W e d n e s d a y ; m a y i4 ^ .i9 6 2 PAGE TWENTY-EIGHT liattrI|P0tfr lEufttfits IHprailt Avenice Ogily Net Press Run Th« Woftthor - 'Fot the Week Ending Foraeiut of U. ft. Weather iooaft May-ID,-IDSS-^ Headii Company Moriarty Gets OleaHag tonight. Mlalmnm te About Town ■J 10,513 npper^tOa. Friday, fair. Member of the Audit The ■ t)«t»*hteni of Ub»rty No. Bockvllle, May 14- Benjamin • Meriden Post Rareffo of dreolntiona Manchester— A City of Village Charm 17. tO U . will hold « rummiMC* wU* tomorrow momlnK boglnnlng *t Hbroiyltr,, only son of ths late pf.J ■- : •*“'•* , t o>cloclt In the haMment of William R. Horowlt*. who died Manager of Unemploy- PRICE FIVE CENTS Orange Hall. The oommlttee, of May 4, has been elected to aucoeed VOL. LXXI, NO. 193 (CUaaifled AdverHaIng on Pnge 18) " , MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, MAY 15, 1952 (TWENTY PAGES) »hkh Jilrtk M*iy M._5pnnJ*Jh« hla-father-aa -president—of,.-..tha- . inent Office AwHumed . fiiairman, will be *t the hallto re­ ceive donation* tonight from T to American Dyeing Corporation. It New Diilies on May 1 f otlock. • was announced today. He has slso been elected president o« the As a result of a recent promo- Big ‘Race Track’ for Sub-Atomic Particles' Bellefont Dyeing, Corporation of Uon Edwsrtt l'J, ..Moitarty, manh- -u N«*ineg ■ Fonert.. N«._ .TaU, ....’ ger.of lift tjnemfloyment Cedari of Lebanon, and TuhxTii The'nevr chief executive ^of the satlon office In Manchester has, Foreat No. 135 will hold their two companies had been associated been appointed to the comnarable , •ccond annual combined outing at position In the Meriden office. l i * Oarden Grove on Keeney with his father In the mana-e- ment of these Companies for the 1 Th*.. Meriden—office covers a S rttt on Saturday, lune 14. A- (larqier area. The appointment buffet ^-ttmeh-wWhe..aat3iwl.Xcoi^ ipsst 14 years, serving as vice ’ presr<ren‘t 'iSr “bbtlT 'fsmffsnleK'wrtd- ■.^war'mKde rm-the-baMs-of -wgra**- lfiir-stfpwriwfendent-of the-Prtkdale" plpht. _______ i A natl-Je of Manchester, Morl- Chapman Court.. Order of Ama­ i arty h ?a been manager Of the to- ranth, will hold a meeting Friday He Is a graduate of Brown Uni­ versity, having majored In chem­ ' cal-office for two years. He as- evening at 8 o'clofli at the Ma- sumerl his duties in Meriden May aonic Temple. A rehearaal for istry, and having devoted hla busi- j nesa ca'eer both in the sales snd 1, hut intends |o maintain his res­ offleera will be held at 7 o'clock.’ idence In Manc’-ester at 27 Ken­ After the meeting an entertaln- production ^ends of the concerns he now heads. " sington street where he lives with ittent 'Will be given "nd refreah- his,wife and.two children; iaentB will be nerved by- Mrs. He plans to continue hla present, ■Mo-iariy has been replaced by Kiiims ^rink Robber* Ruth Field and her committee. residence, In . Southbi’idgc, sinss., Mrs. Esther R. Splelman. who has "^Averts Biis Tragedy " - ------- ^ ■ ... I near the Flskdaie plant, and com­ Oil Tanker I Radio, TV( been with the Unemployment Asks Pieck mute tot hie new olTlce in Rock­ Frederick A. Young, seaman ap- ■ Benjamin HornwH* Comuansatlon . division for in ikrentlce, USN, aon of. Mr. and v ille ."'. ......... ............... ............ , i vear*: Before assuming, her Mrs. Thomas J. Young of 118 duties at Manchester yesterday Explodes in Blast Plan .Take Steps -RTetiwnrell -atrwt. has returned to g^toned.' Theydiave-beeh -spending Mlss-Joan-^stleyv -daughlsii of stre“was Trranager of the Will'man- the United States . aboard the the past two months with Mre. Mr. and Mrs. A. William Ailtley t'e ovire Bsd later worked at the heavy ’cruiser the USS Newport Johnston's parents, Mr. and Mrs. of Center sttcet, was cast In the Hartford office. She reaides in 'N ew e. The Newport News, op­ Carl Custer of South Coventry. supporting role of Dartnla Pennl- Vernon. Del. Canal p*or Inqiwy On Incident erating with the Sixth Fleet, has man In the recent prodi?ctIon of completed her tlflrd toUr of duty Ronald N. Biickmlster, fire con­ "The Heiress" presented at • En- In the Medltagfmnesn, dientt .lu.nlor College, Beve-ly, Wilmington, Del., May 15 Washihsttoh; M *y 15—-<i<Pj BerUiii May 15-r^/P)— trol technician seaman, USN, son Germans charged tonight i of Mr. and Mrs. Harry R. Buck- Mass. A senior, Miss Astley Is a h. — (fl>)— An oil tanker loadett -A H ouse reflohition to in- W arrant Officer, fj.g.) and Mr*. mister of 82 Bigelow street, Is a mcrchandlslnjf major. GOSMETICS^ Seeking further knowledge of the force* jient Up within the atom, srientlats put