MEETING POLICY AND RESOURCES COMMITTEE DATE AND TIME MONDAY 11TH JUNE, 2018 AT 7.00 PM VENUE HENDON TOWN HALL, THE BURROUGHS, LONDON NW4 4BG TO: MEMBERS OF POLICY AND RESOURCES COMMITTEE (Quorum 3) Chairman: Councillor Richard Cornelius Vice Chairman: Councillor Daniel Thomas BA (Hons) Dean Cohen Barry Rawlings Sachin Rajput Anthony Finn Arjun Mittra David Longstaff Ross Houston Kath McGuirk Alison Moore Peter Zinkin Substitute Members Gabriel Rozenberg Melvin Cohen Geof Cooke Alan Schneiderman Mark Shooter In line with the Constitution’s Public Participation and Engagement Rules, requests to submit public questions or comments must be submitted by 10AM on the third working day before the date of the committee meeting. Therefore, the deadline for this meeting is Wednesday 6 June at 10AM. Requests must be submitted to Kirstin Lambert; 02083592177 [email protected] You are requested to attend the above meeting for which an agenda is attached. Andrew Charlwood – Head of Governance Governance Service contact: Kirstin Lambert; 02083592177 [email protected] Media Relations contact: Sue Cocker 020 8359 7039 ASSURANCE GROUP ORDER OF BUSINESS Item No Title of Report Pages 1. Minutes of last meeting 5 - 14 2. Absence of Members 3. Declaration of Members' Disclosable Pecuniary interests and Non Pecuniary interests (If any) 4. Report of the Monitoring Officer (if any) 5. Public Questions and Comments (if any) 6. Members' Items (if any) 15 - 18 7. Business Planning 19 - 52 8. Local Development Scheme 53 - 62 9. Statement of Community Involvement 63 - 106 10. Saracens Loan Agreement To Follow 11. CBAT Licensing to external parties 107 - 134 12. Implementation of IT Strategy: Full business case for next phase of 135 - 204 implementation of Microsoft SharePoint Online for document management 13. Authorisation to participate in the Mayor of London's REFIT 205 - 210 programme 14. Contract variations and extensions 211 - 214 15. Emergency Planning 215 - 222 16. End of Year 2017/18 Performance Monitoring Report 223 - 316 17. Committee Forward Work Programme 317 - 324 18. Any other item(s) the Chairman decides are urgent 19. Motion to Exclude the Press and Public 20. Saracens Loan Agreement (exempt) To Follow 21. Any other exempt item(s) the Chairman decides are urgent FACILITIES FOR PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES Hendon Town Hall has access for wheelchair users including lifts and toilets. If you wish to let us know in advance that you will be attending the meeting, please telephone Kirstin Lambert; 02083592177 [email protected]. People with hearing difficulties who have a text phone, may telephone our minicom number on 020 8203 8942. All of our Committee Rooms also have induction loops. FIRE/EMERGENCY EVACUATION PROCEDURE If the fire alarm sounds continuously, or if you are instructed to do so, you must leave the building by the nearest available exit. You will be directed to the nearest exit by uniformed custodians. It is vital you follow their instructions. You should proceed calmly; do not run and do not use the lifts. Do not stop to collect personal belongings Once you are outside, please do not wait immediately next to the building, but move some distance away and await further instructions. Do not re-enter the building until told to do so. This page is intentionally left blank Decisions of the Policy and Resources Committee 13 February 2018 Members Present:- AGENDA ITEM 1 Councillor Richard Cornelius (Chairman) Councillor Daniel Thomas (Vice-Chairman) Councillor Dean Cohen Councillor Alon Or-Bach Councillor Tom Davey Councillor Sachin Rajput Councillor Ross Houston Councillor Barry Rawlings Councillor Alison Moore Councillor David Longstaff Councillor Alan Councillor Reuben Thompstone (as Schneiderman (as substitute) substitute) Also in attendance Councillor Helena Hart Apologies for Absence Councillor Paul Edwards Councillor Anthony Finn 1. MINUTES OF LAST MEETING RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 5 December 2017 be agreed as a correct record. 2. ABSENCE OF MEMBERS Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Anthony Finn who was substituted for by Councillor Reuben Thompstone, and from Councillor Paul Edwards who was substituted for by Councillor Alan Schneiderman. 3. DECLARATION OF MEMBERS' DISCLOSABLE PECUNIARY INTERESTS AND NON PECUNIARY INTERESTS (IF ANY) The following interests were declared: Councillor Agenda Item Interest Cllr Reuben 7 – North Finchley A non-pecuniary interest as he Thompstone Town Centre owns a residential letting property Framework SPD a quarter of a mile outside the red line of the SPD, and as he is a past Chair of the Woodhouse Conservative Association which made a representation on the proposals. Cllr Barry 7 – North Finchley A non-pecuniary interest as he 1 5 Rawlings Town Centre lives within the consultation area Framework SPD of the SPD. Cllr Ross 7 – North Finchley A non-pecuniary interest as he Houston Town Centre lives within the consultation area Framework SPD and of the SPD. 8 – The Barnet Group A non-pecuniary interest as he is Business Plan a member of the Barnet Group Board. Cllr Alon Or- 7 – North Finchley A non-pecuniary interest as he bach Town Centre lives within the consultation area Framework SPD of the SPD. Cllr Sachin 7 – North Finchley A non-pecuniary interest as he is Rajput Town Centre a member of the Friern Barnet and Framework SPD Whetstone Residents Association which has links to the ward. Cllr David 7 – North Finchley A non-pecuniary interest as he is Longstaff Town Centre a trustee of the Artsdepot in Framework SPD Finchley. 