Red Cross Arctic Disaster Management Study SPR_Arktinen_selvitys_170x250mm_s1-88_UUSI.indd 1 27.8.2018 9.10 Printing: Takomo tuotanto OY Graphic Design and layout: Carita Lehtniemi Authors: Sini Hangaslammi, Ilona Hatakka Publisher: Finnish Red Cross Cover photo: LUCIA ALI NIELSEN LEHTIKUVA / REUTERS August 2018 ISBN: ---- Acknowledgements The Red Cross Arctic Disaster Management Project started out with discussions with the Finnish Border Guard in . A year later, the Finnish Red Cross commends the Border Guard for their excellent cooperation as well as support for the project and the completion of this study. The study received funding from the Finnish Border Guard’s Arctic Maritime Safety Cooperation (SARC) project for which the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland has provided funding. The Finnish Red Cross is also grateful to all the Arctic National Red Cross Societies for the provision of data for research and their great interest in and commitment to the Arctic questions. The role of the IFRC as an expert was also important. We hope that the cooperation we have now started together will continue in the future. The Red Cross has much to offer in terms of expertise and capabilities in preparing for Arctic emergencies. Helsinki, ... Sini Hangaslammi Ilona Hatakka Photo: Sini Hangaslammi SPR_Arktinen_selvitys_170x250mm_s1-88_UUSI.indd 2 27.8.2018 9.10 SPR_Arktinen_selvitys_170x250mm_s1-88_UUSI.indd 3 27.8.2018 9.10 Executive summary The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement is the world’s largest humanitari- an network and therefore a key actor to be considered also in the Arctic. The Red Cross Arctic Disaster Management study denes the ‘Arctic’ from the Red Cross point of view and provides a comprehensive overview of the presence, services and response capacity of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement (Movement) in the Arctic. The study is intended as a reference material for the Movement to better assess its capacities, but it is also meant to serve other stakeholders: public authorities, partners and other organizations in better understanding the Red Cross work in the Arctic and to nd com- mon ground for cooperation. The data used in the study has been collected through a survey, interviews and a joint seminar with representatives from the Arctic National Red Cross Societies held in Oulu, Finland in March . The study provides a summary on the Arctic operational context, the collected data, conclusions, recommendations and suggestions for future research opportunities. This study focuses on the Red Cross emergency response capabilities, including human resources, equipment, logistics, databases and alerting systems, training and capacity building, cooperation and coordination and long-term programmes in the Arctic. Although the focus is on the capacities for mass emergencies in the Arctic, the importance of every- day activities is recognized as the basis of all Red Cross preparedness. The Red Cross Red Crescent Movement is present in people’s daily lives, building resilience and preparedness through its action and helping in everyday incidents and events. A key nding of the study was that the presence of the National Red Cross Societies in the Arctic states (United States, Canada, Denmark (including Greenland and Faroe Islands), Ice- land, Sweden, Norway, Finland and Russia) in the Arctic is mostly based on over trained local volunteers with extensive know-how and knowledge about the Arctic condi- tions as well as national deployable groups and staff. A limitation noted was that the exact number of volunteers involved and available in case of an emergency is hard to dene. Material preparedness in the area varies. In general, local branches are prepared for eve- ryday incidents, but in case of a major accident, material and support would have to be mobilized from outside the area. According to the study, National Societies are not how- ever adequately prepared for this. The extensive knowledge and experience of the RCRC Movement in using harmonized Emergency Response Units (ERUs) could also be utilized in the Arctic context, but winterization, scaling and equipment testing would be needed. National Societies have adapted to the Arctic conditions and developed capacities includ- ing, for example, mobile trailer systems for material preparedness, Arctic Emergency Survival Kits and Arctic First Aid. The Red Cross does not have a specic Arctic training programme, but many National Red Cross Societies practise regularly in the Arctic condi- tions and provide specialized training in, for example, search and rescue in avalanches. Community resilience is strengthened with training in rst aid and psychosocial support. National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies have a special role as auxiliaries to states and state