https://ntrs.nasa.gov/search.jsp?R=19700026640 2020-03-11T23:35:54+00:00Z SATURN S-IVB-501 STAGE FLIGHT E'JALUATION KEFQRT APRIL 1986 Dol,*L;L'AsQ- '-' MISS, LB b SPACE rqf5iFA4S D/WS/DN SATURN S-IVB-501 STAGE FLIGHT EVALUATION REPORT VOLUME I DOLJGLAS REPORT Skl-C7004 /iPHIL 1968 ) PREPARED 9 . SAlURN S-IVB TEST PLANLJIVG AND EVALIJATIOh C0MM.T; EE AND COORDINATED BY: .!. A. 'TOPIAS PFiOJEC- OFFlCc - Fl-nGHT TEST SA . JRN DELELOQME%TELJG.NEER!NG F REPARED FOR: N;T!ONAL ESONAUTICS AND ISPACE ADMINIST ~ATl0.r UNDER NASA CONTRACT NAC7-10' PIRECTOR, HUNTIt'5TON EACH DEVF-OPMENT, ILNGINZERING - SATURN/APOLI 3 PROGRAM QOI'GLRS M/SS/LE 6; SPACE L1"Ya!TEMSf7/V/S/(=IA/ SPArE SYSTEMS CENTER - HUNT IN~TONBEAC);, CC LlFORNlA SATURN AS-5i11 VEH' ,LE LIFTOFF ABSTRACT This report, prepared in two volumes, presents the evaluation results of the preiaunch coi*7tdown, powered flight, and orbital ~haseo' the S-IVB-501 stage which was launched on 9 November 1967 as the third stage of the Saturn AS-501 vehicle. Volume I contains the first 15 sections of the report; Volume I1 contains the remaining 10 sections and 6 appendixes of the report. All flight objectives were satisfied and the stage and ground support equipnent functioned as anticipated. The report is a contractual document as outlined in NASA Report PISFC-DRL-021, Contract Data Requirements, Saturn S-IVB Stage and GSE, dated 1 February 1968, Revision A. I*Lwas prepared by the Saturn S-IVR Test Planning and Evaluation Committee and coordinated by the Saturn S-IVB Project Office of the Douglas Aircraft Company, Missile and Space Systems Division. DESCRIPTORS data evaluation S-IVB-501 flight cest Saturn AS-501 vehicle Saturn 7 count down PREFACE The purpose of this report is to present the evaluation results of the prelaunch countdown, powered flight, and orbital phase of the S-IVB-501 stage which was launched on 9 November 1967 as the third stage of the Saturn AS-501 vehicle. Volume I contains the first 15 sections of the report; Volume I1 contains the remaining 10 sections and 6 appendixes of the report. This report was prepared in compliance with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration Contract NAS7-101, is published in accordance vith NASA Aeport MSFC-URL-021, Contract Data Requirements, Saturn S-IVB Siage and GSE, dated 1 Februaq 1968, Revisiorl A, wtlich aelineates the data required from the Douglas Aircraft Company. This document was prepared by the Saturn S-IVB Test Planning and Evaluation Committee and coordinated by the Saturn S-IVB Project Office oC the Douglas Aircraft Company, Missile and Space Systems Division. Table of Contents PRECCDlNG PAGE BLANK NOT FILMED. TABLE OF COE'TENTS Section .Page SUMMARY .................................. 2-1 2.1 Countdawn 0perat40ns ........................ 2-1 2.2 Cost Plus Incentivr Fee ...................... 2-1 2.3 Trajectory ............................. 2-1 2.4 Mass Characteristics ........................ 2-2 2.5 Engine System ............................ 2.. 2 2.6 Solid Rockets ............................ 2-2 2.7 Oxidizer Sx~stern ........................... 2-2 2.8 Fuel System ............................. 2-3 2.9 Auxiliary Propulsion System ..................... 2-3 2.10 Pneumatic Control and Purge ..................... 2-3 2.11 Propellant Utilization ....................... 2-3 2.12 S-111s-IVB Separation Dynamics ................... 2-4 2.13 Data Acquisition System ....................... 2-4 2.14 Electrical System .......................... 2-5 2.15 Range Safety System ......................... 2-5 2.16 Flight Control ........................... 2-5 2.17 Hydraulic System .......................... 2-6 2.18 Stage Structure and Environment ................... 2-7 2.19 Forward Skirt Thermoconditioning System ............... 2-7 2.20 Acoustic aid Vibration Environment ................. 2-7 2.21 Aero/Thermdynamic ......................... 2-8 TEST CONFIGURATION ............................ 3-1 3.1 Stage Configuration ......................... 3-1 3.2 Stage Modifications ......................... 3-4 3.3 Ground Support Equipment Modifications ............... 3-12 SEQUENCE OF EVENTS ............................ 4-1 4.1 Predicted and Monitored Times .................... 4-1 4.2 Time Bases ............................. 4-2 4.3 Ground Comands ........................... 4-3 4.4 Ground Sequence cf Events ..................... 4-3 COWTDOWN OPERATIONS ....... 5.1 Propulsion System Checkouts . 5.2 Launch Vehicle Tests .... 5.3 APS Preparations ...... 5.4 Launch Countdown ...... 5.5 Environmental Control System 5.6 Redline Limits ....... 5.7 Countdown Problems ..... 5.8 Atmospheric Conditions ... Table of Contents TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) Section .Page 14 . PNEUMATIC CONTROL AND PURGE SYSTEM .................... 14-1 14.1 Ambient Helium Supply ........................ 