ISSN 1339-2204 - print version e-ISSN 2453-9759 - online version EV 5516/17 Volume 6 (2018) No. 2 MUZEOLÓGIA a kultúrne dedičstvo VEDECKÝ RECENZOVANÝ ČASOPIS Redakčná rada/Editorial Board: prof. PhDr. Pavol Tišliar, PhD. (predseda), PhDr. Tibor Díte, PhDr. Jan Dolák, PhD., Mgr. Silvia Eliašová, PhD., doc. Mgr. Ľuboš Kačírek, PhD., PhDr. Peter Maráky, doc. PhDr. Michal Šmigeľ, PhD., Mgr. Lenka Ulašinová-Bystrianska, PhD., Mgr. Lenka Vargová Medzinárodná redakčná rada/International Editorial Board: Dr. Vitaly Ananiev, CSc., Saint-Petersburg State Univerzity (Russia); prof. Jože Hudales, PhD., University of Ljubljana (Slovenia); Dr. Tone Kregar, Muzej novejše zgodovine Celje (Slovenia); assoc. prof. Franço- is Mairesse PhD. , Université Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3 (France); prof. Eiji Mizushima, PhD., Univer- sity of Tsukuba (Japan); prof. Bruno Brulon Soares, PhD., Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil); assoc. prof. M. A. Lynne Teather, M. A. PhD. (Canada) Výkonní redaktori/Executive Editors: doc. Mgr. Ľuboš Kačírek, PhD. – prof. PhDr. Pavol Tišliar, PhD. Jazyková redakcia/ Proofreading: Anglický jazyk: Mgr. Lenka Vargová Český jazyk: Mgr. Monika Mikulášková Slovenský jazyk: doc. Mgr. Ľuboš Kačírek, PhD. Vydavateľ/Published by: Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave/Comenius University in Bratislava Filozofická fakulta/Faculty of Arts Gondova 2 814 99 Bratislava Slovak Republic IČO vydavateľa 00 397 865 Redakcia/Editorial Office: Odbor Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo Katedra etnológie a muzeológie FiF UK/Department of Ethnology and Museology e-mail: [email protected] www.muzeologia.sk Periodicita/Frequency: 2x ročne/Twice yearly - (jar, jeseň) s uzávierkou 28. 2. a 30. 9. v príslušnom roku/(Spring, Autumn) with submission deadlines February 28th and September 30th for each calendar year ISSN 1339-2204 - print version e-ISSN 2453-9759 - online version, http://www.muzeologia.sk/casopis_mkd_en.htm MKSR EV 5516/17 Dátum vydania: september 2018 Časopis je indexovaný v databázach/Journal is indexed by: Central and Easter European Online Library (CEEOL); Elsevier SCOPUS; Historical Abstrac- ts EBSCOhost; The Central European Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (CEJSH); The European Reference Index for the Humanities and the Social Sciences (ERIH PLUS); Directory of open access journals (DOAJ); Open Academic Journals Index (OAJI); Clarivate Analytics Web of Science Core Collection ESCI CONTENTS A r t i c l e s Jan Dolák: Karl Popper and Museology : Between object and musealia ............................................... 7 Liudmila Nickolayevna Bakayutova: The Name of Faberge at the Crossing of Philately and Jewelry Arts ..................................... 19 Marina V. Biryukova – Antonina A. Nikonova: The Idea of Museum in Contemporary Curatorial Projects .................................................. 31 Elżbieta Nieroba: National Museums and Museums of Modern Art in Poland – Competition for Domination in the Field of Museums ..................... 45 Aleksandr Cherkasov – Larisa Koroleva – Sergei Bratanovskii – Michal Smigel: Sacred pagan temples in the Caucasus region: characteristic features ......................................................................... 59 Yulia V. Putilina – Oksana V. Ustinova – Natal’ya A. Shevchenko: Witchcraft, sorcery and hand wringing in the life of Siberian peasants: on the materials of historical sources of the nineteenth century ............. 71 Pavol Tišliar: Fate of the Andrássy Archive from Betliar and Krásna Hôrka in the 1940s and 1950s ................................................................... 83 Zdena Krišková: Cultural heritage and its potential in the context of sustainable development (blueprint as a cultural identification element on the Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage) ....................... 95 Jolana Darulová: Preservation and presentation of intangible cultural heritage of a town (based on the example of Banská Bystrica) ........................................... 107 Michal Babiak: Cultural Heritage of the Slovaks from Vojvodina in the Context of Slovak Culture .................................................... 121 Jana Koltonová: Earthenware from Tajov village ....................................................................... 131 I n P r a c t i c e Zuzana Borzová: Presentation of monuments in Nitra and its surroundings as one of the methods for creating a positive attitude towards our cultural heritage ....................... 141 Stanislava Gogová – Pavol Šteiner: Presentation of the Material and Spiritual Culture of the Celts - Student Project at the Department of Museology, FA CPU in Nitra ............... 