University of San Diego Digital USD Baseball (Men) University of San Diego Athletics Media Guides Spring 1997 University of San Diego Baseball Media Guide 1997 University of San Diego Athletics Department Follow this and additional works at: https://digital.sandiego.edu/amg-baseball Digital USD Citation University of San Diego Athletics Department, "University of San Diego Baseball Media Guide 1997" (1997). Baseball (Men). 14. https://digital.sandiego.edu/amg-baseball/14 This Catalog is brought to you for free and open access by the University of San Diego Athletics Media Guides at Digital USD. It has been accepted for inclusion in Baseball (Men) by an authorized administrator of Digital USD. For more information, please contact [email protected]. University of San Diego baseball media guide Table of Contents US O Athletic Department Directory ..... I Un iversity Profi le ..... 1 Director of At hl et ics - Tom Iannacone ............ 3 Head Coach - John Cunningham ............ 4-5 USO Assistant Coaches .. ........ .... .. .. .... ..... ........ 6 West Coast Conference ...................................... .. ...... ... 7 1997 Preview .. .. .. ... ... .. .. .. .. .. .. ..... 8-9 Player Biographi es - Returners..... ................... .... I 0-18 Player Biographies - Newcomers ..... ..... .... 18-2 1 1997 Team R oster...... ........ .. .... ........ ............. .... 22-23 1997 Team Photo . ... ..... ... .. .. .. .. .... .. .... 24 Cunningham Stadium ................... .. ..... ....... ... ...... 25 Fin al 1996 US O Stati sti cs ...................................... 26-30 Fin al 1996 US O Game Results ........ .. ... ............ 3 1 USO Record Book .. .. .......... .... ............... ...... 32-40 Toreros In The Prosffeam MY P's ....... .. .... 4 1 1997 Game Sponsors .. .. ............................ .. .. ............... 42 Torero Athletic F und Donors/Corporate Sponsors ...... 43 Media Covering The Toreros ... .... ... .... ..... .. .... .. 44 1997 Torero Schedule ................................................ OBC USO Athletic Dept. Athletic Dept. Phone (619) 260-4803 Tom Iannacone Gary Becker Director of Athletics Director of !11tra11111rals Dan Yourg Mary Johnson Asst. Athletic Director Director of Sun11 11 a Comps Wendy Guthrie Carolyn Greer. M.A .. A.T .. C. Asst. Athletic Director Head Athletic Trai11er Brian Fogarty Suzi Higgins. A.T .. C. Dir. Athletic Development Assistant Athletic Trainer Joan Wolf Steve Brown Pauline Thonnard Strength Coach Penny Shepard Ted Gosen Secretaries Sports Information Director John Martin Mike Daniels Director of Facilities Asst. SID, Base/J al/ Co11 tact SPORTS INFORMATION OFFICE (6 19) 260-4745 SPORTS INFORMATION FAX (6 19) 292-0388 BASEBALL PRESS BOX (6 19) 260-4600. ext. 2055 TORERO HOTLINE (6 19) 260-2323 University of San Diego Baseball Media Guide Produced by the USD Sports Information Office Design, Edi t & Layout: Mike Danie ls. Ted Gosen Photography: Broc k Scott - Scot! Photo Printing: Kings Printing On Th e Cover: Top Ri ght - 1996 All Conference Award Winners ( Mazone, Dougherty. Miadich. Betancourt, Powers); Bottom Left - USD Seniors (Dougherty. Parks. Springer. KuseskiJ Untversfty of San Diego Arc~ The University of San Diego Location The University of San Diego is an independent Catholic institution of higher education. Founded in 1949, USO is located on 180 acres overlooking Mission Bay, San Diego Harbor and the Pacific Ocean. The campus is named Alcala Park and located just IO minutes from downtown San Diego. Academics USO enrolls more than 6,400 students who have a choice of more than 50 undergraduate and graduate degree programs. The University includes the College of Arts and Sciences, and the Schools of Business Administration, Education, Law and Nursing. Class size generally averages between 18-25 stu­ dents with the student to teacher ratio being 18: I. Over 97 percent of USD's full-time faculty hold doctorates. Student Life Student activities in­ clude cultural events, dances, boat cruises, beach parties, BBQ's, concerts, comedy nights, symposia and much more. Students participate in a wide range of volunteer projects such as adult literacy tutoring, senior citizen outreach, and house building in Tijuana. Over two-thirds of the USO community partakes in intramural sports. The Campus The USO campus is one of the most architecturally unique institutions found in the country, featuring I 8 major buildings designed in an ornamental 16th century Spanish Renaissance style. Since 1984, USO has completed nine major construction and expansion projects. A landscaped fountain plaza was finished in the fall of 1995, connecting the entrances of the Immaculata and Hughes Administration Center. In 1992, the university completed the 45,000 square foot Loma Hall, which includes an expanded bookstore, class­ rooms and labs. In 1990, the renovated Katherine M. and George M. Pardee Jr. Legal Research Center opened. Plans are currently in the works for a new 5,000 seat arena to be constructed between the football and baseball stadiums. Athletics USO is a member of the