Pnoc. E-"TO~LOL. Soc . Burr. Cor. C~I/jL\ , VOL 6~ (1965) , D EC. 1, 1965 21 One pupated on July 28 in a silken similar ones at the base, all set on a cocoon spun in a fold of paper. rugose projection at the tip of the Pupa last segment. Size 15 mm by 4 mm. Slender, wriggled actively when touchp-d; Remarks wing-cases dull, fuscous; A. segments This larva is an excellent example smooth, shiny, sparsely punctate on of twig simulation in form, colour, anterior borders, medium brown; and attitude, especially when resting cremaster two larger hairs with re­ with its body held out at an angle curved tips and about six smaller of about 45° to the twig. SOME RECORDS OF LYCTIDAE IN VANCOUVER G. J. SPENCER' In the Proceedings, Vol. 4, pages but by native and introduced anobiid 129-148, of the Seventh Pacific beetles, termites and carpenter ants; Science Congress held in New Zea­ the emergence holes of lyctids and land, February 1949, under the head­ anobiids are very similar, hence the ing Regional Pest Faunas, is an arti­ mistake. cle "The more important Insect Pes:.s The family; Lyctidae2 is tropical or of British Columbia" assembled by semi-tropical containing only 66 K. M. King from contributions by H. species known so far, included in 12 Andison, E. R. Buckell, R. Glenden­ genera of which 10 occur in the New ning, J. D. Gregson, K. M. King, J. World. The genus Lyctus contains 25 Marshall and H. A. Richmond, all of species; other genera, 41 species. So the Federal Entomological Labora­ far in Vancouver I have taken five tories in British Columbia. species of Lyctus and one of Tro­ On page 147 of this paper is the goxylon, making six in all. However, statement "structural timber is not, according to distribution lists in on the whole, subject to any exten­ Gerber's monograph and in Hatch's sive damage by insects. However, on Vol. III of the Beetles of the Pacific the coast, powderpost beetles, Lyctus Northwest, seven species have so far species, have in a number of in­ been found in this Province, one stances heavily attacked house tim­ being a single record. bers, occasionally necessitating the Considering these species alpha­ replacement of cellar beams." betically, we have:- I have been interested in house­ Lyctus africanus Lesne hold insects in this Province for many In June 1963 an importer of medi­ years especially those attacking cinal herbs brought in a pint of structural timbers and have not yet orris roots in which a few holes were come across an instance of this sort showing; in a few days some beetles since all our wooden ouildings are emerged which traced out to L. of native soft woods; also in the past atricanus Lesne which is very similar 20 years I have inspected many to L. brunneus except that the buildings suffering from insect attack fourth abdominal sternite of the and have found that if a species of female has a dense conspicuous Lyctus was present, it occurred only fringe of hairs. The insects are still in timber imported into the Province actively breeding in the orris as flooring, veneer, panelling or rhizomes in about equal numbers of carved ornaments and that building males and females (March 1965) , timbers were attacked NOT by lyctids 2. Gerber, Eugene J . The New World Species of Powder-post beetles 'belonging to the Family , Professor Emeritus, University of British Co­ Lyctidae. V.S.D.A. Technical Bulletin No. 1157, lumbia, Vancouver 8, B.C. Wash., D.C. April, 1957. 22 1' 1:"" E ' ·IU .I I " I.. S' iI .. j :SB]'J. CO I X~I B IA . VOL. 62 (1965 ), D EC. 1, 1965 and h ave reduced much of th e roots the larges t lyctid to occur in the to dust . Orris or orrice roots are the Province. rhizomes of three varieties of Iris, The first specimen was !)btained in cultivated in France, Italy a nd Mor­ spring 1934 from thin bamboo rods occo and are imported into North from J apan. The next three, obtained America for making a h air tonic '3.nd 3 J anuary 1955 and 9 on 14 April into Vancouver as one of 14 flavor:, 1955, came from a window blind of used in making London Dry Gin and thin round bamboo strips of not therefore this beetle can definitely much greater dia meter than the be considered a hostile species and beetles themselves. In April 1958, a menace to our conviviaiity. It is 18 were obtained from mahogany the most active of four species of panelling that had been installed in lyctids that I have reared out in a house for one year; in 1963, 10 captivity and if the lid is removed from