149 Lenka Ulašinová Bystrianska: Department of ethnology and museology - evaluation of scientific, research and project activities of the museology section and study opportunities ..................................... 163 Ľubica Miľanová: Special forestry sites – the contribution of foresters to the cultural heritage of the community ............................................... 173 B o o k s r e c e i v e d a n d r e v i e w s Andrej Vrteľ: ČIŽMÁŘOVÁ, Jana. Keltská pohřebiště na Moravě. Okresy Hodonín, Kroměříž, Olomouc, Opava, Prostějov, Přerov, Uherské Hradiště a Zlín ................................................................ 178 Lenka Ulašinová Bystrianska: Štefan Oriško – Peter Buday: Pramene k umelecko-historickému bádaniu a ochrane pamiatok na Slovensku (1846 – 1918) ......................................................... 180 N e w s Lea Daňková: Trip to Slovenia .............................................................................................. 182 OBSAH Š t ú d i e Jan Dolák: Karl Popper a muzeologie: mezi objektem a muzeálií ................................................ 7 Liudmila Nickolayevna Bakayutova: The Name of Faberge at the Crossing of Philately and Jewelry Arts ..................................... 19 Marina V. Biryukova – Antonina A. Nikonova: The Idea of Museum in Contemporary Curatorial Projects .................................................. 31 Elżbieta Nieroba: National Museums and Museums of Modern Art in Poland – Competition for Domination in the Field of Museums ..................... 45 Aleksandr Cherkasov – Larisa Koroleva – Sergei Bratanovskii – Michal Smigel: Sacred pagan temples in the Caucasus region: characteristic features ......................................................................... 59 Yulia V. Putilina – Oksana V. Ustinova – Natal’ya A. Shevchenko: Witchcraft, sorcery and hand wringing in the life of Siberian peasants: on the materials of historical sources of the nineteenth century ............. 71 Pavol Tišliar: Fate of the Andrássy Archive from Betliar and Krásna Hôrka in the 1940s and 1950s ................................................................... 83 Zdena Krišková: Kultúrne dedičstvo a jeho potenciál v kontexte udržateľného rozvoja (modrotlač ako kultúrnoidentifikačný prvok na Reprezentatívnom zozname nehmotného kultúrneho dedičstva) ........................................ 95 Jolana Darulová: Zachovávanie a prezentácia nehmotného kultúrneho dedičstva mesta (na príklade Banskej Bystrice) ......................................................... 107 Michal Babiak: Kultúrne dedičstvo vojvodinských Slovákov v kontexte slovenskej kultúry ........ 121 Jana Koltonová: Hlinená keramika z obce Tajov ................................................................... 131 O d b o r n é č l á n k y z p r a x e Zuzana Borzová: Prezentácia pamiatok v Nitre a okolí ako jedna z ciest k budovaniu pozitívneho vzťahu ku kultúrnemu dedičstvu ............... 141 Stanislava Gogová – Pavol Šteiner: Prezentácia materiálnej a duchovnej kultúry Keltov v projekte študentov Katedry muzeológie na FF UKF v Nitre .......... 149 Lenka Ulašinová Bystrianska: Katedra etnológie a muzeológie Univerzity Komenského – zhodnotenie odborných činností a štúdia v odbore muzeológia .......... 163 Ľubica Miľanová: Významné lesnícke miesta – vklad lesníkov do kultúrneho dedičstva spoločnosti .................................................. 173 A n o t á c i e, r e c e n z i e, k r i t i k y Andrej Vrteľ: ČIŽMÁŘOVÁ, Jana. Keltská pohřebiště na Moravě. Okresy Hodonín, Kroměříž, Olomouc, Opava, Prostějov, Přerov, Uherské Hradiště a Zlín ................................................................ 178 Lenka Ulašinová Bystrianska: Štefan Oriško – Peter Buday: Pramene k umelecko-historickému bádaniu a ochrane pamiatok na Slovensku (1846 – 1918) ..................................................... 180 S p r á v y Lea Daňková: Exkurzia do Slovinska .................................................................................. 182 Karl Popper a muzeologie: mezi objektem a muzeálií Jan Dolák PhDr. Jan Dolák, PhD. Comenius University in Bratislava Faculty of Arts Department of Ethnology and Museology Gondova 2 814 99 Bratislava Slovakia e-mail: [email protected] Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, 2018, 6:2:7-17 Karl Popper and Museology : Between object and musealia The paper summarizes both the division of the world and the approach towards things of different philosophers (Plato, Hegel, Moore, Russel, Whitehead, Heidegger, Wittgenstein, Reichenbach, Patočka). Special attention is given to the system of three worlds (material, psychic, and real – ideal, immaterial) of Karl Popper. Those approaches are applied to the understanding of a museum collection in both theoretical and practical sense. Key words: museology, museum, collection, philosophy, K.R.Popper,
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