PROJECT COMPLETION REPORT PROJECT COMPLETION REPORT MAHILA KISAN SASHAKTIKARAN PARIYOJANA (MKSP)-POTTANGI & SEMILIGUDA Submitted to Mission Director State Rural Livelihoods Mission, (SRLM) Govt. of Odisha Submitted by Project Implementing Agency (PIA) Life Academy of Vocational Studies 17AV Complex, Gadakana, P.O: Mancheswar Railway Colony Bhubaneswar-751017, Odisha 1 PROJECT COMPLETION REPORT MKSP-Potangi & Semiliguda Blocks in Odisha Contents Sl. Subject Page No No Abbreviations 4 Acknowledgement 5 Executive Summary 6-10 11-13 1 Introduction 2 Project Description 2.1 Project Context & Perspective 2.2 Project Goal, Objectives & Components 14-20 2.3 Implementation Strategies 2.4 Target Group 3 Project Rationale & Design 3.1 Project Responsiveness 21-22 3.2 Approach & Thrust 4 Project Effectiveness 4.1 Appraisal Target 4.2 Project Outcomes & Impacts 23-30 4.3 Targeting & Outreach 4.4 Innovation, Replication & Scaling up 5 Project Efficacy & Economy 5.1 Project Cost 31-33 5.2 Project Management 6 Project Sustainability 34-35 6.1 Institutional Sustainability 2 PROJECT COMPLETION REPORT MKSP-Potangi & Semiliguda Blocks in Odisha 6.2 Social Sustainability 6.3 Technical & Economic Sustainability 6.4 Environmental Sustainability 6.5 Exit Strategy 7 Lessons Learnt, Conclusion & Recommendations 7.1 Lessons Learnt 36-37 7.2 Conclusions 7.3 Recommendations 8 Annexure 8.1 Case Studies 38-51 8.2 Best Practices 9 Utilization Certificate 52-53 10 Audit Report 54-57 3 PROJECT COMPLETION REPORT MKSP-Potangi & Semiliguda Blocks in Odisha Abbreviations CBO Community Based Organization CRP Community Resource Person DAY-NRLM Deendayal Antodaya Yojana-NRLM FPC Farmers’ Producer Company FPO Farmer Producer Organization GoI Government of India GoO Government of Odisha PG Producers’ Group HH Household HDI Human Development Index INR Indian National Rupees INM Integrated Nutrient Management IPM Integrated Pest Management LAVS Life Academy of Vocational Studies LWE Left Wing Extremism MK Mahila Kisan MKSP Mahila Kisan Sashaktikaran Pariyojana MIS Management Information System MPR Monthly Progress Report M & E Monitoring & Evaluation MKSHG Mahila Kisan Self Help Group MoA Ministry of Agriculture MTR Mid Term Review MGNREGA Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act MoRD Ministry of Rural Development, GoI NTFP Non-Timber Forest Produce NRLM National Rural Livelihoods Mission NGO Non Government Organization OLM Odisha Livelihoods Mission ORMAS Odisha Rural Development and Marketing Society PCR Project Completion Report PDS Public Distribution System PRI Panchayat Raj Institution PRP Para Resource Person PIA Project Implementing Agency PoP Package of Practices QPR Quarterly Progress Report SC Scheduled Castes SAP Sustainable Agriculture Practice ST Scheduled Tribes SHG Self Help Group SRI System of Rice Intensification VDA Village Development Association VLC Village Level Committee Kharif Cropping season starting from July to November-Rainy Season 4 PROJECT COMPLETION REPORT MKSP-Potangi & Semiliguda Blocks in Odisha ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Engagement with the Mahila Kisan Sashaktikaran Pariyojana (MKSP) as the PIA has been one of-the most rewarding experiences for Life Academy of Vocational Studies (LAVS). On behalf of LAVS, I take this opportunity to express my gratitude and hearty thanks to the National Rural Livelihoods Mission, Ministry of Rural Development, Govt. of India; Odisha Livelihoods Mission, Govt. of Odisha to have given us the opportunity to be a part of the development scenario involving rural women farmers; especially in difficult terrains and hilly regions of the state. For MKSP, we received financial assistance from the Ministry of Rural Development, GoI and the OLM, Govt. of Odisha. Officials from OLM and MoRD/ NIRD provided critical inputs at various points of time in strengthening programmatic aspects. We could have never achieved the results but for the valuable reviews based feedback received from the monitoring agencies at state and national level. I thank and remain ever grateful to them for their dedicated support and constant facilitation. We also thank District Administration Koraput and especially the officials from concerned line departments, DRDA and ITDA for their field level coordination and convergence initiatives from time to time. The women farmers who are at the center stage of MKSP, exhibited remarkable enthusiasm in the program. It is the keen interest and convictions of women farmers that made MKSP a meaningful programme. We thank all the CRPs and PRPs for their untiring effort and support to make the programme a success. I thank my colleagues Sri Rameswar Sahoo, Sri Karunakar Parida who coordinated the field level implementation of MKSP across 88 villages. I am also grateful to all other colleagues at head office and field offices as well as the consultants who worked tirelessly for achievement of the milestones. 