16 pages sf colorphstos, .Journal of the Notth ~me&anMGB Register - -= . THE NORTH AMERICAN MGB REGISTER The Editor's View I \iGR Ilriier ia the official publicsricm of the brlh 4melica11 hlCiB Kegistsr, a ncin-prc~hrur;;knlzntl,,n dcilicatr.Ll had my article written for this issue to niairlra~nl~~gond exparidin: inrcrcst in Britain's most popular spurts car-the 41(;K. then had to go back and rewrite it file crpilliollh e.\prrzssd \i.itllin are those of the illdi! dual ;~lithc\nand readers are n-~~rned11721 11irt-sttelnl,: an\ after the announcement on luly 22 ~ncchall~calor other modi tications describsd herein. enrirel! at tlicir oti.11 risl. lat MG-Rover was sold out of admin- Z,lcmbsrahip ill llle Sortli i\ln?ria~i~ Register is ol!ell ru ;III. \r.ith IIO resrr~ctiu~l\. YIGB is' Ownership of nn '\I(;is not a collditioll crf~nsnibership.N.4.LlGBR Reg~onalChallters \\ 111 be pleased 10 ri,r\coms tration to Nanjing Automotive for ycru 10 their e\.elits. llelnbership dues are 530 per !ear. £t 50 million. Fnr ll~crnknhipdetail> or furtiler infor~nation\trite lo: Nanjing is China's oldest vehicle Robert NORTH AMERICAN hlCB REGISTER .anufacturer and its third largest. Rushing P.O. Box 3203 They have reported that they intend to Editor Kent. Ohio 11240 put primary focus on MG as a marque MGB Driver I V, .< l.r~ll-Treeho~line: 800-N.AMGBR-1 lkcbsi~e:WM w.namghr.or::nam~,br and promote it heavily in Europe. / > They also have plans to relaunch the let their L67 million investment go OFFICERS OFTHE NAMGBR Austin brand in China for their small without a big legal battle. Jrude Union and medium cars. This effectively kills officials are already pushing for SAIC CH AIRXI AS: Da\ ld Dtutsch Rover as a marque. to form a joint venture with Nanjing $1 Clcrrick :\\e~iue One of the good things that has (like was planned originally before Etucr %lcador~.SY I I554 been said is that they recognize the tSlhi7UJ-Wl04 MG-Rover's crash) to increase the mgmanic uprunlinc.net need to reintroduce MG to the Ameri- likelihood of success and secure more can market for their continued growth UK jobs. To top it ull off, Honda has VICE-CHAIRhl,4h': Richard I.i?dick nrld have announced they have plans repossessed their designs and tooling 52.3 Glcn 4rni Knad r two new sports cars. As it stands, Ci1c11Arln. hID21057 for the Rover 45/MG-ZS. 1JlOI XI?-hH6Z CONVENT10K.',4Gh1 'lirn! & I.! llnr Hur~css Aume manufacturing will take place Now let's focus on something a I<(iI~Zbl(~H(.;"I'~sol.cum COORDISKTOK: 318 tla~nlmonP;lrh I China with specialty vehicles (sports bit more upbeat. 1 hope you enjoy Ib'r~lervillv.OH 17081 wrs and luxury vehicles) being pro- this issue as much as we did putting $k~.l<b.'l~.~RY: D Zimnierman (6141 890-2394 duced in the UK along with a UK based 81 I S. DePeystcr Slrcet (6141 XL)9-2193 fiis it together. It's refreshing to see some Kent. OH 34240 .LIORRISh.IIYR:.~anl coin design center. of our members' cars in full, glorious 1530)678-9394 Unfortunately, all is not rosy, color! Judging by the pictures inside, (530167.S-XhX ias TECHNIC.4L John H Trvist - XIC still has claims on the intellec- it looks like everyone had a fantastic r11111pr:uas\net.aim COORD1Y.ATOR: 6490 Fultrx, Srroct t:.trl la1 property rights for the K-series Ada. S.lich~pari1YSOZ time in Olympia at MG 2005. Ry the hlh 6x2 I1XI)II ~gines,the Rover 75/MG-ZT, and, way, if you'd like to see more of this in jolintw;~t-:~i,~nii\*crc~~yoirra~nI~~i arm rough an accidental exchange, the the MGB Driver then help spread the ?sign rights to the MG-TF. I'm sure word of NAMGBR! @ l<E(;.Al.l A Elvre Dails ere is no way that SAIC is going to COOKDINATOR: 7027 Brookrllire Ct Robert Page 6 Letter of Intent - For Treasurer COORDINATORS OF THE NAMGBR Susan Deagan i WtBSITE Kick I3rcnr.n i COOKDIN~ZTOR~ il4l) Sncrwberr! I ',L!~I Page 7 Gary's Run II Bro~~ksv~llc.I-L ZJh(l2 1352) 6.50-5135 By Chris Roop and Dick Price nigrick* rngcdr.i.org.lil Page 18 MG 2005 i (-ON('O1IK.S Itich Illgrilln By R.G. Liddick ; cooRwY.Al OR: PC). 130\ 5x8 AKf I)Il<h('TOK~ Charlts E de B~xlrhvn St. Joszph. II.6lS73 Page 23 MG 2005 -Pictorial Essay PR0I)I IK' I IOU PO ROY293 (217) 360-2007 ('OORL)IS.4TOR: I)cl. U'kter (ii~p.P4 1827 Llowogl ?i aul.cunn MGB Driver Magazine (5701 414-62.5'9 ~.hilshc~'il1)~d net i Skl<VICt Hrucc C'. \i'!ckloff Page 43 MG 2005 -Winners i I<E('OL1hlEIL),A'I 101 (2hYI 751-2625 i (.