Nigel The latest INSIDE Nelson on arts and the fracking media, fiasco, p14 p13 THE FRIDAY,SEPTEMBER 6, 2013 No: 6193 www.churchnewspaper.com PRICE £1.35 1,70j US$2.20 CHURCH OF ENGLAND THE ORIGINAL CHURCH NEWSPAPER ESTABLISHED IN 1828 NEWSPAPER Vicar trades lessons in the Church leaders welcome faith for lessons in sailing vote against Syria action REACTION OF THE CHURCHES bishop John Sentamu warned areencouraged to seek afuturethat and religious leaders to the vote on against intervention in Syria, saying they can inhabit together. intervention in Syria in the House of that ther ewas no mandate when the “Wealso urge that priority is given Commons was overwhelmingly posi- UN inspectors had not finished their to aquick and humanitarian tive. investigations and that it would be response to the thousands of Syrian No vote was taken in the House of wise not to bomb the countr y. people affected by the violence.” Lords but the Archbishop of Canter- “I think Christians on this are Pope Francis issued an urgent buryjoined awide range of speak- divided,” he commented ,“but my appeal for peace in Syria in remarks ers, including retired diplomats and position in terms of ‘just war theory’ last Sunday .Hedeclared that this militaryleaders and former Foreign is that whenever ther eiswar it is a coming Saturday would be aday of Secretaryand Anglican layman, sign of sin and the broken relation- prayer and fasting for peace, two Douglas Hurd, in opposing military ships in people. Waralways creates days befor ethe US Congress is action. evil but sometimes not to go to war expected to debate Syria. He con- In his speech Archbishop Welby creates evil.” demned the use of chemical said that the consequences of mili- The new Chief Rabbi, Ephraim weapons but was careful not to taryaction wer eunpredictable and Mirvis, alluded to the situation in blame the Syrian Government. that ther eshould be no resortto Syria in asermon at his installation Quakers in Britain also welcomed arms until all other possible steps last Sunday .With Ed Miliband and the vote in the House of Commons. had been taken. former Tory leader Lor d(Michael) In astatement acknowledging ‘the He quoted aChristian leader in Howardboth in the congregation as difficulty of deciding an appropriate the Middle East who warned that well as the Prince of Wales, he said response to the atrocious situation in ‘intervention from abroad will he prayed ‘for politicians to have the Syria, they thanked MPs ‘for their declareanopen season on the Chris- wisdom of take responsible deci- careinmaking this difficult deci- tian communities’. sions in these days and weeks of sion’. “If we take action that diminishes challenge’. Janet Symes, Head of Middle East the chance of peace and reconcilia- Aspokesman told the press that at Christian Aid, said that Parlia- tion, when inevitably apolitical solu- the Chief Rabbi was deliberately not ment’s decision opened the way for tion has to be found, then we will taking astand on the issue. the UK Government to promote have contributed mor etokilling and Leaders of the United Reformed peaceful alternatives for resolving this war will be deeply unjust,” he Church, Methodists and Baptists in the Syrian crisis. said. Britainhavegiven thank sfor the “The UK Government can play an The Archbishop concluded that vote in Parliament. important role in bringing about a the Government had failed to In astatement the three church political settlement by bringing all demonstrate that intervention would leaders said: “W eare thankful that parties to the table at the Geneva Nigel Rennie taught the Rev Andy Norris how to sail after be effective in preventing any fur- our MPs carefully considered the peace talks in order to help towards Andy had taught him about Christianity,during the 10- ther use of chemical weapons and difficult matter of milita ry interven- aprocess of dialogue that can bring week Alpha course that explained the basics of faith. The pleaded for astrategy that would not tion in Syria and decided to reject it. the conflict to an end,” she said. 53-year-old sailing instructor and examiner was partof add to the total of refugees in the Our prayers ar enow that diplomatic Like other charities, Christian Aid Andy’scongregation at St Mary’sChurch, Warsash. Nigel region. means ar eused to bring government is providing emergency relief for was one of 3.3 million people in the UK and 22.5 million Appearing on the Andrew Marr and opposition leaders to the negoti- those affected by the conflict in people worldwide to experience Alpha. Show last Sunday morning Arch- ating table and that divided parties Syria, Lebanon and Iraq. ANDREW CAREY 7 •L• ETTERS 8 •P• ETER MULLEN 9 •C• OMMENT 9 •C• LERGY MOVES 17 •A• NGLICAN LIFE 18 •P• AUL RICHARDSON 20 2www.churchnewspaper.com FridaySeptember 6, 2013 Inside... The original Church newspaper Concern grows over Rose Castle future CONCERN is growing about the futureof Rose Castle, the historical home of the Bish- ops of