Election Retains SANTA BARBARA STATE* COLLEGE In Roadrunner Extra Tomorrow Also Sports and Society Sections ROAD ÑNER VOL. X. SANTA BARBARA, CALIFORNIA, WEDNESDAY, MAY 6, 1931. No. 29 W eekly Calendar DICKENSON, KENT END Wednesday, May 6— Women’s Glee Club. BATTLE FOR STUDENT Thursday, May 7—— Department Meetings. Friday, May 8— VIVID THEME Home Economics Depart­ Travelogues Are Shown PRESIDENCY TODAY ment Beach Picnic. Through Courtesy Year Book Planned As Saturday, May 9— Of McCormick Largest In History Student Body Dance at President’s Office Is Only O f ThU College Rockwood, 8:30 p. m. Monday, May 11— One That Is Being Travel pictures of Dalmatia, Women’s and Mety’s Glee Contested Montenegro, and Soviet Russia KAY BISHOP EDITOR, Club, 7 p. m. Sorority and Fraternity were shown in the college audi­ INTEREST LACKING Annual W ill Be Issued night. torium Thursday, April 30, thru Procter To Be Vice-Pres­ About June 2; Theme Tuesday, May 12— the courtesy of Stanley McCor­ ident; Rose Greenwell Is Rainbow Deans’ Meeting, 11:QB a. m. mick, interested in visual educa­ Faculty Meeting, 4:25 p. m. Up For Secretary' tion. The dream pictures and Student Body Social Com­ thé accompanying lecture by Ultra-modern in . theme, the mittee, noon. That Santa Barbara State col­ Branson De Cou were presented 1931 La Curnbre will be the lege students are not interested free to the student body. The in Student Body politics is evi­ largest and most'colorful ever is­ scenes were carefully chosen tb sued by the college, according to MCCORMICK TO obtain films o f foreign lands that denced by the fact that the bal­ Kay Bishop, editor of the year­ are not ordinarily seen by trav­ lots. fo t the annual student body book. The book probably will be GIVE OUT ROAD­ elers. elèction which is being held to­ Some of the pictures of Soviet issued on the second of June, with day contain the name of only one Russia, illustrating the efficiency candidate for each office except the presentation by Dean Pyle of RUNNER COPIES of the government, were excep­ that of president., the Honor Copy on the same tionally hard to take without Betty Procter, ’32, has no op­ date. The Honor Copy was pre­ Progress of Visual Edu­ danger of arrest. Pictures showing country gar­ ponent for the office of, A. S. B. sented to Edwin Dundas last year cation Department dens, estate, fountains and palaces vice president. Rose Greenwell, and has been a tradition of State Is Speeded of Peter the Great, Catherine the ’33, is the only candidate for se- since 1928. Great, and other notables of the retary. Lorenz Greenson, ’33, has The theme uses as a basis the ■ Stanley McCormick, son of the old Russia were presented. A ll no competition for treasurer, and relation of the rainbow to life.. inventor of -the world famous Me- of the estates taken from the Ben Romer, ’33, is the sole can­ Due to the efforts of Kay Bishop, Cofmick reaper and benefactor of wealthy class have been changed didate for manager of oratory and into museums or iurto rest houses who has edited the yearbook for. the State college, last week se­ debate. for the workers. Views of some Students will go to the polls to 1929, 1930, and 1931, and her cured 18 copie's of the issue of of these converted, estates in Len­ decide between Wesley Dickenson staff, the book ■ promises to be the Roadrunner which told of the ingrad and Moscow were shown and James Kent for president of very good. Martin Bredsteen, showing of the McCormick reaper upon the screen. the Associated Student Body . business manager has solicited picture in the .college auditorium. Plates showing the beautiful next year. Neither candidate is The copies will be distributed more advertising than has- been lakes, quaint towns and famous favored to win by a large mar­ among the friends of the .wealthy summer resorts of Dalmatia and gin, as both are popular on the received for five years. Virginia Montecito man throughout the Montenegro also were presentéd. campus and have displayed < their Weber, who is in charge of the country. > These plates were all hand paint­ ability to fill such an office by, photography, and Tommy Wood, McCormick gave- a late model ed and projected from De Cou’S previous participation in student with her clever collegiate figures moving picture projection ma­ own machine. Pictures twelve LAUDS affairs. and special modern designs for chine to the college last week, and feet square were thrown upon Dickenson has been chairman the screen with a clearness' and the pages, have added much to the projector will be ready for of the student activity committee, use by next week, according to beauty that would have