IBM Europe, Middle East, and Africa Services Announcement ZS09-0132, dated June 23, 2009 Service withdrawal: Selected IBM ServicePac offerings Table of contents 1 At a glance 1 Description 1 Overview 12 Announcement countries 1 Planned availability date At a glance IBM® Maintenance Services ServicePac® for Multivendor Sun Maintenance, available only in Italy, is being withdrawn. Refer to IBM announcement ZS06-0111 for offering information. Overview Effective June 23, 2009, IBM will withdraw from marketing and support selected IBM ServicePac offerings. After this date, new orders and registrations will no longer be accepted. For a complete list of services being withdrawn, refer to the Withdrawn services section of this announcement. Planned availability date June 23, 2009 Description Withdrawn services Multivendor SUN offerings • Withdrawal announcement date: June 23, 2009 • Effective date of withdrawal: June 23, 2009 • Announcement number: ZS06-0111 ServicePac part number ID 42V1384 MV01 42V1385 MV02 42V1386 MV03 42V1387 MV04 42V1388 MV05 42V1389 MV06 42V1390 MV07 42V1391 MV08 42V1392 MV09 42V1393 MV10 42V1394 MV11 42V1395 MV12 42V1396 MV13 IBM Europe, Middle East, and Africa IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 1 Services Announcement ZS09-0132 42V1397 MV14 42V1398 MV15 42V1399 MV16 42V1400 MV17 42V1401 MV18 42V1402 MV19 42V1403 MV20 42V1404 MV21 42V1405 MV22 42V1406 MV23 42V1407 MV24 42V1408 MV25 42V1409 MV26 42V1410 MV27 42V1411 MV28 42V1412 MV29 42V1413 MV30 42V1414 MV31 42V1415 MV32 42V1416 MV33 42V1417 MV34 42V1418 MV35 42V1419 MV36 42V1420 MV37 42V1421 MV38 42V1422 MV39 42V1423 MV40 42V1424 MV41 42V1425 MV42 42V1426 MV43 42V1427 MV44 42V1428 MV45 42V1429 MV46 42V1430 MV47 42V1431 MV48 42V1432 MV49 42V1433 MV50 42V1434 MV51 42V1435 MV52 42V1436 MV53 42V1437 MV54 42V1438 MV55 42V1439 MV56 42V1440 MV57 42V1441 MV58 42V1442 MV59 42V1443 MV60 42V1444 MV61 42V1445 MV62 42V1446 MV63 42V1447 MV64 42V1448 MV65 42V1449 MV66 42V1450 MV67 42V1451 MV68 42V1452 MV69 42V1453 MV70 42V1454 MV71 42V1455 MV72 42V1456 MV73 42V1457 MV74 42V1458 MV75 IBM Europe, Middle East, and Africa IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 2 Services Announcement ZS09-0132 System x® ServicePac offerings • Withdrawal announcement date: June 10, 2008 • Effective date of withdrawal: September 9, 2008 • Announcement number: ZS08-0174 ServicePac part number ID 14J1373 PC38 14J1374 PC39 61P7391 PC119 61P7392 PC120 61P7393 PC121 61P7416 PC122 61P7417 PC123 61P7418 PC124 96P2640 PC183 96P2642 PC184 96P2648 PC187 96P2650 PC188 96P2652 PC189 96P2654 PC190 96P2656 PC191 96P2658 PC192 96P2660 PC193 96P2662 PC194 96P2664 PC195 96P2666 PC196 14R1572 PC223 14R1573 PC224 14R1574 PC225 14R1575 PC226 14R1576 PC227 14R1577 PC228 38R3474 PC306 38R3475 PC307 38R3476 PC308 38R3477 PC309 38R3478 PC310 38R3479 PC311 38R3672 PC332 38R3673 PC333 38R3674 PC334 38R3675 PC335 38R3676 PC336 38R3677 PC337 38R3678 PC338 38R3679 PC339 38R3680 PC340 38R3927 PC356 38R3873 PC357 38R3874 PC358 38R3928 PC359 38R3875 PC360 38R3876 PC361 38R3929 PC362 38R3877 PC363 38R3878 PC364 40M6851 PC382 40M6852 PC383 40M6853 PC384 40M6854 PC385 40M6855 