E/3857/Rev.2 E/CN.12/AC.57/15/Rev.2 ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR LATIN AMERICA ANNUAL REPORT (18 May 1963 - 14 February 1964) ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL OFFICIAL RECORDS : THIRTY-SEVENTH SESSION SUPPLEMENT No. 4 UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR LATIN AMEBICA ANNUAL REPORT (18 May 1963 - 14 February 1964) ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL OFFICIAL RECORDS : THIRTY-SEVENTH SESSION SUPPLEMENT No. 4 UNITED NATIONS New York, 1964 NOTE Symbols of United Nations documents are composed of capital letters combined with figures. Mention of such a symbol indicates a reference to a United Nations document. E/3857/Rev.2 E/CN.12/AC.57/15/Rev.2 CONTENTS Paragraphs Page Abbreviations V Introduction 1 1 Part I. WORK OF THE COMMISSION SINCE THE TENTH SESSION . 2 - 275 1 General background 2 - 22 1 A. ACTIVITIES OF SUBSIDIARY BODIES • 23 - 66 6 Central American Economic Co-operation Committee . 24 - 66 6 B. OTHER ACTIVITIES ..... 67 - 246 14 Meetings and seminars . 68 - 85 14 Economic Development and Research Division . 86 - 102 18 Social Affairs Division . 103 - 127 22 Industrial Development Division . 128 - 148 26 Trade Policy Division . 149 - 163 30 Joint ECLA/FAO Agriculture Division . i64 - 175 33 Natural Resources and Energy Programme . 176 - 188 35 Transport Programme . 189 - 193 37 Statistical Division . 194 - 207 39 Mexico Office . 208 - 2i4 41 Washington Office • 215 - 216 42 Joint ECLA/BNDE Centre for Economic Development . 217 - 225 42 Technical Assistance . 226 - 235 44 United Nations Special Fund . 236 - 237 45 United Nations Headquarters and regional economic commissions . 238 - 246 46 c. RELATIONS WITH SPECIALIZED AGENCIES AND OTHER ORGANIZATIONS . 21+7 - 275 47 Part II. TENTH SESSION OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE . 276 - 341 52 A. ATTENDANCE AND ORGANIZATION OF WORK 276 - 282 52 Opening and closing meetings . 276 - 277 52 Membership and attendance . 278 - 280 52 Credentials 281 52 Election of officers 282 53 B. AGENDA 283 53 -in- CONTENTS (continued ) Paragraphs Page C. ACCOUNT OF PROCEEDINGS 284 - Jkl 5^ Opening addresses 284 - 290 5k Progress report by the secretariat 291 - 311 55 United Nations Conference on Trade and Development 312 - 320 60 Latin American Institute for Economic and Social Planning 321-325 62 United Nations technical assistance activities in latin America 326 - 330 62 United Nations "building in Santiago^ Chile .... 331 - 333 63 Programme of work and priorities 33^ - 339 Other business 3^+0 - 3^1 65 Part III. RESOLUTIONS ADOPTED BY THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE AT ITS TENTH SESSION 3^2 - 3^3 66 Part IV. DRAFT RESOLUTION FOR ACTION BY THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL 3kk 69 Part V. PROGRAMME OF WORK AND PRIORITIES 345-353 TO Introduction 3^5 - 3^7 70 Review of the work programme 348 - 3^9 70 Implementation of the work programme 350 - 351 76 Explanatory notes 352 - 353 76 Annotated list of projects 77 ANNEXES I. LIST OF DELEGATIONS 132 II. LIST OF THE PRINCIPAL DOCUMENTS ISSUED BY THE COMMISSION SINCE ITS TENTH SESSION AND OF CERTAIN OTHER DOCUMENTS RELATING TO VARIOUS EARLIER MEETINGS 137 III. TERMS OF REFERENCE OF THE ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR LATIN AMERICA 155 IV. RULES OF PROCEDURE OF THE ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR LATIN AMERICA 158 -iv- ABBREVIATIONS AID Agency for International Development ALALC Latin American Free-Trade Association BCIE Central American Bank for Economic Integration BNDE Banco Nacional do Desenvolvimento Economico (Brazilian National Bank for Economic Development) BTAO Bureau of Technical Assistance Operations CECLA Ad Hoc Committee on Latin American Co-ordination CELADE Latin American Demographic Centre CEMLA Centre for Latin American Monetary Studies CIDA Inter-American Committee for Agricultural Development CIDE Investment and Economic Development Commission CREFAL Regional Fundamental Education Centre for Latin America ECA Economic Commission for Africa ECAFE Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East ECE Economic Commission for Europe ECLA Economic Commission for Latin America ESAPAC Advanced School of Public Administration for Central America FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations GATT General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade IASI Inter-American Statistical Institute ICAITI Central American Institute for Research and Technology ICAP Inter-American Committee on the Alliance for Progress IDB Inter-American Development Bank ILAFA Latin American Iron and Steel Institute ILO International Labour Organisation -v- ABBREVIATIONS (continued) ISIC International Standard Industrial Classification of all Economic Activities OAS Organization of American States PASB Pan American Sanitary Bureau ROCAP Regional Office for Central American and Panama Affairs SIECA Permanent Secretariat of the General Treaty on Central American Economic Integration SUDENE Superintendencia do Desenvolvimento do Nordeste (Superintendency for the Development of the North-East) (Brazil) TAB Technical Assistance Board UNESCO United Nations