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Vote Apt to Swing One Way or the Other. In view of the proposal of the M. W. HULLIVAN ' Board of Finance to reduce the an­ As the opposing political organiza­ nual budget for the coming year, the tions approach the final few days,*322 ARRESTS MADE town meeting scheduled for next prior to town election to be held:' IS APPOINTED AS Tuesday evening at 8:15 in the au­ next Monday, increased activity is' ditorium of the Enfield High School noted on the part of candidates7 of! DURING YEAR BY carries special interest. Article 1 of DEPUTY SHERIFF the warning for the meting is of both tickets, although the town com- routine interest, dealing with reports mitttes themselyes appear to be'' POLICE• OFFICERS of Selectmen, Treasurer and other showing comparatively little activi-j Well Known Figure In town officers. Under Article No. 2 of ty. Outstanding in the political de- -^. , m T . the budget, chief , features of the velopments of the week is a turn in' UriinkenneSS TODS List Political Circles Here Is evening will come, inasmuch as each the tide which is admittedly difficult! - item of the budget covers action on to measure in favor of former First I With 109 — Breach of Named to Position by Selectman William J. Hughe in his each department of the town govern­ s Peace Second With 34 County Sheriff William ment and it is these items which will contest against Edward J. O'Donnell, I provoke debate if any. Republican, and present incumbent. —568 Complaints Were A. Seymour. In addition, the town meeting will Mr. Hughes, who with his running! have two other major items of bus­ mate, John F. Cunningham, has been Investigated by Dept. iness, one under article five empow- convassing every section of the town,! County Sheriff William A. Sey- ering the Board of Education "toVur- is reported to have received very en-! 4 f„+„i „ 000 . , ELi w apposed Representative chase two boilers to be installed and couraging responses. Mr. Hughes i total of 322 arrests were made cuSol^n MoPr tS^p- used in the high school at a cost of and his running mate in his canvass ^e local police department during •of Enfield, succeeding Martin J. Tier- $3,600, End under article six th<* have pointed out that the two pre-jt'le fiscal year ending August 31, ac- ney'. ^~'mer chairman of the Demo-'question of authorizing the Park and vious years of the Hughes' adminis- c°rding to the annual report filed by W S P1 tration were in the midst of the de-1 Chief William J. Fleming with the rpntlV An^in?^"+i> !f « ^ fif"i *yground Commission to enter into Town Tnnffli i'u ^ k? • 5. ten-year lease with the owners of pression, and that those administra-i Police Commission. This indi- Internal Revenue Office at Hartford. • Powder Hollow Bowl, the idea being tions had far greater difficulties to i cates an increase of 51 arrests over The new deputy sheriff received his to place nark and nlavorminH fnnil contend with than the recent one. jthe. previous year, the total for warrant of appointment last Satur-; ities ?n that ]locality*laygr0Und faci1" Mr. O'Donnell and his supporters j which was 271. Drunkenness was have been actively campaigning and!a£ain the major offense, with 109 ar- a'= ti.„ Qts„n- „ i • j i ! The Board of Finance, at its annual STRAND THEATER ,,AS d«m™«de early meeting last week, placed the budget 33 EMPLOYEES IN CONGREGATIONS OF claim that they have an excellent!rests being made, with breach of the this week that Mr. Hullivan could at $494,000. According to discussion T D chance of election by a fair margin, j Peace second with 34. Infractions of in political quarters this week, it CARPET PLANT TO The basis of their campaign' is' re- might be moved at the town meeting °PUBLrc TONIGHT IMANY CHURCHES AT ! duced expenditures in some of the next Tuesday to cut various depart­ 5 ments. It is expected that some ac­ TAKE NEW COURSE Manager John D. Sirica Has An-iRALLY EXERCISES!"" '^-'' tion along this line will be taken in­ nounced "Dead End" As the tax reduction for the next year may be better achieved. Observers de- asmuch as local sentiment generally ~n* T1Ttll , _ J , Opening Feature Attraction j favors a reduction of the tax rate L-laSS Will Begin