Georgia Southern University Digital Commons@Georgia Southern Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) Bulloch County Historical Newspapers 5-30-1929 Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle) Notes Condition varies. Some pages missing or in poor condition. Originals provided for filming by the publisher. Gift of tS atesboro Herald and the Bulloch County Historical Society. Follow this and additional works at: issues Recommended Citation "Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle)" (1929). Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues). 1422. This newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Bulloch County Historical Newspapers at Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. It has been accepted for inclusion in Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. For more information, please contact [email protected]. MAY BULLOCH HMES AND SfAfESBORO NEWS THURSDAY, 23,1929 MIS W H Blitch "as a vtsttor 10 Savannah last week the Week COME TO Social Happenings for MIss Willie Bell Waters has re turned to T'roy All af'tei spending BULLOCH COUNTY TWlI PHONES 100 AND 263 R THE AItJIJSIJ T.HEATRE the week end at home \\ ith her 1110 THE HEAIlT OF GEORGIA Jones the! Mrs Pnul MOTION PICTURES STATESBORO, GA. TilE IlEART OF Mrs F N Grimes was a VISltOI In Miss Margaret Aldred spent FlI GEORGIA, MIss Helen Hall a student at Wes 'WH�RE NA1URE SMILES Saturday day In Savannah 'WHERE NATURE Sa,mnnah leyan College, Macon arrived home BUI-4LOCH SMILES" VISIted 111 Savan Mrs S H Lichtensteln VISIted In l�IMES Mrs Jesse MIkell I Wednesday to spend the summer with A J'10VERN YOUTH VRAnA the \\ eek Sa, annah Friday (STATESBORO NEWS-STATESBORO llah during her mother Mrs W L Hall EAGLE) visited I W L Hall last week end In Bulloch Mrs F C Parker lela',v"l spent . TImes, Estabhshed 1892 Statesboro Consoltdated 17, 1917 In Savannah Saturday Athens ,"th friends WOMAN S AUXILIARY News Estabhshed 1901 } January and Statesboro Eagle, Estabhshed STATESBORO, GA, THURSDAY, MAY 30,1929 Mr and Mrs R J Proctor motored lIlIss Hnttie Powell, was a VISltOI CIrcle No 3 of the woman s auxil Saturday and !1onday. l1ay zsth zrth 1917-Consohdated December 9, 1920 . week .to Tybee Sunday for the day 111 Claxton last iary of the Preabyterian church WIll Frank SImmons motored to D C Smith was a business "SltOI afternoon at 3 0 clock Mrs meet Monduy GEORGIA NORMAL �avannah Saturday for the day In Savannah last week at the home of Mrs A E Spencer GIRL ROADS TO BE ��T���:�O�!RKEr SAV ANNAH AIDS MIUTIA MUDDLE · . USHOULD A MARRY?�' e WILL Howell Cone and Guy Wells wei Mrs Inman Foy spent Saturday in TRAINING SCHOOL TAKE STOCK SALE OF CANDY BUILTIIMPo:i:� IIUBmess visitors 111 Douglas Tuesday Savannah with friends There WI I be a cake and candy IN were were directed Scott Pem­ NEARBY STATES ThIS as Mr and MIS Dell Anderson l\h arrd Mrs Frank Wllhams With Helen Foster and Donald Keith, story by Arthur Hoerl, by 19::a�I�����ow�����el�::��:et" O:l�': ZONE BE'ITERMENT ENDED year, of last year, the col --- ---, OF at Sam Robinson's stoi e on Ealit few INDUSTRDJ sale These were not AMICAJILY_ week 111 that have been home 'VIII VIBltor. 111 Savannah during the VISltOI s Metter Sunday bloke "Should a Girl Marty" IS one of the really big pictures you gro,\\n, lege maintnin a training' school HIGHWAY BONDS COMMITTEE AUXILIAR\ "MEMBERS Mall1 street on Saturday, May 20th, the as but came FkJrlda OF BOARD on J H Brelt, of Savannah spent Mrs EdWIn Groover Was a vlaitor waiting for, dealing, as It does, With a tOPIC of vital Interest to PARENTS from A colored r,OVERNOR AND ADJUTANT the cnmpus for the fi,.t four circle No 3 of the IS SEEKING SUPPORT OF PEO- OF TRADE INVITED ROUND WIth his children In last week end sponsored by are there In this town? Can tell man on the streets last week end "as a last week end here Savannah well as the youth of today HOWl many bad gills you MAKE TRUCE WITH TWELVE grades Only limited number can CHAM OF COMMBRCB church I'he proceeds PLE OF GEORGIA TABLE lIIEET BEll WILG Fields and Olliff Eve. M,s James Griller last week Presbyterian here IS a lesson for all m this tale of a the envy of hiS own race and be as the rooms on cam Cheatham spent a bad gill from a good girl? Friend, pitiful many DISGRUNTLED OFFICERS taken, the JOIN dEORGIA AND FLORIDA of this sale \\ III go towards painting of his motored to Tybee for the day end With relatives m Claxton for what she was LOVE white fnends as he displayed pus