of -. BED BANK SECTIO 'and Sanronnidliic Towns Told Fearlessly and WlUiout Bias ONE yOLUME LXII, NO. 39. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, MARCH 21, 1940. Retired Lumber To Engage 150 O'gan Recital at Annual Spring Rumson Council To Spealc at Runuon B iptist Church Easter Services in Dealer Acquires Persons To "Work J, program of organ selections will Flower Show Asked To Make be presented at the Baptist church Vanderburg Farm On United Drive Saturday night from 8 to 9 o'clock, Held At Dean's Frederick K. Ball will bo at the con- Zoning Changes Red Bank Churches soil. The program will be as fol- Ray H. Stillman Sells Campaign for Three lows: "Arioso," Bach; prelude from Corsages and Plants "Tie Children's Crusade," Flerne; Counsel to Prepare 140-Acre Estate—New Organizations to "Adagio Lamentoso," symphonic for Easter Displayed Special Music Sunday in Fa hetique, Tscbaikowsky; - hymns, . Qrdinance for Borden Owner to Build Start Next Week "O Sapred Head Now Wounded" on Palm Sunday Haislcr-Bach "When I Survey The and Byrne Properties Local Houses of Worship W< idrous .Cross," "Were .You Ray H. Stillman, real,estate brok' An" organization of 160 people of Thire?" spiritual, Burleigh; Second Dean's turned their flower shop and The Rumson borough council last r er, of Eatontown, haa reported the Red Bank Is being formed for the Movement "Symphony in D Minor," adjoining greenhouse into a spring Thursday night passed a motion di- Easter services will be held this -, *ala of the 140 acre farm of George first united campaign of three par- Frftnck;'•. "Heart Wounds," Grieg; garden at their tenth annual Palm recting the borough attorney, Wil- Sunday in the Red Bank churches,-^ 1 Gets A Big Box Ingraham at Vanderburg, to William ticipating agencies to atart Friday, Good Friday Music from "Parsifal, Sunday flower show. The show re- liam A. Stevens, to draw up an.ord- The programs will consist of special • van liter, retired lumber dealer of March 29. Campaign headquarters ceived much favorable comment inance changing a large section of Easter music by the church choir* £ New York city. The farm Is now have, been estuttjshed < In the "Y" ;ner; hymn, "Beneath The Cross the former Willlston estate from and sermons by the pastors. ,-• being operated by John R. Hammond, from the 900 people who attended. Of Flowers; building, 40 Riverside avenue. Theo- Mrs. Frank Dean, Miss Hqlen Mc- Class A to Class AB. The estate was Presbyterian "J Sr., who haa been a tenant for the dore D. Moore is general chairman. purchased recently by General How- past 10 years or more.' Mr. Ham- Cue, Miss' Jeanne' Carton and Leroy "The Testimony of the Tomb" will •»<!» For the first tlipe In the history of Golden were responsible for the ard 3. Borden for a real estate de- Can Smell Them mond will continue to farm the place velopment and General Borden was be the subject of the sermon at the*''I Red Bank three organizations, name- C loral Announces many 'beautiful arrangements of Presbyterian church by the' pastor. Jtf for the new owner. Mr. Ingraham, ly the Young' Men's Christian asso- represented at the meeting by Plrlo a practicing attorney, of Brooklyn, flowers for all occasions displayed at J. Maloney, civil engineer, who sub- Charles A. Hawkins Rev. John A/ Hayes. The service will - - New York, has not been living on ciation, Boy Scouts of America, and thcshoW. Mrs.. Dean la well known start at 11 o'clock. ."} the Salvation-Army, are uniting in Spring Concert. mitted a map of the section which the farm for many years.- The farm for her artistic floral arrangements. the new owner wants changed. Mr. Remembered by Insur- • Special music will be rendered by Is located on the northeast corner of a combined fund-raising drive. -'The She recently returned from lectur- Maloney said that each lot In this MARK O. KIMBERLING. the members" of. the. church quartet . the Hlllsdale road and the road lead: largest'of these groups Is the Y. M. Concert Will Be Held ing at the University of Maryland area, which is bounded by" Ridge ance Group • at the morning worship service. The- Ing from Vanderburgh to Marlboro! C. A. which will receive an allotment 7 at a conference attended by repre road and part of the Avenue of Two Colonel Mark O. Kimberllng, su- selections will, be as follows: "Thlsv It adjoins the Big Brook pheasant of 63 per cent of the $17,000 goal. The riday Night, April 19 sentat^yes from the Middle Atlantic RIVers, will be at least 100x150 feet. perintenlent of tho New Jersey State is the Day," Groton, by the quartet; • • farm of Frederick J. Burghard, of Boy Scouts will get 20 percent