Saskatchewan Population Report 2016 Census of Canada 2016 CENSUS POPULATION Saskatchewan’s Census population for 2016 Villages and Resort Villages accounted for was 1,098,352, according to Statistics Canada. This represents an increase of 64,971 persons 47,308 persons in 2016. This is an increase of 228 persons (0.5 percent) from the 2011 village (6.3 percent) from the 2011 Census population of 1,033,381. and resort village population of 47,080. These people live in a total of 21,159 dwellings. Table 1 shows the Census population counts Indian Reserves also decreased in population and growth rates for Saskatchewan for the past between 2011 and 2016. Reserve population 55 years. fell by 172 persons (0.3 percent) to 56,050 in 2016 from 56,222 in 2011. These people live in Table 1: Census Population, 1961 - 2016 a total of 13,995 dwellings. Saskatchewan Rural Municipality population increased by Date Census Population Growth Rate 1,934 to 176,535 persons in 2016 from 174,601 1961 925,181 5.1% persons in 2011. This represents an increase of 1966 955,344 3.3% 1.1 percent. These people live in a total of 1971 926,242 -3.0% 65,770 dwellings. 1976 921,323 -0.5% 1981 968,313 5.1% Northern Villages, Hamlets, Crown Colonies, 1986 1,009,613 4.3% Unorganized and other populations fell 1,201 1991 988,928 -2.0% persons between 2011 and 2016 from 14,630 1996 990,237 0.1% persons to 13,429 persons. These people live in 2001 978,933 -1.1% a total of 4,183 dwellings. 2006 968,157 -1.1% 2011 1,033,381 6.7% All data in this report are based on the 2016 2016 1,098,352 6.3% Census of Canada. The Census population Source: Statistics Canada, Census of Canada counts are not comparable to quarterly population estimates from the Statistics Canada CENSUS POPULATION BY TYPE OF Demography Division. Census population does COMMUNITY not include net undercount (number of persons All Saskatchewan cities (excluding the missed by the Census less the number of Saskatchewan part of Flin Flon) posted persons counted twice) and other adjustments population gains in the 2016 Census. At the made by Demography Division to the Census aggregate level, Saskatchewan cities grew 9.9 data. percent from 596,124 persons in 2011 to The following table provides Saskatchewan 655,313 persons in 2016. These people live in a Census population counts for Saskatchewan total of 264,144 dwellings. geographies for 2011 and 2016. For more Town populations rose 2.7 percent (3,939 information please contact the Saskatchewan persons) from 145,778 persons in 2011 to Bureau of Statistics at (306) 787-6335 or visit 149,717 persons in 2016. These people live in www.stats.gov.sk.ca. a total of 63,371 dwellings. JuneFebruary 14, 2005 8, 20 17 SASKATCHEWAN 2016 AND 2011 CENSUS POPULATION (2011 Census figures based on 2016 boundaries) CENSUS DIVISION 2016 2011 TOWNS (CONTINUED) 2016 2011 Division No. 1 31,766 31,333 Canora 2,024 2,219 Division No. 2 22,825 22,266 Carlyle 1,508 1,446 Division No. 3 12,610 12,691 Carnduff 1,099 1,126 Division No. 4 10,854 10,879 Carrot River 973 1,000 Division No. 5 31,750 32,007 Central Butte 372 365 Division No. 6 262,837 237,746 Choiceland 359 381 Division No. 7 47,195 46,648 Churchbridge 896 743 