14-1 14.2 Pneumatic System Leakage ...................... 14-2 15. PROPELLANT UTILIZATION .......................... 15-1 15.1 PU System Calibration ........................ 15-2 15.2 Propellant Mass History ....................... 15-3 15.3 PU System Response ......................... 15-10 15.4 PU System Induced 'ihrust Variations ................. 15-17 For sections 16 through 26 and appendixes 1 through 6 of this report. see table of contents in Volume I1 . LIST OF TABLES Table S-IVB-501 Stage and GSE Flight Orifices .................. Pressure Switch Checkout Data ....................... Flight Sequence of Events ......................... Ground Sequence of Events ......................... Launch Vehicle Tests ........................... APSLoadingData ............................. S-IVB Stage Propellant Loading Data .................... Sphere Pressurization Data ........................ Mission Accomplishment (PCF) ....................... Mission Accomplishment (ECF) ....................... Flight Telemetry Performance Summary ................... Trajectory Conditions at Significant Event Times ............. Masssu~ry............................... Best Estimate Program Input Values .................... Control Sphere .............................. Engine Control Sphere Temperature Data .................. Engine Control Sphere Helium Mass Sunrmary ................. Fuel Lead Conditions ........................... Comparison of Computer Programs Results .................. Data Inputs to Computer Programs ..................... 3-2 Engine Start Transients ........................ 5-2 Engine Steady-State Performance .................... Engine Performance Prediction ....................... ?:rust Oscillation Sunrmary ........................ 5-2 Engine Cutoff Transients ....................... 501 Fiight Engine Sequence .First Burn .................. Table of Contents LIST OF TABLES (Continued) .. .. 'cable .Page 9-13 5-2 Flight Engine Sequence .Second Burn .................9-34 10-1 Retrorocket Performa~lce.......................... 10-3 10-2 Ullage Rocket Performance ......................... 10-4 LOX Tank Prepressurization Data ...................... LOX Tank Pressurization Data ....................... Cold Helium Supply Data .......................... 5-2 Heat Exchanger Performance Data ................... LOX Chilldown System Performance Data ................... LOX Pump Inlet Condition Data ....................... LH2 Tank Prepressurization Data ...................... LH2 Tank Pressurizatjon Data ....................... LH2 Tank Repressurization Data ...................... LH2 Chilldown System P~riormanceData ................... LH2 Pimp Inlet Condition Data ...................... APS Propellant Usage During Flight .................... ?S-501/S-IVB Auxiliary Propulsion System (Yaw/Roll) Engine Thrust Characteristics .......................... Pneumatic Control and Purge System Data .................. Propellant Mass History .......................... Propellant Loading Summary ........................ Level Sensor and Volumetric PU Mass .................... Propellant Residuals Summary ...................... 15-5 Thrust Variations ............................. 15-24 For sections 16 through 26 and appendixes 1 through 6 of this report. see table of contents in Volume I1 . LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS .Figure 3-1 Propulsion Sysr-em and Instrumentation .............. 3-2 Propulsion Major Conponents Locations .............. 3-3 Facility Propellant and Pneumatic Loading Systems ........ 5-1 GSE Performance During Engine Start Sphere Chilldown and Loading .First Burn ...................... GSE Performance During Engine Control Sphere Loading .First Burn GSE Performance During LOX and LH2 Prepressurization .First Burn GSE Performance During Thrust Chamber Chilldown .First Burn . S-IC/S-11 Stage Flight Altitude History ............. S-IC/S-I1 Stage Flignt Range History .............. S-IC/S-11 Stage Flight Crossrange Position History ....... S-IC/S-TI Stage Flight Crossrange Velocity History ....... Table of Contents LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS (Continued) Figure -Page . 7-5 S-ICIS-I1 Stage Fliz!.~Isertial Velocity History ............. 7-16 7-6 S-;CIS-II Stage Flight Axial Acceleration History ............. 7-16 7-7 . S-IC/S-IT Stage Inertial Flight Path Elevation Angle Yistory ....... 7-17 S-IC/S-I1 Stage Inertial Flight Path Azimuth Angle History ........ 7-17 S-1~1~-11Stage Flight Dynamic Pressure History .............. 7-18 S-IC Stage Flight Angles of Attack .................... 7-18 S-IVB Stage Flight Altitude History .First Burn ............. 7-19 S-IVB Stage Flight Range History .First Burn ............... 7-19 S-IVB Stage Flight Crossrange Position History .First
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