KFRU, Bristow, Okla, (374.8m-800kc), 6-9 p. m., sur- WOO, Philadelphia, Pa. (508.2m-590ke), 8 p. m., WOO prise program. orchestra; 9, WEAF; 9:35, Fox theater program; 10, KLDS, Independence, Mo. (440.9m-680kc), 8 p. m., WEAF; 11, Sylvania dance orchestra. KLDS malo quartet. WOR, Newark, N. J. (405.2m-740kc), 6:15 p. m., Jacques KOIL, Counoil Bluffs, Iowa (277.6m-l080kc), 6:03 p. m., Jacobs Hotel Shelton ensemble; 6:45, Jacques Jacobs KMA program; 7, G. H. Nelson Paint company, pro- Hotel Shelton ensemble. gram; 8, Mrs. G. R. Harrison, director; 11, Hotsy- quot Club Eskimos; Sllvertown Cord orchestra; Buffalo- WPNC, New York, N. Y. (526ffl-570kc), 7 p. m., piano Totsy hour. selections. dians. KPRC, Houston, Texas (296.9m-lOIOkc), 7:30 p. m„ Headliners Today WFI, Philadelphia» Pa. (394.5m-760kc), 7:15 p. m.. dance music; 9, Edna Adams, "the sweetheart of the Atlantic Eastern Central Mountain Pacific Eastern Standard or Central Daylight Keystone Auto club feature; 8:15, WEAF. air"; Mrs. E. E. Sawyer, classical pianist. WGBS, New York, N. Y. (3l5.6m-950kc), 6:30 p. m., KWCR, Cedar Rapids, Iowa (278m-I080kc), 12 midnight, 8:15 p.m. 7:15 6:15 5:15 4:15 Saving Time Stations S.S. Acquitanla orchestra; 6:45, Royal Arcadia or- WGY (379.5m-790kc>, "Stung/' comedy, WGY play- chestra; 8:30, Oliver Sayler "Footlight and Lamplight"; frolics. KYW, Chicago, 111. (535.4m-560kc), 8 p. m.. Federal 9, Old-time minstrels; 10:20, Royal Arcadian orchestra. KWWG, Brownsville, Texas (277.6m-I080kc), 8:30-9 Master artists; 10:30-12 midnight, Congress carnival. WHAR, Atlantic City, N. J. (275m-I090kc), 8 p. m.. p. m., Mrs. Reis, contralto; T. C. Barber, bass; 9-9:20, WTIC (475.9m-630kc), Fiddle and Bee." WBAL, Baltimore, Md. (245.8m-1220kc), 6:30-7:30 Seaside hotel trio; 9, studio concert; 11, Follies Ber- Beth Sewell, pianist; Mrs. F. Smidt, contralto; 9:20- 9 8 7 6 5 p. m., dinner orchestra; 7:30-8, Howard R. Thatcher, gere dance orchestra. 9:40, George Desha, ukulele and Hawaiian sougs; 12- WHB (365.6m-820kc), Mono Motor Oil Twins. organist; 8-9, instrumental and vocal soloists; 9-10, 1 a. m., novelty and jazz; E. C. Toothman, announcer, municipal band of Baltimore. WHN. New York, N. Y. <36l.2m-830kc), 8 p. m.. Will 9:30 8:30 730 0:30 530 Oakland's chateau; 8:30, Loew's Gates theater orches- Beth Sewell, Florine Pierce, accompanists. WBBM, Chicago, III. (225.3m-I330kc), 5-6 p. m., Eddie tra; 11:30, Everglades orchestra; 12, Sophie Tucker's WBAP, Fort Worth, Texas (475.9m-630kc). 7:30-8:30 WCOA (222m-1350kc), Pensacola Philharmonio or- Hansen, organist; 8-9, Safety play period; 9-10, Glee Playground. p. m., dance program, Texas hotel; 9:30-11, program, chestra. club harmony four, Kay Ronayne, contralto; Lee Sims, Sam S. Losh; 11-12 midnight, Mystery duo. WHAS (399.8m-750kc) "Pirates of Penzance," en- "Hi and Si," Jack Crawford's Alemite high pressure . WIP, Philadelphia, Pa. (508.2m-590kc), 6:05 p. m., f orchestra, Howard Osburn's Vanity Fair cafe orches- Benjamin Franklin concert orchestra; 7, Uncle Wip's WCCO, Minneapclis-St. Paul, Minn. (416.4m«720ko), semble. 