American Association Electronic Voice Phenomena Published by Tom and Lisa Butler, PO Box 13111, Reno NV 89507, USA, [email protected], aaevp.com Volume 23 Number 1 AA-EVP NewsJournal Spring 2004 From our Viewpoint Most people in the world would agree that there is a As we have discussed on numerous occasions in the greater reality that exists beyond physical reality. Usually, past, it appears that the change from reel-to-reel tape re- this greater reality is thought of as a heavenly place occu- corder to cassette and now to IC recorder, has had an at- pied by our ancestors and gods, and to which each of us tendant change in quality and quantity of EVP. The evi- will travel upon the day of our physical death. Regretfully dence seems to argue that what engineers refer to as “ac- though, knowledge of such a place is only a matter of faith tive regions” of the electronic circuits in recorders are the for, as we are told, there is no evidence of the existence of places in which the phenomenal voices are created. It also anything beyond the known physical universe. Heaven, it suggests that the supplied background sound is only nec- seems, is a nice thing to think about but it is not some- essary to cause chaotic energy in those active regions so thing to look forward to if you are a rational thinker. that the chaotic energy can be transfigured into words. Happily, we who study Electronic Voice Phenomena A second hint that the active region of the electronic (EVP) and Instrumental transcommunication (ITC) be- circuit is important in EVP is that the early computers lieve that we know more about the greater reality than is used many germanium transistors and diodes while mod- thought possible. First and foremost, we know that EVP ern computers probably have no germanium components. can be demonstrated as communication between those of The historical records we have include many important us still in the flesh and those who have left this physical instances of etheric communication involving the old world. In fact, this is something that is being demonstrated computers, while we have fewer records of communica- over and over again by people around the world. tion involving modern computers. Of course there might So, given that there is a “here,” which is the physical be many factors contributing to fewer instances of phe- aspect of reality we inhabit, and there is a “there,” which nomena today, but the implication is that the material used is the nonphysical aspect of reality, there must be an inter- in transistors is important and that germanium devices face between here and there. Physical science studies the may work better for EVP and ITC than silicon. This can physical aspect of reality and stops short of that interface be tested. because, of course, there is nothing more to study. This Some experiments have shown that the phenomenal means that “there,” which we will call “etheric reality,” is voices are not in the air (acoustical) but are formed some- left to be studied by people who are willing to believe in, where in the recording device. Sound (noise) energy is or at least speculate about the existence of what is only required as raw material for the formation of the voices supposed to exist as a matter of faith. and we advise people to supply sound noise via a micro- EVP Experimenters also know that communication be- phone, but this is only a method with which noise can be tween here and there is not something that can be reduced injected into the electronic circuit. (By the way, one of the to formula or pat procedures. Even though a general pro- reasons that some of the early IC recorders were so suc- cedure for communicating with EVP can be defined, in cessful for EVP is that their electronic circuit had quite a practice, some people are simply better at recording the lot of noise, making it unnecessary to supply noise.) voices than are others. Some recording devices work bet- There are other situations in which sound plays an im- ter than others and some of our etheric friends are more portant part. For instance, white noise is supplied to a sub- interested in communicating than are others. If you con- ject via headphones in the Ganzfeld methodology for psi sider this variability and then include the complexities research. This was done at first as a form of sensory dep- involved in hearing and understanding the voices, then it rivation but it later became known as a technique for im- is easy to see that some researchers who do not believe in proving psi functioning of the subject. Considering the the existence of etheric reality have had difficulty replicat- similarity between a mass of nerve cells and a mass of ing EVP experiments. transistors, and considering that both situations involve a One element of an EVP experiment that can be picked very weak psi signal that must be amplified to some de- up, weighed, modified and tested is the recording device. tectible level, it seems reasonable to speculate that similar The recorder is also the one thing in the EVP circuit that processes might be involved in psychic functioning and physical science researchers understand. One of the rea- the transfiguration of noise into recognizable voices. sons we can say that we know more about etheric reality And so, this brings us to the point of this discussion. We than might be expected is because of what we are learning know that there is an etheric aspect of reality. We know about the recorders. that there is, therefore, an interface between the etheric and the physical. Continued page 10 Founded in 1982 by Sarah Estep to Provide Objective Evidence That We Survive Death in an Individual Conscious State. Volume 23, Number 1, Page 2 AA-EVP NewsJournal Spring 2004 AA-EVP Conference Workshop: Contacts with Timestream Station The AA-EVP is hosting a conference in Reno, Nevada. Anabela will go over the information and teachings that June 3-6, 2004 titled, Communicating with the Other she has received from her spirit group called Timestream. Side. We have included abstracts from some of the re- In order to assist those wishing to experiment with ITC, searchers who will be providing presentations and work- the workshop will detail the author’s methods for working shops. We hope to see you in Reno in June! with both EVP and DRV. Dr. Anabela Cardoso Rev. Robert Egby A Portuguese career diplo- A practicing clinical hypnotherapist and an interfaith min- mat since 1976, Dr Cardoso ister, Robert is a veteran jour- was the first woman to hold nalist and editor, award win- a diplomatic post outside of ning broadcaster and award her country. A former winning news photographer. member of the SPR, Dr. He currently publishes the Cardoso’s long-standing monthly Parapsychic Journal interest in questions related and contributes a monthly col- to life and death led her to umn to Britain's Psychic World begin experimenting with newspaper. Robert is a Mental ITC in 1998. See Anabela’s Medium who gives personal web site at readings and conducts one day http://personal1.iddeo.es/acardoso/ intensives on Psychic Devel- opment. Abstract of Presentation: Current Evidence for Survival from Communications received through ITC Abstract of Presentation: Developing Your Pyschic The presentation will summarize some of the most im- Ability portant work that has been done in this field, and will de- People who fail to recognize and develop their psychic tail the author’s own results, obtained in her studio under abilities are like people dressed in black wandering across controlled conditions, using what are known respectively the busy super-freeway of life. Robert discusses ways and as the EVP or microphone recording method and Direct means of developing psychic abilities; the difference be- Radio Voices method (DRV). The EVP method records tween psychics and mediums; the need to get out of your anomalous voices audible only on playback, while the own way; how to climb the stairway of psychometry, DRV method captures such voices on radio and thus may clairvoyance, clairaudience and clairsentience; how to allow two-way communication with the investigator. It work with loving spirit guides and handle not so loving will be explained that the author’s results have been sub- entities; basic protection; and, how to get into PRM (Psy- jected to independent audio analysis, with findings that chic Receptivity Mode) or altered states of consciousness. indicate they contain features incompatible with normal Robert’s presentation will include a meditation, a basic human voices. Some recorded examples of these results development exercise and techniques for getting into will be played in the course of the presentation, as will PRM quickly and safely. Robert is a professional psychic some results of other researchers such as the Spanish pio- medium and trainer. He also conducts spirit rescue of neer, Sinesio Darnell. earth-bound spirits and will share several stories on this, Dr. Cardoso set up a studio and began her experimental plus advice on how to handle earthbound entities and en- work in 1998, and her results have attracted world-wide sure a safe transition into the Spirit World, a valuable ex- attention. In order to provide a forum for these results and ercise for EVP enthusiasts. for those of other researchers, she founded the ITC Jour- Workshop: Sensing Spirit nal in the year 2000. The Journal appears four times a This hands-on workshop is designed to help participants year, is published in three languages, has an international develop their psychic senses, particularly with spirit readership and Editorial Board, and carries contributions communication techniques.
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