Division No. 8 30,718 29,962 Colonsay 451 475 Division No. 9 35,634 35,314 Coronach 643 711 Division No. 10 16,563 17,546 Craik 392 453 Division No. 11 303,423 271,170 Creighton 1,402 1,498 Division No. 12 23,986 23,228 Cudworth 814 770 Division No. 13 23,224 23,089 Cupar 564 579 Division No. 14 36,096 37,195 Cut Knife 573 517 Division No. 15 85,908 83,725 Dalmeny 1,826 1,702 Division No. 16 37,999 37,845 Davidson 1,048 1,025 Division No. 17 47,900 44,180 Delisle 1,038 975 Division No. 18 37,064 36,557 Duck Lake 569 577 TOTAL SASKATCHEWAN 1,098,352 1,033,381 Dundurn 611 693 Eastend 503 527 CITIES 2016 2011 Eatonia 524 508 Estevan 11,483 11,054 Elrose 496 477 Flin Flon (Saskatchewan Part) 203 229 Esterhazy 2,502 2,472 Humboldt 5,869 5,678 Eston 1,061 1,031 Lloydminster (Saskatchewan Part) 11,765 9,772 Fleming 84 83 Martensville 9,645 7,716 Foam Lake 1,141 1,148 Meadow Lake 5,344 5,055 Fort Qu'Appelle 2,027 2,034 Melfort 5,992 5,576 Francis 217 176 Melville 4,562 4,546 Govan 194 216 Moose Jaw 33,890 33,274 Gravelbourg 1,083 1,116 North Battleford 14,315 13,888 Grenfell 1,099 1,049 Prince Albert 35,926 35,129 Gull Lake 1,046 989 Regina 215,106 193,150 Hafford 407 397 Saskatoon 246,376 222,246 Hague 874 878 Swift Current 16,604 15,554 Hanley 511 522 Warman 11,020 7,104 Hepburn 688 562 Weyburn 10,870 10,484 Herbert 856 759 Yorkton 16,343 15,669 Hudson Bay 1,397 1,504 TOTAL CITIES 655,313 596,124 Imperial 360 349 Indian Head 1,910 1,815 CENSUS METROPOLITAN AREAS 2016 2011 Ituna 701 711 Regina CMA 236,481 211,519 Kamsack 1,898 1,825 Saskatoon CMA 295,095 262,215 Kelvington 834 890 Kerrobert 1,026 1,061 Kindersley 4,571 4,678 TOWNS 2016 2011 Kinistino 654 743 Aberdeen 622 599 Kipling 1,074 1,051 Alameda 369 342 Kyle 449 437 Allan 644 648 La Ronge 2,688 2,743 Arborfield 312 326 Lafleche 382 406 Arcola 657 649 Lampman 675 713 Asquith 639 603 Langenburg 1,165 1,148 Assiniboia 2,389 2,418 Langham 1,496 1,290 Balcarres 587 617 Lanigan 1,377 1,390 Balgonie 1,765 1,630 Lashburn 983 967 Battleford 4,429 4,065 Leader 863 821 Bengough 332 313 Lemberg 313 274 Bienfait 762 780 Leroy 450 427 Big River 700 639 Lumsden 1,824 1,631 Biggar 2,226 2,161 Luseland 623 566 Birch Hills 1,033 1,064 Macklin 1,374 1,415 Blaine Lake 499 510 Maidstone 1,185 1,156 Bredenbury 372 364 Maple Creek 2,084 2,176 Broadview 552 574 Marshall 561 594 Bruno 611 574 Midale 604 562 Burstall 378 301 Milestone 699 618 Cabri 390 399 Moosomin 2,743 2,485 Source: Statistics Canada, Census of Canada Prepared by Saskatchewan Bureau of Statistics, Ministry of Finance SASKATCHEWAN 2016 AND 2011 CENSUS POPULATION (2011 Census figures based on 2016 boundaries) TOWNS (CONTINUED) 2016 2011 VILLAGES (CONTINUED) 2016 2011 Morse 242 240 Annaheim 210 219 Mossbank 360 327 Archerwill 166 200 Naicam 661 686 Arran 25 40 Nipawin 4,401 4,265 Atwater 30 31 Nokomis 404 397 Avonlea 393 398 Norquay 434 435 Aylesbury 40 42 Ogema 403 368 Aylsham 65 71 Osler 1,237 1,088 Bangor 38 46 Outlook 2,279 2,204 Beatty 60 63 Oxbow 1,328 1,285 Beechy 228 239 Pense 587 532 Belle Plaine 85 66 Pilot Butte 2,137 1,843 Bethune 399 405 Ponteix 563 605 Bjorkdale 201 199 Porcupine Plain 862 855 Bladworth 65 60 Preeceville 1,125 1,070 Borden 287 245 Qu'Appelle 