5 PROJECT COMPLETION REPORT MKSP-Potangi & Semiliguda Blocks in Odisha EXECUTIVE SUMMARY BASIC INFORMATION 1 Project Title Mahila Kisan Sashaktikaran Pariyojana (MKSP) 2 Implementing Organization(PIA) Life Academy of Vocational Studies (LAVS) 3 Approval Date 28.02.2013 4 Sanction Date & No. 08.03.2013 5 MoU Date 19.03.2013 Project Location Pottangi & Semiliguda Blocks of Koraput 6 District, Odisha. Block 02 GPs 10 Project Outreach Villages 88 7 WSHGs 300 Target HHs/ Beneficiaries 3015 8 Project Duration 3 Years Reporting Period 9 From Month/Year April 2013 To Month/Year March 2019 Project Monitoring & Evaluation 1st Evaluation Interim Mid Term Mid Term Evaluation-II 10 Evaluation Evaluation-I 25.03.2016 30.09.2016 25.09.2017 10.05.2018 Number of Target Beneficiaries : Households 11 Total Direct Indirect Women ST SC 12063 3015 9048 3015 8685 3378 12 Project Summary Details : Planned Start Date 19.03.2013 Total Project Budget 1,73,40,750.00 Actual Start Date April 2013 Total Grant Amount 1,30,03,330.00 Released Planned End Date March 2016 Total Expenditure incurred 1,38,44,483.00 Actual End Date March 2019 Balance- in - hand Nil 6 PROJECT COMPLETION REPORT MKSP-Potangi & Semiliguda Blocks in Odisha 13 Project Goal & Objectives : The primary goal and objectives of the project was to empower women by making systematic investments to enhance their participation and productivity, as also to create and sustain agriculture based livelihoods of rural women. 14 Project Partners : Ministry of Rural Development Government of India Executing Agency National Rural Livelihoods Mission (NRLM) State Executing Agency Odisha Livelihoods Mission, Govt. of Odisha Partner NGO Implementing Agencies Village Level Committee (VLCs) promoted by LAVS 15 Name & Contact address of PIA Name of Contact Person Rameswar Sahu Postal Address 17 AV Complex, Gadakana, Bhubaneswar 751017, Odisha Mob : 9437915481 Contact Details Fax : 0674 2117475 E-mail : [email protected] Odisha is the 11th most populous state in India and home to 42 million people. Poverty reduced sharply in the state after 2005, but is still very high. Districts in the south and west are among the poorest in the country and the state is home to 14 million poor. The State witnessed the highest reduction of poverty ratio from 57.61 percent in 2004-05 to 32.91 percent in 2011-12 among Indian States, meaning that living standards of the poor people of the State has improved. The annual rate of reduction stands at 3.5 percentage points per year as against the all-India rate of 2.2 percentage points. The poverty analysis is based on household consumption and defines the poor as those whose expenditure falls below the poverty line, set at ` 407.78 for rural and `497.21 for urban areas in 2004-05; the corresponding figures were ` 695 for rural and ` 861 for urban areas in 2011- 12. Figure 2.13 and 2.14 analyze the poverty in Odisha by decomposing across rural and urban areas using three different poverty measures: headcount ratio (HCR in percentage), poverty gap ratio (PGR percentage), and squared gap ratio (SPGR percentage). These three poverty measures belong to the FGT (Foster-GreerThorbecke) family of poverty measures. Growth is higher than in some Low Income States, but has slipped below the national average in the recent period. Consumption inequality has increased marginally after 2005, mostly in urban areas. 7 PROJECT COMPLETION REPORT MKSP-Potangi & Semiliguda Blocks in Odisha Koraput district of Odisha is mostly backward. The livelihoods of the rural people are mainly agriculture, collection of NTFP forests and animal husbandry. Agriculture in the district is under developed due to bio-physical constraints. The crop productivity is comparatively low and the farmers have less access to irrigation. Shifting cultivation practiced at quick successions has caused serious biological and environmental implications. The women population of the district is underprivileged. Keeping this in view, the MKSP was implemented in Pottangi and Semiliguda Blocks of Koraput district. The project aimed to cover 3000 women households in 88 villages under 10 Gram Pachayats of two Blocks in the district. 1. Goal & Objectives: Odisha, despite being endowed with rich natural resources, is also one of the poorest states in the country. The Schedule Tribes (ST) and Schedule Castes (SC) constitute nearly 38 % of the population of the state. In spite of several interventions by both the State and Central Governments, the Tribal communities are far behind in terms of socio- economic development indicators. The Goal of Mahila Kisan Sashaktikaran Pariyojana (MKSP) was to empower women
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