been ini-' I. E. DEPT. chairman o f the publicity commit­ the Success of the book, A din­ William Rust, head of the visual possible without excellent photo­ tee, varsity yell leader, member ner for the staff will be given be­ education- department here, and graphy and painting. Kenneth Goble, professor of John C. Beswick, chief of the of the pep committee,' the Stu­ fore the book is out, and will hon­ who interested McCormick in the English and journalism in State bureau of trade and industrial ed­ dent Body social committee, man­ ager of two annual camptis revues or the following students 'who needs of the college. college and a local newspaper ucation for the state of Califor­ and the Roadrunner award night, have worked, on the La Curnbre The Montecito man also had S. B. State Alumni man, was injured last Wednesday nia, spent, part of last Wednes­ the Branson de Cou pictures of and symphony orchèstra, in addi­ for two .successive years: Kay night when his Dodge roadster hit day and Thursday inspecting the the Dalmation coast and of Soviet Plan Oakland Meet tion to participating in numerous Bishop, Dorothea E. Peterson, a telephone pole'on West Michel- classes in the industrial education Other student activities. Tommy Wood, Tad Foss, Helen Russia shown here as a gift; to Dr. Harry B. Hambey, presi­ torena street. department of. State, college. Kent has been manager of the, King, and Doris Rodehaver. the students, besides providing for the exhibition of the McCormick dent .of the Bay. Section, S. B. Goble had just' taken several Beswick spoke very highly of student employment agency for the past year, editor o f the new reaper, picture two weeks ago. C. Ahlmni Association, has ex­ friends to the Daily News build­ the work being done in this de-. tended invitations to members of Student Directory, assistant man­ ing and was on his way home partment, but suggested that ad­ the faculty and alumni of Santa ager of Clean-up Day, a member when the accident occurred. It Barbara State college to attend a ditional .buildings were needed to of the committee for outside .pub­ ‘Modernisque’ Dance meeting to 'be held in Oakland, was late at night and due to poor properly house this phase of State licity for the college; student May 8, at the Oakland Women’s lighting or the equivalent the college work. manager of the Frosh football Planned Saturday team last season, and a member Club, 1428 Alice street. professor either misjudged the In a conference with E. E. Eric- Members of the faculty who of several varsity teams. middle of the block for a corner son Beswick expressed the desire The “ Modernisque” dance will have been urged to attend and Election polls will be located at be held Saturday night, May 9, in or the telephone pole for .a rival of the State Board of Education At a meeting o f the cast of are expecting to caravan to Oak­ the. office of the controller, and the Spring play, Dean Ashworth, Rockwood Inn at 8:30 o’clock. land are President Phelps, Mrs.' A t any rate the prof smashed to have those teachers who have will be open from 9 a. m. until sponsor ; Alvetta Van Tuyle, di­ The affair is to be a sport dance, Abraham, Dean Ashworth, Dean the telephone pole with a headon received teaching credentials from 3:30 p. m. Students must reg­ and there will be many novel ister before voting and can vote rector; and Doris Rodehhver, Pyle, Miss Ebbets, Miss Severy, collision, leaving the Dodge em­ the University of California Which features for entertainment. Mrs, Barnett, Mrs. Doolittle, and only on a ballot marked with the manager, it was decided to cancel blem clearly stamped on the pole. entitles them to teach only indus­ all plans for a three-act play this ' Those wishing invitations for Miss Clow. Representative mem­ stamp o f thè Associated Student The car. shut up like an accord­ trial education work, to broaden year. outside men or women must get bers will be expected to give brief body. , their field o f teaching. He be­ It is with great regret that the them before Thursday noon from talks and there will be special out­ ion. However, according to Go­ Members of the student council' lieves that Santa Barbara State College Players are forced to this Dean Pyle or Virginia Weber. side entertainment. ble, a Dodge is never wrecked so will act as the election board, and college is one of the best colleges decision. But in consideration of Virginia Weber, social chair­ the counting of votes will 'begin badly but what it may be repair­ in the state to further advance the series of unfortunate circum­ man, is in charge; with Betty at 3 :30 p.
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