BAPTJ:ST HERALD September 15, 1968 Triennial lheme Emohases Cultivation tor commitment & 1968·69 conservation '.'WIHNIN6 Evangelism PERSONS 1967-70 TO CHRIST" "Our Ministry in Evangelism" th€ CRusadE oFthE amER1cas NORTH AMERICAN BAPTIST GENERAL CONFERENCE shakable courage in what he believed despera tely so to be a nd clo." to be right, and his advocacy of a non­ The statement was presented by Dr. violent solution to evils and injustices James L. Sullivan of Nashville, U. S. BAPTIST HERALD in society." They said also they "would A., on beha lf of a resolutions commit­ draw the attention of a ll Baptists to tee made up of ten members from the need for Christians to struggle for seven na tions. CONTENTS a r ighteous order of society in a spirit "vVc proclaim lo t he world our deep of Christ-like love." feeling that wa r as a means of per­ The resolution on evangelism -gave a manent solution is untenable, a nd we Volume 46 No. 18 wide and inclusive meaning to the believe that any peace t ha t is not word "evangelism." It noted that the based on justice and righteousness is September 15, 1968 year 1969 will be a time of special equa lly untena ble and da ngerous," the What Was That You Said? evangelistic emphasis on several con­ Committee declared in it s adoption of tinents, including t he Crusade of the the resolution. Americas in all the Western hemis­ In addition to urg ing a ll Ba ptist;; "If we each win two and t hose we win each win two more ... we * phere, and it resolved: and other Christians to engage in can win the world for Christ." "If we could just get t hem to come to "That we renew our consecralion prayer and to strive " lo be informed church they would hear the Gospel message." "If they would only P nge lo the work of evangelism-evangelism Christia n citizens in every cha nging News & Views - - --- ----- - - ----------- ----- 2 being understood to involve both the in ternational situation" the resolution realize they are wrong and going to hell." "If t he pastor would do his Editorial "Wh at Was T hat You Said?" - - --- 3 redemption of the individual, the in­ proposed: job right we'd have mor e people coming forward." "If they don't care Bruce Rich dividual's growth in Christian charac­ "We seek to give every possil.:le " W hat Can Your Church Do ?" ------- - --- - 4 if anyone is saved or not, why should I?" Daniel Fuchs ter and service, and his involvement guidance to our families, friends, w d •·T eachin g for Decisions" ------------------ 5 as a Christian in the broad spectrum constit uent conventions wit h the view Floyd E . Moore of the life of his total commitment." of developing pla ns a nd programs for We've all heard these phrases. These are not the phrases of courage, '"The Objecth·c of Christ ian Education " ---- 6 '"When is a Sunday School Good E nough?" -- i In other actions, the Executive Com­ personal reading, for family discussion hope and vision, but r ather phrases of wishful thinking, evasion of Leslie Miller and fo r church educa lional use in the 0 mittee gave attention to plans for a responsibility and shallowness in the Christian life. If we have any " Librar ies are 1flind-Expnndcrs - -------- - -- 9 hope of building spirit and under­ I "'Tcstimonials- Baptist World Congress in Tokyo July 12-18, 1970. Dr. Shuichi Matsum ura s tanding on a sustained basis as we hope, any courage, any vision to win persons to Jesus Christ then let 1967-68 God's Volunteers Team Members" 10 and W. H. (Dub) J ackson of Tokyo st rive fo r peace in the whole world us put aside these wishful t houghts, feeble excuses and rationalizations 0(len D ialogue - - -- - - - - ------ - - - ----------- 11 ''\Vhnt Hope For Tomorrow" -------- --- - ---- 12 reporlerl on plans for local arrange- in our time." and approach our oppor tunities with zeal. Le,·i Kc icl cl An amendment proposed by Dr. We The Women --- ---- - -------------- ---- 14 Ernest A. Payne of London added t he Winning persons involves a personal rela tionship. It involves friend­ Mrs. Herber t Hiller following fina l paragraph : "Further, '' Your Curriculmn-Put it to \Vork" -------- 15 ship, naturalness and honest concern. If we claim Christ as Savior of Eva Cornelius in regard to present conflicts in Viet­ Sun day School Lessons --- ------------ - - --- 16 nam, Nigeria, t he Middle E ast, and our life, any of us should know him with a. confidence that all ows us J nm es Schacher Book Reviews ------ ------ - - - - --- - - - ----- --- 17 ether places, we appeal to our mem­ to be very natural and honest with ourselves and others as we share B. C. Schreiber bers lo uphold urgently in praye1· all him through our actions and words. What's Ha(lpening ----- --------- - - - - ------ I S those working for speedy a nd just Our Churches in Action ---------------- --- 19 solu lions." Who has enchained om· hearts, ou1· minds our lives making t hem Obituaries ---- - ----- --- --- ----------------- 23 SOUTHERN BAP'.l'ISTS DEVE LOP useless for Christ ? Satan? Yes. Wha t did he use to bind your life ? NATIONAL LEADERSHIP Pride, selfishness, doubt, excuses, fear? Tubma n were h IN VIBTNAl\f * 5 and ¢r · at a State Din° Sts to the What shall free us from t hese cha.ins of sin? It will not be by our m~nts . A prng~·am committee was a p­ R ICHMOND, VA. (EP)-Develop­ Semi-mon thly Publication of the d e l egll t~ Se Mansion. l)l'!l' in the p~mled by Al liance President Tolbert ment of nationa l leadership is t he most own strength or will. But with a desire for change in our lives and t he NORTH AMERICAN BAPTIST Executiv' Jbert said at the r· with Mrs. R. L. Ma t~is of Binning~ notewort hy aspect of t he worl< of 0 life of the church, we can, through t he power of Jesus Christ wor kino-o GENERAL CONFERENCE Dr. 1' u1a t in _a w?rld Of l ts ~ dinner ham, U.S.A., as committee chairman. Viet nam Ba ptist Mission according to meeti11 li\ ideologies, it is th ~l'1 ses and Two delegates from Romania \·vere a spokesman for the So~th e rn B aptist in yielded lives, be freed. 7308 Madison S treet differe~ tia ns irrespective of e duty of welcof!!ed- the first time any reprc­ project. F orest P ark, Illinois 60130 all CJ1f15 trive to bring Paga_n denomi_na­ selltat1ves from this Eastern European Mrs. Ronda! D. Merr ell Sr., bring­ As a result of Christ empowered li ves we shall hear among our John B inder , Editor 5 tion to. is ts to the glory ofs, a t heists country had been privileged to attend ing to a close her a s sign~e nt as mis­ fell owship of believers phrases like these, "Today I was able to talk and t)lllf;berian Baptists Pr God. a B.W.A. meeting in many years. Th sion publicity chairman made her re­ with a friend about Christ." "Yesterday I met a stranger and was able The $1000 lo Alliane esented a were lochim T~unea, -general secreta~~ port on progress to ' the mission's checl< ford fo'r world r elief e officials, of. the_ Roma n_1 an. Baptist Union, and to say a word to him and give him a t ract ." "I had the t hrill of being * use · eighth annual meeting in Danang. The to be . ent Tubma n said t N1cola1 Kovac1, vice president of the report was released here t hrough t he used by God to bring anot her to the Savior." Will phrases like this union. They report a membership f THE BAPTIST H ERALD ls a publication o! Presid the Ba ptist WorJcthe fe_llow­ denomina tion's F oreign Mission Board. resound in yom· life, your church, your denomination during the year the North American Baptist General Con­ ship o~ committee in L · Alliance 120,00~ in their country's Baptist C ~ - Two Vietna mese Ba ptist past~ rs ference with headquarters a t 7308 Madison gregal!ons. o before us? St Forest Park, Illlnols. It also main tains Executive occasion in the lb~ri a was were ordained during t he year, she said, a n" active mem bership in the Associated a u niqu~ H e expla ined his tory of and t he first Vietnamese ca lled to pas­ Church Press . .,u on- the c· l BAPTIST LEADE RS ADOPT May each of us whether we be minister deacon teacher youth the n"" his country's o so ia tor a church rela ted to Sout hern Bap­ SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: S3.50 per year ln aspect of Id th Pe n Door RESOLUTION ON PEACE tist work in Sout h Vietna m is serving sponsor, faithful member, or any other categ~ r y in \.~hi ch we ;11ay be the United States or Canada ($4.00 ln for­ . and to e guests that the eign countr ies).-$3.00 per year for "Church Polley Government welcomed M~NROVIA, LIBERIA.- The E x­ at F a it h Baptist church in Nhatra ng. classed, covenant anew, now, t hat we t hrough faith in J esus Christ, Faniily Subscription P lan." and for m inis­ Liberia 11 "d · every- ~ c utive C:ommittee of the Baptist ters and mi ssionaries. ~2 . 00 per year for ithout consi ermg creed color are going to (1) pray for a vision and concern for the lost, (2) begin studen ts.
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