![Chas. Emerson & Co.'S Raleigh Directory ... [Serial]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
m 188J. 1881. RALBIGH ORGANS. Gf'U»Tal Agent tor N. C for the Lilt fimii Neir iiie Sewin icliii, AND DEALEl! IN Best Machine Oil, Needles, Attachments, Sec, for all Machines. Willimantic Thread, Bcldixig's Sils., lutteriok's Patterns. jg@°"Any other Machine furnished on apDlication. Office-is Fayetteville Street, - RALEIGH, N. C. fj. 1 11 1 u u u (a U Briggs Building, RALEIGH, N. C, DEALERS IN Wagon and Buggy Material, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Paints, Oils, Colors, Putty, Window Glass, Steam Engines, Belting, Lime, Cement, Plaster and Mill Supplies. corrics]po]vi3e:]vcb: solicited. 1^, Best Goods. Lowest Prices, square dealing. i l.>i>\.-:i.i-, Hn.ii-.Moii (V. S: , Tis. & r,\m\rr>, Vu]<\'J\ €bt ILitiratp 1 of tbt OniucrjBitp of Jf3prtt) Carolina JAMS & CO., ?^D EETAIL IL.LE STREET, I, N. C. a Specialty. CoIIfrtion of i^ortli Caroliniana i £^±L£jXif9 a. 3 Torses, for Hire at all 'ay or ZViglit. r Briggs Building, H, 3N. C. J. C. S. LOMSDEN, Stoves, Mars, Sliest Iron AND COPPER-WAKE. J5@°^The Old North State Cook Stove, First Preiuium at 3 successive State Fairs. "Wood and Willow-Ware, Iron Ilollow-Warc, House Furnishing Goods generally Fayetteville Street, opp. Market, RALEIGH, W. C. HIGGS HOUSE, Comer Salisbury and Hargett Streets, JACOB HIGGS, Proprietor. On the European PLAN^ESL'SoSfr THE BAR is stocked willi the l»es| WIXES, LK^UORS and CIGARS. l®^Please give liim a call. UNIVERSITY OF N.C. AT CHAPEL HILL 00031654451 This book is due on the last date stamped below unless recalled sooner. It may be renewed only once and must be brought to the North Carolina Collection for renewal. Form No. A-369 . EMERSON & CO.'S gh Directory, i88o-'8i. TE Index to the Residents of the City, ALSO, A CLASSIFIED H^.libii-i'iSS DIRECTORY. TO WHICH IS ADDBD AN [NO Useful Information of City, County, AND Miscellaneous Matters, TOGETHER WITH A >kk et directory, ! Gazetteer of Wake County, —AND A— [RECTORY OF NORTH CAROLINA. •ice, Three Dollars. RALEIGH, N. C: Edwards, Broughton & Co., Printers and Binders, 1879. A. W. LAWRENCE. Established 1867. W. W. SMITH. OF LAWRENCE & SMITH, RALEIGH, N. C, Representing flr.st-class Ent^Iish and American Companies, with combined assets amounting to over $50,000,000.00. i9S~Ag-pnts wanted where our Companies are not alreadj' represented. Insurance effected in any part of the State. s? 48 ISAAC CETTINGBE, 48 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALI^R IN Ladies' Fancy, Furnishing, Needle and Hair Goods. 48 Fayetteville St., KALEIGtH, IV. O. Mrs. (Ettinger Attends to the 3*Iillinery Branch. B^'Orders from a distance will receive prompt attention. RETAIL DEALER AND JOBBER OF Dry (j06c1s, lotions, Clothing, Hats, Ca^ps, Boyden's and Miles' Hand-Made Boots and Shoes, Trunks, Valises, White Goods, &c., MOTTO: GOOD GOODS AT RIGHT PRICES. South Corner Fayetteville Street and Exchange Place, GENERAL INDEX. PA01C. Appendix J8l Banks \-ll Business Directory — ^o» Churches '»* County Government IS* Educatioual ]9» Gazetteer of Wake County *^^ General Directory of Names. ^ Government of North Caroliaa 1°» Historical Sketch of Raleigh ^9 Index £ Introductory. Population "," \i c'h' ^ Post-Office D rectory Back ot iJoo^ Street Directory ; United States Courts. 187 Advertisements. 38 AllenJS&Oo ,, AndrewsRB&Co Jl ArmstrouK John 213 Betts & Kin 38 Blackwell W T & Co Back Cover Border Review 180 Front Cover Brings T II .i Sons Bullock & Thompson. 38 BusbeeWM 1^1 Christophers & Sorrell ^]* FrapsAW ft* Gray & Stamps l™ Gulley J P I Hardie Mrs M A • i„- ° Hi^ies House Iront Paster HiUFB ; HillTY 1°^-^f Hunt AT „,* HutchinRsWB f'* Indiana House ''^ Kelvyn Nursery. 10 Kinsrsley & Ashley ^SO Lawrence & Smith Vi^v^;', * Lumsden JC S ^ Front Paster Magnm Albert ^^* • • Mahler H " * National Hotel inset CEtling;erI ^'V^'\ 0'K>llv & Baker Front Paster Piedmont Air-Line Railway Back Paster Redlord & Areiulell 8 Raleijrh & Augusta Air-Line *"* Raleigh Male Academy ' J* Salem Female College '1 Stewart's N Y Gallery •-• ,•'»" Stone J L Front Cover St Mary's School 8 Visitor The Evenin<< V T The N C Home Insurance Company ^"^„ The Observer. 