orris root a nd the last group from the container it flies out readily of 34 from the obeche wood spread­ instead of crawling out '1S other ing board as recorded for L . atri­ species do. can us, making 79 in all. Other record of L . ajricanus :--four specimens emerged on 5 May 1953 Lyctus cavicollis Le Conte, the West­ from a child's toy made of liquorice ern Powder Post beetle. wood, Glycyrrhiza lepidota (Nutt.) On 20 July 1955, a druggist brought Pursh , imported from California; one, in a handful of bamboo cigarette on 9 October 1955, from a figurine holders (source unknown ;)ut prob­ from Kenya and 18 specime!1s from ably from China) which were heavily one panel only of an insect spreading perforated by tunnels; from these board purchased from a supply com­ emer ged only two beetles which key pany. The board lay around in the out to cavicollis in Hatch's keY3, laboratory for three years before having a narrow prosternal process beetles started to emerge from it and between the pro-coxal cavities in­ the latest one emerged on 14 March stead of a broad one as in planicollis. 1964. Both halves of the board are Lyctus fuscus Linn. 1758 (Lyctus made of "obeche" wood Trip.ochiton linearis Goeze 1777) the Europ­ schleroxylon imported from west Africa, identified for me by Professor ean Powder Post beetle. R. W. Wellwood of this University This species was my fir.3t record who stated tha t the wood is well of Lyctus in Vancouver, obtained on known to have a high sugar content 14 May 1926 from a hickory axe (a necessity for lyctid a ttack). handle imported from Arkansas; the importer said he had a bushel of Also from this same side of the handles from which beetles were board there emerged from 28 Janu­ emerging but he brought up only one ary to 15 March 1965, 34 specimens which I placed on a radiator and in of Lyctus bTUnneus (Stephens) and short order, six beetles emerged. from 26 November 1963 to 8 October These were identified for me by the 1965, 8 specimens of Trogoxylon late Ralph Hopping who returned me prostomoides Gorham, all from one only one specimen. It is amazing that strip of wood 12 ins by 2 ins by % any beetles can develop in hickory inch thick. Just when this strip was which is almost as hard as ivory but infested by each species is. anybody's close examination shows that the guess. tracheae are quite large and where these occur in any hardwood, the Lyctus brunneus Stephens, the Old females insert their astonishingly World Powder Post beetle. long ovipositors and deposit eggs. If This species ranges in color from medium to dark brown and is only 3 Hatch, M. H. Beetles of the Pacific North· west, Vol. m. University of Washington Press, slightly smaller than L. planicollis, Seattle, Wash. P )lOL'. E ?o :o:\fI)). Soc. Bn)T. CO ) T~ II : I . \ . Y(lL. 62 (1965) . DE( . 1, 1965 23 the tubes are slit open, the beetles L. opaculus, in 1957 by M. Hatch as press the elongated eggs lengthways L. planicollis and in 1964 by Spencer into the grooves. Close-grained wood as L . brunneus; definitely it is not like maple is consequently free from opaculus and contains characteristics a ttack by lyctids as is any wood of all three species. which is varnished or pain ted to close Also in the Stace Smith collection the tracheae. is one specimen collected 21 July 1934 Lyctus planicollis Le Conte, the by W. Math ers from "seasoned Afri­ Southern Powder Post beetle. can wood" in Va ncouver and identi­ This is the largest lyctid to come fied by H. B. Leech as M i n t hea stich­ in to this Province and the darkest. othrix Reit. without further detaUs. some being nearly black; females Fina lly is the speCies Trogoxylon may measure 5.5 mm in length. This prostomoides Gorham, the smooth­ is the chief species attacking oak and est-looking of the species on hand, was a problem during the second with only traces of elytral ridges and World War when oak for l1aoring confused silky pubescence on the was either improperly kiln-dried or elytra. My first record was 4 speci­ not dried at all. I have 17 records of mens (identified 'by Hatch) from a this beetle in oak flooring dating Mexican bamboo basket, on 27 Janu­ from 1950 to 1960 involving ship­ ary 1947. On 21 July 1961, 8 speci­ ments from Cookeville, Tenn. and mens emerged from Monkeypod Calico Rock, Arkansas. One firm ( Samanea saman Jacq.) wood bowls alone in Vancouver averagedimpor­ brought in from Hawaii; on 5 Dec.
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