\ - jvm. Ittmukffttt Ciinitea MONDAY, 1.1940 ^ Mr*. JiUirbert Wright of Ru im II Th* annual meeting of . Mr. and Mra.Mra.'Richard Richard H. 'Sym­Sym- A boy ridiofridinf aa;^fa(ey<^, liteyds, OCharlaa iar Ths ’second half of town 'Uxaa *tr*et apd^er two cbiIdrell^ «r* Council, Knights of Columbua ington,inarton. of S9S Oakland street, left Brewer; Jr..Jr-, 10.I0< of S HighHis^ StreOtraef, became d\io today. Final piyipeat KJiout Town k ^ d ln g th^week at Coventry Building A-aaociatlon. ..#111 be held this momlhg for' Cape' May, N. J.' Bast Hartford^, was sUghtly in­ must be ooniplet* by August 1. lake. They m occupidng the tonight. Officers yvlil be elected where they will remain for tw6 jured on Htflftown road Saturday There la evefy indication thet un- night whdn, it was stated, ho turn­ Bob White o o tU ^ and cepprta given. 'The aaeodation weeks. , " ' ' leee conditions change drestleally, , XatMrteWT litbuantea Cltt- owna the hpiu»e"and the lot used by ed into tba path of a carxmrated thU ndll be a record tax coilecUw dub wtU Iwld Ite ^ i«tu l*r Mra. Louis H., B^brte'' and chUd- Campbell ^Council. The council Mrs. Eiplly Mitchell and her by Mrs. Lela B. tiolmea of J8 S?,"’ ; Um igM p i VlctorjrliaU on ren of Benton street win apeUd payi rent to the aseoclatlon whieb daughter. Mis* Marjory, of Bau Brewer strMjt, B aif Hartford. on ■UMt ' All menbcra uu July at Giant* Neck, N|antie. Mr. organization look* after the tip- Claire, Wisconsin are visiting Mrs. Thornes M e x v ^ , of 47 'RemUn '^ w rni’t i’ht pnMnt to mrto tl- Marte will go to the . *hore for keep and repalrs-of the building. Mitchell’t,aunt, Mr*. Robert Rich­ Mr. and Mn. Predertekv Pohl- street, reaumed work at ths Man­ 1 i d unngMBento (or Uia picnto the week-end* and for his vacation mond, of 60S South Main street. man of Hudson street and grand- chester Bleetrle division today to b(i lM»d Ob Sunitoy, July 7 mt later iq the month. / Peter Klecha of ,118 Walker sona, Freddie and Bobbie Pohlpuul after a ehort'iUneaa. R m i brovo, Wapplnr Member* of street, was brought to the Man­ . John Brennan, of 21 Bissell of North Binf Atreet, have return­ House „tbo honedioe tmim* are also ask­ Mia* uu«<n« Krpb of dUndeh chester Memorial hospital late street, a clerk in Hale’s Siplf Serve, ed after a week's vacation in the ed to be preeeot as thts'ls. to be street left yesterday for^eveland, yesterday afternoon u fl treated has returned from a vacation at Adlrondacks. SEA VIEW MANOR ■n Important meeting. Ohio, where the will/spend the for a sprained ankle (njury. He the^’N. Y. World’s Fair and with fkeaoent B e a ^ Genn. / .wa* playing basijibaU and in sltd- relatives on L<ong Island. * month of July ^ h friend*; ^ Miaa Bugenla Brodeur of Finley Clean rooma, innersprisg inat- Dresses Mr,'and Mrs. Bugeiie-Xetir, and ing Info' second base turned hia street is entertaining her coUMn, daufbter, Louise, of 3S . Proctor Mr*. Edwprd Flynn of .Terry- ankle. It was at first thought that When Mrs.. Florence Streeter of Miaa Madeline Le Claire of Put­ treeaea. Hot and ooM water hi road, left Saturday for a three ville, a bridesmaid for the PhilHpa- he had broken a bone, Starkweather street returned from nam. Her brother,. Alfred Brodeur^ rooms. .. Home eeeMag, the VFW convention In New Bri­ / weeks vacatfMi; one week to be Cargo w^eddlng spent the week- is spending two weeks at >,St MRS. 0..0. JOHNSON ^eeraacktrs spent at Southold, Long island, end^in town as the guest pf, Mrs. Frank DiClantls who eonducU„a tain Saturday night She waa sur­ Mary’a camp, ’ Woodstock.' fnd two weeks at Lake-Ontario. Jdhn Cargo of 71 Foster street. grocery and meat market at No. prised to And 25 neighbors - and Broadclotba 45-47 North street, has filed no­ friends gathered at her home to WillkieT^laiia MIm 'Ruthmary K. Wlrtalla, ■ Members of Townsend Club No. tice of Intention to sell the busi­ celebrate her birthday. She receiv­ Voiles Committee F-t^Kors daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rr. H. 2 are reminded of the meeting ness. The new owner Is to be WaU ed many lovely ^ fto aqd the Wlrtalla, Of Vilest CcDter/strect. tomorrow evening at the Y. M. ter. Davldo.wl'cz. Mr. DiClantis is l^uests also brought refreshments. To Have Trio left today to upend thp'^onlh of C. A. • the owner of the Tip Top Market The group included guests from Providence, who visited here over Crisp waahsbi* cotton house •Tuly at Camp resgua-sawasls, at ,on Oak street, which'he Intends to 'S SELF Choice of Stim^«m Out of town guept* for the "continlied to operate. The market the week-end: