Legislative Council Tuesday, 18 September 2007 THE PRESIDENT (Hon Nick Griffiths) took the chair at 3.30 pm, and read prayers. ROYAL PERTH HOSPITAL - CLOSURE AND NAME PRESERVATION Petition HON HELEN MORTON (East Metropolitan) [3.33 pm]: I present the following petition - To the President and Members of the Legislative Council of the Parliament of Western Australia in Parliament assembled. We the undersigned residents of Western Australia call upon the Legislative Council to oppose the closure of Royal Perth Hospital and to ensure that the name ‘Royal Perth Hospital’ is maintained. And your petitioners in duty bound, will ever pray. The petition bears 2 703 signatures, and I certify that it conforms to the standing orders of the Legislative Council. [See paper 3129.] WEST COAST DEMERSAL SCALEFISH - MANAGEMENT PLAN Statement by Minister for Fisheries HON JON FORD (Mining and Pastoral - Minister for Fisheries) [3.34 pm]: The sustainability of key demersal scalefish species along the west coast, particularly jewfish, pink snapper and baldchin groper, has been a growing concern for the Western Australian government and various stakeholder groups. This concern is based on evidence of escalating fishing effort, particularly by the burgeoning recreational fishing sector. The number of registered recreational boats has grown rapidly as the state’s population continues to climb. Recreational fishers have also become more effective as they have quickly adopted new technology. In particular, global positioning systems and high quality sounders have now become standard items on fishing boats. This has made recreational fishing far more precise and targeted. More people fishing and more effective fishing methods have increased the pressure on fish stocks. To better understand the impact this increased pressure is having on fish stocks, the Department of Fisheries undertook a number of dedicated research programs to assess the status of jewfish, pink snapper and baldchin groper. These popular and well-recognised species of fish were chosen for the assessment because they are good indicators of the health of demersal scalefish stocks more generally. This research is now available and it shows that Western Australians are already over-fishing jewfish and pink snapper throughout their natural distribution and over-fishing baldchin groper within the Abrolhos Islands. If the current situation is not addressed, it is likely that continued fishing pressure will see these stocks of fish collapse within four to five years. It is important to acknowledge that both the commercial and recreational sectors are capable of exerting considerable impacts on these stocks, and more effective management of both sectors is required to reduce catches. I have already taken steps to address the commercial catch of demersal scalefish. A new management plan, which will soon be implemented, will reduce the number of commercial fishers operating under a new and strict management system. This new plan will ensure the commercial sector fish in a sustainable way and are able to provide high quality seafood to restaurants and local retailers. Recognising the seriousness of the problem and the particular significance of increasing fishing pressure in the metropolitan region, I have now made the unprecedented decision to remove all commercial fishing for demersal scalefish in the waters off the greater metropolitan coastline, thus creating the state’s largest exclusive area dedicated to recreational line fishing. Specifically, there will be no commercial fishing for demersal scalefish from Lancelin to a point south of Mandurah, 31 degrees south to 33 degrees south, to be effective from November this year. This action will provide immediate relief to fish stocks but further action is necessary, and the burden of responsibility cannot and should not be carried alone by commercial fishers. Each of us has a responsibility to fish for the future and ensure that fishing - commercial and recreational - is sustainable in the long term. Recreational fishers in Western Australia are to be commended for the way they have supported the existing management system based on bag and size limits. However, it is clear that the problems we now face require new and innovative solutions. The strategy that is ultimately adopted to manage recreational fishing must aim to ensure sustainability. However, it is important to not take the fun out of fishing by its becoming too regulated. It is also important that the community support the system we choose because voluntary compliance with the necessary rules will help us achieve our goals more quickly. 