7 p. m., WEAF. tra, Eunice Hoefer. organist. bedtime stories; 8, Hotel Ambassador orchestra; 8:30, WMAK (265.3m-1130kc), Armbruster trio. WEN R, Chicago, III. (265.3m-l 130kc), 6-7 p. m., Million Dollar Pier orchestra; 9, Hotel Ambassador WDAF, Kansas City, Mo. (3&5.6m-820kc), 6-7 p. m., 9:35 8:35 735 6:35 5:35 Raulancl lyric trio; 8-9, Moody Bible Institute eve- concert orchestra; 10:30, Johnny Hamp's Kentuckians; Billy Adair's orchestra; 11:45-1 a. m., frolic. WRVA (256,3m-1170kc) » Stutz string band. ning hour; 9-10., Arthur Dunas popular program; 11, Hotel Shelburne dance orchestra; 11:30, Silver 12-2 a. m., All-American Pioneers. Slipper club dance orchestra. WGES, Chicago, III. (249.9m-1200kc), 8-9 p. m., organ, WJZ, New York, N. Y. (454.3m-660kc), 7:05 p. m., Esther Richards, Peggy O'Neill; 11-1 a. m., Billy Hotel Madison dinner concert orchestra; 7:40, Judge, Fagan, Lew Butler, Pat Ryan, Josle Scott, Joe Mor- Jr.; First National presentation, "The Amateur Gentle- rison, Al Bernstein. man," WRC; 8:30, WRC: 9:30, Royal Typewriter WGHB, Clearwater, Fla. (265.3m-l I30kc), 8:30-10 p. m., Salon orchestra, WGY, WRC, WCAD; 10:30, Fireside Boys; 11, WRC. Frederick Hubbard, organist. WLIT, Philadelphia, Pa. (394.5m-760kc), 7:30 p. m., WGHP, Detroit, Mich. (270.1 m-IIIOkc), 6 p. m., dinner Benjamin Franklin concert orchestra. concert; Hotel Tuller; 10-11, WGHP entertainers; Il- WMCA, New York, N. Y. (340.7m-880kc), 7 p. m., Hof- ls midnight, Skylark dance band; 12-1 a. m., Gerald brau Haus entertainers; 8, Roemers Homers; 9:30, Marks' orchestra. Columbia Park entertainers; 11, Ernie Golden and his WGN, Chicago, III. (302.8m.990kc>, 6:45-7 p. m., re- Hotel McAlpin orchestra; 12. Broadway night. quest program, Drake concert ensemble, Blackstone WNYC, New York, N. Y. (526m-570kc), 6:10 p. m., string quintet; 7:15-8, Paul Ash's orchestra; 8-8:30, piano selections. musical program; 8:30-9, Curfew Capers; 9-9:30. WOO, Philadelphia, Pa. (508.2m-590kc), 7:30 p. m., WEAF; 9:30-10, Phantom violin; 10-10:10, Sam 'n' Adelphia Roof Garden orchestra. Henry; 10:10-10:22, Music Box;. 10:22-11, WGN studio WOR, Newark, N. J. (405.2m-740kc), 6:45 p. m., Hotel ensemble. Bretton hall orchestra. WGY, Schenectady, N. Y. (379.5m-790kc), 6:35-7:15 p. m., WGY orchestra; 7:15, "Stung," comedy, WGY Eastern Standard or Central Daylight players; 9:30, WGY orchestra, play, Virginia Sneed, Gertrude Keefe, readers. Saving Time Stations WHAR, Atlantic City, N. J. (275m*l090kc), 8 p. m.. KYW, Chicago, III. (535.4m-560kc), 6:30 p. m., dinner concert, Congress hotel; 8-9, "Twenty Minutes of Good Seaside hotel trio. Reading"; 9-10:30, classical'program; 10:30-12 mid- WJAZ, Chicago, III. (329.5ni-9IOkc), 12 midnight, The night, Congress Carnival. Quips that Pass in the Night; Walter Levis, baritone; WBAL, Baltimore, Md. (245.8m-I220kc), 6:30-7:30 Eulalie Kober, pianist; The Street Urchin trio. p. m., dinner orchestra; 7:30-8, mixed