ב ס " ד P A R S H A T K O R A C H Cha PbI R KaE I d A V O TN C HD. 4 G C O M M U N I T Y N E W S L E T T E R 6058 Sherbrooke West, NDG QC H4A 1Y1 | 514.507.8800 | www.JewishNDG.com | [email protected] www.NDGRaffle.com COMMUNITY NEWS TAMMUZ 1 HAPPY BIRTHDAY Yarin Naogoaker, Batya Vennor Wilmott, Noah Verret, Bev Shimansky, Tali Lasker, Logan Altman, Brenden Brecher, Suzy Ganon, FRIDAY JUNe 11 Sandra Salesas, Michael Ohayoun, Miriam Leah Gammal, Rachel-Alia Katz, Tanya Smith Margolese, Asher Brummel, Jerry Cytryn, Ari Blaustein, 8:00 pm - Friday Night Prayers Sabrina Bensimhon, Yossi Halperin, and Dana Kean 8:25pm - Light Shabbat Candles YAHRTZEIT Jason Issley TAMMUZ 2 This week's Kiddush is sponsored by Yossi & Rochel Rodin in honour of their move to Montreal. SATURDAY JUNe 12 If you would like to sponsor an upcoming kiddush, please let us know. 10:00am - Shacharis 1:00pm - Kiddush A Special Thanks to Esther Ilyayev for sponsoring last week's Shabbat Kiddush in honour of her birthday. 6:00pm - Pirkei Avos on the Bernath Porch This weekend commemorates the 27th anniversary of the Rebbe's passing, please 9:41pm - Shabbat Ends join us Sunday evening at 7:30pm for a very special farbrengen. TAMMUZ 3 SUnday JUNe 13 This Week's Torah Reading 7:30 pm - Virtual Fabrengen | KORACH p. 920 | HAFTORAH p. 1381 | commemorating the passing of The Rebbe UPCOMING special CLASSES & EVENTS DRAW 2021 - TICKETS SOLD UNTIL JULY 22, 2021 STARTING THIS WEDNESDAY JUNE 16 @ 8PM CONSCIOUS DATING: THE PATH TO SUCCESS FOR FRUM SINGLES Right now things are looking up and we are preparing for a sunnier future. Our raffle is our lifeline, it allows Chabad NDG to continue doing its wonderful work all year long. The money raised through our raffle has helped so many people throughout the year. Whether you have been involved in years past or just want to get You've heard those amazing miracle stories. You know the ones involved this year, it's an incredible way to give back to this very special community. I'm talking about... "He was the first person I dated, somebody just suggested it. Everything clicked, and two months later we WE NEED YOU! were married!" You probably also know that it doesn't work out like that for GRAND PRIZE $10,000 everyone. In fact, just a small (but memorable!) minority are so GRAND LOCAL PRIZE $5,000 lucky. Yes, some people just naturally figure out their shidduch, FIRST LOCAL PRIZE $1,300 or the right one falls into their lap out of the blue. SECOND LOCAL PRIZE $360 But that's not most of us, and perhaps that's not you. And that's OK! Maybe you need to work at it – follow a process. There's a Tickets are only $50 each! name for it: I call it "Conscious Dating". BUY 5 Tickets and receive an entry for the BONUS LOCAL Conscious Dating will provide a clear path forward for not just Draw: Free trip to Israel for two (or $3,000 Cash) ! you, but the entire dating system. I've tested the ideas with Chabad NDG endeavors to be the devoted family and numerous singles and shadchanim, and the results have