بسم اهلل الرحمن الرحيم English Language level in Relation to Academic Achievement among Undergraduate Medical Sciences Students at Karary University, Sudan 2014 Husam El-Din Babikr Osman Babikr BDS-University of Science and Technology Faculty of Dentistry (2005) A Dissertation Submitted to the University of Gezira in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Award of the Degree of Master of Sciences In Health Professions Education) HPE) Education Development and Research Centre Faculty of Medicine University of Gezira May2015 1 English Language level in Relation to Academic Achievement among Undergraduate Medical Sciences Students at Karary University, Sudan 2014 Husam Eldin Babikr Osman Babikr Supervision Committee: Name Position Signature Professor . Magda ELhadi Ahmed Main Supervisor ……………………………………… Dr.Wail Nuri Osman Co -Supervisor ……………………………………… Date16 /6/2015 2 English Language level in Relation to Academic Achievement among Undergraduate Medical Sciences Students at Karary University, Sudan 2014 Husam Eldin Babikr Osman Babikr Examination Committee: Name Position Signature Professor Magda ELhadi Ahmed Chairman ……………………………………… Dr.Tahra AL-sadig AL-siddig AL-mahdi External Examiner ……………………………………… Professor . .Ali Babikir Ali Habour Internal Examiner ……………………………………… Date of Exam 16/6/2015 3 Declaration of Authorship and Agreement to Disseminate Knowledge* I, the undersigned, Hereby declare that all of the work submitted in this MSc dissertation is my own work from the proposal, questionnaires designed, data survey, analysis, presentations to discussion and conclusions drawn. This work is made true throughout to in its' final shape under the kind guidance and supervision of my advisors Professor.Magda El-Hadi and Dr. Wail Nuri contribution is expected to be added by the external and internal examiners where appropriate. Nothing of this report has been previously submitted or being accepted for a degree or a diploma in the University of Gezira or elsewhere. To the best of my knowledge and belief, any material cited or coated from a scientific source is documented in accordance with the University of Gezira guidelines of bibliographic citation in the Thesis / Dissertation Format. Assistance and contributions of individuals, colleagues, and students is acknowledged where appropriate, I apologize for any un-intended omissions. I fully agree to have this dissertation to be subject to be used according to the norms and terms set by the Deanship of Graduate Studies and the Library regulations of the University of Gezira. Husam Eldin Babikr Osman Babikr May 2015 4 Dedication I dedicate this research to my family especially my mother (my first teacher) for their unlimited andunconditioned support My wife for her great support and patience My colleagues and friends My Students of Karary University My colleagues and staff of EDC faculty of Medicine University of Gezira My supervisors Professor. Magda ELHadi Ahmed and Dr. Wail Nuri 5 Aknowledgements My sincere gratitude and appreciation to professor. Magda El Hadi Ahmed, the supervisor of this research, for her unlimited support. Many thanks for Dr.Wail Nuri the co supervisor for his valuable assistance and insights leading to do this research. This study was made possible by the contributions of a number of colleagues: The administration of Karary University. Deans and registrars of facultiesof Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmacy at Karary University. Dr. Alaa Abulgasim Head Department of Public Health faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine for her useful hints. All staff and students of the facultiesof Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmacy at Karary University for cooperating so readily in the conduct of the study. The teams of data collectors who ensured complete and accurate data were gathered as far as possible. Data entry and analysisstaff in the S,C,U, Statistics department, School of Mathematics, University of Khartoum for their part in consistency checking, validating and analyzing the data. Special thanks in particular to Ms. Sara Madani. 6 English Language level in Relation to Academic Achievement among Undergraduate Medical Sciences Students at Karary University, Sudan 2014 Husam Eldin Babikr Osman Babikr Master of Science in Health Professions Education Education Development and research Centre Faculty of Medicine – University of Gezira ABSTRACT Determinants of student performance have attracted the attention of academic researchersfrom many areas. They have tried to determine which variables impact student performancein positive and negative direction. Language has been proven to beone of the most important factors in international students’ academic performance. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between English language proficiency and academic achievement of undergraduate students in Sudan. A cross sectional survey was obtained including 275 students was selected from a cluster among Karary University students, from faculty of Medicine, Dentistry, and Pharmacy second, third, fourth, and fifth year students.Inside the stratified cluster systemic random selection was done,self administered questionnairewith content analysis were used as a research instruments, to collect information regarding their English language levelmeasured by the English Language marks the student obtained from his/her final high school exam, first and second university semesters and academic achievement measured by the student’s GPA from the current university level.Gathered data were analyzed using SPSS® version 18,Data were analyzed using Pearson Correlation coefficient to examine the degree of relationship between English language level and academic achievement. T test analysis was used to correlate between demographic data and academic achievement at confidence level of 95%. Linear Regression Analysis was also used to determine the impact of English language level on students overall academic achievement at confidence level of 95%.The results revealed that English language level has a significant weak positive relation with their academic achievement, also there is a significant but weak impact of English language proficiency on student’ academic achievement, which suggests that there are other factors, in addition to English language proficiency, that affect students’ academic performance. Based on these findings, it is recommended to give a special attention to the students’ preparation for post secondary studies, improve students’ study skills and the overall factors that determine students’ academic achievement. Keywords: English language proficiency, Academic achievement, undergraduate students, Sudan 7 عﻻقة مستوى انهغة اﻹوجهيزية بانتحصيم اﻷكاديمي نذى انطﻻب انجامعييه بانعهوو انطبية بجامعة كرري. انسودان 4102 حساو انذيه بابكر عثمان بابكر ماجستٌر العلوم فً تعلٌم المهن الصحٌة مركز تطوٌر التعلٌم الطبً والبحوث كلٌة الطب - جامعة الجزٌرة - السودان مهخص انذراسة نقذ اجرذتد يحذداخ أداء انطانة إَرثاِ انثاحثٍٛ اﻷكادًٍٛٛٚ يٍ انعذٚذ يٍ انًُاطق. نقذ حأنٕا ذحذٚذ انًرغٛزاخ انرٙ ذؤثز فٙ انرحصٛم اﻷكادًٙٚ نهطانة فٙ اﻹذجاِ اﻹٚجاتٙ ٔانضهثٙ. ٔقذ ثثد أٌ انهغح ٔاحذج يٍ أْى انعٕايم فٙ انرحصٛم اﻷكادًٙٚ نهطﻻب اﻷجاَة. كاٌ انٓذف يٍ ْذِ انذراصح ْٕ انرعزف عهٗ انعﻻقح تٍٛ إجادج انهغح اﻹَجهٛزٚح ٔانرحصٛم اﻷكادًٙٚ نهطﻻب انجايعٍٛٛ فٙ انضٕداٌ. ذى انحصٕل عهٗ انًضح انًقطعٙ يٍ تٍٛ 572 طانثا ذى اخرٛارْى يٍ تٍٛ يجًٕعح يٍ طﻻب جايعح كزر٘، يٍ كهٛح انطة، طة اﻷصُاٌ، انصٛذنح نهفصٕل انذراصٛح انثاَٛح ٔانثانثح ٔانزاتعح ٔ انخايضح. داخم انًضرعًزج يرعذدج انطثقاخ ذى اﻹخرٛار تطزٚقح عوٕايٛح َظايٛح، ٔأصرخذو اﻹصرثٛاٌ انذاذٙ يع ذحهٛم يحرٕٖ انًقزر كأدٔاخ نهثحث، ذى جًع انًعهٕياخ انًرعهقح تًضرٕٖ انهغح اﻹَجهٛزٚح تقٛاس درجاخ انهغح اﻹَجهٛزٚح انرٙ ذحصم/ذحصهد عهٛٓا انطانة فٙ اﻹيرحاٌ انُٓايٙ نهوٓادج انثإَٚح ، تاﻹضافٙ نذرجح انهغح اﻹَجهٛزٚح فٙ كم يٍ انفصٕل انذراصٛح انجايعٛح اﻷٔل ٔ انثاَٙ ٔ انثانث ٔ انزاتع ٔ انخايش ، ٔانرحصٛم انذراصٙ انذ٘ ٚقاس تانًعذل انرزاكًٙ نهطانة يٍ انًضرٕٖ انجايعٙ انحانٙ. ٔقذ ذى ذحهٛم انثٛاَاخ انرٙ ذى جًعٓا تاصرخذاو تزَايج اﻹحصاء ®SPSS انُضخح 81، ٔقذ ذى ذحهٛم انثٛاَاخ تاصرخذاو يعايم ارذثاط تٛزصٌٕ نذراصح درجح انعﻻقح تٍٛ يضرٕٖ انهغح اﻹَجهٛزٚح ٔانرحصٛم انذراصٙ. ذى اصرخذاو ذحهٛم اخرثار T نهزتظ تٍٛ انثٛاَاخ انذًٕٚغزافٛح ٔانرحصٛم انذراصٙ فٙ يضرٕٖ ثقح 52٪. ذى اصرخذاو ذحهٛم اﻻَحذار انخطٙ أٚضا نرحذٚذ أثز يضرٕٖ انهغح اﻹَجهٛزٚح عهٗ انرحصٛم انذراصٙ انعاو عُذ يضرٕٖ ثقح 52٪. ٔكوفد انُرايج أٌ يضرٕٖ انهغح اﻹَجهٛزٚح نذّٚ عﻻقح إٚجاتٛح ْايح نكُٓا ضعٛفح تعض انوٙ يع ذحصٛهٓى اﻷكادًٙٚ ، ٔأٌ ُْاك ذأثٛز ْاو ٔنكُّ ضعٛف ﻹجادج انهغح اﻹَجهٛزٚح عهٗ انرحصٛم انذراصٙ نهطانة، يًا ٕٚحٙ تأٌ ُْاك عٕايم أخزٖ، تاﻹضافح إنٗ إجادج انهغح اﻹَجهٛزٚح ، ذؤثز عهٗ اﻷداء اﻷكادًٙٚ نهطﻻب. ٔتُاء عهٗ ْذِ انُرايج، فًٍ انًضرحضٍ أٌ ٚعطٙ اْرًايا خاصا نهطﻻب اصرعذادا نذراصاخ يا تعذ انثإَ٘، ٔذحضٍٛ يٓاراخ انذراصح نذٖ انطﻻب ، ٔانعٕايم انعايح انرٙ ذحذد انرحصٛم اﻷكادًٙٚ نذٖ انطﻻب. كهًاخ انثحث: إجادج انهغح اﻹَجهٛزٚح ، انرحصٛم انذراصٙ، انطﻻب انجايعٍٛٛ، انضٕداٌ 8 Table of contents Content Page Numbers Declaration III Dedication IV Acknowledgement V Abstract in English VI Abstract in Arabic VII Tableof Contents VIII List of Tables XI List of Appendices XIII List of abbreviations XIV Chapter One: INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 General introduction 1 1.2 Rationale 3 1.3 Research questions 4 1.3.1Main Research Question 4 1.3.2Sub Question 4 1.4 Objectives 4 1.4.1 General Objectives 4 1.4. 5Specific Objectives 5 Chapter Two: LITERATURE REVIEW 6 2.1 Introduction 6 2.2 linguistic skills and ability to learn 7 2.3 Testing English language proficiency 7 2.4 English language in Sudan 7 2.5 The curriculum of medical sciences faculties at Karary University 9 2.6 English language courses of medical
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