StudV \ i clare that the contest for first select- At New Modern Entertain­ xiuuiciitc J. ic jman is the most important, inasmuch for the coming year. If the meeting 8 stl n th j is satisfied with a small reduction it of Blueprint Reading ment Center. sent at Union Services'?. /^ . T ® , and weakness of the is improbable that any changes will -r j t-» i i • I ticket is largely determined by the | be made in the budget, but if the and Shop Sketching— In First Presbyterian I head. At the present moment they j electors present have in mind a con- With "Dead End," starring Syl- point out that there may be a slight i isiderable reduction, it is deemed like- Initial Session Will Bejv ia Sidney and Joel McCrea as the Church — Dr. Grafflin edge in favor of O'Donnell, but in lly that individual departments will Held Next Tuesday. feature film attraction, the new Is Speaker. view of a reversed current shown this ibe cut. Strand Theater will formally open Continued on Page Eight) Superintendent Elliott I. Petersen jits doors to the general public this A capacity audience was present 6 an C et pl nt HEALTH OFFICER ?Lnv +Wf ™™ ? , evening at 7:30. Another film of at the rally of Protestant churches next Tuesday evening, 33 enSyeef I fimilaV £a hbeF W1U sll0W Pat-sy <£rel" ™ E"field and vicinity at the First NEW BOILERS AT y ld R be i t of the service and production depart-l /^ TJ ? , ; Armstrong in No- Presbyterian Church Sunday eve- ments will begin a course of instruc- ^ody s ®aby' with several short fea- ning, where 16 congregations were SUBMITS REPORT es con lete tion in blueprint reading and sohp |^!' , ?P the program, represented, including those of Suf- THE HIGH SCHOOL sketchine under the direction of Har Dead End is adapted from the field, Somers, Somersville, Broad sta 1,un trill lp 1 of sa e le Br0 i old S. Neelans of the Maintenance p: " , Ji P ^ .°k and Warehouse Point, and the FOR PAST YEAR i Drafting corns and is one of the outstanding film various societies of the Enfield ARE NECESSARY This is a' course of instruction successes" of, the year. The same Christian Endeavor Union attended Dr. Frank F. Simonton ! which the company has offered au-an Program- • - -j. to be presented this eve- in a body. The large attendance and , 1 , „ . _ REP. M. W. HULLIVAN -""ii the attraction enthusiasm shown marked this ini-J rL/Stimated Cost For Re- tial fall venture as one of pronounc-j Urges Continued ^ , CHIEF WILLIAM J. FLEMING not act as both deputy sheriff and rnnni'zo+i^M Payees of the departments^mentioned special performance is schedul- ed success. pairs at Present Timel probation officer of the local court, a. mUni^atiOn Of YoUIlg wha W had no pnoi^training along g 1^1%^ Saturday morni^from Dr. Samuel W. Grafflin of White the lines covered. Its popularity may Plains, N. Y., eminent clergyman, Is $1,800 With No Fu- motor laws caused the arrest of 20 conference was held Tuesday evening Children As Preventa­ time continuous shows arej lecturer and columnist, was the turp riliarnntpp Ac 4-rk ^or driving under the influence of between Judge Leo J. Dowd, Prose­ yLrUeffort Irmade^limi^the cS un^ V ^ M" ,?n Sunday and! speaker, and was most inspirational lure guarantee AS to,^^ 12 operators were apprehend- d 0r cuting Attorney Ralph C. Jandreau tive of Diphtheria. a e a t c 6 ! ? | reckless driving and 24 taken to 20 members but it has not yet been Monday 1fa\ )r' s a ^fn ^Vlll ! Satistactory Service. and Mr. Hullivan, at which the law found possible to do so. Pnr pmmnlfl oteua uuuus, otaixuig Barbara; theme, Program, Passion and Pow- jm for overloading trucks. on the subject was perused. It ap- That the town of Enfield has had this year's group numbers 33, as fol- Stanwyck, with the jio-feature^ Wild er.' He was introduced by Rev. E. The principal disposition of the At a special meeting of the Board;cases as shown by the report was as V pears that under the General Sta- an unusuany iow prevalence of con- lows: James Albano, Biaggio Bellico, and- Wooly." Next Tuesday, Wednes Dent Lackey, pastor of the Thomp- tutes, Section 6516, it is specifically i tagious diseases is emphasized in the Brendan Bielitz, Nicholas J.
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