Four-Year Education Plan In Works that Thompson's proposal was He stressed that no student more important than ever be- would have to adhere to the cause Mary Moorehead, the for- guidelines; however, students mer Director of Academic Ad- would be responsible to give vising, resigned as of January 1, reasons for departure from the leaving the office of Academic pattern. Advising in a state of limbo. Faculty members present at the It was the opinion of Paul meeting were concerned with Sparks that an advising program understanding the exact meaning could help students eventually their signatures would have on gain admission to graduate students' advising plan docu- school, as experienced faculty ments. The general opinion was members are capable of showing that a faculty signature would The Cooper Point students exactly what steps need indicate that the student had to be taken. thought carefully about his/her Journal PROPOSAL II: plan and had considered avail- The Evergreen State College A PATTERN OF able options, although it would EXPECTATIONS dympia.WA 98505 not imply advisor approval of Thompson proposes that ex- the student's course of action. Vol. 6, No. 11 January 26. 1978 pectations of students should be Richard Jones, who was in stated in "normative terms." favor of the proposal, felt it Under the plan, new students would be healthy for Evergreen by Nancy Ann Parkes charged. Faculty members sug- not be aware, and any lack of would begin in an interdiscipli- to have expectations without gested at the Wednesday meeting coherence in the Plan." nary coordinated studies in order having requirements. He cau- Future Evergreen students may that DTF membership be made Faculty member Willi Unsoeld to become familiar with the tioned, however, that "If it have to outline a four-year plan up of faculty members, students, expressed a concern that Ever- "fundamental approach to learn- didn't work it would be worse of study if an adaptation of fac- and appropriate staff who would greeners be pointed to other in- ing" at Evergreen. This would be than if we didn't have it at all." ulty member Kirk Thompson's represent the interests of Native stitutions if TESC did not have followed by an in-depth explora- Willi Unsoeld wanted to delete Student Advising Proposal is in- Americans and Third World the best resources to fit their tion in either an advanced coor- a sentence in part II of the plan stituted. The plan, made up of people, students over the age of needs. Paul Sparks felt there was dinated studies, group contract, which read, "Study of theory three proposals, calls for student thirty, and transfer students. a definite problem with new or individual contract. Students and method should precede advising, the establishment of a Thompson said that he was students coming to Evergreen, might then focus on practical practical work, and internships pattern of expectations for stu- concerned about advising per se. because there is presently no applications of previous academic will normally be undertaken dents' progress throughout their His plan stemmed from a good buddy system to inform background, such as internships. only in fields where the student courses of study at TESC, and November 16 faculty meeting, them of their individual possibi- Graduating seniors, under Thomp- has gained an academic back- the institution of curriculum where Richard Jones and others lities. "Many students go out the son's plan, would either integrate ground." He considers this con- responsive to the results of the expressed a discontent with door before they plug in to what learned skills in an advanced trary to Evergreen's philosophy advising. Faculty members de- obvious holes in TESC's curricu- •they need," he elaborated. studies program, or undertake of learning which allows students cided Wednesday, January 25 at lum. He feels a planned advising There was a general consensus senior projects which "measure to learn by doing, and not only an open meeting in Lecture Hall program would benefit students, that an advisor should be some- up to the qualitative standards of by practical application. 3, to charge a DTP to study the as well as faculty members and one other than a student's the world at large, beyond the PROPOSAL III: plan and make recommendations the administration in the area of seminar leader so that the college community." A RESPONSIVE CURRICULUM to the Academic Deans concern- curriculum planning. Stated student could obtain objective According to Thompson, the In the text of his proposal ing future implementation. Thompson, "We just aren't responses to his/her ideas. Ac- students he has spoken with Thompson states that Evergreen The official charge which will teaching students to use the cording to Diana Gushing, this seem to want more guidelines. Continued on page 6 be submitted to The Evergreen college structure." would also allow students to get Council reads: "The Members of PROPOSAL I: to know their advisors well, the Faculty present at the open AN ADVISING PROGRAM making counseling a more pleas- faculty meeting of January 25, The advising program proposed ant experience for both faculty 1978, intend the formation of a by Thompson suggests that all and students. DTP with the following charge: students be responsible for a In the past, much of the Consideration of the feasibi- written Educational Plan, "a self- Academic advising at Evergreen lity, requisite modifications, tailored statement of learning ob- has taken place at the Academic and means of instituting the jectives and strategies," to be in- Fair. Those attending Wednes- three proposals contained in cluded in the students' portfolios. day's meeting felt that this is not the document, 'Proposals from Plan documents would be the the best way for students to re- the November 16 faculty meet- outcome of discussions between ceive counsel, because the stu- ing/ authored by Kirk Thomp- students and their faculty advis- dents end up talking to faculty son." ors, and could be revised or up- members about their own pro- The Council may make addi- dated at any time. Faculty grams. Kaye V. Ladd comment- tional suggestions as to the advisors would be responsible ed, "It's like trying to advise composition of the DTF, al- for counseling students about someone about buying a used though their approval is not "any opportunities or consequen- car in a used car lot." necessary for the DTF to be ces of which the student might Richard Alexander observed SerA Board Receives CAB II Report by Mandy McFarlan building is already overcrowded, publish another report which the presentation of art, a place ment, inflation rates, the size of and that students and staff feel a will include the schematics and for people to stay overnight the bond which S & A will The CAB Phase II Design need for a more useable commu- analyses of collected data. In the when necessary, more variety in "float" and the percentage of Team presented an extensive nity center. meantime, building users should food service, a place for child- interest that will be paid on that report on the planning, user, and On September 14th, 1977 the contact the design team to write ren, and space for parties. bond. S & A asked the team for building considerations it has S & A Board allocated 20 up specific proposals in terms of Members of the team strongly a rough estimate dn maximum compiled concerning the pro- thousand dollars for supplies and description and cost. The team encourage people to read the list cost of a CAB expansion and posed remodeling and/or expan- the cost of hiring an architect- will bring these project proposals of needs and to respond if one million dollars was given as sion of the Campus Activities consultant to organize a design to a Design Review Board, something of importance has a very loose figure. Building at the January 25th team of eight student interns. which will be comprised of been left out. (The Design Team A consulting firm will be Services and Activities Board The team was to research the people from the Design Team, office is located on the first floor chosen to work with the Design meeting. needs of the building users, in- the Office of Facilities, and the S of CAB across from the cafe- Team next quarter and to later Within the next few weeks the vestigate and develop design & A Board. teria.) provide construction supervision. 5 & A Board will have to take a ideas, and draft preliminary The Design Review Board will Much of the Design Team's The Team's third quarter will be gamble in estimating a suitable drawings for phase II of the be responsible for approving report is dedicated to technical spent in the design development figure for the preliminary budget building. building needs and listing those aspects of the existing building. stage of the project; members to be allocated for the project. Jon Collier, the Architect-Con- needs in order of priority. The Since CAB was designed during will then develop working draw- The need for expansion and the sultant, says that now the design Design Team has already come a time when energy conservation ings. The proposed schedule calls volume of incoming S & A funds team is at a point where it will up with a tentative list of 46 was not a major consideration, for construction to begin in July depend directly on the future begin to draw up schematic needs which include (not in its mechanical and electric sys- of 1979, and occupancy (if an rate of increase in enrollment. diagrams. The team will then priority order): a dance area tems and its structure do not addition is built) by January of In April of 1977, the need for yield maximum energy savings.
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