4. REPORT OF THE MONITORING OFFICER (IF ANY) None. 5. PUBLIC QUESTIONS AND COMMENTS (IF ANY) Details of the questions asked and the published answers were provided with the agenda papers for the meeting. Verbal responses were given to supplementary questions at the meeting. Oral public comments were received on Agenda item 7 from Mr David Thompston, Dr Pauline Ashbridge, Mr Richard Logue (on behalf of Mr Roger Tichborne) and Ms Georgeta Amanalachioai. Written comments were provided with agenda papers for the meeting. 6. MEMBERS' ITEMS (IF ANY) None. 7. NORTH FINCHLEY TOWN CENTRE FRAMEWORK SUPPLEMENTARY PLANNING DOCUMENT (SPD) The Committee considered the report. Councillor Ross Houston moved an amendment, which was seconded by Councillor Richard Cornelius, that a fourth recommendation be added as follows: 4. i) Agrees to establish a North Finchley Partnership Board to comprise representatives of local stakeholders including local councillors, traders, businesses, landlords, Barnet Homes, residents and community organisations, local schools, the Artsdepot, faith organisations and the Council lead officer and appropriate representative of the lead developer. This partnership board should 2 6 help oversee, monitor, scrutinise and hold to account the management of the Town Centre and implementation of the SPD. ii) Agrees to delegate to officers the precise terms of reference in consultation with the Chair of Committee and Opposition Lead. On the amendment being put to the vote it was unanimously agreed. Councillor Alan Schneiderman moved an amendment, which was duly seconded, that recommendation three in the report be amended to insert the words ‘particularly to ensure the avoidance of rat running’ after the words ‘minor nature,’ with the full recommendation to read as follows: 3. Agrees the adoption of the North Finchley Town Centre Framework SPD (Appendix A) and delegates authority to the Deputy Chief Executive to make any necessary changes of a minor nature, particularly to ensure the avoidance of rat running, to the final wording of the SPD in consultation with the Leader before the final version of the SPD is published. On the amendment being put to the vote it was unanimously agreed. The recommendations as amended were put to the vote and unanimously agreed. RESOLVED – 1. Notes the consultation response to the draft Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) and agrees the consequential proposed changes to the SPD outlined and explained in the Consultation Representation Report at Appendix B. 2. Notes the contents of the North Finchley High Level Transport Review (Appendix C) which has been produced as an additional supporting document for the SPD. 3. Agrees the adoption of the North Finchley Town Centre Framework SPD (Appendix A) and delegates authority to the Deputy Chief Executive to make any necessary changes of a minor nature, particularly to ensure the avoidance of rat running, to the final wording of the SPD in consultation with the Leader before the final version of the SPD is published. 4. i) Agrees to establish a North Finchley Partnership Board to comprise representatives of local stakeholders including local councillors, traders, businesses, landlords, Barnet Homes, residents and community organisations, local schools, the Artsdepot, faith organisations and the Council lead officer and appropriate representative of the lead developer. This partnership board should help oversee, monitor, scrutinise and hold to account the management of the Town Centre and implementation of the SPD. 3 7 ii) Agrees to delegate to officers the precise terms of reference in consultation with the Chair of Committee and Opposition Lead. 8. THE BARNET GROUP BUSINESS PLAN The Committee considered the report. The recommendation in the report was put to the vote and the votes were declared as follows: For 7 Against 0 Abstain 5 Absent 0 RESOLVED – That the Committee approve the Business Plan attached as appendix A. 9. ANNUAL PROCUREMENT FORWARD PLAN [APFP] SUPPLEMENT 2018/2019 The Committee considered the report. The recommendation in the report was put to the vote and unanimously declared carried. RESOLVED – That approval be given to officers to proceed with procurement activity as presented in the Annual Procurement Forward Plan [APFP] Supplement 2018/2019. 10. PUBLIC HEALTH NURSING 0-19 The Committee received a representation from Councillor Helena Hart on the report, and then considered the report. The recommendations in the report were put to the vote and unanimously declared carried.
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