Educational., Scientific and Cultural Organization UNICEF United Nations Children's Fund WHO World Health Organization WMO World Meteorological Organization -vi- INTRODUCTION 1. This is the fifteenth annual report of the Economic Commission for Latin America (ECIA) and covers the period from 18 May 1963 to 14 February 1964.1/ The Commission submits the report to the Economic and Social Council for its consideration, in accordance with paragraph 12 of the Commission's terms of reference, which states that "the Commission shall submit to the Council once a year a full report on its activities and plans, including those of any subsidiary bodies". PART I WORK OF THE COMMISSION SINCE THE TENTH SESSION General background 2. On 15 August 1963^ Mr. José Antonio Mayobre formally assumed his new post as Executive Secretary of the Commission. 3. In view of the many urgent tasks confronting the secretariat as a result of the decisions adopted by the Commission at the tenth session, the work programme has been very carefully reviewed, in order to establish the necessary priorities. This was particularly important in view of the commitments assumed with respect to the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, the need to concentrate efforts on the research and studies requested by the Commission as part of the preparatory work for that Conference, and the co-operation requested for the studies being prepared for it by Headquarters and the other regional commissions, in particular the Economic Commission for Europe (ECE). l/ The previous activities of the Commission and its subsidiary bodies have been reported to the Economic and Social Council in the following documents: Official Records of the Economic and Social Council: Seventh Session, Supplement No.~13 (E/840/Rev.l); ibid., Eighth Session, Supplement No. 4 (E/IO99); ibid., Ninth Session, Supplement No. 14 (E/1330/Rev.l); ibid., Eleventh Session, Supplement No. 9 (E/1717); ibid., Thirteenth Session, Supplement No. 8 (E/2021); ibid., Fourteenth Session, Supplement No. 2 W2Ï85}; ibid. , Sixteenth Session, Supplement No. 3 (E/2405); ibid., Seventeenth Session, Supplement No. 2 (E/2536); ibid., Twentieth Session, Supplements No. 10 (E/2756) and No. 10 A (E/2796/Rev.l); ibid., Twenty-second Session, Supplement No. 10 (E/2883/Rev.l); ibid., Twenty-fourth Session, Supplement No. 8 (E/2998); ibid., Twenty-sixth Session, Supplement No. 4 (E/3O91); ibid., Twenty-eighth Session, Supplement No. 4 (E/3246/Rev.2); ibid., Thirtieth Session. Supplement No. 4 (E/3333); ibid., Thirty-second Session, Supplement No. 4 (E/3486); ibid., Thirty-third Session, Supplement No. 4 (E/3582/Add.l); ibid., Thirty-fourth Session. Supplements No. 4 (E/3581/Rev.l) and No. 4 A (E/3649); and ibid., Thirty-sixth Session. Supplement No. 4 (E/3766/Rev.3). -1- In carrying out this work, to which the highest priority has been given in the different substantive divisions and programmes, the secretariat sought the assistance of a panel of high-level experts. This panel held two meetings in October and December 1963, in order to review draft studies prepared "by the secretariat and to clarify ideas prior to submitting the finished documents to Governments in preparation for the Meeting of Latin American Government Experts on Trade Policy held at Brasilia from 20 to 25 January 1964. At this meeting, attended "by 104 Latin American government experts, the secretariat document was carefully examined and the experts reached a number of conclusions, "based mainly on proposals made in that document, with respect to the position that should "be adopted by the Latin American countries at the'Conference on Trade and Development. 5. Another task to which the highest priority has been given is the work on economic integration, which the secretariat considers to be of basic importance for the economic and social development of Latin America. To this end, studies relating to industrial integration in the region are being carried out and plans made for co-operation with the Inter-American Development Bank (iDB). 6. The Central American Economic Integration Programme has entered the operative stage and is being reinforced by the work of the Joint Programming Mission for Central America, which was formed with the co-operation of a number of organizations. 7. The third activity to be assigned high priority during the period under review is the preparation of the next Economic Survey, covering the years 1960-1963. The secretariat expects to complete the Survey in time to submit it to the Economic and Social Council at its thirty-eighth session in 1964, and will publish it thereafter on an annual basis. 8. There has "been close co-operation with the Latin American Institute for Economic and Social Planning in many aspects of the secretariat's work. In particular, the secretariat has contributed to the work of the Joint Advisory Groups organized by the Institute, and has participated actively in its Training Programme in Santiago and in the intensive courses organized in various countries. Joint research is in progress on a number of projects, with particular reference to economic and social planning. 9.
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