March 9, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E331 to communities. Census data also helps city PERSONAL EXPLANATION litical skills that would serve him throughout planners identify changes in population so that his life: he won election as president of the they can place schools, fire and police sta- HON. LOIS CAPPS International Students Association. Upon his return from college in 1961, Mr. tions, and other city services in locations that OF CALIFORNIA will best serve their residents. Finally, accurate Ada again took up teaching at Saipan Inter- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES census data is essential to the long term pros- mediate School, but within a year his edu- perity of our country, as it is used by busi- Tuesday, March 9, 2010 cation and charisma landed him a position as nesses to make effective decisions regarding Mrs. CAPPS. Madam Speaker, I was not public affairs officer for the Marianas District investments and growth. able to be present for the following rollcall Government. The Marianas District was one of It is crucial that we increase public aware- votes on March 4, 2010 and would like the the geographical components of the United ness of and achieve full participation in the record to reflect that I would have voted as fol- Nations Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, 2010 Census. It is estimated that approxi- lows: administered by the United States. mately 16 million individuals—the equivalent of Rollcall No. 90: ‘‘yes.’’ Promotion came quickly. Over an eight year period Francisco C. Ada moved from eco- nearly 27 Congressional districts—did not par- f ticipate in the 2000 Census. Low-income com- nomic and political programs officer to district munities—the communities that rely most on a SHELBY CLAY political affairs assistant, then to assistant dis- fair distribution of resources and services—are trict administrator for public affairs. Trust Terri- at risk of being undercounted in this year’s HON. SAM GRAVES tory officials took due regard of Mr. Ada’s work ethic, his administrative savvy, and his exem- Census and, consequently, underserved for OF MISSOURI plary leadership skills. And in 1969 he was ap- the next decade. This important legislation will IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES help ensure that all communities get their fair pointed Administrator for the entire Marianas Tuesday, March 9, 2010 share of resources and are equipped to District, overseeing all the operations of local achieve prosperity and growth. Mr. GRAVES. Madam Speaker, I proudly government. pause to recognize Shelby Clay. Shelby is a Arguably his most important and far-sighted I urge my colleagues to join me in support achievement during his seven years as District of H. Res. 1096. very special young woman who has exempli- fied the finest qualities of citizenship and lead- Administrator was building the Saipan Inter- ership by taking an active part in the Girl national Airport. This modern facility on the f Scouts of the USA and earning the high honor capitol island ushered in our next thirty-five years of development, allowing Saipan to grow HONORING THE 50TH ANNIVER- of the Gold Award. Shelby’s outstanding achievement reflects as a business center and as a destination for SARY OF UNITED COUNCIL OF tourists from around the Pacific. To manage UW STUDENTS her hard work and dedication. Shelby has ex- hibited unique and creative examples of serv- this critical piece of public infrastructure Ada ice that have made a difference in her com- set up an airport authority, independent of the HON. TAMMY BALDWIN munity. I am confident that she will continue to need for local government support, that con- hold herself to the highest standards in the fu- tinues to be a model in our islands. Fittingly, OF WISCONSIN ture. This is an accomplishment for which on the airport’s 25th anniversary, it was IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Shelby can take pride in for the rest of her life. named Francisco C. Ada International Airport. Madam Speaker, I proudly ask you to join Francisco Ada’s years as Administrator co- Tuesday, March 9, 2010 me in commending Shelby Clay for her ac- incided with a yearning for self-government complishments with the Girl Scouts of the and a change of political status in the Mari- Ms. BALDWIN. Madam Speaker, I rise anas. People wanted closer political ties with today to honor the United Council of UW Stu- USA and for her efforts put forth in achieving the highest distinction of the Gold Award. the United States and twice tried to restore the dents on its 50th anniversary. Founded in historical unification with Guam. Then, a 1975 1960, the United Council of UW Students has f plebiscite overwhelmingly approved common- served as a champion for student rights and a wealth status under the sovereignty of the tireless advocate for protecting access to high- IN MEMORIAM—THE HONORABLE FRANCISCO CASTRO ADA U.S. er education in Wisconsin. Ada oversaw the subsequent transition from A non-partisan, non-profit, student-driven or- Trust Territory Government to Commonwealth. ganization, United Council employs grassroots HON. GREGORIO KILILI CAMACHO But he also saw that he could have a place in techniques to ensure that the voices of stu- SABLAN the newly forming government. He left his post dents on every University of Wisconsin Sys- OF THE NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS with the Trust Territory and ran, successfully, tem campus are heard by our state govern- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES on the Democratic Party ticket to be the first ment. With chapters across the state, United Lieutenant Governor of the new Common- Tuesday, March 9, 2010 Council gives UW students an important and wealth. necessary seat at the table during the policy- Mr. SABLAN. Madam Speaker, I rise to pay Those early years set the course for the making process. tribute to a man who served our country, and fledgling government. Mr. Ada was an active Since its inception, the United Council has who served the Northern Mariana Islands, with participant in the passage of new laws; nego- worked on a variety of issues including merg- great honor and distinction. The Honorable tiations and agreements with Federal agen- ing the University of Wisconsin and Wisconsin Francisco Castro Ada passed away on March cies; the design and construction of public in- State University systems, increasing student 2nd; and he is being accorded a state funeral frastructure; and adjustment by all to self-gov- rights and the ability of students to participate this week on the island of Saipan. ernance. in the formation of university policy, and ad- Francisco Ada was born in 1934 during the For the first time in anyone’s memory, the dressing affordability and access to a college Japanese administration of the Northern Mari- islands’ prospects for success or failure education. anas. He came from humble beginnings, but squarely rested on the shoulders of the people always strove to improve himself—and in the and new leaders of the Commonwealth. Fran- Ensuring that all university students have process contributed much to our community. cisco C. Ada lived up to that historical chal- access to an affordable, quality higher edu- Following World War II he went to Guam to lenge and fulfilled the people’s trust. cation is essential to Wisconsin’s economic fu- attend high school. This was before there was But it is easy to say of government officials ture and the nation’s position in the global any high school in the Northern Mariana Is- that they served the general good. Let me tell economy. I am proud of the legacy of the lands. To obtain more than a basic education you of my own experience of Francisco Ada United Council and its history of fighting for required leaving home. working for the good of individuals, as well. I these vital goals. Diploma in hand, Mr. Ada returned to recall Mr. David Indalecio, who worked on Mr. For 50 years of advocacy on behalf of the Saipan and taught for two years in a public Ada’s staff, keeping the office clean and main- students of the University of Wisconsin Sys- school. But convinced of the need for a col- tained. Mr. Indalecio did not have a high tem, I would like to thank the United Council lege education Mr. Ada secured a scholarship school diploma. Maybe he didn’t need one to of UW Students for its service and wish all the to the University of Hawaii at Manoa and do his job. But Francisco C. Ada had a com- members and advocates continued success in earned a Bachelor’s degree in political mitment to education—for himself and all the future. science. There, he also demonstrated the po- those around him. Mr. Ada encouraged Mr. VerDate Nov 24 2008 05:00 Mar 10, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A09MR8.013 E09MRPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with REMARKS.
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