been supportive friend of every Jewish student, young adult and transformative. Now is your chance to experience the same. family in NDG. Why? Because we love the Jewish People. With your help, we can ensure vibrant Jewish life in NDG Session 1: My Core Dating Philosophies (+ Ground Rules, if you today. Whether you are an old friend or a new, you're need them) invited... be part of our family! Session 2: A Shidduch's First Stage: Personality & Attraction Session 3: A Shidduch's Second Stage: Values, Qualities & Your SPECIAL FARBRENGEN IN HONOUR Marriage Purpose Session 4: A Shidduch's Final Stage: Emotions, Vulnerability & OF THE REBBE'S PASSING How the Magic Happens THIS SUNDAY, JUNE 13 @ 7:30pm Session 5: Troubleshooting: Everything That Could Go Wrong Session 6: Bringing Down the Brachah: Tried, Tested & True Techniques The Cohort will be limited to 20 participants. Weekly Classes THURSDAYS @ 9AM YESHIVA MORNINGS This Sunday, the 3rd of Tammuz marks the 27th anniversary of The Rebbe's passing, a very special and opportune time to ask for blessings. Traditionally, this is a day for reflection, learning, prayer, recommitment, and positive action. In this honour, we will all be gathering for a Yeshiva Mornings with Rabbi Yisroel Bernath on Zoom fabrengen to commemorate The Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M 9AM - Chassidus - 10AM - Talmud Schneerson of righteous memory. We will share inspiration that we gleaned from The Rebbe and his teachings. KORACH FOURTH ALIYAH G‑D INSTRUCTS MOSES AND AARON: "SEPARATE YOURSELVES FROM THE COMMUNITY, AND I WILL DESTROY THEM IN AN INSTANT." AND INDEED, A PLAGUE STRUCK THE NATION, AND MANY THOUSANDS WERE DYING. MOSES TELLS AARON TO QUICKLY TAKE A FIREPAN WITH INCENSE AND GO INTO THE MIDST OF THE CONGREGATION AND ATONE FOR THEIR SIN. AARON DOES SO. HE STANDS FIRST ALIYAH "BETWEEN THE LIVING AND THE DEAD," AND THE PLAGUE IS HALTED. KORACH, MOSES' FIRST COUSIN, STAGES A REBELLION AGAINST MOSES AND AARON. TOGETHER WITH A FEW RINGLEADERS, HE GATHERS 250 MEN OF RENOWN AND FIFTH ALIYAH ACCUSES MOSES AND AARON OF POWER HOARDING. "THE ENTIRE CONGREGATION IS HOLY, AND THE L-RD IS THIS SECTION DESCRIBES THE "TEST OF THE IN THEIR MIDST. SO WHY DO YOU RAISE YOURSELVES STAFFS." G‑D TELLS MOSES TO TAKE A STAFF FROM ABOVE THE L-RD'S ASSEMBLY?" THEY TOOK SPECIFIC EACH OF THE TWELVE TRIBES, WITH THE NAME OF ISSUE WITH THE APPOINTMENT OF AARON AS HIGH EACH TRIBE'S PRINCE WRITTEN UPON THEIR STAFF. PRIEST. MOSES PROPOSES THAT ON THE FOLLOWING DAY ANOTHER STAFF WAS TAKEN TO REPRESENT THE THEY ALL PARTICIPATE IN A TEST WHICH WOULD TRIBE OF LEVI, AND AARON'S NAME WAS WRITTEN DETERMINE WHO INDEED WAS WORTHY OF THE MANTLE ON THAT STAFF. THESE STAFFS WERE PLACED OF HIGH PRIEST. EVERYONE WOULD BRING AN INCENSE OVERNIGHT IN THE HOLY OF HOLIES CHAMBER OF OFFERING TO THE TABERNACLE, AND G D WOULD MAKE ‑ THE TABERNACLE. NEXT MORNING THEY WERE KNOWN HIS CHOICE FOR HIGH PRIEST. MOSES THEN REMOVED, AND MIRACULOUSLY AARON'S STAFF TRIES TO PLACATE THE REBELLIOUS GROUP, HAD