Methodist Hiswry, 38:4 (July 2000) HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF THE UNITED 1\1ETHODIST CHURCH ANNUAL l\1EETING SORIN HALL, HAMLINE UNIVERSITY ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA JUNE 27, 1999 11:00 A.M. John Sims, Presiding The Rev. John Mitchell opened the meeting with prayer. President Sinzs shared a synopsis of the Society's 1998 annual rneeting min­ utes which were approved with no dissent. Lyle Johnston presented the treasurer's annual report which was accepted with no dissent. Reporting for the Commissions and Historical Societies Section, Lois Yost indicated that attendance and interest was high at its June 26 workshop, "Relationships Between Conference Historical Agencies: \Vhere are \Ve Headed?" She said her section was sending out a survey designed to learn what United Methodist historical societies are doing and how they differ. Her section's report included motions which were considered under new busi­ ness. Yost announced that the Commissions and Historical Section had elected her Chair, Jim Morris, Vice Chair, and Charles Finney, Secretary. The Society accepted the report of the Commissions and Historical Societies Section without dissent. Reporting for the Genealogy Section, Fern Christensen described its June 26 workshop, "Called to Preserve Your Family's Faith Stories," which stimu­ lated discussion about how learning what people from the past did gives insights into their feelings. While noting that her section discussed the possibility of revising The 1996 Directory a/Annual Conference Archives of the United Jvfctlwdist Church in the U.S.A., which offers help finding resources for those doing genealogical research, she urged Society members to help themselves to the remammg copies even though the directory is now available electronically. 276 1999 Minutes, United Methodist Historical Society 277 She announced that the Genealogy Section had elected Faith Richardson, Chair; Helen Long, \'ice Chair; Fern Christensen, Secretary; and Mary Bake­ man, Representative to the Board. The Society accepted the report of the Genealogy Section without dissent. Reporting for the Education and Research Section, Ed Schell shared a num­ ber of items of research news: *Charles Yrigoyen plans to publish in Methodist History a list of recently dis­ covered letters of Francis Asbury. *Bob Sledge is doing research on missionaries of the M.E. Church South. *John Baker-Batsel is making very promising progress compiling the union list and getting its data into electronic format. Schell announced that Robert Sledge is the Section's new Chair and Repre­ sentative to the Board; Russell Richey, its Vice Chair; and Nancy Andersen, Secretary. Schell concluded his report by discussing the need for cross-referencing of research and by expressing the hope that his successor will be more success­ ful in getting research published that deserves to be published. The Society accepted the report of the Education and Research Section with­ out dissent. Reporting for the Local Church History Section, Bradley Sue Howell announced that the section had elected Thelma Boeder, Chair and Represen­ tative to the Board; Elden Traster, Vice Chair; and Lois Olsen Secretary. Howell asked that, in the future, sections be given a better meeting time. The Society accepted the report of the Local Church History Section without dissent. NEW BUSINESS Johnston noted ways the Society's budget for 2000 differed from its budget for 1999: *The 1999 convocation picked up part of the costs of the 1999 annual meet­ ing so there was a need to raise the budget for the 2000 meeting to $7 ,500. 278 Methodist History *The Historian's Digest budget was decreased significantly. The Society applauded Joy Dodson when she explained that this was possible because she was using Central Methodist College's bulk rate for mailing and enlisting stu­ dent help to prepare the mailings. She assured Society members that they will continue to receive four issues of Historian's Digest every year although, being no longer sent first class, they may not be as timely. *Action of the Board of directors had reduced the student membership fee to $15. Referring to the Society's 1998 minutes which instructed him to come up with ideas for the recruitment and retention of members, President Sims offered the following suggestions: *Develop an annual conference display. *Develop a new brochure in color. (He announced that an anonymous donor has agreed to pay for such a brochure.) *Increase efforts to get HSUMC information into the United Methodist Report, a suggestion which Johnston had already begun implementing. *Identify a web master who will design a HSUMC web page. During the discussion which followed, Y rigoyen responded to Tom Pendell 's suggestion for distributing information at General Conference by noting that the new brochure could be included in Conference packets. Dick Sieber encouraged efforts to inform United Methodists in other countries about the HSUMC. Noting that she had, at the Society's last meeting, been instructed to write a history of American