-WnuhlellllW '1'1'1· OJ Ianturod 11s socond Member l'UDLISHED EVERY TI-IURSDAY AFTERNOON IN THE ru-otmtl a hot stove und rolute droud buno, c 1 a a s matter at tales of tlao hurd wlntoJt' of 1885, 'l'holr CITY OJl MASON, MICHIGAN postotl'lce, M1111on, ONE FULL DAY staa• hus set; lhcit· famu Is dlmlntuhcd Jl.tlvongo Mlchlgnn, un d or In tho house or their frlonds. 'rhore Is Men w!ll have their a·evongu, so Mrs, V. J- BROWN, & SoN, Publishers act or March 3, nothing lett fOI' tiwm but their t•cm!n• Dolpltlno I<technmmtll' of Dotrolt wu~ V.). lli\U\VN anJ NeLSON D. IJilOWN, EJitors 1870. lsconcus of how they sneulwd nway sentenced Sutu•·drly lo aorvc 10 days -·--------·------··------·-------- 11·om homu to uttond the pcrfm•mancoJ In the Detl'Olt House of Col'I'octlon for and it's all or "'l'hc D!aclt Crook" down to Red· l!llllng her husband, after having bnon SUIJSOit[l>'I'ION ltA'I'I~S (l'll)'Uble In Advauu~o) AUVI!lltTISING UATI!lS mond's opom house. H(Jnceforth the found guilty or munslaught«~r by u • we11ther us a topic will not bo thoh· sympathetic ju1·y which rr,commmHlnd One Y"ur In Ingham rand adjoining Countles. ____ .$1.50 DIHpl!ly rldVOI'tlslng rates on nppllcatlon; Business lo· excluslvo territory; ull of us cun chip lonlonco, Silo Is also to be put under crl!S nnd mad!ng notices on first und local puges, 15c n YOURS! Six months In Ingham and adjoining Counties... .75 In oa1r tlvc cents worth. pl'Obut!on for five years, during which Uno; No roadlng or business advertising loss thnn 25c; All of us have some heroic tale to tlmo sho should rofruln from shooting l'hr"'' Months --------------------------------- .40 Crud of Thunl!s, lc 11 word; Obituary notices of 125 recite; such as tbo sud cuse of tho man any moro husbands, Before his dcn!.h FEDIWARY 29th-an extra day in l!n16 ... no words f1·ee, more than 125, 1c n word. Announcements who couldn't stul'l his Ford, although the husband mndu a statement t!mt 31ngle Coplt<s --------------------------------- .05 tho wheals were spinning nnd the rna· his wife dranl! aevorul bott.los of bPrr of ontertn!nmonts wboro utlmlsslon Is charged or of nny longer, no shorter than any other , , . and it's Outglde Ingham and adjoining CountiPS ---------- 2.00 tor a·our!ng, because the shadow of tho (that so-culled harmless beverage) the plan to rnlso funds must bo paid In advance nt rogulur car bud frozen fllst to the gl'Ound und day of tho shooting and th~n W<'n t out All papers nm!led outside thn U. S. one yeua· ----- 2.50 mtcs, hud to lle chopped loose with an nxe. and got more, and thut wblle lw wns all yours to use as you sec lit. Think of the many Up on ou1· street Ute snow got so deep pouring hcl' boer down 11 slnl! sho that when one of the neighbor women came Into th•~ room nnd shot him. profitable ways you can use this extra day. THE OTHER FELLOW'S OX siJc the jurisJiction of the superintenJents of the poor looked aut tho window she SllW her She testified she hud hud uoverul Th~rc is an old sayinr: that it makes a heap of differ· wcr_c proviJcd and requisite funds for their usc m:~dc young hopeful wltb only hls houd and drlnlts but wao not lntoxicutod, Illld For one thing, you can make this day count in shoulders stlcldng abovo 11 d!'lft. She thut she shot him In self defense. Ton cnce whos~ ox is gmed. An example of this in public af· avallahl7. The same is true of mothers' pensions, the idea rapped on tho window and cried, "Wll· dnys' Imprisonment squuros her debt your financial progress, If you have no account f;lirs has recently come to attention. here bcmg to keep the family together and permit the lie, come l'ight In hero or I'll tell your to society. It Is a sordid story and Back during the Comstock administration some _wei· w'JdowcJ mother to carc·for her flock with such assistance pu!" and Willie l'epllod, "Pa l!nows It just another Incident dun to "harm­ here, open one on the 29th and benefit by the ser­ alt·eady; I'm standing on his should· less" lntoxtcnnts. - The Cassopolis fare officials having to clo with the itdministration of the as the judge of probate Jeemcd necessary, The whole liciJ vice, safety and co-operation you will enjoy as one public :1id for crippletl and aJTlicted children and af· ers." · VIgilant. Michigan OIJ Age pension act, sought to gain for th~m· o~ In addition to veracious and easily sclws sume timely publicity hy assembling a group of fl1ctcd adults and prc·m<lternity aid is based on the same proven stories such us these there arc, They A•lt Fol' Worlt-Aml 1'h~y Ocl of our regular patrons, If you already have an ac­ iJea that certain classes arc entitleJ to better considera· of course, any number of anecdotes aged pwple in front uf the gr;111d stand at the state fail' WPA! count, make an extra deposit this Saturday. Later grounJs and there publicly and with some ceremony pre· tion than is given the ordinary indigent person. mn1·red by exaggeration, If not down­ Our nation C<llebrutes George Wnsh­ right cqulvocutlon, It Is regrettable lngton's birthday Saturday. to the ;tpplicants their first pension checks. These Were it not for this theory, now well intrenched in scntin~ that people can't sllcl! to the sober Whnt n long way OUI' people huve on, you'll have pleasure in using your extra-day public officials were very properly huoteJ off the plat· modern social thought, certainly there wouh.J be no rca· and unlmaglnntlvc truth. For In· strayed from the orlg!nul path chart­ form by an inJignant puhlic who resented that type of son for the passage of old age assistance bws. If they stanm1, we !mow for a fact that the ed for tho nation by those hurd-worlt· money, public display. must be or must become p:~upers to receive this new form sto1·y ubout tho black bass In Hough· lng pioneers who, asl!lng only for R~aders of the daily press dunng the past few days of social aid, then they might as well have remained un· ton lake getting so cold that they work, hewed a dcmocrntlc clv!llzallon 11 out of a howling wilderness of virgin dcr the pauper laws and such aid as is given be adminis· crawled out on the Icc through blow have heen regaleJ with pictUI'CS of Dr.
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