dfesae* that lighten jfeur day- Run Campaign Poland. Maine Thd Original In New England! Phllllpa-Cargo wedding - were: on North street Is known as the ttmp tasks—they tub and iron A aoftb^ game and social will Mrs. Harry . E. White, Worcester. Star Market. easUy and are^made to fit you Are Better; be helU^,-t^OrrOw night for the Mass., Mrs. Buchanon, Port Ches­ 1 One to Be Manager; An- ter, N. Y., and Mrs. O. LaMarr and your Summer budget. Col­ ^As War Secretar meinbers of the Senior Epworth ------- BRAKES — . L ee^ e of the South Mcthodi.st Birch of Mamaroneck, N. Y. They AND HEALTH MARKET orful inodel* In stripes and \other National Cha^- ■spent the weekend with Mrs. ADJUSTED and RE-LINBD floral patterns. Sizes 14 to 50. church. All members are urged to and Third Per- be at the church at 6:30 tomor­ Stephen Phillips of 106 Hamlin Lowest Prices . .$.5.00 up Vole of 14 to 3 Comes Dad Will Leave Cbangtng street. Miss Margaret Cargo and More Troops Rushed row night and tran.'jportation will Of Diapers to Women sontif^ Representative. be fumlshod^-to Highland Park for her grandmother. Mrs. Russell of A. R. Wilkie ------ ABEL'S — TUESDAY SPECIALS After Appointee ‘Testi­ Meriden were also iti town for the Rear 36 Cooper Street the-softball game. In ease of rain 16 Walker St. Tel. 8.165 fies for Two Hours New Torki^July 2.—Of)—K new. volley ball will ...be played Indoors. wedding of Miss Ruth Cargo. Chicago, July 2.—Of)—George Fearilnvasion After Re- Double Green Stamps Given With Cash Sales Regarding Qualifica­ Lundgren, 29, of Aurora, la go­ type of setup'a national, politi­ City'Traffic Lights Wait Forces Move Back from Lady Roberts Lodge, Daughters 'The Manchester office of the T i l ^ a y . $1.19 ing to leave diaper changings cal canq>4ign waitxunder cMsIder- por^d Attacks; .\ppRr- Tqo Long to Change Color Railway Express Agency witl^ art to the women folk from now Border to Avoid Fui> of Bt. George, will hold Its regrilar Pasteurized Milk tions; Third Term aUon today by Wendqll I. Wlllkle, Increase of 34.5 per cent In busi­ PUBLIC SETBACK ' ®''- - ... ently Concerted Hun­ meeting Tuesday, July 2 at 8 Hale’s Quality COTTON SHOP • Slier City, N. C.. July 2.—(J»l llier Incidents; Germani ■ o’clock and will be followed by ness done for the month of June TOMORROW NIGHT Plans Not ^iscussed. He placed an open safety pin the Republican nomina tor presi­ dent, who was reported, to b^ garian and. Bulgarian ■ , — Motorista have complained .._.,the regular monthly social. Each over June 1939. again leads alt of­ , in bis moiith preparatory to that Siler City traffic lights Interest ii^ Troubled member Is requested to bring a fices in the division In percentage and Cream Highland Park Community Club Washington, July * 2.— j putting a diaper on his one- ’ ready to name a committee of BREAD Loaves thre* men to head up hls.jiCtiv1- Actions Occur Sitniil- wait too long to change color. Situation Indicated by , ^en cent gift for the raffle. Re­ of Increase In business. The Man­ 2 11c I year-old daughter, Florence | Johnny Peo^ei, local Negro, chester office has been leading all From Selected Farms S Cash Prizes! (AP)— The Senate Military tles. freshments \v111 be served. * i Jane. When the baby squirmed , tancoiisly; Exact Lo­ proved it. Lengthy Conference offices In the division for the past \dmlstlnn .................. XSe. .Arrnour’s Star Collins Non-Stoop Self Committee approved today ; Lundgren swallowed the pin. ) One m u, It was understood; WiUiaim H. Pethcrbrtdge, for­ two years. 8-12 Lbs. Average President Roosevelt’s nomi­ would be tthe'camfialgn manager, cations, Not Given; , Investigating a traffic jam. Relieved of the pin, Lu'tidgren I Patrolman June Moody . said ■ Between Foreign^ M in - merly director of the focal Y. M. nation of Henry L. Stimson I expects to leave' the hospital j another would be the natlonai Mav (^ncliiflc Pact. C. A., but now of Yonkers, N. Y. Ham Lb. 21c Skirt Marker today. |, chairman of the party, and a third Peoples had driven up tcT a'red Jsier.. and I^zi Envoy. to be secretary of war. The I light and gone sound asleep bc- has been renewing friendships in Mark your* own hem aecurqtejy arid essUy In ----- -----^-----^— ) WlUkle's personal representative. Sugar Cured, Sliced vote of 14 to 3 came after Willkle himself declined to dis­ ^ fore the light turned green. town. STATE INSPECTION 6b seconds Save your back, time and nerve*. Bulletin! B iiiH n ! ’ Roofing & Siding Stimson had tcstifiied for two cuss the sltuatflpn at a morning ^ y.
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