Methodist historical societies, Faith Richardson intro­ duced A Methodist Chronicle: Organized Attempts at Maintaining American Methodist History Leading to the Historical Society of the United Methodist Church and Its Beginning. She added that the profits from this new book which is now available for $10 will go into the HSUMC treasury. Charles Finney moved that the Society convey through Richardson its grati­ tude to the "anonymous donor" who paid for the publication of this new his­ tory. His motion was adopted with no dissent. Schell invited all United Methodists and historical societies to the HSUMC's next annual meeting, September 24-26, 2000. That meeting, which will include drama, and tours of the Frederick, Baltimore, Shiremanstown and Lancaster area, will be a celebration of the 200th anniversary of the founding of the United Brethren Church. He also promised great speakers, visits to his­ toric sites, and reasonable motel rates. 1999 Minutes, United Methodist Historical Society 279 The Society then considered the following motions proposed by the Commissions and Historical Societies Section: *The Society adopted with no dissent a motion asking that a task force be appointed to study the organizational structure of the HSUMC, especially of the sections of the Society, arid conie to the next annual nieeting with a report. *The President ruled that a second motion from the Commissions and Histor­ ical Societies Section asking that the Society produce an informative brochure with a strong educational component describing the sections was not neces­ sary because that action was already under way. *The Society accepted with no dissent a motion asking that the Treasurer send letters annually to all historical societies reminding them that all who pay their HSUMC dues through their own historical society will have them reduced by $2. 00 per year. *The president ruled that, since he planned to talk to Y rigoyen about the pub­ lication of the papers from this 1999 convocation, a motion urging the Society to pursue publication of those papers was unnecessary. *The Society accepted with no dissent a motion urging the Society to pursue publication of papers presented at its annual meetings. *The President ruled that, since it will be done, there was no need for action on a motion requesting better meeting times for the sections. The meeting concluded with a sharing of sorrows (the deaths of Louise Queen, Colin Massengil, Ray Bell, Marian Nye and James Aldrich) and of joy (the wedding of Emelie Sims); a rave report from Finney about the fine quality of the preservation of the Methodist heritage by the Canadian Methodist Historical Society even though there no longer . are Methodist churches in Canada; and a discussion about future meetings. The Society accepted with enthusiasm an invitation from Lyle Johnston and Dick Sieber to meet in the Western Jurisdiction in 2002. The annual meeting in 2001 will be in Madison, New Jersey. President Sims dismissed the meeting with the Wesleyan table grace. Respectfully submitted by Nancie Peacocke Fadeley, Secretary METHODIST HISTORY VOLUME XXXVIII October 1999-July 2000 Charles Y rigoyen, Jr., Editor Published by General Commission on Archives and History The United Methodist Church Madison, New Jersey Contributors and Articles Borgen, Ole Edvard John Wesley and Early Swedish Pietism: Carl Magnus Wrangel and Johan Hinric Liden . 82 Chilcote, Paul Wesley An Early Methodist Community of Women . 219 Daniel, W Harrison To Strengthen the Ties that Bind: Bishop John L. Nuelson and German-American Connectionalism in the Methodist Episcopal Church Mission in Europe, 1912-1940 . 160 Davis, Morris L., Jr. From the Gospel Circuit to the War Circuit: Bishop Matthew Simpson and Upwardly Mobile Methodism . 199 Eddy, Geoffrey Thackray . Formica Contra Leonem: An Eighteenth Century Conflict Reassessed 71 Evans, Christopher H. From Militant Methodism to Secular Christianity: The Social Gospel in American Methodist Historical Narratives . 147 Flores, Daniel F. 1\vo Remarkable Stories: Lost Entries of John Wesley's Journal . 251 Hamilton, Barry W Preaching the "Narrow Way": William B. Godbey's Homiletical Agenda for the Early Holiness Movement . 40 Hardt, Philip F. The Evangelistic and Catechetical Role of the Class Meeting in Early New York City Methodism . 14 Lay Shepherds of the Flock: The Class Leader in Early New York City Methodism . 104 280 Contributors and Articles 281 Herrera-Flores, Thelma Two Remarkable Stories: Lost Entries of John Wesley's Journal 251 Herzog, Albert A., Jr. From Service to Rights: The Movement for Disability Rights in the American Methodist Tradition . 27 Johnston, Lyle The Heavenly Twins: The Lives and Ministries of William Van Orsdel ("Brother Van") and Thomas Iliff . 191 MacMillan, Ken John Wesley and the Enlightened Historians . 121 Mills, W Douglas Robert Earl Cushman and a Study of Predestination in the Wesleyan Tradition . 3 Rogal, Samuel J. On Keyboard and Breadboard: The ·Wesley Family Courts the London Scene . 242 Schell, Edwin A.
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