West Coast Conference and competes in 16 intercollegiate sports on the NCAA Division I level. Men's sports include: baseball, basketball, crew, cross country, golf, football , soccer and tennis. Women's sports include: basketball, crew, cross country, soccer, soft­ ball, swimming, tennis and volleyball. -2- Director of Athletics Tom Iannacone is in hi s ninth year as the University of San Di ego Director of Athlet­ ics. He assumed the positi on Sept. I, 1988 after a nationwide search. The 55-year-old Iannacone has made great strides in hi s first eight years. Hi s accomplishments at USO in clude an inter­ nal reorganization of the athleti c depart­ ment, plus im provements in the major areas of personnel, scholarship assistance, fac ilities, promotions and marketing, fund raising, drug education, academi c support, and a new university approved pl an for scholarship support and sports sponsorship. In addition, he was in strumental in USO gaining membership to the Pioneer Football League, whi ch began play in 1993. Iannacone came to the Uni versity of San Diego with an impressive li st of credentials and a thorough knowledge of intercollegiate athletics. Prior to USO he was Director of Athl etics for fo ur years at St. Francis Coll ege in Loretto, Pennsylvani a. Hard work, loyalty and dedicati on are just some of the words that easil y descri be Iannacone. Hi s major contributions at St. Francis included the expansion of sports offerings and scholarships fo r both men and women, improved budgets, renovation of athl etic facilities, the hiring of additional staff, and the establi shment of a master pl an for the future and continual development of athleti cs. He served on several committees, most notabl y the Eastern Collegiate Athletic Confe rence (ECAC) Infracti ons committee and the Northeast Conference committee on conference development. Iannacone also served as a consultant to the NC AA I- AAA Football Committee. Now that US O football is competing at the I-AA level, he is a member of the I-AA Athl eti c Di rectors Associati on Ex ­ ecuti ve Committee. He is al so the Chainnan of the West Coast Conference Athl etic Directors Committee. Prior to hi s tenure at St. Franc is, Iannacone served as assistant athl etic director at Fordham Uni versity from I 977- 84. Along with hi s administrati ve duties at Fordham, he was an assistant football coach fo r the Rams. From I 975-78, he acted as offensive coordinator and backfield coach as Fordham captured 19 victori es in their fin al 24 games during thi s span. The 1977 squad remain s the highest scoring team in Fordham hi story, averaging 34 points per game. In 1983 Iannacone was presented the presti gious Jack Coffey Award by the Alumni Associati on fo r outstandin g contributions to Fordham athl eti cs. He also served on vari ous Metro Atl antic Confe rence committees. Prior to Fordham, Iannacone taught physical educati on and coached track and foo tball in the Norwalk , Ridgefield and New Mil ford (CT) school di stri cts from 1964-76. He made hi s collegiate football coaching debut as an offensive backfi eld coach at Western Connecti cut State Uni versity in 1974. A 1964 graduate o f the Uni ve rsity o f Conn ecti cut. Iann acone received hi s master of sc ience degree in physical education fro m Southern Connecti cut State Uni versity in 1973. Tom and hi s wife, Cynthi a, have three children: All three are recent graduates of US O. -3- Coach John Cunningham American Baseball Coaches Association Hall of Farner John Cunningham begins his 34th season at the helm of the USO baseball pro­ gram. Cunningham has led the Toreros to 16 win­ ning seasons including two World Series appear­ ances. Cunningham also has close to 800 career victories (currently 11 wins shy) to his credit ranking him in the top forty in all-time victories by Division I coaches. A native San Diegan, Cunningham attended St. Augus­ tine High School and then went onto college at the Univer­ sity of San Francisco. A basketball and baseball standout, Cunningham also made the President' s Honor Roll six times at USF as well as achieving membership in Alpha Sigma Nu, the National Jesuit Honor Society. As a basketball player, he was named All-Conference and listed as Honorable Mention on the Catholic All-American lists. He was also named USF's Athlete Of The Year as a senior. In 1960, he took part in the U.S. Olympic Basketball Team Trials. After a tour in the armed forces and a brief stretch in the Baltimore Orioles organization, Cunningham began his ca­ reer at USO in 1962. His teams have won thirty or more games seven times (71, 78, 79, 80, 81 , 87, 93) with four of his squads advancing to the postseason playoffs. His 1971 and 1978 squads won regional titles and advanced to the Division II College World Series. Cunningham was named Coach Of the Year in District Vlll in 1971. In 1979, USO moved into the Division I ranks and Cunningham guided the Toreros to an impressive 32-19-1 record and a fourth place finish in the Southern California Baseball Association.
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