PC386 40M6856 PC387 40M6863 PC388 40M6864 PC389 40M6865 PC390 40M6866 PC391 40M6867 PC392 40M6868 PC393 IBM Europe, Middle East, and Africa IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 3 Services Announcement ZS09-0132 41C5906 PC435 41C5907 PC436 41C5908 PC437 41C5909 PC438 41C5910 PC439 41C5911 PC440 41C5918 PC441 41W9143 PC486 41W9144 PC487 41W9145 PC488 41W9146 PC489 41W9147 PC490 41W9148 PC491 41W9149 PC492 41W9150 PC493 41W9151 PC494 42V1162 PC616 42V1163 PC617 42V1164 PC618 42V1165 PC619 42V1166 PC620 42V1167 PC621 42V1196 PC622 42V1197 PC623 42V1198 PC624 42V1199 PC625 42V1200 PC626 42V1201 PC627 • Withdrawal announcement date: June 2, 2009 • Effective date of withdrawal: September 8, 2009 • Announcement number: RFA 50702 ServicePac part number ID 10N3973 PC582 OpenPower® ServicePac offerings • Withdrawal announcement date: June 10, 2008 • Effective date of withdrawal: September 9, 2008 • Announcement number: ZS04-0178 ServicePac part number ID 38R3855 PC350 38R3856 PC351 38R3857 PC352 38R3858 PC353 38R3859 PC354 38R3860 PC355 40M6810 PC376 40M6811 PC377 40M6812 PC378 40M6813 PC379 40M6814 PC380 40M6815 PC381 40M6822 OP01 40M6823 OP02 40M6824 OP03 40M6825 OP04 40M6826 OP05 40M6827 OP06 IBM Europe, Middle East, and Africa IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 4 Services Announcement ZS09-0132 tm DS6000 ServicePac offerings • Withdrawal announcement date: June 10, 2008 • Effective date of withdrawal: September 9, 2008 • Announcement number: ZS06-0128 ServicePac part number ID 43X3588 N/A 43X3589 N/A 43X3590 N/A 43X3591 N/A 43X3592 N/A 43X3593 N/A 43X3731 N/A 43X3732 N/A 43X3733 N/A 43X3734 N/A DOM/TOM System x ServicePac offerings • Withdrawal announcement date: July 22, 2008 • Effective date of withdrawal: October 21, 2008 • Announcement number: ZS04-0142 ServicePac part number ID 29R5450 DOM119 29R5451 DOM184 29R5464 TOM119 29R5465 TOM184 29R5452 DOM122 29R5453 DOM188 29R5466 TOM122 29R5467 TOM188 29R5454 DOM125 29R5455 DOM186 29R5468 TOM125 29R5469 TOM186 29R5456 DOM213 29R5457 DOM215 29R5470 TOM213 29R5471 TOM215 40M7622 DOM332 40M7623 DOM338 41C5160 TOM332 41C5161 TOM338 10N3452 DOM486 10N3453 DOM492 10N3456 TOM486 10N3457 TOM492 Software ServicePac offerings • Withdrawal announcement date: August 12, 2008 • Effective date of withdrawal: November 11, 2008 ServicePac Announcement part number ID number 61P7351 PC109 ZS02-0109 61P7352 PC109 ZS02-0109 61P7353 PC109 ZS02-0109 61P7351 PC109 ZS02-0109 IBM Europe, Middle East, and Africa IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 5 Services Announcement ZS09-0132 61P7352 PC109 ZS02-0109 61P7353 PC109 ZS02-0109 61P7378 PC109 ZS02-0109 61P7379 PC109 ZS02-0102 61P7354 PC111 ZS02-0102 61P7355 PC111 ZS02-0102 61P7356 PC111 ZS03-0144 61P7376 N/A ZS03-0144 96P2850 N/A ZS08-0161 96P2857 N/A ZS08-0161 96P2858 N/A ZS08-0161 29R5102 PC259 ZS04-0128 • Withdrawal announcement date: November 11, 2008 • Effective date of withdrawal: February 3, 2009 • Announcement number: ZS08-0262 ServicePac part number ID 41E8848 PC467 41E8849 PC468 41E8850 PC469 41E8851 PC470 • Withdrawal announcement date: February 3, 2009 • Effective date