~ ~ ~ ANNUAL REPORT AUSTRALIAN BROADCASTING TRIBUNAL 1 January to 30 June 1977 incorporating the 29th Annual Report of the _ Australian Broadcasting Control Board 1 July to 31 December 1976 S .. S . I) ELL t I PER.Sor.JAL Copy B~DADCPIST 'E.tJ&. PoST. ; 1" E: LEc_oM. 'Df-f'T Annual Report Australian Broadcasting Tribunal 1 January to 30 June 1977 incorporating the 29th Annual Report of the Australian Broadcasting Control Board 1 July to 31 December 1976 AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT PUBLISHING SERVICE CANBERRA, 1978 © Commonwealth of Australia 1978 Printed by The Courier-Maif Printing Service, Campbell Street, Bowen Hills, Q. 4006. The Honourable the Minister for Post and Telecommunications In conformity with the provisions of Section 28 of the Broadcasting and Television Act 1942, I have pleasure in presenting the Twenty-Ninth Annual Report of the Australian Broadcasting Control Board for the period 1 July to 31 December 1976 and the Annual Report of the Australian Broadcasting Tribunal for the period I January to 30 June 1977. Bruce Gyngell Chairman 18 October 1977 iii CONTENTS page Part I: INTRODUCTION Legislation 1 Establishment of Tribunal · 2 Functions of the Tribunal 3 Meetings of the Board 3 Meetings of the Tribunal 4 Staff of the Tribunal 4 Location of Tribunal's Offices 5 Financial Accounts of Tribunal and Board 5 Part II: GENERAL Radio and Television Services in Operation since 1949 _ 6 Financial Results - Commercial Radio and Television 7 Stations Public Inquiry into Agreements under Section 88 of the 10 Broadcasting and Television Act Broadcasting and Televising of Political Matter 11 Overseas Visits 11 Part Ill: ADMINISTRATION - BROADCASTING (RADIO) Current Licences for Commercial Radio Stations 12 Grant of New Licences 12 North-Western Suburban Area of Sydney 13 Wollongong Area 13 Repewal of Licences for Commercial Radio Stations 13 Transfer of Licences and Leasing of Stations 13 Ownership or Control of Commercial Radio Stations 14 Important Changes in Shareholdings in Radio Stations 15 Memorandum and Articles of Association of Licensee 15 Companies Networks of Commercial Radio Stations 15 Part IV: ADMINISTRATION - TELEVISION Current Licences for Commercial Television Stations ,_ 18 Renewal of Licences for Commercial Television Stations 18 Transfer of Licences 19 Ownership or Control of Commercial Television -Stations 19 Important Changes in Shareholdings in Television Stations 20 Memorandum and Articles of Association -of Licensee 21 Companies Development of Television Services 21 Television Repeater Stations 21 v Page Television Translator Stations 21 Commencement of Service of Television Translator 21 Stations Grant of Licences for Television Translator Stations 22 Community Television Aerial Systems 26 Part V PROGRAM SERVICES - GENERAL Medical Advertising and Talks - Radio and Television 27 Complaints from Viewers and Listeners about Programs 27 Part VJ: PROGRAM SERVICES - BROADCASTING (RADIO) Types of Programs 30 Employment of Australians 31 Advertising 37 News 39 Religious Broadcasts 39 Community Service 40 Program Research 40 Hours of Service 40 Part VII: PROGRAM SERVICES - TELEVISION Analysis of Programs 42 Employment of Australians 43 Family and Children's Programs 48 Advertising 50 Film Censorship and Classification of Programs 53 News and Current Affairs 55 Religious Programs 55 Community Service 56 Program Research 56 Hours of Service 57 Part VIII: PLANNING AND ENGINEERING SERVICES Station Coverage Maps 59 Visitors from Overseas 59 Australian Broadcasting Technical Handbook Association 60 Limited Interference to the Reception of Broadcasting and Television 60 Programs Standards Association of Australia 60 Satellite Broadcasting 60 Broadcasting: Development of the National Medium Frequency Service 61 Changes in Operating Conditions of National Radio 62 Stations Development of Commercial Medium Frequency Services 62 Changed Policy regarding Transmitter Power of Medium 65 Frequency Commercial Stations Development of Services Licensed under the Wireless 66 Telegraphy Act VI Page High Frequency Broadcasting Services 66 Frequency Modulation Broadcasting 67 Low-powered FM Test Transmissions 67 Introduction of New Channel Spacing Plan for MF 68 Broadcasting Services Experimental Investigations 69 Radio Research Board 69 Television: Development of National and Commercial Services 70 (Stage 4 of Development) Television Translator and Other Low Power Stations 70 Colour Television 72 Part IX: APPENDIXES A. Commercial Broadcasting Stations In Operation on 30 75 June 1977 (MF Services) B. National Broadcasting Stations in Operation on 30 81 June 1977 (MF Services) C. National Broadcasting Stations in Operation on 30 84 June 1977 (FM Services) D. Broadcasting Stations, Licensed under the Wireless 85 Telegraphy Act, in