authorities in their countries. In general, cooperation with the different authori- ties and stakeholders in the Arctic was seen as uent and well- functioning. Almost all of the National Societies involved in the study have national legislation that denes the role of the Red Cross in the country. Some National Societies are more closely integrated into the national systems with formalized agreements, while other National Societies work from a more needs-based approach. IV SPR_Arktinen_selvitys_170x250mm_s1-88_UUSI.indd 4 27.8.2018 9.10 Based on the ndings, the study gives recommendations to the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement. These recommendations relate to strengthening volunteer management in the Arctic including spontaneous volunteers, enhancing response capacities for major emer- gencies through winterization and harmonisation of existing units and pre-logistical plan- ning, increasing cooperation with public authorities, external partners, stakeholders and indigenous communities as well as strengthening Red Cross advocacy and presence in the Arctic Council. The recommendations are aimed at facilitating deeper cooperation within the Movement on Arctic issues as well as at building regional preparedness and partner- ships with relevant actors in the Arctic. The Study has been compiled by the Finnish Red Cross as a part of the Finnish Border Guard’s Arctic Maritime Safety Cooperation (SARC) project funded by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland. The study has been conducted in cooperation with the National Red Cross Societies of the United States, Canada, Iceland, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland and Russia. V SPR_Arktinen_selvitys_170x250mm_s1-88_UUSI.indd 5 27.8.2018 9.10 Tiivistelmä Punaisen Ristin ja Punaisen Puolikuun kansainvälinen liike on maailman suurin humanitaa- rinen verkosto ja siten keskeinen toimija myös arktisella alueella. Punaisen Ristin arktisen valmiuden nykytilaselvityksen tarkoituksena on tarkastella arktista aluetta Punaisen Ristin näkökulmasta ja kartoittaa kokonaiskuvaa Punaisen Ristin liikkeen vahvuudesta, palveluis- ta ja valmiudesta vastata arktisella alueella tapahtuviin onnettomuuksiin. Nykytilanselvitys tarjoaa parempaa ymmärrystä arktisesta kontekstista ja valmiuksista Punaisen Ristin liik- keen sisällä, mutta on tarkoitettu myös yhteistyötahoille, viranomaisille, kumppanijärjes- töille ja muille toimijoille avaamaan Punaisen Ristin toimintaa ja kykyjä arktisella alueella. Selvityksen aineisto on kerätty arktisen alueen Punaisen Ristin kansallisille yhdistyksille lähetetyllä kyselytutkimuksella, haastatteluilla ja Punaisen Ristin arktisen valmiuden semi- naarissa Oulussa maalis kuussa . Raportissa on esitetty yhteenveto arktisesta toimin- taympäristöstä, aineistoista, johtopäätöksistä, suosituksista sekä ehdotuksista jatkotutkimus teemoiksi. Selvitys keskittyy tarkastelemaan Punaisen Ristin valmiuksia suuronnettomuuksiin ja katastrofeihin kuten henkilöresursseja, varusteita, logistiikkaa, tietokantoja ja hälytys- järjestelmiä, koulutusta sekä valmiuksien kehittämistä ja pitkäaikaisohjelmia arktisella alueella. Vaikka selvityksen painopiste on suuronnettomuusvalmiuksissa, arjen toimintojen merkitys ihmisten ja yhteisöjen selviytymisen ja varautumisen pohjana on ensiarvoinen. Punaisen Ristin vahvuus onkin läsnäolo arjessa ja apuna joka päiväisissä tilanteissa jo ennen onnettomuuksia ja katastrofeja. Selvityksen perusteella Punaisen Ristin kansallisilla yhdistyksillä Kanadassa, Yhdysvalloissa (Alaska), Tanskassa (Grönlanti ja Färsaaret), Islannissa, Suomessa, Ruotsissa, Norjassa (mukaan lukien Huippuvuoret) ja Venäjällä kaikilla on läsnäolo arktisella alueella. Toiminta perustuu pitkälti yli koulutettuun paikalliseen vapaaehtoiseen, joilla on mittavaa osaamista ja ymmärrystä arktisen alueen olosuhteista. Lisäksi monilla kansallisilla yhdis- tyksillä on maan sisäisesti lähetettäviä valmiusryhmiä ja henkilökuntaa. Selvityksessä kui- tenkin huomattiin, että tarkkoja lukuja vapaaehtoisista ja hälytettävistä ryhmistä on vaikea määrittää. Punaisen Ristin materiaalinen valmius alueella vaihtelee. Yleisesti paikalliset toiminta- ryhmät ovat varautuneita pienempiin tilanteisiin ja häiriötiloihin, mutta suuronnettomuu- den sattuessa materiaalista tukea ja henkilöresursseja olisi tuotava arktisen alueen ulko- puolelta. Selvityksen mukaan tähän ei kuitenkaan ole riittävästi varauduttu. Punaisen Ristin laajamittainen katastroavun osaaminen ja nopean avustustoiminnan yksiköt ( Emergency Response Unit, ERU) voisivat palvella myös arktisella alueella, mutta se vaatisi systemaattisempaa varustetestausta ja mukauttamista arktisiin olosuhteisiin. Arktisen alueen Punaisen Ristin kansalliset yhdistykset ovat sopeuttaneet toimintaansa arktisiin oloihin ja
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