BUDDED WITH ALMOND BLOSSOMS AND UNSUCCESSFULLY ATTEMPTING TO DISSUADE THEM ALMONDS. THIS WAS FURTHER PROOF THAT AARON FROM PARTICIPATING IN THIS SUICIDAL TEST WAS G‑D'S CHOICE FOR HIGH PRIEST. SIXTH ALIYAH SECOND ALIYAH G‑D COMMANDS MOSES TO RETURN "AARON'S MOSES PLEADS WITH G‑D NOT TO ACCEPT THE INCENSE STAFF" TO THE HOLY OF HOLIES, WHERE IT IS TO OFFERING OF THE REBELLIOUS GROUP. KORACH SPENDS REMAIN FOR PERPETUITY. THE JEWS EXPRESS TO THE NIGHT INCITING THE JEWS AGAINST MOSES, AND MOSES THEIR FEAR OF MISTAKENLY ENTERING A GATHERS THEM ALL TO THE ENTRANCE OF THE RESTRICTED AREA OF THE TABERNACLE, AND TABERNACLE TO WITNESS THE GRAND SPECTACLE. G‑D' S DYING AS A RESULT. IN RESPONSE, G‑D COMMANDS GLORY APPEARS. THE PRIESTS AND THE LEVITES TO CAREFULLY GUARD THE TABERNACLE, TO PREVENT UNAUTHORIZED ENTRY BY NON-PRIESTS. THE TORAH THEN LISTS THE VARIOUS GIFTS TO WHICH THE PRIESTS WERE ENTITLED. THESE INCLUDE THE PRIVILEGE OF EATING CERTAIN THIRD ALIYAH SACRIFICES, AS WELL AS SELECT PORTIONS OF OTHER SACRIFICES; RECEIVING THE FIVE SHEKELS FOR THE REDEMPTION OF ISRAELITE FIRSTBORN G D IS ANGERED BY THE JEWS' ASSOCIATION WITH ‑ SONS; A PORTION OF ALL GRAIN, OIL, AND WINE KORACH, AND WISHES TO DESTROY THEM. MOSES CROPS; THE "FIRST FRUIT"; AND MORE. AARON IS AND AARON PRAY ON THE JEWS' BEHALF AND THE INFORMED THAT HIS DESCENDENTS WILL NOT DECREE IS AVERTED. THE EARTH OPENS UP AND RECEIVE A PORTION IN THE LAND OF ISRAEL— SWALLOWS KORACH AND HIS FAMILY, AND A INSTEAD, G‑D IS THEIR INHERITANCE AND PORTION. HEAVENLY FIRE CONSUMES THE REST OF THE 250 REBELS. MOSES INSTRUCTS AARON'S SON ELAZAR TO RETRIEVE THE FRYING PANS WHICH WERE USED FOR THE INCENSE OFFERING, TO FLATTEN THEM AND SEVENTH ALIYAH PLATE THE ALTAR WITH THEM—A VISIBLE DETERRENT FOR ANY INDIVIDUAL WHO EVER WISHES TO THE LEVITES, TOO, WILL NOT RECEIVE A SHARE OF CHALLENGE AARON'S PRIESTHOOD. THE NEXT DAY, THE LAND OF ISRAEL. INSTEAD THEY ARE ENTITLED THE COMMUNITY COMPLAINS THAT MOSES AND TO A TENTH OF ALL THE ISRAELITES' CROPS—THIS AARON ARE TO BE BLAMED FOR THE DEATHS OF IN RETURN FOR THE TABERNACLE "G‑D'S PEOPLE." AND TEMPLE SERVICES WHICH THEY RENDER. UPON RECEIVING THIS TITHE, THE LEVITES MUST, IN TURN, SEPARATE A TENTH OF THIS TITHE AND GIVE IT TO THE PRIESTS. HAFTORAH IN A NUTSHELL I SAMUEL 11:14-12:22 The prophet Samuel (a descendant of Korach, the protagonist of this week's Torah portion) gathers the Jews to firmly install Saul as king of Israel. During the course of his address to the Jews he called out, "Here I am; bear witness against me before G‑d and before His anointed; whose ox did I take, or whose donkey did I take, or whom did I rob; or whom did I oppress, or from whose hand did I take a bribe..." This echoes Moses' statement in this week's Torah reading: "I have not taken a donkey from a single one of them, and I have not harmed a single one of them." The nation gathers at Gilgal for a second coronation of King Saul—the first one having lacked a convincing consensus.
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