of withdrawal: May 5, 2009 ServicePac Announcement part number ID number 61P7383 PC110 ZS02-0142 61P7382 DS110 ZS02-0141 41C5756 PC458 ZS05-0132 41C5757 PC459 ZS05-0132 41C5758 PC460 ZS05-0132 41C5759 PC461 ZS05-0132 41C5760 PC462 ZS05-0133 41C5761 PC463 ZS05-0133 12X6788 PC656 ZS05-0132 12X6789 PC657 ZS05-0132 12X6790 PC658 ZS05-0132 12X6791 PC659 ZS05-0132 Retail ServicePac offerings • Withdrawal announcement date: November 11, 2008 • Effective date of withdrawal: February 3, 2009 • Announcement number: ZS08-0262 ServicePac part number ID 41C5179 R101 41C5180 R102 41C5181 R103 41C5182 R104 41C5183 R105 41C5184 R106 41C5185 R107 41C5186 R108 41C5187 R109 41C5188 R110 41C5189 R111 41C5190 R112 41C5191 R113 41C5192 R114 IBM Europe, Middle East, and Africa IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 6 Services Announcement ZS09-0132 41C5193 R115 41C5194 R116 41C5195 R117 41C5196 R118 41C5197 R119 41C5198 R120 41C5199 R121 41C5200 R122 41C5201 R123 41C5202 R124 41C5203 R125 41C5204 R126 41C5205 R127 41C5206 R128 41C5207 R129 41C5208 R130 41C5209 R131 41C5210 R132 41C5211 R133 41C5212 R134 41C5213 R135 41C5214 R136 41C5215 R137 41C5216 R138 41C5217 R139 41C5218 R140 41C5219 R141 41C5220 R142 41C5221 R143 41C5222 R144 41C5223 R145 41C5224 R146 41C5225 R147 41C5226 R148 41C5227 R149 41C5228 R150 41C5229 R151 41C5230 R152 41C5231 R153 41C5232 R154 41C5233 R155 41C5234 R156 41C5235 R157 41C5236 R158 41C5237 R159 41C5238 R160 41C5239 R161 41C5240 R162 41C5241 R163 41C5242 R164 41C5243 R165 10N3203 R201 10N3204 R202 10N3205 R203 10N3206 R204 10N3208 R206 10N3210 R208 10N3211 R209 10N3212 R210 10N3218 R216 10N3220 R218 10N3221 R219 10N3229 R227 10N3230 R228 10N3231 R229 10N3232 R230 10N3233 R231 10N3234 R232 10N3238 R236 10N3240 R238 10N3241 R239 10N3246 R244 10N3249 R247 10N3250 R248 IBM Europe, Middle East, and Africa IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 7 Services Announcement ZS09-0132 10N3251 R249 10N3252 R250 10N3253 R251 10N3255 R253 10N3256 R254 10N3257 R255 10N3258 R256 10N3259 R257 10N3260 R258 10N3261 R259 10N3262 R260 10N3263 R261 10N3264 R262 10N3265 R263 10N3266 R264 10N3267 R265 10N3268 R266 10N3269 R267 44T5972 R306 44T5973 R308 44T5974 R309 44T5975 R310 44T5978 R319 44T5979 R327 44T5981 R329 44T5982 R330 44T5984 R332 44T5988 R344 44T5999 R358 44T6000 R359 51J8586 R371 51J8587 R372 51J8588 R373 51J8589 R374 51J8590 R375 51J8596 R381 51J8597 R382 51J8598 R383 51J8599 R384 51J8600 R385 41C5244 R393 41C5245 R394 41C5246 R395 41C5247 R396 41C5248 R398 41C5249 R399 10N3270 R407 10N3271 R408 10N3272 R409 10N3273 R410 10N3274 R412 10N3275 R413 10N3272 R409 10N3273 R410 Retail ServicePac offerings • Withdrawal announcement date: November 25, 2008 • Effective date of withdrawal: February 24, 2009 • Announcement number: ZS08-0279 ServicePac part number ID 29R5233 R003 29R5234 R004 29R5235 R005 29R5239 R009 29R5245 R015 29R5246 R016 29R5237 R017 IBM Europe, Middle East, and Africa IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 8 Services Announcement ZS09-0132 29R5251 R021 29R5254 R024 29R5255 R025 29R5258 R028 29R5259
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