quartet; 8-9, WJJD, Mooseheart, III. (370.2m-8l0kc), 4:45-7 p. m., trio, John Wilbourn, tenor; 9-10, dance orchestra. Howard L. Peterson, organist; Palmer House sj'mpliony WBBM, Chicago, III. (225.3m-I330kc), 4-5 p. m., musi- players; Compton's "I see by the newspaper" man; cal matinee, WBBM staff, other artists; 5-6, Eddie Palmer House Victorians; 7-9, music by children of Hansen, organist; 8-9:30, Lee Sims, Kay Ronayne, con- all ages; solos, band, etc.; 9-11, Palmer House Vic- tralto; "Hi and Si," Eunice Hoofer, organist, Ale- torians; Jean St. Anne; 11:30-12:30 a. ra., Settin' Up mite string trio, Jack Crawford's Alemite high pres- hour; Palmer House studio. sure orchestra, Howard Osburn's Vanity Fair cafe or- WLIB, Chicago, III. (302.8m-990kc), 11-11:20 p. m., chestra; 9:30-10:15, Moss Covered melodies; 10:15- Correll and Gosden; 11:20-1 a. m., Liberty studio en- 10:30, Izaak Walton hour; 10:30-11:30, First National semble; Drake hotel dance orchestra; Fred Hamm's violin ensemble, Lee Sims, Yic Fredericks, baritone; orchestra. Maurice Silverman, tenor and WBBM staff; 11:30-12 WLS, Chicago, III. (344.6m-870kc), 6:30 p. m., Elsie midnight, Howard Osburn's Vanity Fair cafe orcbcstra, Mae Look, organist; 6:45, Maurie Sherman's College Jack Crawford's Alemite high pressure orchestra. Inn orchestra; 7, Lullaby time, Elsie and Ralph; 7:15, WCBD, Zlon, III. (344.6m-870kc), 9 p. m., mixed quar- Rose Sherman, violinist; Marie Ludwig, harpist; 7:30, tet, Zion orchestra; Mrs. J. D. Tbomaa, soprano; Mrs. Al Melgard, organist; 8:10, Maurie Sherman's College P. M. LaRose, contralto; Mark Whiteside, baritone; Inn orchestra; 8:30, Grace Wilson, contralto; 10. popu- duets; flute duets. lar music program; 11, Ralph Emerson, organist. WEN R, Chioago, 111. (265.3m-1130kc), 6-7 p. m„ WMAQ, Chicago, III. (447.5m-670kc), 6 p. m., Chicago Rauland lyric trio-; 8-10, Ail-American Pioneers. theater organ; 6:25, Wide Awake club program; 8, WGES, Chicago, III. (249.9m-I200kc), 8-9 p. m., Krue- George Simons, tenor; 8:15, Esther Dale, soprano. ger and Dillon;' Frank Sylvano, Louis Pánico; Guyon'a WMBB, Chicago. Ml. (249.9m-1200kc), 7-8 p. m., Tria- [Paradise Ballroom orchestra; Al Bernstein; Joe Mor- non duo, WMBB male trio, Vella Cook, contralto; N. rison; 11-12 midnight, frolic; 12-1 a. m.. Pánico panic. G. Harte, baritone; E. S. McCready, tenor; Old Home WGHB, Clearwater, Fla. (265.3m-1130kc), 8:30-10 p. m., Songs program; 9-11, Trianon orchestra; Dell Lampe. Woodlawn theater orchestra; WMBB male trio; Cecil Capitol theater orchestra. and Esther Ward, harmonica guitar duo; Krueger and WGHP, Detroit, Mich. (270.1m-1110kc), 6 p. ra., dinner Dillon, "The Bano. Barons," John Stanford, Bob Ben- concert. Hotel Tuller; 10-11, WGHP Froliekers; 11-12 nett. midnight. Skylark danee band; Marvelle Payette, so- prano; 12-1 a. m., Gerald Marks' orchestra. WOK, ChiCago, III. (2l7.3m-l380kc), 6-7 p. m., Tip- WGN, Chicago, III. (302.8m-990kc), 6:45-7 p.
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