639 668 Bracken 20 30 Radisson 514 505 Bradwell 166 230 Radville 807 860 Briercrest 159 111 Raymore 575 568 Brock 142 127 Redvers 1,042 975 Broderick 85 71 Regina Beach 1,145 1,081 Brownlee 55 50 Rocanville 863 857 Buchanan 218 225 Rockglen 441 400 Buena Vista 612 524 Rose Valley 282 296 Bulyea 113 102 Rosetown 2,451 2,317 Cadillac 92 78 Rosthern 1,688 1,572 Calder 90 97 Rouleau 540 453 Canwood 332 348 Saltcoats 484 474 Carievale 240 236 Scott 73 75 Carmichael 58 30 Shaunavon 1,714 1,756 Caronport 994 1,068 Shellbrook 1,444 1,433 Ceylon 111 99 Sintaluta 119 120 Chamberlain 90 88 Southey 804 778 Chaplin 229 218 Spiritwood 786 916 Christopher Lake 289 281 Springside 502 534 Clavet 410 386 St. Brieux 667 590 Climax 195 182 St. Walburg 689 716 Coderre 30 30 Star City 387 460 Codette 198 205 Stoughton 649 694 Coleville 305 311 Strasbourg 800 752 Conquest 160 176 Sturgis 644 620 Consul 73 84 Tisdale 3,235 3,180 Craven 214 234 Turtleford 496 525 Creelman 113 115 Unity 2,573 2,389 Dafoe 15 15 Vonda 384 353 Debden 337 358 Wadena 1,288 1,306 Denholm 88 76 Wakaw 922 985 Denzil 143 135 Waldheim 1,213 1,035 Dilke 98 77 Wapella 326 333 Dinsmore 289 318 Watrous 1,900 1,857 Disley 67 75 Watson 697 777 Dodsland 215 212 Wawota 543 560 Dorintosh 134 147 White City 3,099 1,899 Drake 197 202 Whitewood 862 950 Drinkwater 70 65 Wilkie 1,219 1,301 Dubuc 61 70 Willow Bunch 272 286 Duff 30 30 Wolseley 854 864 Duval 83 97 Wynyard 1,798 1,767 Dysart 200 218 Yellow Grass 478 440 Earl Grey 246 239 Zealandia 80 80 Ebenezer 185 175 TOTAL TOWNS 149,717 145,778 Edam 480 444 Edenwold 233 238 VILLAGES 2016 2011 Elbow 337 314 Abbey 129 115 Elfros 90 96 Abernethy 204 196 Endeavour 65 94 Albertville 86 140 Englefeld 285 247 Alida 120 131 Ernfold 15 30 Alvena 60 55 Eyebrow 119 139 Source: Statistics Canada, Census of Canada Prepared by Saskatchewan Bureau of Statistics, Ministry of Finance SASKATCHEWAN 2016 AND 2011 CENSUS POPULATION (2011 Census figures based on 2016 boundaries) VILLAGES (CONTINUED) 2016 2011 VILLAGES (CONTINUED) 2016 2011 Fairlight 40 40 Makwa 84 97 Fenwood 30 40 Mankota 205 211 Fillmore 311 255 Manor 295 322 Findlater 45 50 Marcelin 153 158 Flaxcombe 124 117 Marengo 166 47 Forget 55 35 Margo 83 100 Fosston 45 55 Markinch 58 72 Fox Valley 249 260 Marquis 97 92 Frobisher 160 166 Marsden 297 284 Frontier 372 351 Maryfield 348 365 Gainsborough 254 291 Maymont 138 146 Gerald 136 114 McLean 405 304 Glaslyn 387 397 McTaggart 121 125 Glen Ewen 154 144 Meacham 99 84 Glenavon 182 176 Meath Park 175 205 Glenside 76 84 Medstead 130 120 Golden Prairie 30 35 Mendham 30 35 Goodeve 40 45 Meota 304 307 Goodsoil 282 281 Mervin 159 160 Goodwater 30 25 Middle Lake 241 242 Grand Coulee 649 571 Milden 167 181 Grayson 211 184 Minton 55 60 Halbrite 119 108 Mistatim 101 73 Harris 193 213 Montmartre 490 476 Hawarden 52 50 Mortlach 261 289 Hazenmore 70 50 Muenster 430 422 Hazlet 106 95 Neilburg 379 448 Heward 44 40 Netherhill 25 25 Hodgeville 172 172 Neudorf 263 272 Holdfast 247 169 Neville 87 83 Hubbard 35 46 North Portal 115 143 Hyas 70 114 Odessa 205 239 Invermay 273 247 Osage 20 20 Jansen 96 126 Paddockwood 154 163 Keeler 15 15 Pangman 232 214 Kelliher
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