are small T e number of ten ett young girl who sacrificed everything thought Every parent Ga, May 26 ItAILROAD OFFICIALS. the manse Atlanta, =-Georgla'a a 38 (Savannah News) unday DI and Mrs H F Arundel were and and should see this pICture-It IS the hfe story told by a pitiful girl, who pounder which he said came Atlanta, 25 Will be selected frolll the first who · . boy girl five states have A move to about ac May -Serenity prevail­ neighboring reported from bring unified Dr C H Parrrsb of Newington viaitors 111 Savannah Wednesday she knew what love was-here you have a chance to get a great lesson You'll Leesburg, Fla Later there ed today In GeorgIa National Guard make appllcation Miss MattIe Live­ The Statesbo;;;-Gi;'.mber of Co_ lIIUSIC IlECITALS thought to the United States Bureau of Feb tlon for the advancement of this sec visitor here Mr and MIS H S PatTISh :WCIC who was In the meshes of the law for were a number on sale at the MISS Mildre" and merc WIll was a business durmg her muaic learn what faced this young gill caught grocery Circles following the Withdrawal yes ly, Peek, M,.s Ef Jom It. energies with tho.. 1\115 Paul B LeWIS gave tragedy ],C Reads that expect to tion of the Southeast as a whole as they spend stores the week VISltOIS 111 Claxton during the week ti With love, passion and men's affections would lead to misery, unhappiness and The home grown product IS terda� by Governor Hardman of hIS fie Bagwell Will be In charge of the 'Of tlie GeorgIa and Florida railroad pUPI 5 a recital at her home last week ifiing' for highway construction and mamte surned II more concrete form yester D Brannen was one Mrs J D Lee" as those to yet days dIstant The and the school be In Mrs Hal vey among wus loss of friends "SMITH'S BABY'S BIRTHDAy" thirty pros demand for the resignatIOns of l'l gl ades, WIll run offICials takmg stock of the Indu­ The III st and second grade recital .nance during 1929 more than $147, day when approximately 100 assocIate In m week pect for watermelons Is not as of those to "SIt Savannah durmg VISit Savannah during the 14th good officers, and erasure of any mention SiX weeks, beginning' June 11th, Tues trllli resources of this section An In­ held on Tuesday evenmg May 000,000 G�orgla made no 'report members of the Board of Trade, com end this year as m seasons of or vitation the week recital for the other past the recent differences In the service aay morning Phone wnte m, from the presldenf of tllat and the grades P. G. "Romona" Of these F'lorida Will spend $43,­ tng from fifty counties In the adja MISS Sudie Willcox of Rochelle is MI and MIS Georga Groover were "Lov e and The Devil" WALKER, Mgr. files of the officers glvmg your child's name and grade road to the Chamber of Commerce wele held on Wednesday tJvenlng, �84,712, Tennessee, $35,800,00, North cent territory assembled here WIth John WIllcox vrsttors in Savannah Tue s to vlsltmg her brothel, buainess Settlement of grievances came WIshed to enter co-operate 10 the work hu beea May 15th Carohna, $26,900,000, Alabama, $21, Savannah citizens to dlscuss ways and his farrrily day · . LAURENS COUNTY after a conference between affectod accepted A meeting th the 0«1- 860,000, South Carolina, $19,400,000 and means to attain the object Mrs W H Simmons and daugh MI and Mrs J A Addison were OCTAGON CLUB officeIS and the With Clals of the road' wlll be held a& In each instance, finances are being sought Governor, AdJu MISS were business vtsttoi s ttl Savannah Tues The club met State.boro tor, Evelyn Octagon Wednesday BUnNHAM-DeLOACH With the tant General Parker, about whom the BULLOCH on the evening of Thurs­ derived from bond money, The occasion was the first IS AIDED Mrs F Arundel WILL GET PAVING get Savannah Friday day afternoon With H MI and MIS Alfred N Burnham controversy raged, Sltt1l1g In 'rhe day, June 6th At that tIme the exception of Florida, which IS at the together meetmg of the Board of s Mathews VISited hel diS MI s A S of Tenmile IS home on Zetterower avenue MI J L Kelly, at her announce the mal flnge of their ROAD BOARD WORK ON officers disavowed any disloyalty to Chamber of Commerce will meet and FLOVVER SALE present tIme taking over the bonde:l TOi.:'ET Trade, held With the associate mem Mrs John In Savannah MIS 0 L Mc In hel decoratIOns a BY have ter, Kennedy her slstel, She used ptetty Florence Adele to Edward the governor commandel In chief 0" SEED LOAN FUND the offlclals of the road a.
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