Sntshing touche* on with 700,OQO gallons of high veflti*rate radio i(nd televiaion t h at several American | crew member of the U SS landing the roummoth Co«motron. at Brookhaven National Laboratorle* In Upton, N. V. The rlng-shaoed mag­ armored cars, had violated,____ j William A. Johnston, and aon, Wil­ The Manchester- Improvement WF, CARRY ALL octane- gaaoline exploded _in p ro g ram a di^ew an in d u stry liam. Jr., who recently returned to ship tank No. 893 which Is serving LEADING BRANDS net with an Inside diameter of over'(Iff feet. welgtls'YJOD fdii*. and wm serve a* a “rB cetm ck - fo r pro- the East itone frontier antT T Association will hold Its regular toas,. auh-atomlc partlclea^wMch win be_^^^ of carbon or liquid hydro] flames early today after col criticiairt today that the pro­ ... thla country .after, spending ..three, a8 an amphibious unit of an At- Given With Cash Sales fired gun* in a bofder village. veara on Guam, left this week for lahtlc Fleet IrWhing’ exercise.’ He hnowthiymeeting tuts e ening at M u r Drag Siom atom*. ' * ' ' . ■______ liding -with a freighter in the jected inqtiirj’ would- upaet Woltera Air Force Base. Texas, will soon make a visit to several 8 o'clock In Liberty . Hall on Ool- Chesapeake and Delawhre our traditional American A '■ U. S. Army spokesman I way etreeU ’ .Where Mr. Johneton will be ata- Caribbean ports. canal. freedom of apeech concept." said the accusation “Boundk- ] Four-men are believed-to Harold E. Fellows, praaident of like a )ot o^ nonsense." , i Forecast End ADN, the Soviat-Iicensed" newt ; Boatner Set Steel Union have been killed. the. National Asaoclatton of Ra­ The U. S. Coast Guard said four dio and. TelevMpn Broadcaatara, agency, publlahed the charge In a Lccewmen. .of .' th e ...tanker. .. F-..L.. said In a statement that tha InV'ea- letter demanding "counter-meaa- Of Oil Strike ! ttayeii. were "mliSIng and ' pr#- '■tfiratlon'*Vi>o1d’e*tahHah'-*-dang»r^ f w * « by the-BM t Bwie GiwwnWiet***-' IroDemand i sumed dead." The tanker’s captain out precedent In tnia nation-^ government. Washington, May 15—Ifl’V— and five otheri^of the crew jump­ which already has gone pretty far The letter, addreued to East Government labor officials to­ ed overboard and swam to shore. down the road of governmeni^pa- German President Wilhelm PlecK, - 4 - day predicted an early end to T-H Repeal Btlll Burning lernallsm and Inferfarehc#."' came from reatdeirta of ’ the PO W Ideas the 15-day nattoAWIde oil atrllte ______ The tanker was stilt aflame some On May t2. the Hoiisa voted for Oslanitx district just acroaa th* which already Is affecting the 110 hour* after the crash In Its an Inquiry by the Interstate Com­ border from Northeastern Bavaria, Alfred A. Gngnon, 41. of Paw- k said: Koje Island, Korea, MaV 15 country’* tourist trade and air Philadelphia, May 15—(A'l beached position on the canal’s merce committee "to determine tucket,'R. I„ was reported to have the extent to which the radio and "Conatantly,' American tantui (/P)— The out.spoken new contt- service both here and abroad. __Thp n o - U n ited S te e l- ooHh ahore. about 20 miles south ' 'Mary Halley of Columbia, Pa., told police. May 14. that he sup­ The Wage Rtabilizatinn television programs . contain plied the pea coats to the bandit* ahd other cars are setn a t the w S e r s . their^ thr a nurse at millndelphia's Method- mandant of Koje island said Hoard (W SR) decision yester­ 240 foot- Hayes settled In the ws- : Hospital, grabbed the steering immoral nr otherwise' offensive who mnde the 81,219,000 Brink border barrier trying to provoke • the population and especially crar today "You’re damned right^ day to allow up to 15 cents an launch a new nationwide I wheel of a passenger bus when matter ,or place Improper empha­ robbery In Booton la IDSO. Ong there will be changes in run­ hour In wage increase* to 90,- steel strike already a matter Coast Guard offlclala said the the driver fainted and sis upon crime, violence and epr- non, who' I* being held at the People's police. Thus, for instance, aeveral American armored cars THURSDAY, MAY 15 ning this .turbulent war „.OOB-.atilliliiK.oU..Wjorkrr8 bcougbt. of...record,... tod*y. , appeared Hayes. owned.hy. Ira..S,..Pikihley..8i..4iaga.\elilcla.oa.t)ui..hlghway.Bttet m pLIon." ____ __ _ _ ......________ tag trUt -fnr-ww nttsMp^ -ffla* prison camp, but "no sudden prompt and favorable response ready to approve other-de- Sons. New'York, and the —iwtr — F aiiowa m fW Tkar tha public tr-' •from the unions.; Involved.
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