The Price of This Paper is 3 cents everywhere—Pay no more four Page Colored 22 Pages Today Comic Section CARTERET PRESS Three Sections VOL. VIII, No. 33 CAUTKRET, N. J , I'KIDAV, MAY 2, ll>30 PRICE THREE CENTS Seton Hall Debater* Police Round Up Polish Social Club Vanquish Carteret Team Held For Grand Jury TELEVISION SET AT ROESSLER'S School Board Voids In a Rutgers Interscholastic League Juvenile Lone Eagles Appoints Committee: Debate, Carteret High was defeated On Robbery Charge by Seton Hall yeaterday afternoon Roessler's, Perth Amboy'i lead- One Boy Robbed Cars Alone Now Organization Ai»o Plan* at the Carteret High School. Seton Fitch Street Man Placed Under ing furniture store, will exhibit a Heating Co. Contract Hall received the unanimous decision But Had 7-Year-CHd Look- First Annual Banquet and A of the judges who were students 5500 Bail For Hearing On General Electric Television radio Decide* To Give Job To Next Lowe*t Bidder Because Burne, out* —- Another Wai Teach- Drive For Member*. from Rutgers College. Charge Of Breaking Into set every afternoon next week Carteret, upholding the affirmative Lane & Richardson Would Not Follow Kn^-iA^.tSpecification*; . ing Youngster • To Shoot side of the topic, "Resolved that Cafe At Night. from three until five o'clock. The A mwt n By a Crap. m } ^ ' R of the Pulaftki Social Homa Work Should Be Abolished in set will be operated from Schenec- resolution adopted by the start work within three days or H* Uub held on Monday night at the AIL High Schools," was represented Edgar IStaubach, 23 years old, of Board of Education at a »p«ci»l contract would be terminated. The Falcon Hall, Frank Godeski, presi tady, N. Y. The public i* cordially Two Juvenile lone eagle operatives by Edith Brown, Isabella IStruthers 02 Fitch Btreet was held for the ac- meeting Monday night, the contract Ann ignored Jacoby's letter and ha* were rounded up by the police over dent of the club, appointed the fol and Bernard Jtosenbleuth. Miss Mar- tion of the Grand Jury on a charge invitwj to see and hear it. The ma- •till refused to go ahead with the lowing committee*: garet PrentiM, Blue and White de- of breaking and entry at a hearing of Burn*, Lanes A Richardson to in- work. the week-end and arraigned in po- chine, which forecast* a new fu- lice court on Monday night. Henry Finance; Jo*eph Urbanski, Loretta bating coach, presided. It is pro- Monday night in police court. Stau- stall the hutting and ventilating ap- The bid of the Burns, Lane * MartencEUk, and Frank Godeski. bable that this debate will mark the bach w«» brought in and quetioned ture for the radio world, may be pliances tn the addition to the Na- Richardson Company was _,, .. Kondas, 16 year* old, of Bergen Banquet: Stephen Cjywkaki, William appro xi- street, IM brought in on two charge*. close of the season for the Carteret Sunday after a report was made to than Hal* School, wa* terminated. matery 91,000 lover than that of Hartenciuk, Loretta Martenwsuk, Ed- debating team. up until next Saturday night. Railroad police charged that he had n the police that Cheret's place in the The board alab adopted another reso- Vandarberg. The attorney advteed "•"• *> ]!«>1™ki. Prank Eck and been breaking into freight car», and Heil building in Roosevelt avenue lution awarding the contract to Fred the board that it may either readver- Frank Godeaki. Entertainment: Matt near the Central Railroad Station Mrs. Ann Pikowka alleged that he Urbaiuki, John Puchak, Edward Bon- A. Vandwbearg, the next lowest bid- tlse or award the contract to the next had Been burglarised on Saturday bidder. Both method* are valid, Ja- h»d a habit of breaking window* for kowski, Joseph Pugd and Stelta der. the fun of it. night. At the close of business* on Wild Night Ride eoby explained. There was consider- Caaja. Membership: Andrew Hudak, Legion Team Wins When the bid* were advertised In hia raids on freight car*, de- William Martenczuk and Betty Saturday night Cheret placed $45 in able dicussion as to the procedure currency in a tumbler with a top and specification* ware given to the Commissioner Mittuch favored re-ad- tectives said, he alwayi worked alone Lukac. Welfare: Andrew Ginda, Stel- bidden, a special type of unit wa* *o f*r as entering the .cars wa* con- la CaaJa, Catharine Niemen, Mitt and concealed it in crushed ice in Cost Driver license vertising, to ts to avoid any legalities Over Elizabeth Nine the ice box. When he opened his detailed in the •peciAcatloro. The tf»t »»y occur. President Theodow cerned but be had several little boys, Urbanski, Frank Ssymanoski ahd Burns, Lane A Mehardson Company seven or eight year* old who acted Prank Ekalewiu. place on Sunday morning he found A. Bishop explained that it would Cardinal* Of Union County that a burglar had entered during the Woman Companion I* Injured was the lowset bidder. Later thia con- take several weeks to re-advert!