5022 [COUNCIL - Tuesday, 18 September 2007] To support the new strategy, the WA government has allocated more than $5.3 million research funding over four years to undertake detailed monitoring of demersal fish catches by recreational and commercial fishers. This research will evaluate the effectiveness of management practices to rebuild these fish stocks. The process of determining a new recreational fishing strategy will involve the release of a discussion paper and research report into the current status of west coast demersal scalefish stocks. The purpose of the fisheries management paper 225 is to engage recreational fishers and the wider community to develop new strategies that can achieve this vision of sustainable and enjoyable recreational fishing. This paper examines more fully the nature of the problems facing us and presents some of the new measures we should consider. The community’s views on the way forward are critical to the process, and stakeholders will be encouraged to become involved in the comprehensive consultation process, which will include a series of public meetings across the west coast region throughout October. Following this initial consultation period, it is my intention to release a draft management package for further consultation early in the new year, with a view to introducing a new, more effective and long-term management strategy for recreational fishing on the west coast mid-2008. However, during the consultation period it is important that we do not allow recreational fishing pressure to continue to escalate. Therefore, I will be implementing an interim management package to cover this period. These new rules may not form part of the longer-term strategy, but in the short term they are crucial in limiting recreational fishing pressures. This interim package will be phased in from November this year and will involve extending the closure to fishing for pink snapper in Cockburn and Warnbro Sounds from 1 October to 31 January; extending the existing possession limit to an individual’s place of residence throughout WA; totally protecting baldchin groper within the Abrolhos Islands; and introducing a possession limit of four category 1 - high risk - fish per person on aquatic charter vessels operating along the WA coast. Western Australia is blessed with an amazing marine environment. However, against a backdrop of unprecedented economic growth, growing population and significant technological advances in fishing practices, our precious fish stocks are under more pressure than ever before. I would like to table fisheries management paper 225, “Managing the Recreational Catch of Demersal Scalefish on the West Coast: Future Management Scenarios for Community Consideration” and report 163, “Spatial scales of exploitation among populations of demersal scale fish: implications for management”. [See papers 3130 and 3131.] Consideration of the statement made an order of the day for the next sitting, on motion by Hon Ken Baston. PAPERS TABLED Papers were tabled and ordered to lie upon the table of the house. STANDING COMMITTEE ON UNIFORM LEGISLATION AND STATUTES REVIEW Twentieth Report - Road Traffic Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2007 Hon Simon O’Brien presented the twentieth report of the Uniform Legislation and Statutes Review Committee, in relation to the Road Traffic Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2007, and on his motion it was resolved - That the report do lie upon the table and be printed. [See paper 3132.] STANDING COMMITTEE ON ESTIMATES AND FINANCIAL OPERATIONS Ninth Report - “Interim Report on the Balga Works Inquiry: Request for a Member of the Legislative Assembly to Appear Before the Committee” HON GIZ WATSON (North Metropolitan) [3.41 pm]: I am directed to present the ninth report of the Standing Committee on Estimates and Financial Operations in relation to the “Interim Report of the Balga Works Inquiry: Request for a Member of the Legislative Assembly to Appear Before the Committee”. I move - That the report do lie upon the table and be adopted and agreed to. [See paper 3133.] HON KIM CHANCE (Agricultural - Leader of the House) [3.42 pm]: It is my understanding from Hon Giz Watson that the report that is subject to the motion just moved is one that will involve the invitation of another member to provide advice to the committee. It is something that members would feel more comfortable with if we were able to consider that overnight and make our deliberation tomorrow. Accordingly, I move - That consideration of the motion moved by Hon Giz Watson be made an order of the day for the next day’s sitting. Question put and passed; debate thus adjourned. [COUNCIL - Tuesday, 18 September 2007] 5023 LOCAL COMMUNITIES - DECISION MAKING Urgency Motion THE PRESIDENT (Hon Nick Griffiths): I received the following letter this morning - Dear Mr President I wish to advise that pursuant to Standing Order 72 I will move at today’s sitting the following motion: “That this House expresses its grave concern at the arrogance being shown by the State Government in making decisions affecting local communities without taking all proper steps to ensure that these communities are fully consulted.” Yours sincerely Hon Ray Halligan MLC Member for the North Metropolitan Region The member will require the support of four members in order to move the motion. [At least four members rose in their places.] HON RAY HALLIGAN (North Metropolitan) [3.44 pm]: I move the motion. The members on the government side will notice that I have mentioned only “grave concern” in my motion.
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