12 The Raleigh Christian Advocate Inset Tucker W H & R S I"^^* TnrnerYE l^ "Whitelaw & Campbell • u-^'^'* WiUiamsA&Co .FrontPaster Yarbrough House ° 5i Mmf"^ §ili®®lj RALEIGH, N. C, (Founded 1842.) THE REV. BENNETT SMEDES, A. M., Kector and Principal. MRS. C. DeR. MEARLS, Lady Principal. Special advantages offered in the MUSICAL DEPARTMENT. Two Teachers from the Eoyal Leipzig Cousen-atory ; a fine Pipe Organ of two manuals and twenty stops. Lectures on Harmony and Counterpoint twice a week. THE ART DEPARTMENT, Newly fitted out ^\ith the best models from Europe, also offers special inducements to Art pupils. The teacher in charge of this Department had the unusual advantage of a course of study with one of our greatest Artists. A full com-se of lectures are also given on Art and kindred subjects. Efficient Teachers in Every Department. THE FINEST SITUATION IN THE SOUTH. Large, Commodious Buildings. Every Advantage offered for Mental, Moral and Physical Education. S&^7Gth term begins January 30th, 1880. For circular containing terms and full particulars, address the Rector. 4 li^^3- >c^:^m INTRODUCTORY. To THE Citizens of Raleigh : We take pleasure in presenting to our patrons this our first Directory of Raleigh. The compiling of a Directory is always a task of no mean magnitude, peculiarly susceptible to errors; but we have brought to this work the experience of several years in other and larger cities, and have con- scientiously endeavored to make the initial gaide of Raleigh a credit to our many patrons and ourselves ; and we trust that upon examination it wall be found correct and satis- factory. It is our intention to renew the Directory in 1881, when it will be more extended and varied in its contents, keeping pace with your rapidly growing city. Hoping that our first work has been of such a character as to gain for us the con- fidence of the people and cause them to retain their patron- age for us in 1881, we remain Yours respectfully, CHAS. EMERSON & CO. MRS. M. A. HARDIE, Fashionable Milliner, OPPOSITE TUCKER'S, J©*Satisfaetion Guaranteed in Prices, Styles and Materials, one but Fii-st-Class Work sent to my patrons. Yarbrough House, RALEIGH, N, C. fr. W. BLACSIALL, Proprietor. 'We Strive to Please. lanufacturing Jeweler and Engraver, AND DEALER IN Watches, Diamonds ^-yo- Jewelry, Silver sm Plated "Ware. Keeps a foil line of all articles found in a first-class Jewelry store. Plain and Fancy Rings made to order on the shortest J^otice. (Send for Patent Ring Size.) Hair Jewelry, College Badges, Medals and Seals a Specialty, Orders from a distance solicited. Goods sent on approval to any part of the State on satisfactory references. H. 3IAHLEB, Raleigh, N: C. J. F. REDFORD. F. B. ARENDELL. REDFORD & ARENDELL, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Ijci^fniw Proyislon Dealers and Coinmissiou Mercliauts, Nos. 5 and 7 IBargett Street, RALEIGH, I^f. €. Our motto is "Fan- Dealing to All," to which we strictly adliere. Call on us or send us your orders. P. O. Lock Box 253. RALEIGH STREET DIRECTORY, [For Abbreviations see page 39.] Bloodworth, 4th e Fayetteville n and s to limits Blount, 2d e Fayetteville n and s to limits Boylan av, 6th w of the Capitol, from Hillsboro s to limits Cabarrus, 5th s of the Capitol e and w to limits Cannon, 1st s South, from McDowell w to limits Davie, 4th s of the Capitol e and w to limits Dawson, 3d w Fayetteville n and s to limits East, 5th e Fayetteville n and s lo limits Edenton, 1st n of the Capitol e and w to limits Fayetteville, main business street, from the Capitol s to lim- its Halifax, continuation of Fayetteville, from the Capitol n to limits Hargett, 2d s of the Capitol e and wto limits Harrington, 4th w Fayetteville n and s to limits Haywood, 6th e Fayetteville, from Davie s to Lenoir Hillsboro, 1 n Morgan, from the Capitol w to limits Johnson, 5tli n of the Capitol, from Halifax w to limits Jones, 2d n of the Capitol e and w to limits Lane, 3d n of the Capitol, from West e to limits Lenoir, 6th s of the Capitol e and w to limits Lynden av, 6th e Halifax, from Jones n to North Manly av, from cor McDowell and Cannon s e to Faj^'ette- ville Martin, 3d s of the Capitol e and w to limits McDowell, 2d w Fayetteville, from North s to limits Morgan, 1st s of the Capitol e and w to limits Newbern av, 1st n Morgan, from the Capitol e to limits North, 4th n of the Capitol e and w to limits Peace, 6th n of the Capitol e and w to limits Person, 3d e Fayetteville n and s to limits Polk, 5th n of the Capitol, from Wilmington e to limits Salisbury, 1st w of Fayetteville, from South n to limits Saunders, 6th w of the Capitol, from Hillsboro n to limits — X Smithfield, 1 s of South, from Wilmington east to limits South, 7th s of the Capitol, from West e to East Swain, Gth e Fayetteville, from Davie n to Newborn av Tucker, 1st n North, from Salisbury w to limits Weldon, 1st n Peace, w from Halifax to limits West, 5th AV Fayetteville n and s to limits Wihnington, 1st e Fayetteville n and s to limits Kelvyn Nursery, PITTSBORO', CHATHAM CO., N. C, oilers the largest stock in the State, of EYGrgrscns, Ornamental Trees^ Flowering Shrubs, Roses in all varieties, and Hardy Perennial Plants, —ALSO, Flower Seeds, Bulbs and Greenliouse Plants.
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