** a lookout*. He wa* paroled for furth- Preliminary plan* ware discussed cern wanted to Install a different .«r investigation. Town Get 6-3 Drubbing night by breaking a pane of glass in and Car I* Wrecked In Final tod that tail would hold up work. for the first annual banquet to be a side door and turning the key in type of unit and explained that the About twenty per cent of the work Joseph Harri*, 18, of 57 Union Ijven by the dub on June l at the From D'Zurilla's Men, Episode, bid WM based on the second type. street, another lone operator the lock. Is already completed, Bishop said. lish Falcon Hall. The organization Sergeants Dowling and Andrea, When directed to use the unit* ore- Commissioner Conrad said it would brought in by Officer Dan K alao decideded to participate in the Charle* Dako. who formerly re- scribed by the specification*, the firm At the time of the airett he bad Displaying the tame attack which ari d Acting Sergeant John Connolly be advisable to take up the matter Memorial Day exercise*i , sponsored resulted in their first win of the sea- worked on the caw. It was learned sided at 38 Hudson street and who refused to atait it* work. In the with the bonding company before the some small boys behind a shed teach- each year by the Carteret American now live* at 88 Central avenue, ven- meantime, other construction wa* go- ing them how to ahoot crap. The son two week* ago, the American Le- that Stauback had been out of funds board was to take any action on the Legion, Post No. 268. It was also gion baseball team smashed its way early Saturday evening and that lat- tured forth upon a ride Saturday at ing on. matter. Commissioner Conrad and officer brought in the dice. Harri* decided to open a membership drive. A. M .that got him into all kinds David Jaooby, attorney of the was given a reprimand and dismissed to a 6-3 victory over the Elisabeth er some time after midnight he ap- Welblund, a* well a* President Bto- The charter will remain open for Cardinal* ifftinday afternoon on the peared in a lunch cart with a toll of of trouble, according to the police. board, wrote to the concern several hop, were in favor of turning th* with a warning not to appear again leveral months, the president said, so And this statement of the police was weeks ago, declaring that it muet in court. high school field before several hun- bills. Police said that Staubaek de- contract over to the next bidder. that those who wish to join during dred spectators. nied the burglary until Sergeant verefled to tome extent Monday The attorney explained at this this time may become charter memb- Mickey Mirfecs's fine pitching per- Dowling showed him fingerprint*,on night when Oako's license to drive point that the. board, if it were to ers. formance was paramount in the Le- the tumbler and proposed to take>M* which he fought for so hard a year award the contract to Fred A. Vaa- gion victory. His speed ball *lsnts for comparison. Then or so ago, was revoked and he was Health Day Marked derberg, could hold the bonding com- Bergtajfred; Kan proved too mu«h ta*\)ut CawlljiaU. fte {bargebut denjed fined f 16. pany liable for the difference be- "" ~'sflit Insists ha shut nut tha. fflttEfi mra&Ji. A<*swsU|g.-. te the Cartet«t poliee tween tha bid of Burns, Lanss k Summit Church Sunday Cardinals without a single run and the IfA tb»t <d " ' ' "MessttUpTHttir only gave them four hits in this time. of tfie money was in Stauback's pos- led by John Kopln, of 73 Mercer members were of th street; Mis* H«len Denham, of 212 The members of the Rotary Society In the ninth, working on a six-run session and was recovered .His fath- Program Carried Out ID that the board could hold Burns, advantage, Migiecs got big-hearted er furnished bail for him. Washington street, Perth Amboy, Lane* t Richardson liable under Colored Man Objected to Vis- of St Joseph'* Roman Catholic and another young woman whose ing With President'* Procla- breach of contract Church will leave In buses on Sun- for the moment and gave the Cardin- itor* Attention* To Hia Wife; als three run*. Mickey held the Card- name wa* not recorded.
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