and states. Dean's also had the honor Jn this area is a strip of land on the Police, will be the principal speaker A special messenger from the "Christ, the Risen Lord," Hofrmels-% Rumson. the Salvation Army will receive 17 James de la Fuente, violinist, Miss of making the bouquet which was southwest corner, with a frontage of at the meeting of the Rumson Re- Firemen's Insurance company. Loy- ter, by Mrs. Thomas McClintock, con-,,; per cent. ' Maijorie Federsen, harpist and Wll- presented to Queen Elizabeth on her 150 feet on Ridge road and 300 feet publican ' club Wednesday night, alty Group, of Newark arrived in tralto; and "To Him Who Died *nd ' •There are two dwellings on the visit .here last June. Red Bank Friday morning carrying Rose Again," Pierce, offertory quar- premises. The old-fashioned colonial Twenty-five different organizations lard Sektberg, pianist, on the Avenue of Two Rivers, which March 27, at 8:15, In Red-Men's hall. meet'at the "Y". every week. The Prominent at the show was a large was designed as a business zone when It will be ColofteLfcimberling's first about- as large a box as he could farmhouse, which is now occupied by the zoning ordinance was adopted. appearance before the Rumson or- handle. He called at the office of . the farmer, was built about ISO years majority of these are. groups • affili- display ot corsagesr Various types 1 A special vesper service •will be „ ated with the association while oth- of corsages were arranged on ganization, and a capacity gather- Hawkins Brothers on Monmouth ago and contains all the old features t, April 19, at the Long Branch No change was requested for the held Sunday afternoon at 4 p'c)ock '4 of the pre-Revolutionary days, such ers are those in the community hav- large fan. Each panel of the fan con- ing is anticipated. His talk will Btreet, stating the box was for at the church for the'presentation of" southern part of the development, deal with the varied activities of the Charles A. Hawkins and that it con- as hand-wrought door hinges, wide ing need of a suitable meeting place. tained one' of the popular colors fa- which Is bounded by the Rumson the.cantata, "Victory Divine," by J. pine board floors, beam ceilings, etc, The "Y" is host to a weekly Satur- vored for the Easter season and also road and the Avenue of Two Rivers, state police, particularly with traffic tained Sowers. Mr. Hawkins saw Christopher Marks, by the members • The house haa a large Hying room, day night dance which is proving corsages to be worn with the var- which is Class A. The pretentious duties -and combating crime. no reason why anyone should send of the quartet. The cantata, in its • with fireplace, entrance hall with popular among the younger set of ious colors were displayed on the Williston residence, which is located him flowers and was quite reluctant entirety, will be: "In the Garden": doors at each end, dining room, den Red Bank. The scope of work of the shaded panels. Mrs, Dean stated in this area, is being razed. about receiving them. However, the 'In the Place," Allan B, Woolley; that corsages for this Easter will be 'Sir, We Remember," quartet; "The and kitchen on the first floor. On the "Y" is ever increasing as new sltu- The ordinance will be introduced messenger insisted the Sowers were second floor there are six rooms and tions and problems present them- larger and more tailored. Dance To Benefit for Mr. Hawkins and left them. A Sky is Dark," duartet; "He Was at the next meeting of the governing Wounded," A. IJeRoy Baker, and bath. There Is a hot air heating selves. There were also a number of nov- board Thursday,- March 28. few minutes later Mr. Hawkins system and electricity. The main elty plant arrangements. Flowers to opened the box and much to his "God So Loved the World," quartet. The three main programs of the Another.zoning change request was League Milk Fund" "The Earthquake": "Behold There dwelling, formerly occupied by Mr. Boy Scouts of America In Red Bank be sent to mothers of new babies made by Dennis K. Byrne, real estate surprise found 25 handsome Amer- Ingraham, contains on the first floor were placed in tiny pairs of shoes. Was a Great Earthquake," Mr. Wool- Include the Cubs, the Boy Scouts, agent who wants the' northeast ican Beauty roses. ley; "It Is the Hour pf Morning," a large living room, with field stone and the Senior Scouts.' These pro- Another use of plant arrangement corner of Ridge road and Center Event Will Be Held " ' fireplace, dining room, kitchen, two was placed in the basa of a table The flowers adorned Mj.
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