~00RD14;.~lOU: n?gl~lp(flrni~idspring.cc;!n MG Car Club - Northwest Centre Page 47 Technical Talk FOR REGISTRAR INFORMATION, PLEASE SEE PAGE 50 John Twist - NAMGBR Technical Coordinator The North A~nericallVGB Reeiatzr is amlialed to the %I(;Car Clubof Enpland. The MG Car Club un~Sou~:dcd ill I930 and ia tile ori~inal,facbory supported, aid approvet1 organization for all JIGS. aith the Ch~bHfadquartcls *itll- atcd ill Abil~gdu~~-c~n-Thamcsdose h! Ihe birthplace of all VIGs. Chairman's Chat By David Deutsch '! :. ;-., , OW! was the one word heard b- ti' more than any other while Eileen and I were on our most recent adventure. The adventure was, David of course, our trip from Long Island, Deutsch N.Y.,to MG 2005, in Olympia, Wash., and back. Chairman We added many curs to our NAMGBR group along the way and by the last day of our travels to the west coast, through funding of improved services had 15 MGs and one Subaru in our or to charities that support humuni- caravan. I'm sure several people will tarian causes. It's nice to know that be writing of the trip for the next issue you ,can attend an event, have a great of the Driver, so I'll just say this was time, and make the world a better the best vacation we have ever taken. place by doing so. MGBs at Glacier National Park in northwest Montana, as the "Ring Around Thank you to all who participated in This issue is dedicuted to MG the Country" caravan, a.k.a. "Dave's Drag-Along," heads back east. the drive and to the many people who 2005, but I just want to remind you hosted cookouts and dinners for us all that there are still many more It's a real solid project car that with a fresh one, adding an overdrive along the way. adventures left to be had in the 2005 st saw a road under it's own power transmission, then enjoying the heck The MG Car Club - Northwest driving season. Eileen and I are look- )metime in 1985. I'm looking forward out of it for years to come! Centre did a fantastic job of putting ing forward to attending the "British .J replacing it's headless power plant Safety Fast, @ together the Annual Convention. The Invasion" of Stowe, Vt., and "MGs on Dave smiling faces and positive feedback the Rocks" in the Baltimore, Md. area, told the whole story. I always tell in September. people that each Annual Convention This year's NAMGBR Annual is a unique and very special event. General Meeting (AGM) will be held in MGCC-NWC should feel proud to have Baltimore, Md., and hosted by MGS of hosted an event that was second to Baltimore, Ltd., a NAMGBR affiliated none of the previous NAMGBR Annual chapter. There has been some chatter Conventions. about this, since the AGM is usuully I know that all who attended hosted by the affiliated chapter that this event had a wonderful time. 1 will host the next year's NAMGBR An- also hope that you will all be happy nual Convention. However, MG 2006 to know that proceeds from this event will be taking place in Gatlinburg, will be distributed as follows: 50 per- Tenn., and is the "All Register" event cent will be retained by the host club that takes place once every five years. and used to provide their members There is no local host club for this with services on the local level; 25 event, so the local club of your Execu- percent will be given to NAMGBR to tive Board's vice chairman, Richard provide services to all MG enthusiasts Liddick, has graciously volunteered to on a natjonal level, and 25 percent will host this year's AGM. be donated to a charity of the MGCC- In closing, I'll like to tell you all These full color 16 oz. mugs are design, inG owner. On one side of the mug NWC's choosing. is some of the nicest airbrush artwo ?en, and the other side has the about my newest MGB acquisition. On Safety Fas logo. This is a very important aspect of july ZOth, a Harvest Gold 1973 MGB event attending to me. There are many roadster arrived in the driveway. Just QUALITY BRITISH MAHQUE ART All our imaons are br~lliantlyillustrated for a lifetime of enjoyment. events to choose from each season. in time, too, because Adam took his I hope that many of you look a little '72 B with him as he moved to Urbana, FIN~EAUTO ART deeper into where your registration Ill, in August.
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