Operation 30 June 1977 E. Commercial Television Stations in Operation on 30 86 June 1977 F. National Television Stations in Operation on 30 June 90 1977 G. Commercial Television Translator Stations in Opera­ 94 tion on 30 June 1977 H. National Television Translator Stations in Operation 98 on 30 June 1977 I. Television Repeater Stations in Operation on 3.0 June 102 1977 J. Commercial Television Stations - Principal Shar­ 103 eholders in Licensee Companies K. Multiple Shareholding Interests of Newspapers and 111 Others in Broadcasting and Television Stations L. Newspaper Shareholding Interests of a Minor Nature 128 in Commercial Broadcasting Stations and Commercial Television Stations M. Statistical Analysis of Broadcasting Programs 131 N. Statistical Analysis of Television Programs 135 0. Consolidated Program Information Bulletin 142 Australian Content P. Circular Letters issued during 197 6-1977 165 Q. Preliminary results of Survey of Melbourne 181 Viewers R. Voluntary Code for the Advertising of Goods for 182 Therapeutic Use S. Financial Statement - ABCB and ABT 191 MAPS Vil PART I INTRODUCTION I. The Broadcasting and Television Amendment Act (No. 2) 1976 abolished the Australian Broadcasting Control Board and created the Australian Broadcasting Tribunal. All powers and responsibilities under the Bro(Idcasting and Television Act I 942 were transferred from the Board to the Tribunal with the exception of the planning and engineering functions associated with broadcasting services, which became the responsibility of the Postal and Telecommunications Department. 2. The Transitional Provisions of the Act make it mandatory for the Tribunal to report on the operations of the Board until its disbandment on 3 I December 1976. This Report therefore, covers the operations of the Board for the period I July 1976 to 31 December 1976 and the operations of the Tribunal from 1 January 1977 to 30 June 1977 . LEGISLATION 3. The radio and television services of Australia operate under the prov1s1ons of the Broadcasting and Television Act 1942. Other relevant Acts are the Broadcasting Stations Licence Fees Act 1964, the Television Stations Licence Fees Act 1964 and the Parliamentary Proceedings Broadcasting Act 1946. Under the latter Act, the Australian Broadcasting Commission (ABC) is obliged to broadcast the proceedings of the Senate or the House of Representatives from one of the national broadcasting stations in each capital city and Newcastle and from such other national broadcasting stations as are prescribed, according to the determination of the Joint Committee on the Broadcasting of Parliamentary Proceedings. 4. The Broadcasting and Television Act, was amended in August 1976 (No. 89 of I 976) to provide for the banning of advertising of cigarettes and cigarette tobacco on radio and television stations as from I September I 976. The amendment also provided for the licensing of broadcasting translator stations and extended the existing provisions relating to the licensing of television translator stations and community television aerial systems. 5. As mentioned in paragraph I, the Act was further amended in December 1976 (No. 187 of 1976) to provide for the establishment of the Tribunal. In his second reading speech, the Minister said, inter alia: 'So far as the structure of the broadcasting system is concerned, the Government has decided upon a number of major changes. The first two of these cover the disbandment of the Australian Broadcasting Control Board and the establishment of an Australian Broadcasting Tribunal. The Tribunal will be a "quasi-judicial" body with powers to hold public inquiries into the grant and renewal of licences in the commercial and public sectors, as well as into such matters as the setting of standards of broadcasting practice, alleged breaches of licence conditions, or any aspect of broadcasting referred to it by the Minister. It will also assume the present Ministerial responsibilities to grant, renew, suspend or revoke licences as well as impose conditions on licences, or impose penalties. (This function has not yet been transferred to the Tribunal.) 'The Tribunal will ultimately be granted all the powers presently available to either the Minister or the Australian Broadcasting Control Board in the administration of ownership and control provisions applicable to broadcasting licences. 'The grant of these powers to a separate independent statutory authority will substantially reduce the possibility of political involvement in the licensing process, and extend the functions of the Tribunal beyond those previously exercised by the Australian Broadcasting Control Board, in that it will be required to licence public as well as commercial stations, and hold public inquiries into the
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