Carlisle, whereeven some of the wall- paper is listed. The present Bishop of Carlisle, the Rt Rev James Newcome, is the first not to live in the Castle, which is situated just outside Carlisle at Dalston. He lives in aformer Vic- arage in the centreofKeswick. News .....................1-6 In 2011 the Church Commissioners Your Church ................2 agreed in principle to the sale of Rose Castle UK News ..................1-4 but agreed to postpone the sale after peti- World News .................6 tions werelaunched and acampaign was started to save it. Comment The Friends of Rose Castle was set up and given until this autumn to raise money to Andrew Carey ...............7 buy the Castle. Plans wereannounced to Whispering Gallery ...........7 open the Castle to the public and appoint a Letters ...................8, 16 projects officer but little happened. In July Leader ......................9 John Miller,chief executive of the Heritage Peter Mullen .................9 Trust for the North West, revealed that the friends group is no longer in existence and Parish retreats ..........10 -12 that discussionsonRose Castle’s future Books .....................12 wereata‘difficult stage’. Nigel Nelson ...............13 The bishop is understood to have been Arts and Media .............14 reluctant to get involved in the campaign to Janey Lee Grace ............15 save the Castle but now reports in the local Crossword ..................15 press say that he is one of three people to have formed anew foundation to make a The Record last-ditch efforttosave the historic building. Classifieds ..................16 The names of the other two foundation Clergy Moves ...............17 members have not been announced but Anglican Life ...............18 their plan is to turnthe building into acen- and Iwant to see it used in the best possible The issue has aroused agood deal of feel- Sunday Service .............19 treofreconciliation. way and if possible for some kind of reli- ing in the diocese and thereisastrong Peter Brierley ..............19 “I feel acertain responsibility as aBishop gious purpose.” desiretosee Rose Castle retained in some Paul Richardson ............20 of Carlisle given that all my predecessors In order to buy Rose Castle the new foun- way for the church and the local community People .....................20 have lived thereand operated from there,” dation will have to raise alarge sum of but Bishop Newcome has told the local Milestones ..................20 he said. money.Ifthe money cannot be found, the press that if the new foundation cannot raise Next week’s news ...........20 “Also, it is one of our heritage buildings building is due to be sold next June. the money thereis‘no plan B’. News from Your Church your diocese Bath and Wells:Since the launch of the ‘Creating Voices: years. “They have painted an icon of Derby’s patron saint, they then used to retell the biblical storyof‘Jonah and the Oral HistoryProject’ in Januarythis year over 20 people St Alkmund, to leave with the Cathedral as apersonal gift,” Whale’. Outside games, atreasurehunt, craft activities and from Bath to Brighton have already come forwardtoshare said GeoffRobson, the Cathedral Exhibitions Officer. singing songs werealso partofthe programme. The holi- their memories of helping restoreBath Abbey.However, day club was runjointly by St Jude’s Church in Palmerston the Abbey still needs help in finding morepeople who may Hereford:Onthe night of 13 September seven Hereford Road and St Simon’s Church in Waverley Road. It was the remember working on the Abbey’srestoration between city churches areplanning to be open with events from first joint holiday club between the two churches and vol- 1942 and 2000. The aim is to build up acollection of crafts- 7pm-Midnight offering worship, silence and stillness, chil- unteers from both congregations helped lead the free people’s stories and to bring to life two crucial periods in dren’s activities, music, bells and refreshments. Each of activities. the Abbey’s history: the post-war period and the turnof those involved have designed their own programme. “It’s Rachel Duff, children, youth and families co-ordinator at the millennium. Bath Abbey’s Oral Historyteam is inter- an idea based on ‘Nacht der Kirchen’ in Nuremberg, St Jude’s, said: “It was great to be able to welcome children ested in talking to avariety of people, particularly those which the Anglican churches locally aretwinned with,” and families who don’t necessarily come to church. Every- who worked in the key areas. People who think they might said the Rev David Meachem, Minister at St John’s one seemed to have agreat time.” be able to contribute to this project as avolunteer or poten- Methodist Church. tial interviewee, should contact Ollie Taylor at Bath Abbey He added: “The churches areopen to everyone and you Southwell and Nottingham:During the Racial Justice on 01225 422462 or email: [email protected].
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